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21, 2004
Local cattle ranch to be featured on national TV
disease. We're trying
tribal members' homes;
we'll offer it to the public
visible bison in the coun-
Dallesport at Schreiner
two types of bison,"
2o exotic species including
Schreiner. "The
are familiar, but the wood
if tom the northern Cascades,
itwice as large."
is also a fan of the health-
he sells whole animals to
Eric and Mary Jean Risheim sell
maybe 20 animals a year from their
ranch west of Centerville. They also
participate in regional and national
bison-ranchers' associations that are
working to maintain standards of
purity and natural ranching.
"The cattlemen have been very
polite," said Mary Jean Risheim.
'~Haey are willing to accept us, and
have asked questions.., but they are
happy with cattle."
"I didn't know Centerville looked
that good," said Bob Morrow of the
Klickitat Valley Chianina ranch in
Morrow recently previewed the
cable-television show about his ranch,
filmed here in June for "The Cattle
Show," based in Dallas, Texas.
The show will air nationally three
times in the coming week.
The Morrows' home place is on
Pine Forest Road north of
Goldendale, their winter pasture out
Dalles Mountain Road.
"It's not the ego thing for us,
although we did get a shot of power,"
Morrow said. "But you get to see
your county on color TV."
The show focuses on the Morrows'
cross-breeding program between the
Italian Chianina breed and Angus,
Range and Hereford cattle.
An earlier show about full-blood-
ed Chianina was The Cattle Show's
most popular ever, Morrow said. It
featured breeder Walter Mize of
Hico, Texas, who mentioned "my
friend Bob Morrow of Goldendale,
and they called me for a follow-up
show," Morrow said.
"We are trying to create a compos-
ite.., that gives the American con-
sumer what he wants and also makes
dollars for the rancher," Morrow said
of his breeding program.
Morrow's steers have been grand
champions four times at the Klickitat
County Fair, twice in Lewis County
and once in Wasco County.
Klickitat Valley Chianina will be
featured on The Cattle Show on RFD-
TV on Tuesday, Oct. 26 at 6 p.m.,
Wednesday, Oct. 27 at 6 a.m. and
noon, and Sunday Oct. 31 at 2 p.m.
The Cattle Show airs weekly on
channel 9409 on DISH Network and
channel 379 on DirecTV. More
information is available on the
show's Web site, www.thecat-
-- Sam Lowry
)F SPECIAL the above-entitled Court barred by any otherwise
pursuant to RCW applicable statute of limi-
13.34.180 regarding rations, serve their claims
IS HEREBY Brooke Lynn Quinn, a upon the personal repre-
a "Specialminor, born October 14, sentative or the attorneyof
will be 2003, whose parents are record at the address slat-
Ramona J. Fink, AKA ed below and file an exe-
,t, 2004 at 6:30 Ramona J. Quinn and cured copy of the claim
Room Timothy W. Sproat, with the Clerk of this
Valley Presumed Father. The Court within four (4)
Petition will be heard on months after the date of
of the November 16, 2004, at first publicaiton of this
Meeting is10:15 a.m. in Superior notice or within four (4)
the Court, Juvenile Division, months after the date of
and 205 South Columbus, the filing of a copy of this
tax increases Goldendale, Yakima, Notice with the Clerk of
)ro- Washington before a the court, whichever is
the Klickitat J u d g e / C o u r t later, or, except under
District #1 Commissioner of the those provisions included
above-entitled Court, at in R.CW. 11.40.011 or
2, 4204, 4301) which time you are direct- R.C.W. 11.40.013, the
ed to appear and answer claim will be forever
NOTICE TO the petition or the petition barred.
will be granted. Date of First Publication:
Court of NOTICE October 14, 2004
for Klickitat You have important legal Date of Filing: October 11,
rights and you must take 2004
M. Rinke steps to protect your inter- Elena Muraviov, Personal
ests. This petition could Representative
result in the permanent Address:
Notice toloss of your parental C/o Ross R. Rakow
rights. 1) You have the Attorney for Estate
right to a fact-finding hear- 117 E. Main St.
Personal ing before a Judge/Court Goldendale, WA 98620
Commissioner. 2) You 509-773-4988
been appoint- have the right to have a (4208, 4304, 4404)
This week in Public Notices:
• Summons by Publication re: Quinn --Attorney General of
• Call for Bids re: Manlift 2004 -- Klickitat PUD
• Notice of Trustee's Sale re: Abbott, Joe M. and Merry L. --
Northwest Trustee Services, Inc.
• Public Hearing Notice re: Klickitat Wastewater, English --
Klickitat PUD
• Public Hearing Notice re: Klickitat Wasatewater, Spanish
--- Klickitat PUD
• Determination of Non-Signfiicance re: Dean, James ---
Klickitat County Planning Dept.
• Notice to Contractors re: Canyon Road Improvement ---
Klickitat County Public Works
• Public Hearing Notice re: Canyon Road Closure --
Klickitat County Public Works
• Public Notice re: Surplus Property Sale m Goldendale
School District
• Public Notice re: Logic and Accuracy Test --- Klickitat
County Auditor
• Invitation to Bid re: Fire Engine m City of Goldendale
and address are set forth
below will provide in writ-
ing to anyone requesting
it in a statement of all
foreclosure costs and
trustee's fees due at any
time prior to the sale.
The effect of the sale will
be to deprive the Grantor
and all those who hold by,
through or under the
Grantor of all their right,
title and interest in the
above-described property.
Anyone having any objec-
tion to the sale on any
grounds whatsoever will
be afforded an opportuni-
ty to be heard as to those
objections if they bring a
lawsuit to restrain the sale
pursuant to RCW
61.24.130. Failure to
bring such a lawsuit may
Improvement project Albafial/ Desag0e de
CDBG General Purpose Klickitat, estbn
Grant is available for disponibles para ser
review at 1313 South revisados en la calle 1313
Columbus, Goldendale, S. Columbus,
Washington. Comments Goldendale, Washington.
may also be submitted in Tambi~n pueden someter
writing to Roxie Hunter, comentarios por escrito a
Grant Administrator, Roxie Hunter, Grant
Klickitat PUD, 1313 South Administrator, Klickitat
Columbus, Goldendale PUD, 1313 South
WA 98620 by 4:00 p.m. Columbus, Goldendale
November 1, 2004. WA 98620 antes de las
4:00 p.m. del 1 de
A SPANISH INTER- Noviembre del 2004.
PRETER will be available.
The Klickitat County UN INTI~RPRETE EN
Commissioner chambers ESPANOL estar~
are handicap accessible, disponible. El sal6n de
Additional arrangements conferencias del Consejo
to reasonable accommo- / Tribunalde
date special needs will be Comisionedosdel
made upon receiving Contado de Klickitat, tiene
twenty-four (24) hours acceso pare personas
advance notice. Contact: incapacitadas. Si hay
necesidad de tener atg0n
result in a waiver of any Roxie Hunter, Klickttat arreglo adicional, es
Pursuant to the Revised Trustee's Fee: $546.75 default(s) referred to in proper grounds for invali- PUD Grant Administrator necesario recibir por Io
Code of Washington Attorneys' Fees: $0.00 paragraph III, together dating the Trustee's sale• at (509) 773-7623. menos 24 horas de ante-
61.24, et seq. Title Report: $353.14 with any subsequent pay- X. Klickitat Wastewater mano, para acomodar a
I. Process Service: $95.00 ments, late charges, Notice to occupants or Facilities Improvement alguien que Io necesite.
On November 19, 2004, Statutory Mailings: $84.00 advances costs and fees Tenants --the purchaser Project P6ngaseencontactocon:
at 10:00 a.m. inside the Recording Fees: $50.00 thereafter due, must be at the Trustee's Sate is BY ORDER of the
main lobby of the Klickitat Publication: $0•00 cured by 11/08/04 (11 entitled to possession of Klickitat County Board of Roxie Hunter, Klickitat
County Courthouse, 205 Other: $0.00 days before the sale the property on the 20th Commissioners dated this PUD Grant Administrator
South Columbus Ave. in Total Costs: $1,128.89 date), to cause a discon- day following the sale, as 12th day of October, al ( 509 ) 773-7623•
Personal lawyer represent you at the City of Goldendale, Total Amount Due:tinuance of the sale. The against the Grantor under 2004. Proyecto Para Mejorar el
of this the hearing. A lawyer can State of Washington, the $4,057.19 sale will be discontinued the deed of trust (the BOARD OF COUNTYTratamiento de Agua de
l having look at the files in your CALL FOR BIDSundersigned Trustee and terminated if at any owner) and anyone hay- COMMISSIONERS Albafial / Desag~Je de
Sealed bids will be (subject to any conditions Other potential defaults time before the close of ing an interest junior to KlickitatCounty, Klickitat
the dece- case, talk to the received by theimposed by the trustee to" do not involve payment to the Trustee's business on the deed of trust, inciud- Washington (Klickitat Wastewater
e the time Department of Social and Commission of Public protect lender and bor- the Beneficiary. If applica- 1"1/08104 (11 days before ing occupants and ten- /s/Joan Frey, Chairman Facilities Improvemenl
beapplica.barred agencies,Health ServiceStell youandabout°ther UtititYKlickitatDistriCtcounty NO.for: 1 of rower) will sell at public ble, each of these the sate date), the ants. After the 20th day (4307, 4406) Project) ................... =
of limitations, the law, help you under- auction to the highest and defaults must also be default(s) as set forth in following the sale the pur-
in the stand your rights, and MANLIFT2004 best bidder, payable at cured. Listed below are paragraph III, together chaser has the right to AVlSODEUNA PORORDENde]~s~
~ovided in help you at bearings. If time of sale, the following categories of common with any subsequent pay- evict occupants and ten- AUDIENCIA PUBLICA / Tribunalde
described real property, defaults which do not ments, late charges, ants by summary pro- Proyecto (s): Comisionadosdel
~0 by serv- you cannot afford a Bids willbereceiveduntil situated intheCounty(ies) involve peyment of money advances, costs and fees ceedings under the Proyecto Para Mejorar el Condado de Klickitat,
IPresentativeailing to the appointlawyer' onethe toC°UrtrepresentWilt 2:00 PM, P.S.T., of Klickitat, State of to the Beneficiary. thereafter due, is/are unlawful detainer act, Tratamiento de Agua de fechada este 12 dia de
, Personal you. 3) At the hearing, November 4, 2004 at the Washington: Opposite each such listed cured and the Trustee's Chapter 59.t2 RCW. Albafial / DesagSe de Octubre del 2004,
District's office at 1313 default is a brief descrip- fees and costs are paid. The trustae's rules of auc- Klickitat BOARD OF COUNTY
~s attorney you have the right to South Columbus, Tax Parcel ID No.: 04-16- tion of the action/docu- The sale may be terminat- lion may be accessed at COMMISSIONERS
ress stated speak on your own behalf, Goldendale, Washington, 2058-3716 mentation necessary to ed any time after 11/08/04 www.northwesttrustee•co El Solicitante: ElKlickitatCounty,
e Oftheclaim to introduce evidence, to 98620, at which time and The south half of Lots15 cure the default. The list (11 days before the sale m andareincorporatedby Condado de Klickitat / Washington
e original of examine witnesses, and place the bids will be pub- and 16, Block 37, John J. does not exhaust all pos- date), and before the sale this reference. You may Klickitat County /s/Joan Frey, Chairman
th the court, to receive a decision licly opened and read. Golden's Central Addition sible other defaults; any by Borrower, Grantor, any also access sate status at (4308, 4407)
lust be pre- based solely on the evi- The bid documents and to the Town of defaults identified by Guarantor or the holder of SE NOTIFICA POR LA
I the later of: dence presented to the specifications may be Goldendale, as recorded Beneficiary or Trustee any recerdedjuniorllenor
~presentativelYS after the j u d g e / C o u r t obtained at the District's in Volume F of Plats, that are not listed below encumbrance paying the Dated: August 13, 2004 PRESENTEuna audienciaqUep0blica,habr'~ KlickitatNON~lGNIFICANCEcounty
mailed the Commissioner. office. Page179 must also be cured, entire balance of pdncipel NorthwestTrustee dingida por el Consejo / Determination of Non-
Each bid shall be accom- Commonly known as: and interest secured by Services, Inc., Trustee
rider) creditOrRCWaS YOU ARE NOT REPRE- panied by a certified or 615 South Grant Street Other Default the Deed of Trust, plus By Shannon Blood Tribunaldel Condadode Comisionadosde Klickitat ( Significance
; or (2) four SENTED BY A LAWYER cashier's check on a bank Goldendale, WA 98620 Action Necessary to Cure costs,fees,andP.O. Box 997
IN THIS TERMINATION Klickitat County Board of Notice is hereby given
' the date of PROCEEDING EVEN IF that is a member of the Nonpayment ofadvances, if any made Bellevue, WA 98009-0997 Commissioners ) en el that Klickitat County
Federal Deposit Which is subject to that Taxes/Assessments pursuant to the terms of (425)586.1900
sel6n de Conferencias de issued a Determination of
lion of the YOU WEREAPPOINTED Insurance Corporation certain Deed of Trust Deliver toTrusteewntten the obligation and/or (4306,4601) los Comisionados, en el Non-significance (DNS)
claim isnot A LAWYER IN THEpayable to the order of the dated 05/24/00, recorded proof that all taxes and Deed of Trust.
thin thistime PRIOR DEPENDENCY Commission of Public on 06102100, under assessments against the VI. ~ Tribunal del Condado de on October 14,
lira is forever CASE. YOU MUST RE- Utility District No. 1 of Auditor's File are paid current A written notice of default HEARING Klickitat ( Klickitat County 2004,under SEPA Rules
C o u r t h o u s e , (Chapter 197-11 WAC)
~Pt as other- APPLY FOR APPOINT- Klickitat County, or by a 1017932, records of Default under any senior was transmitted by the Project(s): K I i c k i t a t Commissioners Meeting and the Klickitat County
~d in RCW MENT OF A LAWYER IN bid bond with a corporate KlickitatCounty, lien Deliver to Beneficiary or Trustee to Wastewater Facilities Room, ) ubicada en 205 Environmental Ordinance
and 11.40•060. THIS CASE IF YOU OR surety licensed to do busi- Washington, from Joe M. Trustee written proof that the Borrower and Grantor Improvement Project S. Columbus, cuarto 101, Number 121084 for the
;effective as to A LAWYER ON YOUR
atnst both the BEHALF DOES NOTness in the State of Abbott and Merd L all senior liens are paid at the following
Washington in an amount Abbott, husband and wife, current and that no other address(es): en Goldendale, following proposal:
I Probate and APPEAR IN THIS CASE, not less than 10% of the Applicant: K I i c k i t a t Washington el 2 de
~assets. as Grantor, to Klickitat defaults exist.
~;t Publication: YOU WILL BE DEFAULT- County Noviembre del 2004 a la SEP2004-26: Applicant:
2004 ED AND TERMINATION amount of the bid. Each County "lqtle, as Trustee, Failure to insure property Name and Address 1:30 p.m. James Dean requesting a
bid to be firm and binding to secure an obligation in against hazard Joe M. Abbott NOTICE IS HEREBY short plat and an alter-
OF YOUR PARENTAL for 60 days after the time favorof Fremont Deliver to Trustee written 615 South Grant Street
~presentative: GIVEN that a public hear- EL PROPOSITO de la ation of WS-75, creating 3
t k.e RIGHTS GRANTED.set for the bid opening. Investment & Loan, as proof that the property is Goldendale, WA 98620 ing will be held by the audiencia p0blice, es additional 2 acre lots. The
Or Personal Bidders are advised upon Beneficiary, the beneficial insured against hazard as Klickitat County Board of para revisar el desarrollo proposed site is located
L;tive: Charles YOUR FAILURE TOcompletion of any con- interest in which was required by the Deed of Joe M. Abbott Commissioners in the de la comunidad y las within a portion of section
APPEAR ATTHISHEAR- tractawarded to them assigned by Fremont Trust 315 AIlison WayKlickitat County necesidades de alo- 10, T6N, R12E, WM.,
Toole, WSBA ING WILL RESULT IN A they must furnish a certi- Investment & Loan to the Waste Cease andGoldendale, WA 98620 C o u r t h o u s e , jamiento / vivlendas, infor- Klickitat County, WA
DEFAULT ORDER PER- fled statement of the Chase Manhattan Bank desist from committing Commissioners Meeting made a los ciudadanos de (Glenwood vicinity).
, MANENTLY TERMINAT- nature and source of as trustee of Mortgage waste, repair all damage Mern L. Abbott Room, 205 S. Columbus, la disponibilidad de fon-
~Carter, LLP ING ALL OF YOURitems in excess of $2,500 Pass Through to property and maintain 615 South Grant Street Room 101, Goldendale, dos y los usos elegibles, After review of the com-
thStreet RIGHTS TO THE utilized in the perfor- Certificates, Senes2001- property as required in Goldendele, WA98620 Washington, on' de los Fondos de pleted environmental
97058 ABOVE-NAMED CHILD. mance of the contract pro- HE8, under an Deed of Trust November 2, 2004 at 1:30 Concesi6n Para elchecklist and other infor-
!96-5424 By Direction of the curedfromsources Assignment/Successive Unauthorized sale of MerdLAbbott
-2550 Honorable: p.m. Desarrollo delamarion on file the KUckitat
Mailing or [] Judge E. Thompson beyond the territorial property (Due on sele) 315 AIlison Way
boundaries of the United Assignments. Comunidad del Estado ( County Responsible
Reynolds . Revert title to permitted Goldendale, WA98620 THE PURPOSE of the CDBG ) y de recibir Official has determined
[ ] Edward Shamek, States, including Alaska No action commenced by vestee public hearing is to review comentanos en las activi- that these proposals will
and Hawaii.
58 Court Commissioner the Beneficiary of the Joe M. Abbott community development dades propuestas, en not have probable signifi.
The District reserves the Deed of Trust is now IV. P.O. Box 10293
and housing needs, particular, de personas de cent adverse impacts on
ative [ ] Judge right to reject any and all pending to seek satisfac- The sum owing on the Yakima, WA98909-1293 inform citizens of the bajo - moderado ingreso the environment. Copies
4402) SAUNDRA OLSON proposals, and to waive lion of the obligation in obligation secured by the availability of funds and y de personas que resi- of the DNS are available
Clerk minor irregularities and
Oct. 19, 2004
(4303, 4403, 4501)
In the Supedor Court of
Washington for Klickitat
Dated this 12th day of
October, 2004.
(4305, 4405)
any Court by reason of Deed of Trust is: Pnncipal Mern L Abbott
the Grantor's or Balance of $58,066.24, P.O. Box 10293
Borrower's default on the together with interest as Yakima, WA 98909-1293
BY PUBLI- In the Matter of the Estate File No. 7006- defaults:
of Bill F. Muraviov, 22744/Abbott, Joe M. and
Deceased Merri L. Amount due to reinstate
i~ No. 04-4-00038-9 Grantors: Northwest by 8/13104
Notice to Creditors Trustee Services, Inc. Monthly Payments:
Ji The Personalrepresenta- The Chase Manhattan $2,606.55
tive named below has Bank as Trustee of Late Charges:$208.87
HEREBYbeen appointed and has Mortgage Pass-Through Advances: $110.88
:hat on qualified as personal rel> Certificates, Series 2001- Other Arrears: $0.00
resentative of this estate. Total Arrearage:
o~ Persons having claims Grantee: Abbott, Joe M. $2,928.30
against the deceased and Merd L. Trustee's Expenses
must, prior to the time Notice of Trustee's Sale (Itemization)
filed in such claims would be
obligation secured by the provided in the note or
Deed of Trust. other instrument secured
II1. from 03/01/04, and such
The Beneficiary alleges other costs and fees as re
default of the Deed of due under the Note or
Trust for failure to pay the other instrument secured,
following amounts now in and as are provided by
arrears and/or other statute.
The above-described real
By both first class and
either certified mail, return
receipt requested, or reg-
istered mail on 0708104,
proof of which is in the
possession of the
Trustee; and on 07/09/04
Grantor and Borrower
were personally served
property will be sold to with said written notice of
satisfy the expense of default or the written
sale and the obligation notice of default was post-
secured by the Deed of ed on a conspicuous
Trust as provided by place on the real property
statute. The sale will be described in paragraph I
made without warranty, above, and the Trustee
express or implied regard- has possession of proof of
ing title, possession, or such service or posting.
November 19, 2004. The The Trustee whose name
eligible uses of the state
Community Development
Block Grant (CDBG), and
receive comments on pro-
posed activities, particu.
lady from low-and moder-
ate-income persons and
persons residing in
Klickitat County.
be available to the County
on a statewide basis to
fund public facility, hous-
ing, economic develop-
ment or community facility
projects that principally
benefit low-
and moderate-income EL PLAN DE LA SOLICt-
persons. TUD El Prop6sito
General de Fondos de
THE DRAFT APPLICA-. Concesi6n del Proyecto,
TION for the Klickitat Para Mejorar el
Wastewater Facilities Tratamiento de Agua de
den en el Condado de at the Klickitat County
Ktickitat. Planning Department dur-
ing normal business
LOS DOLARES DE CON- hours. Comments and/or
CE$10N pueden estar appeals on the above
disponibles para el environmental review will
Condado en una base be accepted by the
estatal, ( todo el estado ) Klickitat County Ranning
para consolidar las facili- Department, 228 ~ West
dades p0blicas, ale- Main, MS: CH-17,
jamiento, desarrolio Goldendale, WA 98620
econ6mico o proyectos until November 5, 2004 at
de facilidades para la 5:00 p.m.
comunidad que pdncipel- (4309)
mente beneficien a per-
sonas de bajo - modera- NOTICE TO
do ingreso. BOARD OF COUNTY
Sealed bids will be
page 12