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Newspaper Archive of
The Goldendale Sentinel
Goldendale , Washington
October 31, 1940     The Goldendale Sentinel
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October 31, 1940
Newspaper Archive of The Goldendale Sentinel produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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October 31, 1940 THE GOLDENDALE SENTINEL--Goldenchie, Washington Page Five I Assessor Works Chff s Shoe Shop On Tax Program Will Move Nov. 6 County A esso--U Pa--: McEwon C li, Harnes a hoe shop will his staff are now busy eomputing/be moved from its present location the 1941 tax in preparation for the o11 East Main street into t~he Abel- field assessment work scheduled t,o ing building Nov. 6, Albert Cox, begin after January 1. Pemons who wish to make com- er suggestions concerning the assessmen t of their property ~Ould make known their wants McEwen said. Complaints may • l~#o be filed with the field assessors they begin their work in Jan- LOWEST-PRICED CAR WITH proprietor announced. The shop will occupy the same quarters formerly used by the Mod- ern Shoe Shop. This o'ffice is now being used t~o house the Repulbllcan headquarters in Goldenda,le. See The Sentinel for Christmas cards. SEE WHAT DODGE FLUID DRIVE* REALLY MEANS! ~V]'ORDS can't do it W justice! You've got to see and drive this new 1941 Dodge Lux- ury Liner! You've got to let your own eyes tell you how much bigger, wider and foamier it is! You've got to experience the thrill of driving for hours in high gear-- Golden and Court Streets ALDERDALE RESIDENTS CELEBRATE BIRTHDAYS even in heavy traffic-- without shifting! Only then will you fully know what Dodge has done for '41 ! Be our guest for a Fluid Drive*...with- out cost or obligation! *Fluid Drive oDtional at slight extra cost FLUID DRIVE* AffJDl~RX)ALE---(.8pecial) ---- Mrs. ,Berth~ Rogers, Mr. and Mrs. Jack JScroggins motored to Seatd;le and Portland on a short vaca~ci.on and visit over the weekend. Mrs. Cy Pierce was a weekend vis- itor at the ~ale ranch. ~r. and Mrs. Dean Ganders, of Seattle, spent Sunday with Mrs. Ganders folks, Mr. and Mrs. A. b. Lowell. .Sunday a bix~thday dinner was held at the Carl 'Seely home in honor of Darrel Seely and Mrs. Harold Seely. Their guests were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Allen, Mr. and Mrs. Claud Woods and Lets, Leonard C~oodnigh't and Mrs. M. HMe and Piper. Fpank Churchill, Winston and Iris were ~alley callers Saturday. Dora ,Pierce spent Saturday and ,Sunday with Doris Brinkman. Mr. and Mrs. Boss ~nd daughter, of Sunnyside, were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. 4B. Vergin Sunday. Mrs. A. J. ,Smith returned h.ome l~st week ai~ter a summer vaoatlon in California. Mr. and Mrs. Ed A21britton motor- ed to Yakima on business Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Tom M~iller and Don visited with Mr. and Mrs. A. L. County G. O. P. Members Rally At Bickleton More than 250 Klickitat Republi- cans met at Bickleton last Friday night in the most enthusiastic G. O. P. county rally held in recent years. Frank Miller, Republican candi- date for U. S. representative in the fourth congressional district, was ~he principal speaker. He flayed what he WISHRAM MAN BACK jured foot. FROM HOSPITAL STAY I Joe Schultz Mrs. E. N. Robeztson WISHRA.M--(Specia~I) -- Mrs. P. P. Hopkins went to Vancouver Tues- day afterndon to spend a couple of days. Joe Sehultz returned home from the hospital in Portland Tuesday. Otto Krauspe is visiting his fath- er, Max Krau,spe. has been nmking many trips to The Dalles the past week to see ,his wife who is con- fined t~o the hospita,l there. Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Brehm are the proud parches of a son, Joseph Edward, born October 19, 1940. George Bunn and daughter Ruth spent Sunday in Yakima ~ith the family. Mrs. Phillip Newman. of Oilmer, BILTWELL MADE AND Sunrise Times , Posted By State Quail, tiungarian partridges and Chinese pheasants may be t~ken in KHcki.tat county on the following 'days this week and next: Nov. 2, 3, 6, 10 and 11. Shooting time is from ~ sunrise to 4:00 p. m. In that section ~of Klickitat county lying east of the Whi, te Salmon river quail may be M~s. Mabel Terhune entertained spent one day last week witch ,her, , taken from Nov. 12 to 17, both de.tos Monday night the Pinochle club this:mother, Mrs. France~ Hayes. inclusive. termed the "yes man" policies of his week. ,, .opponent and urged the.t the powers Mrs. Dale Managhan had the ~alw~,-w*~| ~1]'~ , Sunrise times as posted by the o'f ehe legislative arm of our national Pol'lyanna club at her home Wed- a~aA~aLLA --~A~.v,~O I state game department follow: Nov. nesday evening. ~$~|g~ ~'~]l~ ]~,~r]~tzrl 1, 6:45; Nov. 2, 6:47; Nov. 3, 6:48; government be returned to Congress. • / L. E. John drove tie rSkamania ~ ......... vA~'~v'~JINov. 4, 6:50; Nov. 5, 6:51; Nov. 6, Other speakers included: Mark ............. -------- 6:52; Nov. 7, 6:54; Nov. 8, 6:[16; ......... /weanesuay to get his wlie anu ±woulmn anu ~. J. Bates canmuates au hter who have s)ent the ast~ Funeral. rites were held here Mon-iNov" 9, 6:57; Nov. 10, 6:58; and Id g I P , for sixteenth district representatives;week ........... raere w~n net" pal'ents, ira'. ann ] day for Charles, F. Redican. , who I Nov. 11, 7:00 a. m. died 0ct:~ 22 at the Presidio. in Cal-/ _. ~iforniaThe deceased is a brother . ~ . ' ~ I A ~enzinel Want Ad will sell of A1 Red can of Klickitat th - ' ' t ace unusea articles you may have Services were held at the HolyI ............. * rinitv church in oldendale Pan-iMa.n, 5 7}-y bearers included E. C. Kaiser, J. H. Bm'ial was in tlte I 0 O. F ceme- recalled that Mayor Langlie spent one summer in the Blckleton coun- try working in the harvest fields. Lowell Thursday evening. After several weeks visit with Mr. This was while Langlie we~s a stu- and Mrs. F. ChurOhill, of Paterson dent at ~he UniversRy of Washing- ton. • Mrs. I.. Hu~o returned home Sunday. The meeting was held in the Bickleton Grange hall and was under Klickitat Girl the s nsorship of the Republican Honored At "U" county committee t/ FORMER KLICKITAT • : Louise D. Schmidt, Klickitat RESIDENT PASSES l freshman at t~he University of Wash- [ington, was one of the honor group I~lickita/t, Oct. 28--(,Specia~)-- [invited by President Lee Paul Sieg We had quite an argument not long [to an informal reception Thursday ago with one of those fancy people |to be given for freshmen whoa madewho say "rodayo." We maintained exceptionally high scholastic records that though Mr. Webster d~oes pro- in their respective high schOols..,~ Miss Sohmidt is a music majo~ in nounce it with a~ long "a" second syl,lable accent that no self respect- the college of arts and sciences. "This reception is a means of ing co'wboy would perform in one. commending these students for theirWe emerged from the argument 'outstanding scholastic achievements canSliffhtlYimagineil~att'eredhow 0omfortingin spirit soft wasY°U in hig~h school," Hoff, regis- to our bruised feelings to hear Wal- Goldendale, Washington trar, said. ter Winchell pronounce the word in the good old American way and to state his preference for that pro- nunciation. It's okay for California to have rodayos, an old Spanish custom, but at Madison Square Gar- den and in the west we enjoy no- .thing better than a good rodeo witch SEE THE NEW QUAKER Priced from Charles F. Stinson, candide.te for Mrs. Harry Hawkin~s. ~tate senator; John A. Sanders, can-Mr. and Mrs. Ray Chittester, Mr. didate for county commissioner in and Mrs. Dale Monaghan and Mr. the third district; and John S. Robin- and Mrs. L~ster John were in Gold- son, candidate for county commis- endale Thursday evening. sioner in t'he first district. John A. Mrs. Ralph Fenton was ill and Miller, candidate to succeed himself unable to the Thursday evening ~ew as coun,ty auditor, ~tlso spoke, ing clu]b this week. !George tFaulkner, of Bickleton, Mrs. Herbert Jensen, Mrs. Rod spoke in behalf of the candidacy of Terhune and Miss Ray:burn were out Arthur B. Langlie for governor. He of town ,one day the past week. W. A. Ro~bertson drove to Port land Sunday evening and returned Monday evening. Mrs Archie Averill and mother, l Mrs. Gussie Robertson of G oldendale visited Monday with Mrs. Dm~a v~fil-I son. Mrs. Robertson and Mrs. Wil-I san are sisters. I Mrs. Lyle Spencer and daughterI who have spent t, he pmst two weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Win. Harp returned to Caress Thursday. ,Mr. and Mrs. Elwin Coop took them on to their h, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Tim Delaney and Mr. and Mrs. C'lyde Leaehman were in The Dalles Saturday evening. Franci,s Murphy returned from the East Sunday v~here he went to get his new car. Hie visited relatives on the way back and brought his mother's sister home with him. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Fenton and ,son Walllace, were in Goldendale Saturday afternoon %r Wallace to have dental work done. Mr. and Mrs. O. E. John, Alvin John and My. and Mrs. L. E. John were in Goldendale Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Chit.tester and M~s. R. N. Robertson were in Gold- endale Monday evening. ~Mrs. Gladys Hopkins entertained Mlvnday night Pinochle club thi,s the long ",el" ! week. i Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Kreuger. Cecil Allyn, of (loldendale, is Glen Oex and Gay Dinger spent the working at the Carl Krauspe home weekend in Portland. this week. Mr. and Mrs. Engstrom and fam- Valoris Clark, who has been at- fly, of Prineville, Ore., spent the tend'rig heauty sch.0ol in C,hehali~, is weekend in Klickitat visiting with i visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. the Sceffield family. Charles Clark. $52A5 to $72.45 Mrs. Cliff Sager .entertained her Clarence Croffut and Bil,1 Rose, of bridge club Wednesday evening. Seattle, visited their parents over Mrs. Herman Wickman was the i the weekend. prize winner, i Bob Skar, of Camp Murray, vis- In her son Alvin's own words, :ited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Mrs. Frank 0veraker bagged a buck. Skar Saturday and Sunday. • ~::