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The Goldendale Sentinel
Goldendale , Washington
October 21, 2004     The Goldendale Sentinel
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October 21, 2004
Newspaper Archive of The Goldendale Sentinel produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PAGE 12 OCTOBER 21, PUBLIC from page ]] received by the Klickitat County Board of County Commissioners at the reception desk located in the Klickitat County Public Works Department, physi- cally located at 115 S. Golden, Goldendale, Washington until 1:15 P.M Tuesday, November 9th, 2004, and will then be opened, at the Commissioner's Chambers, and publicly read for the construction of the improvement. All bid proposals shall be accompanied by a bid proposal deposit in cash, certified check, cashier's check or surety bond in the amount equal to five percent (5%) of the amount of such bid pro- posal. Should the suc- cessful bidder fail to enter into such contract and fur- nish satisfactory perfor- mance bond within the time stated in the specifi- cations, the bid proposal deposit shall be forfeited to Klickitat County. Maps, plans and specifi- cations may be obtained form this office upon pay- ment of the amount of $35.00 which is non- refundable. informational copies of maps, plans and specifi- NOTICES cations are on file for inspection in the Office of the County Engineer Gotdendale, Washington. The following is applica- ble to federal aid projects. The Klickitat County Public Works Department in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 78 Stat. 252, 42 U.SC. 2000d to 2000-4 and Title 49, Code of Federal Regulations, Department of Transportation, Subtitle A, Office of the Secretary, Part 21, nondiscrimination in federally assisted pro- grams of the Department of Transportation issued pursuant to such Act, hereby notifies all bidders that it will affirmatively insure that in any contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement, disad- vantaged business enter- pnses will be afforded full opportunity to submit bids in response to this invita- tion and will not be dis- criminated against on the grounds of race, color, or national origin in consid- eration for an award. The improvement to Klickitat County Roads for which bids will be received consists of the improvement of 2.22 miles of Canyon Road, Klickitat County, at the County Road Number hour of 2:00 p.m. for the 13000 by grading, purpose of closing installing drainage, sur- Canyon Road, County facing, milling, paving with Road number 13000, Asphalt Concrete, placing between Lyle-Snowden pavement markings, and end of project (mile installing guardrail, fenc- post 0.43 to 2.22) during ing, and other related the road reconstruction work. scheduled to begin in mid-November. Estimate Vicinity: At said hearing any inter- $1,150,000 ested parties may appear and be heard for or Bid envelopes shall be against said closure. appropriately marked on Joan Frey the outside "BID OPEN- BOARD OF COUNTY tNG 1:30 P.M., November COMMISSIONERS 9th, 2004 CANYONKLICKITAT COUNTY, ROAD." WASHINGTON Dated this 12th day of JOAN FREY, CHAIRMAN October, 2004. (4311,4409) BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PUBLIC NOTICE The Goldendale School Klickitat County, District has the following Washington property surplus and Joan Frey available: Chairman Ray Thayer Miscellaneous audio-visu- Commissioner al equipment; 16MM Don Struck Commissioner Projectors, Filmstrip pro- ATTEST: lectors,Overhead Projectors, PC viewer, Lawrence E. Gourley record players Clerk of the Board (4310, 4408, 4502) Miscellaneous computers & computer equipment; Alpha Smart, Apple, PCs PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE Notice is hereby given that a public heanng will be held on November 2, 2004 in the Chambers of the Board of County Commissioners For the first 30 days, said equipment is made avail- able to public schools and approved private schools of at depreciated cost or fair market value whichever is greater. After 30 days, to be made available to the general public: Questions should be directed to the District Office. (509) 773- 5177. Dr. Marie Phillips Superintendent (4312, 4410) PUBLIC NOTICE LOGIC AND ACCURACY TEST The public is invited to observe the logic and accuracy test on Tuesday, October 27, 2004, at 10:00 AM in the Klickitat County Auditor Election Room for the November 2, 2004, General Election. Dated this 11th day of October, 2004. Diana Housden, Klickitat County Auditor And Supervisor of Elections (4313) INVITATION TO BID Sealed Bids for the Triple Combination 1250 GPM Fire Engine will be received by the City Administrator, City of Goldendale, at the City Hall Council Chambers until 2:00 PM local time on November 9, 2004 at which time the Bids will be publicly opened and read aloud. Bids received after the time fixed for opening will not be considered. Bids shall be addressed to the City of Goldendale, 1103 S. Columbus, PO Box 69, Goldendale, WA. 98620. For more informa- tion contact Larry Bellamy, City Administrator, City of Goldendale, (509) 773- 3771. The estimated cost range is $176,000-$196,000 and generally consists of a 1250 GPM Class A Rescue Pumper with a six (6) person Fire Truck Cab and Chassis and other equipment outlined in the technical specifications. The contract time will be limited to one-hundred eighty (180) calendar days with liquidated dam- ages of $100.00 per day should the Contractor fail to provide the Fire Engine within the time allowed. Specification documents may be examined or pro- cured at City of Goldendale, 1103 S. Columbus, Goldendale, WA. 98620. Contract documents may be pro- cured upon receipt of a $20.00 non-refundable deposit for each set. The City of Goldendale is an equal opportunity and affirmative action employ- er. Small, minority.and women-owned business- es are encouraged to submit Bids. This project is funded by a federal grant from the U. S. Department of Homeland Security. Bidders are required to inform themselves fully of the conditions relating to the specifications required for the equip- ment. The equipment will be awarded under one contract. The contract will be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder. The determination of responsi- ble bidder shall be based upon the Contractors pre- vious experience with similar equipment, quality of product, references and change orders. Bids are to remain in effect for a period of sixty (60) days after Bid due date. Each Bid shall be accompanied by cash, cashier's check or Bid Bond made payable to City of Goldendale in an amount not less than 5% of total Bid amount. The successful Bidder will be required to furnish a Performance and Payment Bond, each in the full amount of the Contract price. The City of Goldendale reserves the right to reject any or all Bids, or to accept any Bid deemed by them to be in the best interest of the City, or to waive any minor formali- ties, and may also reject that a Public any Bid not accompanied be held on by bid security or data November, required by the Contract office of the Documents. Each Bid County shall be delivered in a the hour of sealed opaque envelope, the purpose plainly marked with the ing an name of the Bidder and Assessment marked "Goldendale Fire constitute a Truck Bid" and delivered assessment to the City Clerk at a lienuponthe Goldendale City Hall, ore Goldendale, Washington, Fort Fun In(;. before Bid opening time. O'Neill. Dated this 12th day of At said hearing, October, 2004. ested (4314, 4411) appear and be or against said NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING In the matter of consider- ing an Abatement Assessment which may constitute a special assessment against and a lien upon the property of or a personal obligation of Fort Fun Inc - % Ed O'Neill, parcel #03-20- of the 2900-0005/00. Whereas, the Board of County Commissioners finds it necessary to set a Public Hearing date to consider an Abatement Assessment which may constitute a special assessment against and a lien upon the property of or a personal obligation of Fort Fun Inc. - % Ed O'Neill. to Notice is hereby given may file written or objections Clerk of the Klickitat time prior to for the such protest ested and the such protest o /s/Joan Frey, Your Gorge Classified ad also appears in : Hood River News; White Salmon Enterprise; The Dalles Chronicle; and the Camas/Washougal Post-Record or toll free at TO Look FOR You NEED ...... Announcement ............... 1.30 School& Rnancial ......................... ,~-R ................. In Horte ~,#¢eL.,_.90.105 Tra~& Tr, oo = ............ .............. lU,.z. /ulimals & Agriculture ................. Ren~ .................... .1~415 Real F.stab ............... A194,~ Autorno~ ............. Serv~ Oke¢~t .................... ~8.~ Wrap,,p Coming Soon- Fundemental Baptist Church. For informs. call 405-209.8310, Happy Ads! 2 Card of Thanks ..... "5 Notices .......... 10 Events ...... 15 Personals" 20 Support Groups .... 25 Lost & Found ........ 30 ABORTION? WHY? CONSIDER ADOFnoN Warm, secure, loving home available for newborn baby. Please call attorney at 1-800-6064411, A-958 DEMEMTIA SUPPORT GROUP Fnends, family & caregiv- ers of people affected with Dementias. 2rid Wed, of every month. 10-11am. Oregon Veteran's Home. TOP.S, (Take Off Pounds Sensibly). Tuesdays 8:30 a.m. to 10 at Riverview Comm. Bank. 773..0456. T.O.P.S. (Take off Pounds Sensibly), Thursdays, 6 p.m. at Riverview Comm. Bank. 773-5301. Women's Cancer Support group. Open to all women with cancer. Come join us the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of the month from 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm at Cefllo Cancer Center. For more info con- tact:. Lyn at 296-7205. 75 Help Wanted 75 Waned 75 Help 14Me 75 Help Wanted 75 Help Wanted General General General Development Officer. *The Ticket to a dream job Maryhill Museum of Art might reallybeascam.* seeks an experienced de- GovemmantWIIdl~Jol~l velopment professional to Great Pay and Banef~ plan, implement and grow NoExpedanosNeca~ary all aspects of a compre- To protect yourself, call the hensive development pro- Federal TradeCommission gram, ,including ~p,r~jlna~~ toll-free, 1-877-FTC-HELP, ing and directing'~Y~ or visit www.ftclgov A Public Service Message from The Dsites Chmnicte and the FTC. 30Lo, it~rrF~t~d experience preferred. Am- ple opportunity for growth ..... ' ...... and advancement for those LOST: white gold wedding dng. between Sept. 14 & 15. Peggy Cuff, 773-5931. LOST: Women's diamond wedding ring in white gold, area of Dairy Queen. If found II call 593.41~-S~ looking for stable, full time employment. Highly com- petitive salary and bonus program in addition to ex- callent benefits. Apply at our Job Fair on Sat. Oct 23rd, or Mon-Fri, 7AM- 4:30PM. Drug free work- place. EOE. AUTO SALES CONSULTANT CHILD CARE Preschools ............... 35 Schools/Trainieg ........... 40 Apply in person to: Tutoring '45 Gary Instruction ,50 Cliff Smith Motors Health & Fitness ...... 55 3100 W. Cascade Avenue, Hood River, OR Tutor PREGNANT? N~,,d help? Call Pregnancy Resource Center at 773-5501. Free pregnancy testing. WHAT IS SANTA going to ~lnlttucl/on bring you this Christmas? ...... WANTED: Teacher of the deaf, To work w/deaf girl in Goldendale. Wage nego- tiable. 509.-773-4816, GROUP MUSIC lessons. Ban~ stdng insts. Age 8+. Cell Kelli 261-1140. BUSINESS/ Business Opportunities """60 Investments & Loans""""65 I nsurance """"'''"""'"70 Mortgages & Contracts""'72 Could it be this affection- ate, caring & loving white non-smoking male in his early 50's, 6ft, 1901be w/ha- zel eyes, brown hair & beard, who is waiting to be unwrapped by a lady 35-50 yrs. old? HeighUwe~ght pro- portionate, Looking for a lady who wants that tender loving touch and to build a love from being my partner & best friend. A lady who wants that special kiss and .... hug to show that she is ap- ~JB~Refl preciated for just being her- self. A lady with a sense of Oj0~J~ humor who likes the out- doors and home life, $2501< 1st yr potential Not MLM. or 380.477-0271 1..800-705-4513 ABATEMENT Technolo- gies 2500c portable air duct machine. $5500. 509- 773-3290 or 509-250-0927. CATERING truck for sale. Runs great. Fully equipped. 3~5.0219. AA WAMIC GROUP Tues (open) 7pm. New location, Molly B's 57740 Main St, Tygh Valley, Oregon. 72Mot/mg ACOA (Adult Children of Alcoholics) Support Group- Go~dendata; meet Mon- days, 6:30 p.m., 124 W. AI- & lyn Street. For more info ......... .... call 773-4428. TOP $$$$ PAID NOW AL-ANON-115 E. Main, Fornotuandcontrectl Geldendale Senior Center 81dp Fo~, 800.&17-3677 Tftum~lays, 6 p.m. ~20. Help Wanted ....... 75 Positions Wanted ....... "80 Volunteers .............. 82 Job Opportunities ................... 85 In Home Services" ............ 89 Child Care Providers """"90 Child Care Wanted .... '95 Draper s~"'""'~1oo ed endowment/capital campaign. Salary and ben- efits competitive. For com- plete job description and in- formation on how to apply, call 509-773-3733 or visit, Ap- plications accepted until November 15, 2004. HAIRSTYLIST/Coame~Ingist needed for F/T clientel in White Salmon immediately. Connie at 509-493-2706. ~,~taml' AI~COHOLICS Anon, Gold- e~dale meetings at the United Methodist Church; Mon., 8 p.m.; Wed., 8 p.m.; Fd. 8 p.m 109 E. Broad- wsy, 1-800-999-9210. Cp/stal Meth Anonymous "Survivors". Fri 8-gpm, 401 F_~ 10th, Unit Recovery F~, The Dalles. ASSEMBLY/MACHINE OPERATORS JOB F/MR, SAT, OCT 23, 9AM. IPM 910 Portway Ave, Hood River HOMESHIELD, a manu- facturer of quality window and door components in Hood River County School Hood River, has several District is accepting appli- UBRARY A~ISTANT, Pad positions available in our cations for Heft or Full Time Time, Columbia Gorge Screen Assembly and Roll- Eady Childhood Teacher. Community College Li- form Depts. 1st & 2nd View our web page for brary. Provide technical shifts available. Prior mfg moretnfoatwww.hoodriver and clerical assistance to .k12.or.usorcall the patrons and Director of Li- Personnel Office at 541- brary Services. Perform 387-5016, Deadline is detailed work, assist a va- 10/28/04. EOE dety of patrons with library and electronic resources. Work schedule includes all Saturdays, Requires HS di- ploma or GED, six months clerical, secretarial or li- brary experience and ex- pedence using Microsoft computer software appli- cations. $9.63 per hour. Non-smoking environment. Closing 11/1/04 at 5pm. Request application packet from President's Office, Columbia Gorge Commu- nity College, 400 E. Scenic Dr., The Dalles, OR. 97058. 541-506-2405; smeegher@¢ EOE EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION TEACHER BUY~ELL AVON1 $1S sign up fee. No door to door, Call 1-800-FOR-AVON, COOK. FT/PT position in Hood River, Exp. necessary. Fax resume to 541-386.1203. COOK, For rotation shifts. 25-30 hrs/Wk. Apply~.~lt D.Q. 403 Cherry Hts Rd. DATA ANALYST LATERAL DEPUTY Klickitat County Civil Ser- vice will De te~t'~f~i 'l~/='tl'~i~! position of Lateral Deputy Job Description/appfica~on can be obtained through The Klickitat County Sheriff Department 205 S. Colum- bus Ave, Room 108 County Courthouse 509-773-2483 Or email Civilsc@co Closing date is 5:00 p.m. on October 29, 2004 Test in Goldondata, Washington November 13, 2004 Mid-Columbia Center for Living is seeking a full-time Data Analyst to provide management information systems support and data base management func- tions. Position is respon- sible for network and data- base support for MCCFL systems to produce reports required by grants, Oregon State and management team. Includes database management, data input, and reporting processes. Requires HS diploma or GED and 3 yrs. experience in responsible data man- agement and computer op- erations; or 2 yrs. of col- lege level courses in com- puter science and statistics with 1 yr. experience; and/ or equivalent education, training, and experience. Must have knowledge of data collection and analy- sis; report preparation; and ability to make computa- tions accurately and with reasonable speed. Expad- ence with MS Access data- base development re- quired. Must have the abil- ity to work with others and meet multiple deadlines. Salary range: $2,689- 3,269/mo with benefits. For applications packet, con- tact Shaleen at 541-296- 5452 ext. 277. Closes: 11/ 3/04. EOEJDrug free work- place. EDUCATION 44"1 PROGRAM AS~STN~IT Haff-Th~ OSU Wasco County Extsoslon Develop and deliver edu- cational programs to Latino youth through the local 4-H program. Recruit and sup- port Latino-4-H program volunteem. Half time, hours vary. Benefits. Bilingual (Spanish/English) required, biling uei/bi..cultural pre- ferred. Application materials avail- able from OSU Wasco County Extension, 400 East Scenic Drive, Suite 2.278, The Dalles, (541) 296-5494. Applications and answers to essay ques- tions must be received by 5:00 p.m. October 26, 2004 at OSU, Corvallis. OSU is an ANEOE FLOORING INSTALLERS, Must be licensed and bonded. Carpet, vinyl, lam- inates, tile. For application call or fax 503-635-5286. Fax 503-670-7860. GROCERY POSITIONS Meat department manager, cashiers & courtesy clerks available at White Salmon Thdftway. Benefits avail- able. Applications at 77 Wauna St., White Salmon, WA. 509493-9494 Local manufacturing com- pany has openings for the following positions: Welder, Metal Fabricator, Aseembly Mechanic, Pumhaslng Agsnt and Painter. Please apply in person at Hogg & Davis, Inc. 3800 Eagle Loop Odeil, OR 97044. Wage DOE, excellent benefit package. Physical & drug screen required. Mid Columbia Asphalt Co. is taking applications for ex- perienced laborers, opera- tors, and truck drivers. Drivers must have valid WA or OR Class A CDL li- cense & current medical card. Apply in person off Hwy 197 in Dallesport, WA. EOE L0 tP ? F0undl ? Check L0st&F0und, #~0 MID-COLUMBIA Produc- ers, Inc. (MCP) has two full-time positions open in our Operations Depart- ment. The individuals hired will be working at times in each di- vision of the Company, which include Grain Were- housing, Trucking, Fuel, Seed, and MCP's Retail Store. The successful candidates must heave semi driving expedanca and possess a valid class A CDL with the following endorsements: eirbrakes, doubles, tanker, hazmat. The successful candidates will also be re- quired to acquire a com- mercial pesticide applicator license within four months from the date of him. MCP's operations depart- ment employees perform physical activities related to the operation of a grain el- evator including operating equipment, recording grain receipts, lifting, shoveling, walking, and working at times 180 feet above ground level. There will also be a vadety of tasks in other departments, which include the operations of small and large trucks haul- ing grain and fuel, operat- ing grain cleaning equip- ment, fork lifts, and waiting on our valued customers in our retail store. If you meet the CDL re- quirements, are a self- starter, a team player, an economic thinker, like chal- lenges and vanety within a day's activity, take owner- ship and responsibility for your actions and those of your team, have high stan- dards and goals, and focus on outstanding customer service, we want your application!! As a member of our great team you will receive very competitive compensation. After a 90-day adjustment pedod new full-time em- ployees become eligible to participate in a number of company paid benefits - in- cluding 100% company paid health insurance, the accrual of vacation and sick leave, performance bonus program, company funded 401(k), and more. MCP is a successful Farm- er owned Cooperative serving farmers in the Mid- Columbia region of Oregon Washington with 18 grain elevators in 13 locations in- cluding 3 barge loading lo- cations, 3 grain seed out- lets, 3 fuel sites, 1 retail store, 3 grain semis, and 2 fuel delivery trucks. Our fo- cus is toward being the most efficient provider of services and products that help our patrons and cus- tomers profit both individu- ally and collectively. The succeed we must continu- ally provide the proper at- mosphere, training, oppor- tunities, challenges, and re- wards to employees who think and take action as if this business is their own. To apply please forward your resume to: Manager, Mid Columbia Producers, P.O, Box 344, Moro, Oregon 97039. Applications will be ac- cepted until November 1, 200& Mid Columbia Producers is an equal opportunity em- ployer. Mid-Columbia Children's Council, Inc. (Head Start) is currently accepting appli- cations for 1 Early Head Start home Visitor in Goldendale. 40 hr/wk, $1839 per mo. 12 rr~/yr. Benefits 12 months a.yea~ In~anL toddler CDA desiraSle Or willing to obtain within 1 year. Whffe Salmon: 1 Child Care Assistant for Esdy Head Start. 10 hr/wk, $8.53 per I~K 12 mo/yr. No Benefits. Applications will be accepted until noon Oc- tober 25,2004. Applications may be picked up at the OR & WA Employment of- rices and may be returned to Mid-Columbia Children's Council inc., 1100 E. Mad- na Way, Suite 215, Hood River, OR 97031, EOE Mid-Columbia Children's Council, Inc. (Head Start) is currently accepting appli- cations for 1 Eady Head Start Associate Tsacher for White Salmon. This position is working with 2 & 3 year olds. It includes home vis- iting families twice a month and teaching two preschool classes per week for 3 hours per class. 40 hr/wk, $1839 per mo. 11 too/yr. Benefits 12 mo per yr. AA in ECE required. Bilingual helpful. Applications will be accepted until noon No- vember 1, 2004. Applica- tions will be accepted until noon Nov 1,2004. Applications may be picked up at the OR or WA em- ployment offices and should be mailed to Mid- Columbia Children's Coun- cil, Inc., 1100 E. Marina Way, Suite 215, Hood Riv- er, OR 97031. EOE MOVIE GALLERY America's 2rid largest video retailer, has an immediate opening for an Assistant Msnager at its Hood River store at 2149 Cascade Ave. Retail exp pref. Must have open schedule. Must be 18 to apply. Apply in person or mail resume to Distdct Manager, Movie Gallery 1940 Cascade Way, Long- view WA. 99632 or fax to: 360-425-1764 for more info go to Need Licensed Journey- man Plumber. Send re- sume to PO Box 984, The Oalles, OR. 97058. OREGONIAN CARRIER need. ed. Fuel efficient car required. Part time position. Ability to regularly perform heavy lift- ing required. Bring resume to 616 E. 3rd, The Dalles. No calls please. PROGRAM MANAGER Community Services (20- 30hrs/wk - possible FT by Spring '05) The Next Door, Inc. seeks an individual with solid human service background, incl exp w/ youth & supervisory exp, to oversee services provided to teens in Hood River g Wasco Co. Duties include supervision, community collaboration, creation/ mgmt of budgets & some direct service. BNBS req'd, MNMSW helpful. Salary competitive for industry & locality. Submit resume: 212 2rid St/PO Box 661, Hood River, OR 97031 or email: barba~next or fax: 541-386-5440. RAY SCHuLTEN'S needs PIT help to clean up shop. Con- tact Bob. 54%296-6191 75 He/p Wanted 77 He/p General The ticket to a dream job might be a scam High, Paying Postal Jobsl No Experience Required! Don't pay for information about jobs with the Postal Service or federal govern- ment. Call the Federal Trade Commission tolLfree, 1-877-FTC-HELP, or visit to learn more. A public service messngs from The Dsilee Chronicle and the FTC. THERAPIST/CDMHP Central Washington Com- prehensive Mental Health in Goldendale, WA, is able to offer the following posi- tion: Therapist/CDMHP (County Designated Mental Health Professional) This position is responsible for assessing clients' needs, developing service/ treatment plans, and pro- viding therapy and County designated Mental Health Professional Services, must be able to work the on-call schedule. Three We are caregiver and Assistant Creek Essential honesty, teemwork, dance, love C is an munity First.. If you a change opportunity special ues it's owe it to Mill wages, VAC. ferred, individual. Weishaat 1201 W 1( Dalles, OR, CAREGIVER: opening home be able to Needed 1 days will be at our WhitP,'~- our quality Salmon site and two days tall will be at our Goldendata or mail site, this is flexible on which Freeman, days will be spent at each St. Hood RiVe~, site. Master's degree in psychology, social work or closely related clinical field position required, experience pre- OrthopedicS ferred. Relocation assis- looking for tance available. Min. salary experience i~ with 2 yrs. exp. islice to $33,716.80. plus on-calL fassional Please call 509-575-3894 tion requireS to request an application, izational & Please include resume well when returning your appli- puters. cation. ADA/EOE. Ffl sume to 17 Truck Driver, year round, full time, operating in the NW re- Dalles. glen. Flatbed/doubles, good "calls please. ddving record, 2 yre exp. re- MA, LPN' quired, Benefits +. 1.800-54% 2201 or 509-767-1181 Health /7 He/p Wanted t,me RN for A Passion For Healing? If helping others heal is your passion, we have a place for youl In addition to competitive compensation, we offer comprehensive benefits and an environ- ment of excellence. We have the following positions open: . Registered Nurse: ICU, ER, VHS , ~ Scrub Nurse , DIn~-tor of Laboratory . oirmor of Ph =W • CIInkal Dlatk:lan • Medical Assistant • R~liok~ic Technician For more Information, www.momc.nat, email at hr@mcmc.nat, or call us at 541-296-7510. Mid.Columbia Medical Center 1700 E, 19~ Sleet The Dal~, Oregon FAMILY "n, IERAPIST Skamania & Klickitat Counties. part-time con- tract position to provide in home counseling to help families improve parenting skills and family stability. BA with 3 years family counseling experience re- quired, $21.64 per hr. $16.64 per hr travel time. 37~o per mile. Send resume to Evergreen Counseling Services, 1104 Main St, Suite 440, Vancouver, WA,, 98660. 2133 or to; White 98672, Services Assisted in The Based place. Nurse Gorge chsrge, Ing care for person staff and munity. staff, spire nesS, Joy, Box 97o3o. sume