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The Goldendale Sentinel
Goldendale , Washington
October 24, 1940     The Goldendale Sentinel
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October 24, 1940
Newspaper Archive of The Goldendale Sentinel produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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The Largest Paid Circulation In Klieldtat County Of Any Paper OD EL., $h 1879 Goldendale, Washington, Thursday, October 24, 1940 Vol. 61. No. 43. [- ................................ ED SNIDER BOWLS i 279 FOR RECORD rrERS, PARTICULARLY THOSE who own property in /i HIGH OF SEASON Klic ,t county, should not be too hasty in making up their / With an individual game @ • t mind, ,n the question of the construction of a new courthouse, score of 279, Ed Snider didn't This , irthouse question, which will be decided November 5, is have any trouble winning high more ortant than many may think, bowling honor at the Benson Vt , Condemnation CaseB,a fuse this question is important, it is oniy fair that the , Snider'sRecreati°nscoreCenteris onelaSt of Week'the property owners should know the facts. Only when the important a facts are known can the voters really make a sensible decision. C.H. Knoser Other Candidate highest recorded in thePacific I Rendered Tuesday;! For two important reasons this courthouse question is prim- For Mayorlity Post In City Northwest this year. McCorkill On Trial Today arily one for property owners to decide. Property holders, through Election November 2 In making his 279 total Drawing In Washington, D. C., Will Determine Order Numbers; the payment of taxes, naturMly will pay the cost of the courthouse Snider rolled nine straight Bulletin Board Posted At Office; Mrs Don Hobbs Appointed After deiberating less than two construction. On the other hand, property owners stand to lose By filing shortly before deadline strikes. He had 11 strikes and Clerk By Local Draft Board a superior court jury Tuesday most heavily if a new courthouse is not constructed. Tuesday evening, J. W. Dressel,I one spare for the entire line• l~umbers of 1436 Klickitat brought in a verdict award- The present courthouse, according to the August grand jury former county commissioner, became[ The record was made Saturday for the federal governmen, t's peaceC°UntYtimemenselectiveWh° laStserviceWednesdayprogram were registered • " " night. Jf*bn Wein~artnAr And Wtll~anl report, does not have fire proof vaults. A fire in the building a candidate for in ..... 4, ~,~ ,.~....~1 ....... • =" ................ • ................ "~"" .......... : ~" ~i~-h ~cores for women 1-ot ~osted in Goldendale Thursday by the county draft boaa'd. rs ........ 0 woum very lmely ues roy, or least semously aamage, all county .............. I - s , ot riusum, oamages ot ~vrecords even though those records were stored in the vaults of the ~olaenuale. iils opponent m ~ne ctty] week went to Bessie Butterfield NextTuesday, October 29, a na- $350 against the state highway*,ht~ilr]Jnce:*e,. . [ primaryff_i noshelecti°nr November 2 will belt withwit!h 18{)183 and Betty Hami,lton tional lottery will be held in Wash- rtment for rlght-of-way through Since these vaults contain deed records of all property located c. . K er, eel estate and insur-I ' COUNTY CALENDAR ingtou, D. C., to determine order numbers for every registrant in the , property• ~his trial opened the in I lickitat county their loss would leave land owners with the lance e.genfc. ] Friday---Ag club ball high school, nation. This drawing of numbers ":Y::?le:h "' ....... [W kO C'ty bl:tJeu at will continue I immense and expens,ve ~task of re-establishing title to then: prop- Mayo," E. W. Pike, present mayor, or n ! Saturday---Dance at Blockhouse.will determine in what order regi~- • erty In most cases this could only De aone mrougn starting ac mn ............ I ,, . ,, • • [.Is not a canuma~e for re-electron I • ,'ants are to be selected for service. ednesday morning, attorneys be- ln" the courts. This process, as property owners: in a few Wash- . " 1De Line Is Monday---LionsSUnday"-~mrChclubServices'ladies night the selectmn of a jury panel to ington counties where courthouses actually did burn have ~ound, IEinar Anuersen, George Klein and D. 11ar 11 • T | The local registration numbers the prison escape charge filed can be far more costly than a new building. I Ledbetter, present councilmen whose v~eII ~.~n~lerway at Methodist Church Annex. were given last week by the county Tuesday---National draft lotterF. Wil,liam McCorkill, of Kelso. Klickitat county property owners, who as taxpayers[terms expire this year have all filed -'-------- selective service board consisting of is charged wth escapng Upwards of 3000 feet of steel Ray Landgraf, chairman, E. C• IOMs- the county jail where ,he was water pipe laid by the city of Gold- S ti er, secretary and W. D. Norris. The held to face trial on a first endale in the past two or three ec on local board appoin~ted Mrs. Don fo,rgery charge. !years hasbeen removd and relaid Hobbs, of Goldendale, as clerk of the the damage action filed on a new grade, Art Stram, water selective service board. Office Sl~Ce Edward Uthe, of Dallesport,unexpended cash balance of more than $40,000 in its treasury, ed the aopointment last spring fol- line project construction superin- Roosevelt has been rented in the Brooks build- net the Yakima Sheep company Added to that this county had $10,000 retxtrned to it when plans lowing the resignation of Bert H. tendent, reported at the council ins in Ooldendale and a bulletin damages allegedly caused by a for the proposed four county tuberculosis hospital to be erectedKnox• Mayor Pike's term ends upo,n meeting Monday ntght. ~Dhis extra .... ~ . board will soon be erected in that the election and certification of his ~vork, Strata explained, was nece~si- • ........ or~tce glwng J~sts oi registration and , fire started by one of the de- Yakima were abandoned, t e~pparen~ly s~rucz ey a speeuing ...... eastoouna ~. r" & ~. locomotive, ......... successor• tated because the pipe was not on .......... [oraer numbers aria Other vital In- Franclsco ~e~ar, ao-year-ol(l MeXl- . •. tn :'s ~trucks ~vilq be ~heard. The remaining sum of money required for the building's con- Unless sticker candidates are on- the gradient required in the project can section hand was 'killed Instant- rorma~mn. Visiting 3udge struction could be raised by taxation over a period of years. This tered, it appears that the city pri- survey" [ ly last Saturday night. The accident Below 14 Per Cent :xt Monday Judge Matt L. Drls- increased tax burden would amount to only a few dollars per year mary election, Noven~ber 2 will de- The relaying of this pipe has re- occurrea ~out three m~ms eas~ o[ ofasPaSC°'a visitingWill bejudgeCalledtotOhearGOld-a on the larger property owners. Small home owners would pay even termine the winners in eaoh of the qulred considerable time thus far, Roosevelt .......... Bejar lived at Monox ~IKlickitatThe origlnalcountyreglstvatiOnwas 1558 whicht°talap-ln ess. action brought by Ra'lph The cost of a new courthouse to the taxpayer would in reality four contests, strata said but work is now pro- ' " I prroximated the 14 per cent of the Bejar's body was not discovered population figure estimated by War of Trout Lake, against C R House Tuesday a uryIc°nstitute an inexpensive insurance premium on the valuable and gressing on the laying of new pipe. until Sunday noon• Engineer Cur- Department officials as ~tverage for , ". " : irrevlaceably records nearly all of us have f led away in the county Jury Acquits Routine business occupied the at- tiss, of the S. P. & S. noticed the " De selected to near the robberyt ¢,S ' W. McC tention of the council Monday eve- Mexican's body ~lying on the railway the ne.tion. However the return of t~ ;es filed against John Rtchards Ivatu~ " ~ orkill niug. An ordinace setting the of-right-of-way and sent in a report n.on-resident's cards to their home Jack Ramsey, transients, accus- ~~--~ • -!-~-_ irA_ COUNCILMEN VIEW lice hours from 9:00 a. m. to noon to Sheriff C. R. House from Lyle. c attacking and ro~bing another I lrom: aKe Man ,,,,,,,~,, nxr,~ .... counties reduced the total to 1436, . --- ~v~l~n, ~t-~ LII~I~/ After deliberating 30 minutes aand from 1:00 p. m. to 4:00 p.m. O'fficers at first believed Bejar Landgraf said. 1]mt at Wishram two ~veeks 1 ; • Pleads Guilty To PROJECT FROM AIRlsuperi°r court jury Wednesday if- for the citY cqerk and to 5:00 p. m. might have been murdered but care- In Klickitat county the registra- • Homicide Count ,Ooldendale coalncilmen tootr ~o ternoon returned a verdict of "not for the'treasurer was intreducedful investigation by local authorities tion work was carried on smoothly. ham McCorki,ll isdocketed to go before the court Oct 30 to guilty" acquitting Wtlqiam McCor- and ta*bled, aselsted by special agents of th'eNo difficulties were reported. Volun- • ---- ------ the air Sunday to gain a betterI kill on a charge of escape from No Franchise railway faiqed to disclose any lndi- teer boards ~ok charge of the work trial on a first degree forgery t ' Acting on fine advice of his at- view of the work now ~nderway prison. McCorkill, acoording to the An investigation of city records cation of ho,micide, in the larger precincts and in the This charge brought a~bout ..... itorney, Peter Dterickx, 63, of Trout on the city wa,ter supply line• prosecution, escaped from the Klick- disclosed that the Oregon-Washing- Evidently the Mexican was sit- smaller districts the registration arres~ m August. (Lake, lYleaded guilty to a charge of ~ive of the seven city council- itat county jail a m~onth ago. He ton Telephone company's franchise tins n the end of one of the ties work was carried out by the county Damage Suit negligent homicide when arraigned men flew over the Slmcoe sup- was recaptured in The DaMes a fe~v expired in 1937. Since that ttme the when the train came by. A Wthiskey registration o'fficers. ; following day a Jury wil,l be ...... Stone in su"erior ~. ...... ,~etore Juuge J. ~. p ply line in a plane piloted by days later• McCorkill Was acquitted franchise has not been renewed, bottle and several bottles of beer ~a to near the uamage suit] • .. ~ ~ . Only one case oi late registration cour~ monaay. ' Tom Halq, son of G. D. Hall, when testimony in t,~e trml failed However the company .is continuing Were found at the edge of the tracks was reported. This person, an In- by Donald H. Jarvis, of Col- Wash, for damages and per J Dierickx will appear before Juage city engineer from Yakima. to prove he escaped by means of to pay its annual fee of $75 for its near where BeJar's body was dis- alien, said he had been informed he • ' - • • • force or fraud, use of the streets, covered. Sheriff House said he be- rn umes aHe 1 I Stone Friday for sentencingbier • j " ged y receivedin • - About 25 minutes was requlr- The coucil voted to install four had a five day grace period in lieved some sharp metal object that vrhich to register• His excuse was auto accident said to havein- lickx was the driver of a car that ed for teach trip over the pro- ~r~ . ~ inch water mains on B and C streets protrudes from the side of the loco~ struck and k,flled Constance Neilson, accepted by the board and his regts- ,'e .......... a car driven by John Coffield,,.~. ÷^ [ 6-year~oldl school' gi~l. The accident plane,ject" BecaUSea two-passenger°f the size Taylor°f the lranslents between Grant and Columbus ave- .motive probaJl~ly struck the man. His tration was made. Three other In- ~ ae mare. wonmla, accora,,~ ~, ~ ..... • __ ql~___• • Im~es. A request from Ralph Nicker- head was nearly severed from his e JUr Irlal [son to lease dians, all from Rock Creek, sent ri~* complaint was the driver of[°ccurred near rmsum carry m uc- Craft, only one councilmen Y ~ a portion of the ,lot in body. , , tober • r n the rear of the city fire station was word in to County Auditor John Mtl- ar that caused the Colville marts ] • could make t'he trip ate time• On Robbe y Cou t re . ~ A gold watch and $10 in cash was e to leave the highway east[ The child had just stepped from aThose who flew over the pro- [ ad. This request was discussen er that they were not "registering [end: le. White Salmon ecYnool bus and was ject included: S. P. Al.lison, "---'---- tend then tabled for further consid- found on his tbody indicating that because they could not spee,k or un- jury term wil,1 cost following walking across the hig.h~vay when George Klein, A. G. Hanson, Two more criminal cases were eration robbery could not have been a me- derstand English and ~herefore would tire in the event he had met with be of no value to the Army. Miller hearing of a condemnation he.Dierickx's car came up from be- Einar Andersen and Freeman docketed for tri~.l during the current Appoints Boards violence. So far as is known Bejar brought by Klickitat county hind, according to testimony pro- Grow. D. Ledbetter and Howexd superior court jury ~erm here Tues- A petitio.n for permission to allow had no relatives living in t, he United explained that inabili, ty to speak William Richardson for duced at the coroner's inquest heldLewis had planned to fly over day when J o'hn Malton Richards, 36, a narrow parking strip on C street States. He will probalyly be buried English was not a legitimate excuse way for a change in the early this month, the project in the afternoon butand Jack Ramsey, 35, transients between Grant and Colun~bus ave- at Ooldendale. and the three Indians registered. Horseshoe Bend road; This ~the rain storm and heavy c~louds pleaded innocent to charges of rob- nut was presented. The question To Get Questionnaires will come before the court . _L ~'~--||__& over the Slmcoes made further bery. was referrred to the council's side- After the national lottery in Wash- Nov 1 MtJ~. ~=,Oll~;t flights inadvisable. T~le two men, arrested at Wish- walk committee. Mayor Ed Pike was Hallowe'en in~gton next week the local board will ram for an illegal attack on Ernest granted permission to break the Parade Slated begin sending out questionnaires ,o "~'~'y Liste~ rd TO] ens el All ~s s. ~P. Allison and I.C.Rober~son, 46-year-old transient, curb for an entrance to his garage registrants in the order in which their bers of fine jury that hea _ .. Robison were ,also taxied over Weingartner case included: I Orange :blames ,he pipe tins l~oJect Sunday were arraigned before Judge J. E. on First street• Next Thur V numbers were drawn. Not more than morning. Work i~ progressing ~tone. They requested theLt the court Board appointments for fine city R. H• S~llers, Clifforff P, ike, ] - sda_i 0 questionnaires will be mailed out each day. e C. Woods, Joe Rauscner, I Grocers and other ,merchants, who eecordingto schedule on the appoint legal counsel and that they election schedu,led Nov. 2 were an- Ghosts, gobblins and witches will ] The registrant must return his ~naas yGMnes'Miller, JoePaUlcro~WilliamDaVenp°rt' I are cooperating with the Food .pipe line project. This week the be tried by Jury. nounced by the council• The appoint- walk the streets of Goldendale next ~ questionnaire" completely answered • ' , ! Stamp Plan, are advised by Hew H. i work of digging out pipe laid Judge Stone appoin~ted F. A. merits include: South Goldendale, Thursday night as the American within five days. From these anewm, s tela, Eric Frostrup, E. N. Shong]Milhollin' district manager of the l two years ago will be templet- Smith as their attorney and docketed Mrs• Virgi,l Hall, F. E. Bryant, and lihnar Andersen of " - Itax commission that the sellers ed and the W~PA crew will then their trial for next Tuesday, Oct. 29. George Roush; East Goldendale,Legion stages id;s annue.1 Halloween the local board will determine the parade. ~s. Sellers is the first woman tO[surplus commodities under finestartlaying new pipe on the The two prisoners are being held in Agnes Bradstreet, Mrs• Harold Guy, classificaMon of the registrant. With- a superior court panel in many tab°re plan are required to collect line. the ooun*ty jail pending their trial• and dVIvs. Harry Bulmer; North Gold- This year as in past years prizes in a few weeks all registrants will Mrs Sellers ~s one of there ex • • [sales tax upe.n all commodities - Eugene Keel, of Glenwood, was endale, Mrs. F. J. Sleeper, Mrs. Ed will be awarded to the children for receive questionnaires. en who qualified in the present[ ange • ' " , cept those sales .which are paid arraigned before Judge Stone Tues- Karge and George Hause• :the best and most unusual Hallowe'en Four generel classifications will be list drawn for the October tee'm• I for by blue stamps. ~ day on second degree burglary costumes. Awards will be made in made. These include class one, with nyP'U three age groups. etchers are Mrs William Curt- . • . - .... che~rges. He pleaded guilty and was COU t D The parade will begin oexly in the vice; class two, those necessary in .... " _ . I lviercnants making sates pale for persons available for military ser- ene Mrs James ~elever • " [by ~blue stamps must keep an ac- sentenced to 15 years in the state * • A d C evening and will end on Main street civilian activity; class three, men reformatory at Monroe. war s ontract between Grant and Columbus. The with dependents; and class four in- count of these s~les, so the proper ,W. W. Drake, mem,ber of the state - deductions may be made on theft Grange execu,tive board, will speak V H ld ---- names of judges and other details eluding men deferred for variotm F Wi tax returns. These Items are sales at ~he Ir~l. ickita.t Pomona meeting to eterans 0 WiVha bid of $52,000, the Homer will be announced next week. or yes to the United States government G. Johnson Electric Contracting corn- reasons. be held Friday evening, Oct(~ber 25 Meeting piny of Portland was awarded a Dependents Defined --------- and should be deducted as such. in the White Creek Grange hall. CAr Offi and girl friends of Lions Any one desiring any furfiner infer- Y M tentative contract for the conStruc- ange cer These reasons for deferment in raembers will be guests Me,nday, matto.n should contact the tax corn- A~t the meeting special fifth de- oung en tlon of nearly 59 miles of R. E.A. class four include man who has eom- tlng ate dinner to be served in mission office at 204 Blurock build- gree work will be given to Pomona -------- line between Gilmer, Glenwood and 139 pleted service; officials deferred by law, alienage, ministers of religion Grange candidwtes. The meeting willVeterans of the past war and men Trout Lake. The Johnson bid was Ira L. ~Shea, lecturer of Cahe Was~n, and divinity students, conscientious Methodist church annex. Yaki-ling, Vancouver. Wapato s:nd Zi~llah Lions will] begin at 8:00 p.m. who may be veterans of the next forwarded to Washington, D.C., for ington State IGre~ge, told a group of objectors, and those mentally, be guests at the dinner. Onl- ~1 Women Grangers from east of rwbbed el,bows at the Legion h~tll ~pproval ,by the R. E. A. office, MarC- more than 50 vote~ that Initiativelsically or morally u~fit, phy- are being made by the local v ~,y ~• .Rock Creek will ,bring sandwiches here Monday evening at an open in Lumijarvi, secretary of the Klick- organization to hold a dance and women from west of Rock.Creek meeting spon,sored by Louis Leidl itat P. U. D. board announced. 13,9 was placed on the ballot by theI Any registrant upon whom one or Parish hall fol¢lowlng fine will furn.l~h either cake, cookies or post number 116. All registrants in Work is expected to start on the eastern power tru,st and warned thatlmore dependents as defined in the its oas~age would sabotage the pro-lact depend for support in a reaswa- The program for the even- doughnuts. ~the selective service program were R. E. A. line in Western Klickita~t gram of rural electrification at an able manner will be included in clan be presented by the YaklmaregisteredThns faratOnlYthe 34Goldendelealiens haVepo~tbeenof_ special guests, shortly after approval is received open me0ting t~ the Goldendale three. E. C. Kaiser and W, D. Norris, from the national capitol. The cost Grange hall Monday evening. "The local board shall determine Lions. rice under the federal government's members of the Kllckitat county of the line will be about $850~ per ~hea, who has spent the i~st six all questions of class three defer- new registration program for non- selective service board, outlined some mile. months travellng ~bout the state in merits with sympathetic regerd for MA'IN STREET .... citizens, Dr. H. H. Hartley said. of the workings of the program andThe county P. U. D. commission- Deadline for aliens to register is a Grange-sponsored caxnpaign to de- the registrant and his depeude~ts," Snider being congratulated on December 27, 1940. Henry Towel,l, of Wenatchee, will explained the law. ers also accepted Hunsaker Ohevrolert feat the measure on ~he November according to the officiai regulations. conduct a series of evangelistic J.S. Hoagland, po~ commander, compe~y's lowbid to sulaply one pick- ballot, w~ introduced by Gerald "~ny reasonable doubts in connec- bowling score of 279. Pat Me- Of the 31 aliens who have resider- meetings at the Goldendale Church called on Z. O. Brooks, Bert H. Knox, u~p truck• Their bid was $808. ~enton, master, of the Klickitat Po- tion with dependency should be re- back from the assessor's con- ed the largest number were J'apanese, of Christ beginning Nov. 3. Mr. and R. P. Jeffrey, to give some ac mona Oran~ He was accompanied solved in favor of deferment, and In JOeHowardLindenLewisSWeepinggetting aa Dr. Hartley .said" Other nations rep- Towell is an excellent speaker andi countSworld War.°f their exoerien~es in the ,Leon Sayers, state highway de- here by R. ~ Fairless, a member of dott~tful ca'ses local board ~hou~d he resented included Canada, England, comes to Gcddendale highly recom-i partment employee from Golden- the state Grange power committee, mind~ful of injuries which me.y be BilI Morehead leaving for Finland and the Philipine Islands. meeting in Gra~dview. mended. More than 100 persons a~ended da, le, is in the ihospital at Dayton, Following the t~lk Shea answered expected to result from separating a a ~urry. Mel Walden ]~ US During the two weeks he is in the meeting. Following the program Wash., this week convalescing from questions on the measure, father from his children or a hue- about a hunting trip. Dean BLOC 0 E DANCE Goldendale he will dicuss ~B~ble sub- refreshments were served ,by the post. injur.ies received in an auto accident , r ~ band from his wife" the regulations climbing into a ear. Bob Jim Hall and his newly re-organ-jects of general interest. The pu~bllc BJay Landgraf, chairman of the coufi- that odcurred last Sunday. Accord- Eldon Hines, son of Rev. and "2qhe explaining a game depart- ized orchestra wd,ll furnish the music is invited to attend these evangelis- ty selective service board was schedu- ing to reports received here Sayers: Mrs. C. E. Hines, ~has enlisted in point out. maintenance of the for a Saturday night dance ta be tic meetings and to participate in led to speak a~ ~he meeting but was received two broke~l ribs and other the U. S. Army Air Corp, and is family as a unit is o~ importance to held in t.he Blockhouse pavilion. :the sin~ing and feil~ship, unable to attend, tnjuxtes, stationed at March Fteld, California.(Continued on /JUt ]F'~) -