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The Goldendale Sentinel
Goldendale , Washington
October 24, 1940     The Goldendale Sentinel
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October 24, 1940
Newspaper Archive of The Goldendale Sentinel produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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October 24, 1940 THE GOLDENDALE SENTINEL--Goldendale Washington Page Nine [Beauty Reaches All-Time High in New '41 Chevrolet I BASKETBALL STARTS FOR BICKLETON HIGH Goldendale Defeated 21 To 0 BIC~LEfrO,N --- (Special) -- Mrs. Clarence Kelley and Mrs. John Ras- mussen were luncheon guests of Mrs. E. V. Schrantz Wednesday. J. 1. Wherry, Gee. Flower and E. J. McPherson ~ttended the football between Goldendale and Marquette at Goldendale Friday. After Scoreless First Half;Mrs. E. V. Schranltz, Mrs. Delmar ' Blocked Kicks Hurt Allbritton, Mrs. Chris Jensen, Mrs. Chas. Jensen, Mrs. Alfred Jensen and' After playing Marquette on near-Mrs. Gee. Matsen attended a Girl ly even terms through a scoreless Scout meeting for the mot)hers in first half, ~Goldendale faltered in the White Salmon M.ond;ay They went third period and went down to de- in Mrs. Matsen's car. " feat 20 toO here Friday afternoon .......... I ........ All tile resorters were in ~aKlma rne u... ~. eleven's ae~ense crump- ~. ....... sti" ' led mid-way through the third period rTmay ~or teacher s ~n tare. and the hard running Yakima eleven Clarence MeC.redy, George and punched over a touchdown Junior and Kei'tb Jensen went pheas- Me.rquette's initial score came ant hunting Sunday. when Jim Hanses, halfback, took the H.W. Freer went deer hunting in ball on an off tackle play on Cr H S Klickit~t ~Sunday and got a 190 lb. 35 and raced through the entire Gold- deer. 1 endale team to score. Marquette had M,rs. C. J. Jansen entertained a ~ into ~,~H,, ~,,, t~ 1 few guests at a dinner party Tuesday scor"ing'p'lay on e. couple'o'f pa~-tiall';' ntgh,t in honor of her son, Keith, on blocked Goldendale punts, his birthday. The guests were Mr. I .Goldendale took the next kick-off/and Mrs. Gee. Matsen and Phyllis, a cou le l~lchard Wilson, Hugh Coyle and land after p of plays passedt ! ' " 2 B,111y Jensen [from ~t,heir own 5 yard line. HansesI l intercepted and ran for a second l Mr. and Mrs. Gee. Ma~sen end /touchdown. Both conversions failed. [Phyllis were in Portland Friday and ..... ....... ++o +n+ ,, .... la ....... Basketball game Friday night at U on the last ,p y in tne mira quart- .............. t ~:~ m cne ~lCKlevon nl~n SChooL er Bud Bradstreet, Goldendale half, . . ........ gym between B,i.ckleton and Rodse- oroppeo DUCK to pass aria was tacK- "" ~" " end ¢ " vett ~irst ann see e:e4ns play. , led on his own 19 yard line. O~ the ' . ......... .......... IM A. Coll~lns was In wfllxe ~almon I same play ne Ium,Dleo ann zvlarque~e .......... & ~vvonaay ior a ~'. u. 1). meeung. I recovered. Marquette made another , " " rs M A .... "~ ~vlr. ann ~v~ . . • wonlns were ~first down and had goal to go on the ............ • [ Goldendale five yard line in uresnam ann ir-oruanu ~rom 'rnurs- N0n'llnee Then the G. H. S. team rallied in day to Saturday last week. Mrs. Col- a gallant g~e~ line stand and took lins visiited with Mrs. J. S. Dogmas, the ball on downs on their own one while Mr. Collins a,ttended a P. U. D. foot line. After running the hall out meeting. for a fi~t down on the 12 yard line Mrs. Martin Copenlhefer ente~tMn- Completely new styling joins with numerous mechanical improvements to make the new 1941 Chevrolet, now on display at all dealers', a worthy succe~or to the c~s which have earned first place in public iavor year rater year. The greater size and roominess of the new models, as well as their sleek new beauty, are apparent in the Special De Luxe Sport Sedan, shown above. At (2) is shown the spacious interior of the same model's rear compartment, and at (3) is its front compartment, showing two-spoke steering wheel with horn-blowing ring, Ilew sliding-type sun visors, and smartly re-styled dash. One of the major changes is substitution of concealed safety-steps (4) for the running boards of other years, an [improvement adding to the car s beauty without sacrifice of the safety.and convenience which running boards pro- vide. At (5) is the six-cylinder Chevrolet valve-in-head engine for 1941, in which many refinements have been made. Horsepower is increased from 85 to 90 without affect- ing economy; and cooling, lubrication and carburetion are all improved. In circle is the new switch which reverses the ignition current polarity each time the starter is oper- ated, indefinitely prolonging the life of distributor points. Amendmenfs to the State Constitution TO BE VOTED ON NOVEMBER 5, 1940 STATE OF WASHINGTONt OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF STATIC. To Whom It May Concern: In obedience to the State Constitution, and the several Joint Resolu- tions of the State Legislature hereinafter referred to, there is hereby l~ublished for'the consideration of the voters of the State of Washington, hree proposed amendments to the constitution of the said state, as fO1- :ATE JOINT RESOLUTION NO. 1 in addition to the amount invested in such shares. Be I$ Resolved, By the Senate and the WhA ;,~,;,l~t.,.-,, ,~.ffi..,,.,--~,1, ~!,o~ .*.,..~, ~h~nO f R e P ~se nyJ~s~eli°: thes sS:a t e a°f" hold-or s ";f'-banking corporations organized gr, g , " under the laws of this state which shall pro- ,~bled: ............. vide and furnish, either through member. *nat n~ ~ne general mermen to ne nero m 1 e F t I a ....... ship "n th ederal Deposi nsur nee Cot- lie state on the "luesaay nex~ succeeaing poratlon or through membership in an~ *e first Monday in November, 1940, there other in'strumentali~, of the Government roll be eubmitted, to the qualified voters of of the United Stat~= tnvuranee or security *fro ~.tat.e for ~hetr ado~ti?n, and approval for the payment of the debte and obligation| revenues, an amenamen.~ v,o the ~onstitu- of such banking surporatton ~quivalent to ou Of the State of Wasmngton repeaung ~t ........ " that required by the laws of the United zon "L oz ar~*cm .~.., ....... States to be furnished and provided by na- ,~n~ ~ 1~ Furtne~ ~eso~vea. ".tna~ ~ne tionai bankin~ ~eoeiati~nm sh~l! ht~ ~1~.d ~tor~t:/2t~atje~hd~enC~U~ ~: f~or~i°silneg1 from llability-~r the -debts ~t-~" ol~li~flo~s P of such banking corporation to the same ex- at least three (3) months preceding tent that stoekhold,~re of nat~,,,,-~ t,o,,~, election, in u weeklYws~eWsp~per u~bn associations are relieved from liahlli~-y-fo~ county where a n P P P " the debts and obligations of such national throughout the state. Passed the Senate February $, 1939. VICTOR A. MEYERS, President of the Senate. Premed the House March 6, 1939. JOHN' N. SYLVESTER, Speaker of the House. Filed in the office of the Secretary of State, 1939. banking associations under the laws of the United States. And Be It Further Resolved, That the See- rotary of State shall cause the foregoipg con- stitutional amendment to be puldished for at least three months next preeed|ng the elec- tion in a weekly newspaper iu every county where a newspaper l~ publishe~ throughout the etate. l~aesed the Senate February 21. 1939. VICTOB A. Mln~zs, :President of the Senate. Passed the House March 5, 1939. SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION NO. S for an amendment of section 11 JOHN lq. SYLV~TEg, XII of the Constitution of the Speaker of the House. of Washington relating to the liability Filed in the ofltee of the Secretary of Stat4t, ~dr.holders in eorpors.tions, including March 7, 1939. :~ corporations, for the debts and ob- ms of such corporations, and enabling gislature to provide for the placing of ~bllity of stockholders of banking car- HOUSE JOINT RESOLUTION N0• 18 ions organized under the laws of this B¢ It Resolved, By the Senate and the for the debts and obligations of such House of Representatives of the State of rations upon a basis of equality with Washington in legislative session assembled | liability of stockholders of national That at the general election to be held in "[n~ associations for the debts nnd obli. this state on the Tuesday next succeeding ms of such associations under the laws the first Monday in November, 1940, there ~e United States• shall he submitted to the qualified elector~ It Resolved, By the Senate and House of this state fur their approval and ratifleeo epresentatives of the State of Washing- ties, or rejection, an amendment to Article in legislative session assembled :Ill of the Constitution of the State'of Wash° ~at at the general election to be held in ington, by adding thereto a new section to state cm the Tuesday next sueceeding be designated section 26 a~ follows : first Monday in November, 1940, there Section 26. The people hy initiative, o~ I be submitted to the qualified electors the legislature by appropriate enactment~ this state for their approval and ratifies- may fix, change, raise or lower the salary of }r rejection, nn amendment of section any constitutional or other officer of the article XII of the Constitution of the state, including members of the legislature: of Washington, so that said section Provided, ho~ver, The ealary of the legit- amended shall read as follows: lators shah not exceed Fifty Dollars per 11. No corporation, association, month. Any and all constitutioual provl. issue or put in circulation sions to the contrary are hereby repealed. but the lawful money of Each stockholder of any Passed the House March 8, 1959. or insurance corporation or joint JOHN ~T. SYLV~STI~ shah be individually" and Speaker of the Hol~e. liable equally and ratably, and ~assed the Senate March ~, 1989. one for another, for all eont~acte, debts, en~ag~nente of such corporation or as- VICTOR A. M~, aeer~ng while they remain such President of ~ ~enat~ to the extent of the amount of Filed in the oflSe~ of the ~,erete~ of Sf;gte~ therein at the par vahm thereof, March 18, 19~9. STATE OF WASHXtqGTON, Oi~FlC~- OF THZ S~Cm~T~aY OF STaTI. B~LZ ltx~s, Secretary of State of the State of Washington~ certify above and foregoing contains a full, true and cot- copy of SenateResolution No. 1, Senate Joint Resolution No. $ 13, passed by the Legislature of the State: Washington at its twenty-sixth session, as appears from the origina~ said Joint Resolutions on file in my office. Witness M~I Hand and the seal of the State of Wu3dngton th~ 1~ of May, 1940. [a ,u Vote For Greater Washington Goldendale dropped back to punt. A ~Marquette lineman rushed in and blocked the kick. The ball bound- , ed back off his chest and rolled over the end zone for en automatic safety and two more points for the Yakima team. In~ercept Pass Still seeking another touchdown a Marquette b~ck intercepted a desper- a'te fourth period Goldendale pass and ran the b~ll back to the G. H. S. nine yard line. From there Pete Many, substitute halfback, went over for the ~inal touchdown of the day. Hanses kicked the try for point. In the final minutes of the game Goldendale carried the ball down the ~eld oo a combination of running plays and passes and had third down on the Marquette four yard line as the gun sounded. Lost Ball DILL night except from 6:45 to 7:00 over Stations KVAN, Vancouver; In the first period Ootdendale drove down to the Marquette 15 By Voting For yard line only to loose the ball on downs. A 15 yard penalty for un- necessary roughness in the second period cost Marquette a scoring chance in the second period after they had carried the ball down to Golden~ale's 15. Another Marquette threat ended a few minut¢s later when V. T. Smith intercepted a Mexquette pass on his own goal line. for ,The game was a costly one for Goldendale in many respects. Bob Groves, first string guard, was taken oust with an injured side early in the second half. Jim Brooks, quarter- back, suffered a bruised leg and was sent to the shower a few minutes later. Sleeper/njured ,Don Sleeper, G~ldendale end, re- ceived an injured leg on next to the ~ast play of his team's fourth period gem line stand. :Bob Groves, until he was forced to retire from the game, was easily C~Idendale's outstanding linesman. Joe Mallon, one of the Wolves pony guards, played the entire game and was in on nearly every tackle. His play in the second half was outstand- ing. Don ~leeper also ~urned in an out- standing oerformemce par,ticularly on defense. Bud Bradstreet, starting his first gwme at hat~ba~k, did a capable Job of passing and completed'several tosses to Chet Basgerley at quarter- back. Good Marquette Blocking For Marq,uette the Chat Senna- bend, end, and Fr~ser~ at fullback, was outstanding. Hanses played a brtlli~nt offensive game. One of the outstanding features of the Marquet- te offense was their ability to get three men interference out in front of their ball carriers. The Iineugs follow: Marquette 21 Goldendale 0 Sonnabend E SleeI~er Rooney T Wonder LaJ~mbe G Byars Sherry ~ Groves LaBrecque G Mellon I-Ibg~n T Hanson Lindekngal E Bulmer Marteli Q Baggerley Hanses H Bradstreet M cArdle H C. Smith Fraser F V, ~nith ed Mrs. Donaho, Mrs. Nellie Collins and Mrs. Delmar Allbritton at a luncheon and bridge party last Fri- day. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Copenhefer were Sunday guests of Mr. end Mrs. G. C. West of Sundale. ,Social meeting of the Good Will F~rlday afternoon at the M~tsen lodge. Mrs. Austin, Mrs. B. H. Faulk- ner and Mrs. Carl Carter are on the serving committee. IMr. and Mrs. Ed Flower were Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. G. A. Glcss of Roosevelt. ~Mr. and Mrs. Ed Flower were Sun- day dinner guests of Mrs. G. A. Glass, of Roosevelt. Mr. and Mrs. l%oy Hosfelt called an M,r. and Mrs. John Dodson Sun- daY. Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Flower return- ed Monday after a ~en days' visit in Portland, Tigaxd and Gresham. His ability to handle the affairs of the Auditor's office in an efficient manner has been proven his appoint- ment by the board of county commis- sioners in May, 1939. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hosfelt were in ~unnyside on business ~riday. . ~dr. and Mrs. Ingrain and Jimmie were in Yak,ima Friday. Jerry ~nod- (Political advertisement) grass returned home with them for ......... ~ a weeks' visit. ~~ - : =- -- - :~'~~~ Mr. and Mrs. Ingrain were Sun-I~ DEMAND AN ABSTRACT I day c~llers of Mr. and Mrs.Carl I; ....... Carter . • _ If You Buy Real Estate -- You Will Probably w~lerw:::enMrSues~°Y Van Nosternl~ Have to Furnish one Should You Sell ; g ts otand Mrs .... • "I 1 or . or gage Roy Duryee. They spentSunday / hunting pheasants. [~ _ _ ~VIr. and Mrs. Carl Carter +went]~ Title $ with Harold Naught to Yakim~[~ . ,,~,+,,.~-~ ~.,+~, ++ a~-~ Thursday to see Mrs. Harold Nausht. ll Guarantv Comuanv ~She is reported doing very well I~ .~ a- - ,~ Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Wilson visited/~ Notary Public relatives in Goldendale Sunday. ~¢¢-¢-:--~-::::~:¢~:¢::~::~:~:-~=-~¢~-~-::::::~-~:;¢~7~:~=:~ Fred Zumwalt visited his brother in Yakima Sunday. A deuce will be given by the 4-H clwb Saturday, October 26, at the Grange hall. E~er~body come and bring your friends. ,Plans are being made for the Senior play, "A N~ght A~t T~e Rip Van Winkle." I.t will be given Nov- ember 16 at the h,igh sohool. A food sale will be held by the Girl Scouts all day, November ~. M~rs. C. L. Crider and Marybeth and Isubell Yarnell went to TVae Dalles on business over the weekend. ARE A MEMBER Of the American Bankers Association, a national or. ganization with over M,ooo members. Jl Jt NOTICE OF 4~ITY PRIMARY ELECTION Notice is hereby given to the legal electors t~h~vt the City of Goldendale will hold a primary election on Nov- ember 2, 1940, at the usual polling pleces in the City, at which time candidates for the offices of Mayor, and ~hree Councilmen will be nomin- ated. The following candidwtes for the above named offices, have legally declared themselves as candidates: ~For Mayor, C. H. Knosher, City. For Mayor,J. W. Dressel, City. Councilmen, Einar Andersen, City. Councilmen, Gee. Klein, City. Councilmen, D. Ladbetter, City. .q~he polls will be open from 8:00 a. m. to 8:0,0 p• m. H. W. MORT, it--- City Clerk. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Show spent Sunday in The Dallas visiting their daughter, Mrs. MarJorie Bennett/| and family, tl Ralph Barber, White Salmon at-l| t~rney, and Edgar H, Canfield, county prosecutor, were ~n Yakima on business Tuesday afternoon. A Sentinel Want Ad will roll bhoee unused s4~el~ you may hav~, i ances wlll be alike• Our membership means that we are in dose touch with developments in the realm of banking. It means that we have available many helpful services designed for more efficient and more helpful bmddug. It is ev/dence that we are alert, pro- 8restive, and anxious to grasp every op- portuniv? to broaden and improve our to community.