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6-- OCTOBER 18, 2017
Ongoing Events
welcome. Location varies.
Call Naomi at 773-6091 for
First Kids Stuff First and Third Tuesdays
First & Third Mondays Leah Rebekah Lodge 22 at
Rainbow Girls meeting at Odd Fellows Lodge, 301 NW
210 S. Columbus. Dinner at Second Street, 7:30 p.m.
6:30 p.m. open to the public Second Tuesday
with meeting following. (509) Klickitat Republicans meet
773-4567 at 6 p.m. Rotating meeting
Every Wednesday locations.
Community Grace Brethren Second and Fourth Tuesdays
Church has an AWANA pro- International Order of Odd-
gram for children 4th to 6th fellows meeting at 8 p.m. at
grade from 2-3:45 p.m. the Goldendale Oddfellows
Third Wednesday Lodge.
Learn and Play preschool Every Wednesday
age older siblings welcome Kiwanis meets at 7 a.m. at
2:00 p.m. at Goldendale Pri- the Simcoe Care in Golden-
mary School dale.
First and Third Fridays Every First Wednesday
Goldendale moms group/ Coffee and Conversation
play group from 9:30-11:30 10:30-11:30 a.m. at the Gold-
a.m. at Goldendale Commu- endale Senior Center. Top-
nity Grace Brethren Church. ics of conversation include
For more information, call aging, travel, fraud, health
Jennifer at (503) 703-1330. issues, and activities. For
more information please call
Virginia at 509-773-3757.
Support Groups First Thursday
Every Monday Masonic Lodge, 210 S.
Narcotics Anonymous meet- Columbus. Dinner at 6:30
ing in Wishram from 3-4 p.m.p.m, open to the public with
at 425 Main St., across from meeting following. For more
the post office. Newcomers information, visitgoldendale-
welcome, or call (509)
Mondays thru Fridays 773-5785.
Narcotics Anonymous, 7 . Mid-Columbia Public safety
p.m., Monday thru Friday at Activity League (MCPAL)
Father's House Fellowship, meeting at various locations.
207 S. Klickitatin Goldendale. For more information, call
Every Tuesday LeAndra (509) 250-0539.
Take Off Pounds Sensibly Second Thursday
(T.O.P.S.) meets in the River- . Goldendale Motorsports
view Bank meeting room at 9 Association meeting at the
a.m. For more information, American Legion, at 6 p.m.
call (509) 261-0330. for dinner, meeting at 7 p.m.
Domestic Violence Victim's . Trout Lake hosts Senior
Support Group 10:30 a.m. at Meals at noon at the Jerry
Programs for Peaceful Living Lunch Community Center.
for more information please Come and have a great meal
call 509-773-6100. with events featuring music,
Second Wednesday entertainment or guest
Alzheimer's Association speaker. For more informa-
Caregiver Support Group at tion please call 509-369-0031.
the Goldendale Senior Center, Second and Fourth Thursday
located at 115 E. Main, from . Columbia Center of the Arts
10:30 a.m. to noon. presents: The Gorge Expres-
Every Thursday sion Session Music Jam Sec-
T.O.P.S. (Taking OffPounds ond & Fourth Thursdays of
Sensibly) meets from 6-7 p.m. each Month6:30-Spm Impro-
at the Riverview Bank in Go1- vised Jam Session Instructed
dendale. Phone (509) 261-0330. by Ryan Murtfeldt $5-10 Sug-
Grief Support Group 815 gested Donation.
North Columbus from 6:30- Every Thursday
8:30. For more information , Goldendale American
please call 509-773-1959. Legion Bingo 6:30 p.m. Call
Groups run each week until Gary for more info: (509)250-
November 30, 2017. 0993
Second Thursday First and Third Friday
Goldendale Community . Java Talk 8 a.m. at Sod-
Support Group for School busters Restaurant.
Food. Anyone interested in Every Friday and Saturday
the quality of food our public . Petroglyphs Walking Tour
school students get. Meet at Now through the end of Sep-
the Goldendale United Meth- tember. Journey on the trail
odist Church at 6:30 p.m. of The Lewis and Clark Expe-
Coalition for Preventing dition. Well known petro-
Abuse in Klickitat County glyph "She Who Watches"
(formerly Klickitat County and other significant Native
Drug Awareness Team and American culturalresources
Relationship Abuse Preven- are located at Horsethief
tion Program) meeting at Lake State Park. To set up
Pete's Pizza from noon to 1 your tour call 509-439-9032,
p.m. Everyone is invited, you will reach the Goldendale
Weight Loss Support Group- Observatory who will set up
Free-at the Water's Edge in your tour. Bring your walk-
The Dalles. Please call Jen- ing shoes as you willwalk the
nifer at 541-993-4853. same paths the Native Ameri-
cans walked.
Community Every Saturday
Goldendale Farmer's Mar-
Every Monday ket from 9-2 at Ekone Park.
Yoga at the United Method-
ist Church 109 E Broadway, First Sunday
Except July-September. Tra-
Goldendale from 6-7:30 p.m.
Please call Jill Kieffer RN ditionalcountyjams, dancing
Instructor to pre-register encouraged. Simcoe Boys at
(541) 490-3704 the American Legion 1-4 p.m.
First Monday
American Legion meeting, Hobbies and Crafts
7 p.m. at the Legion building, Second Tuesday
108N. Grant. Goldendale Photo Club
First and Third Monday meets at 6 p.m. at Golden
Goldendale City Council Photo, 105 W. Main. Anyone
meetings 7:00 p.m. at 1103 S with a passion for photogra-
Columbus. phy welcome. (509) 772-2717.
Lyle Lions Club Meeting. Every Thursday
Potluck at 6:00 pm. meeting . Bowman Creek Fiber Arts
at 6:30 pm. Contact (509) 365- Guild meeting from 10 a.m.
2921 for more information, to 2 p.m. in the basement of
Second Monday the Goldendale Grange. Spin-
. Book Talk book discussion hers and weavers welcome.
groups for adults at 11 a.m. Every Friday
and 6:30 p.m. at the Golden- , Yarn Benders meets from 10
dale Community Library, 131 a.m. to noon at Sodbusters.
W. Burgen. (509) 773-4487. Open to all who knit or cro-
A.B.A.T.E. Legislative chet--from beginners to
motorcycle rights organiza- experts.
tion 6:30 p.m. social, meeting
at 7 p.m. at the Goldendale
American Legion. Open to Animals and Outdoor
public. Second Tuesday
First Wednesday Klickitat County Search and
Soroptimist International of Rescue general meeting and
Goldendalebusiness meeting training at 6:30 p.m. at the
at 6 p.m. Dedicated to help- KPUD meeting room. (509)
ing women and youth in our 773-4455.
community and worldwide. Columbia Basin Goat Guild
Guests and new members class. Contact Mary to reg-
ister for more information,
(509) 261-1991.
Every Wednesday
Sorting Practice at BC Mello
arena--by reservation only.
176 Horseshoe Bend Road,
Goldendale. (509) 250-0726
First Thursday
Columbia Basin Goat Guild
meeting at 2 p.m. Open to any-
one interested in or has goats
(509) 261-1991.
Tuesday and Thursdays
Family History Center,
located at the corner of N.
Columbus and McKinley is
open Tuesday and Thurs-
’]~5r r°.,~,..,.- i,-, ............
Wednesday from 1-4 p.m. and
6:30-8:30 p.m.
plus more. Appointments
available outside these hours.
Open to the public. (509) 250-
Second and Fourth Tuesdays
Simcoe Chapter of Toast-
masters meets at noon at
Christ the King Lutheran
For the Guys
First Saturday
Men's breakfast at Colum-
bus Avenue Baptist Church,
located at 815 N. Columbus, at
8 a.m. (509) 773-5075.
Men's breakfast at Commu-
nity Grace Brethren Church,
located at 1180 S. Roosevelt at
8 a.m. (509) 773-3388.
Second and Fourth Saturdays
Men's Breakfast at Gold-
endale Nazarene Church,
located at 124 W. Allyn at 8
For the Ladies
Second Monday
Delta kappa Gamma Inter-
national Society "dinner"
business meeting from 5-6
p.m. The vision of DKG is to
have Leading Women Edu-
cators Impacting Education
Worldwide. New members
and guest welcome. Location
varies each month, please
call Linda at 509.773.5667 for
more information.
First Wednesday
Soroptimist International
of Goldendale business meet-
ing 6 p.m. Dedicated to help-
ing women and youth in our
community and worldwide.
Guests and new members
welcome. Location varies.
Call Naomi at 773-6091 for
Second Wednesday
Order of Eastern Star No.
1 Evergreen meeting at 7:30
at the Goldendale Masonic
Lodge 210 S. Columbus
Fourth Wednesday
Order of Eastern Star No. 1
Evergreen Dinner at 6:30 p.m.
open to the public with meet-
ing following at 7:30 at the
Goldendale Masonic Lodge
210 S. Columbus.
Third Thursday
Girl's Night Out: Women's
Dinner Party from 6-9 p.m.
at the Historic Balch Hotel
in Dufur, OR. Our monthly
dinner is a new social space
for women to connect, laugh
and have inspiring conversa-
tions. Come for dinner, and be
nourished by delicious food
and drink as well as nurtur-
ing conversation with other
women. Join a big table, order
dinner, drink wine, savor des-
sert as you meet new women
or get to know girlfriends bet-
ter. PUI' femme fun. Bring
a friend or come alone and
meet new ones. Please call
541.467.2277 for more infor-
First Saturday
Goldendale Aglow meets at
10 a.m. for fellowship meet-
ing at the Goldendale Grange
(509) 773-0496.
Goldendale Library
This Week
Oct 25
Music and Storytime for
infants and children 11:00-
12:00 p.m.
Oct. 28
Ozobots-Kids learn to make
tiny ozobots, robotics meets
imagination. Space is lim-
ited so please sign up prior to
attending. 5:00-8:00 p.m.
Book Mobile Fall Schedule
Oct. 19
Lee 9:15-9:30 a.m.
Roosevelt School 10:00-11:35
Alderdale/Mercer Ranch
12:55-1:35 p.m.
Columbia River Country
Store 2:05-2:35 p.m.
Sundale Fruit Company
3:10-3:35 p.m.
Oct. 24
Cleveland 11:00-11:30 a.m.
Bickelton Post Office 12:15-
1:15 p.m.
Bickelton School 1:20-3:00
Oct. 25
Lyle Market 9:45-10:15 a.m.
Lyle High School 10:25-12:30
Dallesport School 1:20-3:00
Oct. 26
Appleton Post Office 10:15-
ll:oo a.m.
Timber Valley 11:15-12:00
Klickitat Mini Park 1:15-3:30
Oct. 17-19
Maryhill Museum of Art
presents: Fall Museum Week:
Shadow Play: Area 3rd and
4th graders are immersed
in a day of art with hands-
on activities, gallery tours,
and group discussions. This
year program will feature the
Oregon Shadow Theatre and
their production Jack and the
Dragon. Program runs from
9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Cost is $3/
student; teachers and chap-
erones are free. Transporta-
tion grants may be available.
To make reservations call
509.773.3733 ext. 25 or email
Oct. 21
Maryhill Museum of Art
presents: Appraisal Clinic:
10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Learn more
about objects you love, from
family heirlooms to garage
sale treasures, as leading
regional art dealers and
appraisers donate their time
and expertise in the areas of
American Indian art, jew-
elry, fine and decorative arts.
The opinions and apprais-
als are informal but always
educational. Cost: $10.00
for the first item; $25.00 for
three (includes free museum
admission). Proceeds support
Maryhill Museum of Art.
Rural Family and Business
Emergency Preparedness
Expo, Goldendale Grange
Hall, 10-2 p.m.
Oct. 26
Klickitat County Demo-
crats meet for tacos and beer.
Ayutla's Family Mexican
Restaurant 6:30 p.m. All are
Oct. 28
Tango Lesson and Dance at
the Maryhill Museum. The
evening starts with a 45-min-
ute tango lesson at 6 p.m. fol-
lowed by a tango dance party
from 7-9 p.m. All levels wel-
come! $5 for members; $10 for
Oct. 29
Goldendale Christian Fel-
lowship Fifth Sunday Sing
at 6 p.m. Goldendale United
Methodist Church 109 E
Broadway. "History and
Hymns of the Protestant Ref-
ormation" Everyone is Wel-
Oct. 31
Trunk or Treat at 5:30 p.m.
Kids trick or treat on main
Goldendale High School
Haunted Hallways at 6:30 p.m.
please bring canned goods.
Nov. 2
Water's Edge Borderline/
Pre-Diabetes 1-2 p.m. 551 NE
Lone Pine, The Dalles, OR for
more information please call
Nov. 4
Day of the Dead Family
Celebration. Remember and
rejoice our family members,
past, present and future,
while we also celebrate the
end of Maryhill's season. Join
us for a slice of cake, art-mak-
ing and learning about this
important Mexican holiday.
Nov. 4-5
Heart Change Workshop.
Are you needing to know
you are really loved? Experi-
ence the heart of God in this
four day workshop focusing
on redeeming hearts and
restoring lives. Nov. 2-5 at
Father's House Fellowship,
207 S Klickitat in Goldendale
Nov. 4-5
Lyle Annual Christmas
Bazaar at the Lyle Activity
Center Friday from 9 a.m. to 5
Primary/Middle School
Thurs: Turkey Gravy on
Mashed Potatoes
Fri: Chicken Fajita
Mon: Tomato soup or
Chicken noodle
Tues'. Tacos
Wed: Hot Dogs
High School Lunches
Thurs: Chickenburger or
Fri: Teriyaki Dippers or
baked Potato Bar
Mon: Hot Ham & Cheese
Sandwich or Chicken
Tues: Chicken Pot Pie or
Wed: Soup & Sandwich or
p.m. and Saturday from 9 a.m.
to 4 p.m. If you would like
more information or would
like to be a vendor please call
Karen at 509-365-2086.
Nov. 5
Except July-September. Tra-
ditional county jams, dancing
encouraged. Simcoe Boys at
the American Legion 1-4 p.m.
Nov. 6
Maryhill Museum of Art
presents: Workshop: Icon
Writing with Rev. Deacon
Matthew Garrett Explore
the rich history and elaborate
religious symbolism associ-
ated with painted icons dur-
ixlg thi5 hands-on workshop
with Reverend Deacon Mat-
thew Garrett. Participants
will paint an icon from start
to finish during the work-
shop. Icons will be written in
acrylic on board. No previous
art experience is necessary.
Nov. 8
Water's Edge Mindfulness
Meditation 7-8:30 p.m. 551 NE
Lone Pine, The Dalles, OR for
more information please call
Nov. 11
Veterans Day at Maryhill
Museum Maryhill salutes
veterans and active military
by offering free admission to
both groups every Veterans
All Klickitat County office
will be closed in observance
of Veteran's Day.
Goldendale Community
Library will be closed in
observance of Veteran's Day.
Senior Meals for
Thursday Noon
October 19
Chicken Pasta Salad
Senior Meals for
Monday Noon
October 23
Sausage Gravy & Biscuits
Senior Meals for
Tuesday Noon
October 24
Sausage Gravy & Biscuits
Senior Meals for
Wednesday Noon
October 25
Beef Stew
Call Mt. Adams
Transportation Service for
Transportation to meal sites:
Goldendale, 509-773-3060;
White Salmon, 509-493-4662
~Wednesday: October 18
Day Time: Cloudy, High 62
Evening: Rain, Low 49
Sunrise: 7:24 AM
Sunset: 6:12 PM
,,~, Saturday: October 21
Day Time: Rain, High 52
Evening: Rain, Low 47
Sunrise: 7:28 AM
Sunset: 6:07 PM
~t~t Tuesday: October 24
"e Day Time: Sunny, High 64
Evening: Clear, Low 38
Sunrise: 7:32 AM
Sunset: 6:02 PM
Thursday: October 19
Day Time: Showers, High 56
Evening: Rain, Low 42
Sunrise: 7:25 AM
Sunset: 6:11 PM
Friday: October 20
Day Time: Showers, High 52
Evening: Showers, Low 39
Sunrise: 7:27 AM
Sunset: 6:09 PM
,~ Sunday: October 22
Day Time: Cloudy, High 59
Evening: Rain, Low 43
Sunrise: 7:29 AM
Sunset: 6:06 PM
(~ Monday: October 23
Day Time: Partly Sunny, High 64
Evening: Mainly clear, Low 42
Sunrise: 7:31 AM
Sunset: 6:04 PM
Movies at The Dalles
Now Playing:
The Mountain Between Us (PG-13) 103 Minutes
SHOWTIMES: October 18-19; 1:10, 3:30, 6:45. October 20-21;
22-24; 1:15, 3:45, 6:45.
,Happy Death Day (PG-13) 103 Minutes
SHOWTIMES: October 18-19; 1:30, 4:30, 7:15. October 20-21;
22-24; 1:45, 4:30, 7:15.
Blade Runner (R) 163 Minutes (LAST WEEK)
SHOWTIMES: October 18-19; 2:00, 6:30.
Flatliners (PG-13) 163 Minutes (LAST WEEK)
SHOWTIMES: October 18-19; 1:20, 3:40, 7:00.
1:15, 3:45, 6:45, 9:15. October
1:45, 4:30, 7:15, 9:30. October
Coming Soon:
The Foreigner (R) 114 Minutes
SHOWTIMES: October 20-21; 1:30,
23-24; 1:30, 4:15, 7:00.
Geostorm (PG-13) 109 Minutes
SHOWTIMES: October 20-21; 1:00,
23-24; 1:00, 4:00, 7:15.
4:15, 6:45, 9:15. October 22;
4:00, 7:00, 9:30. October 22;
1:30, 4:15, 6:45. October
1:00, 4:00, 7:00. October