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The Goldendale Sentinel
Goldendale , Washington
October 24, 1940     The Goldendale Sentinel
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October 24, 1940
Newspaper Archive of The Goldendale Sentinel produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page Four GOLD END/ LE SENT oldendale. Washington Thursday, October 24, " i Of The Past P" C ty D "" " I93, state sexhibitat "l'h--e Goldendale el"ntine" ........ ,oneer Dun Di o xou a ,now. ! ow York World's Fair pu,ta BY W. F. BYASS Legislator es ---- i onions the size of sm i pump: in, O(YlXOBER 8, 1891 °last. John Saxton was splitting klndl- Fun[ral se~were held atI While l~he u.tllit~Lrtan pot~to and dispFay for a few days. They Cr l~he onion may lack romantic appeal, ed an interest which temporarily H. FARIELLO AND h. RADCLIFFE PUBLISHERS I ' L B Peddicord painted and paper- ing wood and by a miss-lick split his ................. they take an important place among classed Mount Rainier. Hundreds RONALD RICHARDSON EDITOR " • ,trout baKe ucL ~ z,o,r wlmam t~oate, ed .Dr. Reeder's new office:As a spect- ,thumb open. Dr. Stowell assisted by ..........." _ __ the, state's agricultural products and Easterners sought to order the ........ i~u-yvar~om prancer, WhO crosseo the h~ve done no li,ttle to add to Wash- onions for use in everything ENTERED AT GOLUENDALE, WASHINGTON, POSTOFFICg EVERY men o~ WOrK m thac Hue it reztects THURSDAY, AS SECOND 0LASS BAIL EATYER rather favorably upon the workman, onion sandwiches to onion SUBSCRIPTION RATE, $2 PER YEAR The Goldendale-Bickleton stage They had never seen onions of line has changed hands. Mr. D.C. size, or with the swept flavor OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF GOLDENDALE ~ KLICKITAT COUNTY Meter, an old residen~t of Dot, has captivated those fortunate enough NENBER WASNIN~ON NEWSPAPER PUBLISHERS' ASSOCIATION, purchased the line, and made his first sample them. INC.~ AND NATIONAL FADITORIAL AB$OCIATION trip under ~e new arrangement on Monday. Sell it through the Want Ads. W. B. Presby was down to Port- land a day or two, returning Tues- Look At The Top Of Your Ballot day evening. He took in the hie Ex- posi, tion; and remarking about the ou~t on a long ,table, and the le~rge Coats, of Portland; .Charles J. Coats, exhibits there thought Klickitat's tem.l~ting clusters( weighing five or and Bessie G. Pearson, both of Trout TeA GREAT majority of voters the initiative.and referendum display of fruits was beyond any six pounds each) attract a large Lake; and seven grandchildren. measures and amendments to the state constitution that appear at the top of the general election ballot are an unsolved puzzle. For other locality in excellence, crowd at all times. Interment was at Trout Lake. The H. C. Jackson is the first to ship ~Postmaster Howard left last Men- • that reason statistics show that a high percentage of voters either goods into Klickitat by way of the j day morning at the request of Po~t- Rev. George E. Good conducted the refuse to vote on any of the special measures or vote "no" on all of new line of boa.ts from Portland. melter General Wanamaker, for the services. them. From him we learn that freightage ,purpose of visiting an(] inspecting at the reunion :held at the W. G: up i.s from 10 to 20 cents per cw, t. each postoffice in Klickitat, and re- Doughty home recenVly. Willard This practice, while it may be better than voting blindly, is passenger fare $2.00 each way, or lporting their condition, needs, etc. to Doughty, Frances Doughty, Law- nevertheless bad. It results in the defeat of some measures that $3.00 for a rouud trip ticket. Ooodt:the department at Washington. Itl rence, Robert, Margy Mae, and really merit passage and in other instances it results in the passage enough, will be quite a task onMr. Howard Maralyn Gay Doughty. of unwise laws by a well organized, aggressive minority group. Mr. Win. Cumming, mane~ger of as there are nineteen offices in this The Moore Brothers, from Silver Either of these results can be harmful. 'the Farmers' Mercantile Company, county and very much scattered; and Lake, took a truck load of ohrses • left the city on the first stage of his the worst of l,t is that it is a labor out ~>f the Hills last Friday. The a L This year the general election ballot will list two initiative trip to San Francisco, California. of love or glory on the part of Mr. Indians sold some of the horses. ~ Jr mm measures, one referendum and three constitutional amendments. Whdle he is ,there he will lay in a ~toward, as there is no appropriation Mr. and Mrs. Rashone, Elmer, In the following paragraphs this newspaper will attempt to make large stock of goods for the winter for such services. Postmaster Flow- Charles and Donald went to Gold- an unbiased and objective analysis of each of these six proposi- trade, er at Bickleton, has.consented to as- endale Saturday night. tions. Dr. R. E. Stewart and Mr. T. L. sist him in ~he extreme eastern end Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Brashear and • family took in the show Sunday af ........ Me~sters went up .t,o the pond north j of ~he ooUnty. " Imtmhve number 139: m the most dmcussed propo.sltmn of town last Friday afternoon and, ,The rules governing such things Itern°°n" on the ballot. It provmes vna~ before any pUDUC U~llll;y OlS~rlCt caught one 'hundred and ,twent.v-[require ,that a nostoffice asnirin~ tel An informal party was held at can issue revenue bonds or .begin condemnation proceedings to ac-_ three trout. This is intended as a l the honor of being a presidential of-j the school house Tuesday afternoon, the propos tmn mus.t be submitted to the voters of mode~,t little i, tem of information anal flee, she.ll show the salary from l the occasion be.lug r~charf Bag- the d stmct. For such a .pro.positron to carry, more than 50 per!not a "fish" story. " i receipts for the four lag successive I garley s !enth b~rthday. ~amty re- cent of the voters of the district who participated in 1;n8 last Ken- ~olumbus (District No 93 has quarters to have been $250 each Mr [resnmen~s were server wmca ~rs. • " h " 1 n 1 ion .... .... i - " " Wade supplemented with hot choc- eral election must vote in t e specm bo d eect Howard informs us that the rec i ts I • " just completed a new school house j . ' e p I ..... , ..... • ' for "h ...... place, ~sra~i nuts, coooanum, ~a- .................... which they claim--reasone~bly clatm, t ~ e ~rsc ~nree quarters wentl ....... Opponents of Inmat ve mess mclucie me Re- too--to be the best in ~he county. It beyond that amount, and that f¢¢ the n ana~., and omer ~mports ~rom publican and Democratic candidates governor an(/u, b. senator, i~ 22x-~0 and t,w,~ ~rnri,~s high ~nd ! quarter ending Sent 30 the amount I ~ra:~n. rne geography cross are point out that would be mposs ble get out 5Ope.r cent of the cost $1,975; furniture $350 andlreached just $249.39. Just seventy[ studying about Brazil thin week. voters to participate in a. specia.l bona erection, this alone, bell, $50, making a total of $2'395" !cents more and Goldend le's office l Read and Use me Want Ads tf they say, would make mposs ble for a P U D to carry on would h • • • Messrs. Wheelhouse & Son were .~he' ' ave been rated as a presiden- " 139 becomes law. Furthermore revenue bonds issued under the builders. I'[ would be an ornament!tial office[ "A miss is as good as a .... present law by utility districts are liens against the income of the to any locality, and is a credR to the! mile" in this case, and it will now district alone. Property cannot be taxed to secure funds for inter- good people of Columbus. Mrs. James have ,to take another four quarters. eat or retirement of revenue bonds. Present laws already provide Rusk son are engaged as teach- for a vote of the people before general obligation bonds can be is- ex~s, and 'began ~chool Monday morn- HEAVY RAIN HITS IN sued in excess of 1I/2 per cent of the district's assessed valuation, ing last. GOODNOE HILLS AREA to protect and O~ Saturday last Mr. Chas. Hog- beautify--NOW! Those in favor of Initiative 139 point out that the public gard got his thumb too, close to a GOODNOE HILLS--(Special) -- should have the right to approve or disapprove any expenditure circular saw, and had to have it Qudte a heavy rain in the Hills last of money made by a public utility district. The most serious Ob-~eznpu,tated. Dr. Bonebrake did the Sunday afternoon. Makes the Ere,dud jection to the utility district laws as it now stands, they say, iS!laSt a~t in good hape. Speaking of'better for seeding. that the people do not have a right to say "yes" or "no" to propos- ] thumbs, reminds us of another simil- t The following names were mit- Easiest Driving in the World als to onstruct or acquire electric or water utilities, or the total I amount of indebtedness that might be incurred for such purposes, ar accident that occurred Tuesday ted from the list of those present RUID DRIVE WITH • A c .o one SIMPLIMATIC TRANSMISSION Initiative number 141: This act would provide a minimum' 2-k miss! 17feet4 inched assistance paymen t of $40 per month to citizens over 65. It pro- o~ flashing beauty-packed Enjoy automatic shifting for all vides for the abolishment of many of the resources provisions of with new eatures end re- normal driving. Just step on the the present law and the so-called "Pauper oath." tlnements every 1941 car gas to go--the brake to stop[ buyer will want ! • • A great 105 horsepower NEW ROCKET BODIES Arguments for this initiative are that the federal government New paint not only brightens Super Economy engine, They're long, low.slung, masslve! at the present .time provides matching funds up to $20 per month --r--Startle _ .Fancy the appearance of your home, n new box-type trame and The newest in new ear styling! while the state at present will match no more than $15 per month. FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES but protects the wood against Sdety Rims oa wh ls are They also say that the present law now insists on the enforce- sun, rain and snow. Fall is the iustafewDeSotoadvanee- RICH 2-TONE INTERIORS ment of arbitrary and inhuman rules before assistance payments merits tot 19411 New, exeitingI Glorious new fab- Spe season to paint! Check your Drive a DeSoto today! rie~ and fittings throughout! are granted to old people. These rules include liens against their cials Every Wednesday and come to us! Youwnlenioyawondedul property, support of relatives, and surrender of life insurance policies. Saturday PAINTS and SUPPLIES new driving experience! THE BEST MERCHANDISE... THE BEST PRICES. • • Arguments against the passage of 141 include: 1. The passage of this would add about $26,000,000 annually to the state's AND THE BEST SERVICE POSSIBLE operating costs Without providing any additional source of revenue. C ldendale's 2. Its passage would require the curtailment of funds now given Free Delivery in Town Phone 992 EXPERT PAINTER to o her divisions of the social security program and to the schools. * • * PAPER HANGER 3. Initiative 141, if law, would fail to comply with provisions of 108 N. GRANT STREET PHONE the federal social security statute and would imperil the issuance of any federal matching money to this state. Referendum number 5: This measure provides for the re- enactment of this state's present 40 mill Iimit tax law. The mea- sure states explicity what maximum tax levies can be assessed and makes additional assessments illegal unless voted in manner pres- cribed by law. This measure has the endorsement of the state Grange, taxpayers organizations and most public officials and candidates regardless of party. So far as this newspaper can deter- • • • mine no serious arguments have been raised against the referen- dum's enactment. Amendment to constitution abolishing two term limitation for county officials: Those in favor of the act point out that this hw is archaic. Only two either states in the nation limit the number of terms a county officer may hold. County officials, even if the two term limitation is removed, still must face the electorate at stated in- tervals to be returned to office. Too, discredited or unworthy of. ricers may be removed by any one of rive different ways. Enforced changes in county office holders through the present two term limitation law causes a loss of efficiency and prevents capable men You I wve 12,OOO aYou've l id 'And your rm$ from making a career out of their work. bmrm ? *10,OOO O00 xes? 37% below An argument against passage of this amendments is that Evet3ame know~ that it takes more rye heard thu p ts¢ pow 8, natlenal avm'¢qlo?m and wire to serve mutual Light Comptwhaspald more tlma enforced periodic changes in county offices sometimes uncovers ham than it does to deliver dec- $10,000,000 in taxes ~ 1910. irregularities that might otherwise have gone undiscovered. Clal- dty in N dry where you have N How am you do this tad still have jam county afforded a recent example of this when a county treas- c~tom~ ever}, 50 feet o~ ~c~ I'd rates that compare f~r~ty with ~ ~k"~r . urer forced to terminate his stay in office by the two term like to know how you manage to a whole lot of tax.t . lmblic ' : make ends meet when m much of power ~ymm~P' '{ limit. His successor immediately discovered a $150,000 shortage you businessisspread out thin?" ~, thathad gone undetected for several years. Amendment to con_sitution abolishing the double liability aT//[ A $W[R I$,,, a well=balanced, effldont |ys m! ns to keep a comptma tad mptdmmd d hu. law for stockholders of state banks and making their liability con- dam engineem md busy all and yet form with stocLh( lders in national banks under federal laws: ... nm by an ,pand-comin , orgaalzatlou rm proud to feb not tOo big to take a in your belong to. It's me that PRofit Power & Light Company ticular problems. Aim, we've 8or the kind of a market- Federal deposit insurance now protects depositors in state o~-~t, mostly in small towns and out in the ommtty, hag organization that keeps ImUding up electridW tales banks and makes the double liability law unnecessary, advocates ~ad that it carries a whale of a big tax load. But you ~, so we am keep reducing the cost d each ldlowett- our system is like a diversified Arm. We serve a lot oI hour to you. of the amendment say. Existence of ,the present double liability different types of electric users, and a variety of sea- law discourages investment of private capital in state banks, soaal business, in 21 different counties in Washington "What it boils down to b this: Pacific Power & I.lbht and Oregon. That means pretty steady sales of else Company does an all.amuad good job at low-cost So long as deposits in state banks are insured by federal law tricity the year 'round for the system as a whole, even because it's a successfulAmeriam enterprlse.And in tl~ no arguments have been advanced against repeal of the .double though it's up and down in any one locality, country, busiaess success means giving the consumer. liability law. "Another thing, our Company has a big enough' bud- REAL VALUE for every dollar." The third and fl al proposed constitt tiona amendment con. cerning changes in salaries of office holders merits considerable | | L ! thought and discussion. In next week's Sentinel this amendment will be discussed more thoroughly.