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Page Six M GOLDEND LE SENTINEL--Goldendale, Washington Thursday, October 24,
NOTE: All announcement appear-
ing in this column will be run in the
order received. Cards will be run
until the General Election, November
5th.. Accounts must be paid in ad-
John S. Robinson
Itepublican Candidate for
First District, Klickitat County
"A Sound and Fair Business
Democratic Candidate for
Third District
General Election, November 5th.
John A. Sanders
Republican Candidate for
General Election, November 5th
Tihrd District
De~mocratic Candidate for
First District
General Election November 5th.
MARYHILJ-,- (Specdal) -- Mrs.
McDonald drove to Portland last
Monday taking her father home.
Mrs. Go~ and Mary were in Go,ld-
endal~ last Thursday evening.
Mrs. Clair Blanchard was in The
Dalles last week having some dental
work done.
Bill Farr, Jack Ritter and Vance
Galbra, ith, all of Vancouver, visited
Mr. and Mrs. Asher last Thursday.
Tad Wedgwood drove stage for
Hugo Wedgwood last week.
Mr. and Mrs. McDonald and Clif-
ford and Mrs. Asher and Stanley
attended tJhe show in The Dalles
Tuesday night.
~Mr. McDonald was a business vis-
itor in Yakima several days last
Mr. and Mrs. Lester Robinson vis-
ited her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Grover Wedgwood Tuesday evening.
There were only 24 young men in
this precinct to register for the~
C/ ! ]LYLE RESIDENTS Will Doctor
nurcnes SEE GRID CONTESTIKnute Hill
LYLE--(Sp ----Miss Ladine Speak Rally
Mr. and Mrs. Loyd McDonald
were here over the weeekend to visitBible study ............................................. 10:00
their parents. Loyd is a ~enior at IL°rd's Supper
gvemng servme 7 30
Washington State this year. t " ' ~ ...................................... :
Mrs I C Robison Mrs Cliff '~Wednesday evening service ......... 7:30
Spencer and' Mrs. L. '. Cas; were iBlble study Friday afternoon......2:30
.................. Our fall meeting begins Sunday
~vlarynlll Callel~ last l-U~lay. ] ....
Nov 3 G Henry Toweu oI we
~VIrs. Clair Blanchard and small[ ' - - • , -
daughter visited her parents, ,Mr.
annd Mrs. Grover Wedgwood a few
days last weeek.
Mr. and Mrs. Lester Robison were
dinner guests at the I. C. Re,bison
home in Goldendale Monday night.
Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Peck and son
[Dick drove to Walls Walls a couple
t of days ~last week.
Mies Flora Robison and Miss M,il-
dred Drury, of Portland, spent the
weekend with relatives here and in
Mr. Alvau and Mrs. Gussiano
were in GoldendMe Monday.
Air. and Mrs. Hullo Wedgwood
have been dn Portland the past wek.
Mrs. Babcock and children drove
to Vancouver Saturday, taking Mr.
Ba~bcock back to :his work there.
Mrs. Goss and Mrs. Asher went to
The Dalles Tuesday, Mrs. Goss to
see her doctor.
Mr. and Mrs. Sowers were in
Goldendale Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. McDonald drove to
Hood River Monday.
Airs. Asher and Mrs. Lester Robi-
sson were in Goldendale Monday
nat~hee, will do the preaching.
Make your plans to attend.
10:00 a. m. BLble school.
12:00 a. m. Sermon theme: "Va-
rious Avenues of Christian Service."
Specia,1 music.
2:30 p. m. Sunday school and
preavhing service at Hartland.
7:00 p. m. B. Y. P. U.; B. A. U'.,
and Jr.~Int. U., eac~h in separate
8:00 p. m. Evangelistic service in
song and sermon. Special music and
hearty congregational singing.
8:00 p. m. Wed. Oct. 23 sacred
musical concert at Baptist church
by traveling specialists, Mr. and
Mrs. Reginald Greenway. No admis-
sion charge. Free wt'll offering.
Everyone invited.
8:00 p. m. Thursday, prayer
meeting. Scripture lesson1 Cor.
chapters 12-14 inclusive.
There is a welcome here.
M. Moulton
Republican Candidate for
Read and Use the Want Ads. tf~i
"During Abraham Lincoln's ad-
ministration ~ongress was an
active, potent branch of our Gov-
ernment. Lincoln issued but two
executive orders during the Civil
War. Under present "Yes.Man,'
Congress, 193~-1040, the President
alone ran the country, issuing 2,-
538 executive orders."
SUI~DAY SERVICES: 10:00 a. m.
Church school; 12:00 a. m. Sermon:
"This is a Good Time to Pray." 6:30
p. m. League, J,immy Trowbrid~e
committee meeting, Thursday 8:00
p. m. at the home of Mary Spoon.
"A French physician, Dr. J. C. De-
i marquette, says that the first World
War gave occasion for the demon-
stration of the fact that the re-
cuperative factors of non-drinkers
• surpass those of drinkers among tJhe
wounded. The surgeons in the
.French Army hoepitals report that
the wounds of the North African
troops who were Mohammedans and
drank no a, lcoholic beverages, heal-
ed much more quickly than those of
the white soldiers who drank "ad
libJ' Types of wounds that would
take from one to two months to
heal in a white man, would be well
again in two weeks in the ~btsaln-
ing Mohammedan." (p. 6, The
Voice, August 140).
was a hoItday in Vhe Alderdale
school. The teac~hers went to Y'~kima
v~here they Wttended the teacher's in-
Mrs. Lawrence Dew and sons, Mr.
and Mrs. Lyman Fletc,her are now
visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer~
Consider My Public Record.......
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pierce and
,G~ry, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Johnston,
of Bates, Oregon, spent the weekend
with Mr. and rMrs., Cy Pierce and
• Mrs. Jim Kuhn and Lyle, and Dor-
i is Porter spent several days In Port-
land visi~tihg wibh ~Mr. and Mrs. Roy
Monday aRernoon W. Virgin, Mrs.
I~loyd Wilson and LeonR Seely were
taken to Grandview, where they
consulted the doctor ~bou~t their
various illnesses.
~r. and Mrs. Tom Miller and Don
were Sunday visitors at the Lowell
Lloyd Hanson
To Leave
Today every citizen of Klickitat county is conscious of the
benefits that have come or will come from Bonneville dam.
For many years prior to 1932 ony two men--Ernest Roe and
myself g ve their time and money to ielp provide leadership
in the movement to secure this dam.
In this and every other movement for the good of Kfickitat
County as a whole for the past 25 years I have been on the
firing line attending every public meeting and giving un-
selfishly of my time and personal means.
Becks, of Klickitat, is spending a Knute ,t-rill, U. S. representative Howard Lewis, Klickitat county Lloyd Hanson, local electricianS
Rev. Patrick S. Lyons, Pastor few days at the Jhome of her parents from the fourth congressional dis-I'G. O. P. chairman, announces the ap- for the past several
I Mr. and Mrs. W. Becks. trict, will speak at ~ Democratic ral- ]pointment of Doctor Klostneg to head of the G,oldendale Electric she
Schedule of Melees Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Rater and two ly to be held at Btckleton, Fridayt the veteran's division of the Repub- ' leave Monday for Portland
First, Third and Fifth Sandays 9 little sons, o~ Portland, were visitors evening, Nov. 1, Stanton Ganders, lican state central committee for has accepted employment in a
a.m. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. ,R. county chairman announced this ,Klickltat county, company.
St. Mary's ~hurch, Wi~hram, First, Chamberlain over the week end. week. Dr. Klostner h~s long been prom- I Hanson is disposing or his
T~hird and Fifth Sundays, 11 a.m.Russell Ni~lylock, Kenneth ~oren-
-' sen, Kelth West, Billy Cody, Delbert All other Democre~tic candlda.tes inently identified as a veteran in ch~ndise here and plans t.o close
G]~ACE T.UT]~_.~ CWU~CH Smelcer and Earl Tanner dr~ve to have been invited to attend. ~ne Klickitat county. He will organize Goldendale Electric shop. The
Klickitat, Washington Seattle Saturday morning early and meeting will begin at 8:00 p. m. Fol- this county to work for the election ing it occupies will be taken
entirely by C.
Eugene R. Schramm, pastor ~took in the football game betweenlowing the meeting a free dance will of Wendell Willkie, Steve Chadwick, H. ~rierman,
'Washington and Oregon State that be held. Art Langlie and the entire Republi-Ighoe repair man.
Sunday school .......................... 9:~0 a. m. afternoon. They also visited t~he ican ticket. .Mrs. Hanson and family will
Regular service .................... 10:30 a.m. main in Goldendale until
H E mi t
"We preach Christ and Him era- Lyle boys at Fort Lewis. ome cone cs Reed and Use The Sentinel Want i8, when they will move to
clfied." Mrs. Ulie Hylton and Mrs. Hazel 1
Gray drove to The Dalles Friday Expert On Staff Ads They get results, tf i to make their home.
and brought Mr. ITylton who has
I~T~ ]~AY ~ been seriously ill in The Dalles hos-i
R. R. Hamm, Superintendent As ~ service to local people inter-
Klickitat, Washington pital home. We are glad to report ested in securing better lighting in
Sunday school 10:00 a. m. in Mr. Hylton is much improved and their homes, the Pacific Power & They Snarled Before
club rooms at Klickltat. able to be up and around part of Light company has made available the Primaries
the time. the services of ~helr ~ome economics " • •
CHURCH 0~ CHRIST Mr. and iMrs. U. S. Buck spent conswltant, Miss Sue Stdey, of Hood
V. T. Smith, minister Saturday night and Sunday v~siting River. N O W T H E Y L O Y E
t~heir son Clyde B~ck in the Vet-Miss ~ldey will be in Goldendale
erans' hospital in Portland. on Mondays and Tuesdays of alter-
Harold Lane had the misfortune hate weeks. Persons who ~,re in.ter- EACH OTHER!
to sprain his ankle quite badly Sat- ested in bettering the ligh,ting ar-
urday night. I-Ie was taken to the rangement in their homes now have Politicians are usually more clever.
doctor Sunday. an opportunity to secure her expert But not the hopeful "Clarence"
Mrs. Lois Clark and family went advice" She will be in Goldendale twins. They give the public credit
to The Daltos Saturday to visit Miss October 28 and 29. for little intelligence. They called
Ruth Clark who was operated on , each other names...warned the public against each other...
for appendicitis in The Dalles hoe- before the primaries. Today they hypocritically embrace each
pital Tuesday. S~he is getting along other to the embarrassment and damage of honest citizer~s.
nicely. ~ Such hypocrisy made honesty the real issue of this cam-
FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Mr. and Mrs. He,yard Hy~Iton and ANNUAL CARNIVAL, OCT. 26 paign for Governor of Washington. Honest, undirected voters
have decided that a man in Olympia who is known to be honest
C. E. Hanes, Pa~tor sons, of Portland, have moved to the A carnival is to be given at Glen- and unattache~ is the only sale man to vote for. In increasing
B. J. Clark ranch on High Prairie to wood, October 26, ~t 8:00 p. m. thousands they're saying:
make their home. T~here will be several Interesting con-
Bob RObinson and Howard Myers, cessions, including, Berne, Milk Bet-
, of Fort Lewis, were Lyle visitors ~le, Darts, Roulette and Shooting |f~
Saturday night, gallery. Where many interesting
Mr. and Mrs. Hildor Kure and prizes, including blankets, lamps, ffOR
son were visitors at the home of water glass sets end turkeys will be
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Mogren at given.
Odell Sunday. "I'he music for the dance will be
Jimmie Curl is spending a couple furnished by AI Pierce and his or- " H • H~~
of weeks vacation in Detroit andchestra, formerly of the Cocoanut
Chicago. Grove in California. He and his or- REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE FOR GOVERNOR
Miss LiHian Johnson, of White chestr~ are at ~:he ~wing club in " ~AW ~VZ~T~SZ~Z~T
Sa,lmon, visited at the home of ~her Portland. It will be the best music
parents, ,Mr. and Mrs. Henry John- Klickitat county has heard for some l ~
son over the weekend, time.
The Lyle Grange ladies are sp~n- Bob Gypson, special entertainer,
soring an old time leap year dance of Portland, will imitate several
at the Grange hall next Saturday Hollywood celebrities. He is ~ very
night, Oc~t. 26. All ladies are in-
good entertainer and does many
vited to come and bring their 'best
comical acls and lmitwttons.
boy friend.
A nice crowd gathered at the There will also be a door prize
gym Monday night where a parent-igiven ~way that nigh~t.
THE METHODIST CHURCH teachers association was organized. SPORT NEWS Fight
C. J. Hall, Minister Mrs. Daubenburg, of W~hite Salmon,
gave a very in,teresting talk then Glenwood 27, Lyle 12
The Glenwood high school beat the ~INCREASE Form
the following officers were elected: Income
Mrs. Vernon Chamberlain, presi- Lyle Cougars 27-12 Friday, October
11. Claude Warner,grade school -PROTECT Workers"
dent; Mrs. Ewing, secretary, and Rights
Miss J. Murray, treasurer. The meet- pupil, who plays on the high school
team scored ~hree of the four touch- ~C DRIVE OUT Alien
ings are to be held the first Monday downs made by the high school. Agitators
of each month.
Mrs. R. F. Nll~lock returned home ~ BANISH "Boss"
Monday after a ten day vacation STUDENT BODY OFFICERS Control
spent at Cannon Beach. President .............. Roy BoR KEEP AMERICA
Miss Cawdry and Miss Graham Vice President .,; .....Lorene Lewis Safe, Secure,
~vere visitors in the Dalles Saturday. Secretaxy ........ Lucille Ladiges ot Peace
Mr. and Mrs. T. Hanson and son Treasurer, ............ Dale Cress
visited relatives in Roosevelt over Sargeant of A~rms .... Dean Martzall
the weekend. Editor of Glenwood F, agle ......
Mrs. Clarice Splawn has returned Nellie Hathv~way
to her home at Seaside, Ore., after Yell Leaders ......... ~Harold Harter
a visit with er~iend ~nd relatives and Helen Bolt
here and in Glenwood.
Mr. and Mrs. Leathers, of Dee, Royal and Underwood Portablet
Oregon, have been visiting several typewriters. Sn~all down payment,I
days at the home of Mr. ~nd Mrs. balance in small monthly payment. I
Wm Cody. Mrs. Cody is a daught, r nquire at S nt eL tt
of Mr. and Mrs. Leothers.
.Mr. and Mrs. Stalely and daugh- Read and Use the Want
(Paid Political Advertisement)
ter were visitors in Carson, Was~.,
lover the weekend.
Ernest Quinton was one of the~ '~
lucky few to get a deer Saturday.
Janet Staack, of The Dalles, vis-
ited at the home of Mr .and Airs.
Frank Bradford over the weekend.
Eighty-five Grangers met at the
ALDDP, f~I~E--(~ecial)---~Friday Grange hall Saturday, night where
the Mountalnvtew Grange put ,on
t'he initiation of the third degree
and Columbia Grange the fourth
degree. There were four visitors
from Centervtlle and 30 from White
Mr. and Mrs. V. C. Sorensen drove
to ff~ood River Thursday and of Washington
brought Mrs. C. R. CookNey and the
new little daughter home from the
Hood River hospital, the
Donald Bvashler ~ras taken to ~he at
Dalles Monday where he was treat-
ed for poison oak.
Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Allbrltton mo-
Hicks and femlly.
Mr. and M~-s. Frank Pierce, Gary,
1~r. and Mrs. Cy Pierce, Dora, Murlel
and Imogene motored to Hood River
All ~chose from this vicinity that
attended the dance at Roosevelt had
a very good time.
Mrs. Paul Miller and children vis-
ited with Mrs. A. L. Lowell Friday.
!Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Seely and
family and Mrs. C~e Seely vlsRed Mr.
and Mrs. Carl ~eely end family Sun-
• •
• •
(Paid Political Advertisement)
tored ~o Yakima Monday. day.
M~s. Robert Glesco and Norms !Mr. and Mrs. Delmar Allbritton
Lee Glasoo were over n4g~t guests at and girls, Mr. and Mrs. iEd I.~ne were
the Ca~'l Seely home Saturday, ~unday d~nner guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Air. and Mrs. Clara Miller and E. L. Allbritton.
~am~ly motored to Sunnyslde SundayI "'
v~here they visited wit'h Mr. and Mrs. t Sell it through tke Want Ad~.