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The Goldendale Sentinel
Goldendale , Washington
October 24, 1940     The Goldendale Sentinel
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October 24, 1940
Newspaper Archive of The Goldendale Sentinel produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page Ten GOLDENDALE SENTINEL---Goldendale, Washington Thursday, October 24, T • NOTICE OI~ SPEOAL F~YI'IOOI~ Central Klickitat Bwd Shootin- ROOSEVELT HIGH [ OBITUARY " i 4-H Club Elects Ends FIVE WINSGAMEI ----- Lyle Grangers Four :ROOSeVElT (Spe--"~cial)----Mr and] Albert John Niva was born at Sponsor E lalNe~ Mrs Robert Miller and Barbara ICentervllle, Washington, October 3, ors of Wishram School District No. ~ All ~hooting .of migratory birds Lughlbuhl, of Portland, attended the[1888 and passed ,,away at his home 94 of Klickitat County Washington, Keith Kayser, son of Mr and Mrs i an ]nl 11 ~ ~ " t ~n ~iioll be sh~ld~:trW~?r~e Ps~a;taf Mark Kayser of CenterviIle, was at d4 :u00, ~t:~e g:?: da.nCeday withSaturdaYMr andnightMrsandwSpentK Read-IS~n" ITM16, Goldendale1940 at the WednesdaY,age of 52 yearuOCt°berand soringC°lumbiaan oldGrange'time leap°f Lyle,yeariS danceSp°n- N~ovember, 1940, for the purpose of elected president ~f the Central * protectors warnedthis week Ac- er .... I 13 days. He had been in poor health this Saturday night, October 26. The voting a 10 _m_lll special levy to retire Klickitat 4-H club for the coming cording to federal law shooting is The high school basketball team t'since 1934 when he suffered a a~hnission price will be 25c per per- oonus now uue. ' "in .... n Golden i Polls will be open from 8:00 a. m. year at a meet g nero z -allowed on ducks, geese and other defeated the town ~eam in an over Istr°ke" Since 1938 he had been ,lie- son. o'clock to 8:00 p. In. o'clock, dale last Saturday. migratory waterfo~vl from sunrise to The Columbia Grange has extend- time period in a fast game last Wed-ling in Goldendale. Football Team Will Play At Granger Fr]da Coach Fred Taylor's growing: of gridiron cripples will get a r this week when the Woplves go Granger Friday for what should a breather. of f( tO: -~ i:Dr Dated this 21t day of O,etober, 1940. ~ , g p ,:|. Granger aeeordin to re 0r~:: By order of the t~oard of Directors. Kayser succeeds Jaek Davenport 4:00 p.m. • " He was the oun est son of I-renr ed an invitation to all members of tJhe has not won a game this year. ~| (Signed) IgUGEiNIA J. CI.~II~, who was president of the club dur-f Duck season is open froul Octobernesday evening in t~e scnoo~ gym. Y g Y . ............. land Eliza/beth Niva both of whom Goldenu~le Grange to attend Eleanor Sleeper, Bob Groves and 1" O24-31t2-- its first year of activity. Other i 16 to Deceulber 14 with shooting al- ~vtr. ann lvirs. ~ranK wnaiey ant , / -- ~ nevcly elected officers include Mark~lowcd every day. Hunters in Klicki- son, Jimmy, were Sunday guests of were born in Finland. Later( they D°°icy' secretary announced, i Brooks are all nursing injuries ~iJL~' To relieve =~NI~{ Kayser, vice president, and Janice i tat county are allowed to take geese the Elam Binns family, came to America and took tip rest- ceived in the Marquette game he~[i m. Misery of , I Garner, secretary and treasurer, only on Sundays and Mondays. Mr. and Mrs. :Roy Marvel were deuce in Michigan. They came on HOUSE BUILDING BEE last Friday. Brook~ and Sleeper In~| . -] LIQUID At their meeting Saturday 4-H i Chinese pheasants may b2 taken lweekend guests of Mrs. Marie Binnslwest along With other pioneers andi HELD IN HEIGHTg AREAiseo action at Granger but Groves i$] / TABIA~]TS this week [settled in Centerville some 60 years ...................... SALVE !club members voted to sponsor a ion 0ctolber 26. 27, 30, Nov. , 3, 6, Gertrude Clark s ent the weekend'ag° 1 -''----'-- definitely out. Sl|, " I ' P " KLICI, SI, TA~T H~iIGI4TS----(Speetal) I Next week ~he G. H. S. boys pl |, NO~E DROLl,, t dance at the Centerville Grange!10. and 12. The same open dates l in :Roosevelt w~th Shirley C~'ider t On October 18. 1917 he was mac- ,Mabton. The Mabton team is repot" iLo¢~'l COUGH DBOI S ! hall, Oct. 26. Refreshments will be prewdl for quail and Hungarian " | Mrs. Vesta bets entertained the 4-H i Try "Rub-My-Tlsm" a Wonderful ' Linhnent ] served at this dance. At the nleet- : p'lrtridges. Shirley and Gertrude rode the bicycle ried to Bessie Irene Marsh, who to- gether with two %rothers and a sis girls and ~heir mohhers last Wednes- ed, ly-one of the strongest ....... ii ing club members voted a public R~,I)orts from local hunters ~ho to Roosevelt from Gately's. . -. ~f,.~,. ~ _ - day night at 7 o'clock ~lose attend-clubs in the valley. In Rossier "-- ~ II expre~si.on of thanks to the mer- took advantage of the first few days The primary room ~held a party in ~er, surv~es ram: w~mam ann ~ew . " have the best high school passer honor of Jimmy Symond s seventh Niva, both of Centerville and Mrs. lng the dinner were Mr. and Mrs. this district. • • t~• II chants and others who helped make shooting indicate that pheasants and r '" ' ~'- " ~ e w "-~,,~,'- --',-~h V~rIn C.ody and d~ughters, Mary and r~(t ~ranam, o~ ..asa~_...a, wa~... lrlplex Lleaners I their shows a success durh~g the partridges are harder to find than birthday on Tuesday, October 22. ~. .... Barbara Mrs. Jim West and daugh- While living in t~en~ervi,iie ne ~. ~. ', .... i past year. usual in the vaqley this ),ear. See- C~ke, cookies, coca and jello were " o- l...... i er. o.oen oodric,h an. Ag Club Slates Phone 542 Goldendale eral bunters reported good shooting served in the afternoon, was for ~x years aget ~ ot vne b. ~. ~ dau htets ' I & S. railway, and for 17 years was i~ ~ " Jean and Arlene and Jean- I1 Joe Nesbitt, of Ko~tnos. Wash., in Yakima valley and %Valla Walla. The Camp Fire Girls held a meet- . ...... l ette Shelby all of Lyle and Alma Hallowe'en Dan, All kinds of repairing, It received minor injuries In an auto lug Wednesday after school. Plans also a merchant in the same place, i . ._. " ...... l ant ~rlna r~usseu of the r~elghts He was a veteran of Foreign Wars " alterations etc It accident that occurred last week. The Sentinel can fill you Christmas were made for the Mo'ther and I~d and a member ef the Louis Leidl Mrs. Pearl Johnson is taking care Friends and boosters of the G, ' " ]i He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred cards needs. Hundreds of cards, low party to be given November 1. post of the American Legion; as of the ~wo little Cghartier boys, of endale high school Fu~ture Far~ [1 Nesbitt, of Goldendale. prices. Order early, andMrs'Mrs.GlaSS'symondsMrS" ~ttendedReader andthe MY.in_ well as a member of fraternal orders I W~hite Balm,on, while their mother is club this ~'eek received invitatJ stitute in Yakima Thursday and Fri- of Masons and Knights of Pythias. I convalescing from a major operation, to nattend t~he a.nnual HalloW~ As a youth he was baptized into theI A great big hearty "thank you" da ce to be held in the gym Fri daYMr.Of andlast week.Mrs. Symonds and sons Lutheran faith, from Mr, and Mrs. Elmer Vinton to[evening, October 25. Funeral services were ~held Satur- I their neighborhood friends, the men Music will be furnished by spent Saturday and Sunday in Seat- day at 2 p. m. from the Phillips who came Frid,a,y and spent the day I4ornibrook orchestra. This band tle. Agnes Clark was absent Tuesday. chapel, Rev. C. J. HuH of the Metho-i working as a 'bee" the new house lcludes Wallace Hornibrook, CIDER PLUS DEPOSIT ON IUG Jelly Be .s 10c Gum Drops lb. 10¢ Dates lb. 25c Delicious, box ...... 79c 10 lb. shopping bag .......... 23¢ Spitzenburg, box ... 89c "C" Grade No. 1 Netted Gems, 12 lbs .... 19c No. 2 Netted Gems, 50 lb. bag 49c No. 1 Netted Gems, 100 lbs. $1.39 U. S. No. 1 Deschutes, 25 lbs. 39c Special Values are for YRI. thru MON, Oot 25-28 BAYMAL ~ans No. cans WAV~ KIST Solid, Light Meat KRAft American, Brick Pimiento SOAP bars o.,. w: ',. SOAP pk , £i$" HIGH GRADE 4-1b. MORRELL'S TENDERIZED Picnic Style l Sirloin Steak, lb ............. 25c Beef Roast, blade cuts, lb... 171/ c Short Ribs, lb ............. 12V c Swiss Steak, lb. ............. 25c BALOGNA LIVER SAUSAGE FRANKFURTERS VEAL STEAK PURE PORK SAUSAGE LAMB SHOULDER ROAS' Dry Picked Colored Hens, lb. 15c Pork Roasts, picnic style, lb. 111/2c Pork Steak, lb. .............. 15c Willapa pint Salmon, ocean caught, lb... Ki(clln (7raft Flour, 49 lb. sack . . . $1.19 l'hiyfair Dog Food, 1 lb. can, 6 for 25c 3lay Day Salad Oil, qt. 29c; ~ gal 55c Briargate Green Beans, No. 2 can llc Harper House Pears, No. 2~ can...18c Lunch Box Sandwich Spread, qt...35c Ril)e Olives, med. No. 1 can, 2 for 25c Stellar Tissuesh, 200s 8~c; 500s 17c l)iamond Wax Paper, 125 ft. roll..10c Kitchen Brooms, each ........... 29c Fh'ench's Mustard, 6 oz. jar ....... 8c Popcorn, Jolly Time, 10 oz. can...12c Canterbury Tea, ()range Pekoe, ~ lb. Marshmallows, Fluffiest, lb ....... 10c Grape Nuts, reg. pkg., 2 for ...... 25c Pumpkin Pie Spice, 2 oz. can ....... 9c Julia Lee Wright Bread, 1~ lb. loaf 13c Edgenlont Smacks, lge. pkg .......14c She accompanied her f~ther and old- er sister, Verona, to the valley, where they attended her grandmoth- er, Mrs. I_mng's funeral. Mrs. Gee. Clark has been at her mother's home since Thursday. The dance given by the high school last Saturday was well attended. A good time was had by all present. Many out of town guests were pres- ent. Elam Binns received a box of~ candy. Numbers Drawn (From First Page) the na~tional well-being." Dependents under the act may in- clude a wife, divorced wife, cllild, parent, grandparent, brother or sis- ter, or any other person under 18, or a person of any age who is phy- sically or mentally handicapped, whose support the registrant has as- sumed in good fai,th. The selective service regulations are not entirely clear in classification in Vhe case of registrants with wives who ,±re gainfully employed. General classification In this regard is made by the board on the basis of facts disclosed in investigwtion. Number one registration in the c~unty went tO Joe Lee Scott, of Maryhill. Number two went to James David Huskey, of Wishram; three to Norman Douglas Riseman, of Wish- ram; tour d~o Melvin Lawrence Mill- er, of Cliffs; and five to. John ~anke, of Bingen. Nu,mber 13 went to :George Davy Morris, of W~nRe Sal- moil. In the registration Wednesday, 228 men between the ages of 21 and 36 were registered in Goldendale. VChite Salmon with 154 registered had ~he largest single precinct total. Bingen with 143 was second. Small- est number of registrants was record- ed at Cliffs and Bend with six. The registration by precincts tel- lows: Alder Creek 34, Alderdale 11, Appleton 25, Bend 6, Burdoin Heights 21, Centervllle 39, Cleveland 11, Cliffs 6, Columbus 24, Columbia 8, Dot 10, Fruit Valley 25, Glenwood 81, G