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Newspaper Archive of
The Goldendale Sentinel
Goldendale , Washington
October 31, 1940     The Goldendale Sentinel
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October 31, 1940
Newspaper Archive of The Goldendale Sentinel produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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sday, October 31, 1940 RICHARD J. THE GOLDENDALE SENTINEL--Goldendale, Washington John Sanders Downs , EXPLAINS SEA CODE Familiar With Goldendale 11 County's Needs By 26 To 0 Score Granger high school's football DEAlt VOTDR : team last Friday handed Goldendale I,t is natural that entering a crushing 26 to 0 defeat in a g~me Republican Candidate a political race, tries to interest played on the Yakima eleven's homei friends ,and others in his success and field. The Valley club had the gameI STATE 1 take the liberty of calling your at- well under control at all times amld tention to the fact that I am the Re- capitalized on G, oldendale mlsteLkes{ R p ti publican nominee for county corn- to ran up the high score• e resents ve missioner for the third district of Loss of five regulars, who were Klickitat county, suspended from the team in a dis- "" VOTE FOR TWO I was born and have lived in East- ciplinary wction shortly before the Richard am a real ~st~te owner and a taxpay- ] squad's reserve strength to a bare J.Bates era liekita't county for 47"years. I]game cut d,own the Goldendale's er. Have been a school director for{minimum Don Hoagland, V T 20 years. Also deputy county field]smith' Ji~m Zevely, Chet Baggerley assessor for 14 years..I am also anland Jim Bulmer were suspended Candidate 2 ... ex service man and served in France I from the team with the Fifth Brigade of the United' ~, Charlie Sanith, fleet-fleeted G~old-I States Marine Corps. endale hal,fback, broke l~ose for oneI i. Having been in business since long run in the Granger game only] 1914, I am very familiar with the to have the play called back• A dif-/ : (l~aid political advertisement)problems of our county, and I know feren, t decist.on on this play mightI ___ that you as a taxpayer, are interested have started the ~oldendale machineI mmll~ in good county government without r~lling. I the waste of your tax funds, and this1 ~ 0 l is my pledge to y~l. t is furnished by means of boiling the Am covering our county as thor-I lemon rinds and utilizing the water oughly as possible, it is imoossi,ble/from them in the filling. This serves ~19 to see ,all, and I will be very grate-las an excel*lent substitute for tile U|i ful for your support and help at the grated rind ordinarily used. oomi~g general election, November A baked custard with a. smo~t~h You would certainly object 5. icily-like interior is much more if somebody else went to the Sincerely yours, easily obtained if the quantity of grocery, bought a lot of things J OH~N A. SA~I)~RS, ReptLblican milk used is heated to the scaldng without your permission and Nominee for County Commissioner point before combination with the charged them to your account, for the Third District, "Klickitat eggs, vani'lla and sugar. In this way, Yet that's about the way the C~ounty. the egg portion is partially cooked PUD law works because the before there is a possi',biliay of curd- PUD Comm;ssioners• now have HOUSEHOLD l l'l S ling. the right to issue bonds without Jelly and jam cords, made of ordi- your consent. If your youngest milk drinker nary :household twine and placed on needs persuasion frequently, try the the top of the jelly glasses prior to Initiative 139 provides that all bond issues in PUDs m'a~t '%pecial glass method." A smaJll their coating with melted paraffin, glass of unusual shape or with en- serve as an excellent means of re- first be approved by the vot¢~ tertaining figures will provide anmoving the who~le sheath of paraffin of the district. On blo~:~,e~ interest in milk drinking not noted without affecting the shape of the 5th you have the chance to before, jelly. RESTORE Y O U R RIGHT TO ~i Orange and lemon rinds do not VOTE. ~ serve merely as a protection to the Order your Christmas cards now. I fruit therein, but at times, both can Take ~dvantage of our unusual spec- Vote nFO~-H be very u~eful as for instance cook ial offer of 50 assorted Christmas ['~ ed and mashed pumpkin, squash and cards, printed with Your name, for Initiative 139 Lf.2J sweet potatoes assume an unusual only $1.00. See our line of Deluxe and distinctive flavor v~hen baked cards, ranging from $2.50 for 25 Let the People Vote League and served in hollowed-out orangecards up to $8.00. The Goldendale Box 97 Ol:'mpia, Wash. halves. In the preparation of lemon Sentinel. " 'pie fil, ling, a less bitter flavor will Paid political adver±isement be obtained if liquid for the receipe Sell it through the Want Ads. Through special arrangements with the mag-,:~:~ : i: azine publishers we offer America's finest .~;): ...... farm and fiction magazlnes-ln combination with our newspaper-at prices that simply cannot be duplicated elsewhere[ Look over this long list of favorites and make YOUR selection today[ This Newspaper 1 Year, and Five Maguzines ALL FOR PRICE; SHOWN ALL SIX ONLY FOR 30111 NEWSPAPER AND MAGAZINES GROUP A -- SELECT 2 MAGAZINES [] McCall's Magazine ----.1 Yr. {'3 Pathfmd~r (Weekly) -.1 Yr. [] True Romanc~ ..--.--1 Yr. [] Modem Romances ~-..1 Yr. [] Fact Digest I Yr.[] Silver Screen ........ 1 Yr. [] Screenland ----.----.--1 Yr. [] Spe~ts Afield .............. 1 Yr. [] American Bey ---...--.1 Yr. [] Open Road (Boys) ...... 1 Yr. [] American Girl..-~.8 Me.[] educe and Discovery..l Yr. [] Parent., Magazine -_6 Me. [] Christian Herald ..... 6 Me. • GROUP B --- SELECT 2 MAGAZINES [] Household Magazine .1 Yr. [] American Fruit Grower 1 Yr. [] Home Arts NeedleerafLl Yr. [] Capper's Farmer ........... 1 Yr. [] Pathfinder ........... .26 ]Mines [] INMtlonal Live~to~ [] Hunting and l~i~..1 Yr. l~roduerr ............... 1 Yr. [] Succe~ful Parming _..! Yr. f'] National Sportsman ..~1 Yr. GROUP 0 --. SELECT g MAGAZINE [] Comfort (Ind. Good [~ Leghorn World ......... 1 Yr. Stories) i Yr. [] American Pltry. Jrul._l Yr. [] Farm Jouma sad Farmer's Wife ........ 1 Yr.[] Breeder's Gazette ...... 1 Yr. I"1 Mother's Hmne Lif~l Yr. [] Rhode Island Red Jrul. 1 Yr. [] Plymouth Rock Mthly..l Yr. I"1 Poultry Tribune ........ 1 Yr. FILL OUT COUPON • M£1L TODAY PLEASE ALLOW 4 to 6 W~I~ ]FOR lqRgr MAGAZINES TO ARRIVE (Cllp lbt ot maga'~/n~# @ter c~$ a~s dew'red a~d reCum ~ia~ ~b ¢o~po~.) Gentlemm: I $. .... I am mdod the oe ffi with a yoar' sub.crtpttou te your l er. NAME ST. OR Captain George Scheltens, widely known master mariner and former commander of the famous yacht "Southern Cross," says the country will be better off when all motorists adopt the courtesy code of the sea, Such a code as now advocated by the Shell "Share-The-Road" Club, he believes, will help prevent crowding on streets and highways, speed up traffio and make driving more pieasrnt. Bowling Loop To Be Formed Here Next Week A city bowling league will be Pr- o ganized here during ~he coming week, T. F. Bensou, owner of the Benson Recreation Center announced Goldendale Team Back At Full today. Players wishing to participate Strength; Valley Club Has in league play should leave their Strong ,Passing Attack names with one of the house men at ..... a " r will hay hisIthe Recreation Center during the uoacn ~'rea 'r ym e " ek coming we . Goldendale high school eleven backs' Ben.~on hopes to staI ~ the league at full stlength Friday when he in • " -[ by November 15. Further details con- vades Ma,bton for a game against]cerning the league organization will the highly touted V~lley club. Mab- be announced next week• ton is sup~)osed to have one of theGoldendale bowlers got their first mo~t powerful passing attacks in the Caste of inter-city competition Sun- Yakima valley "B" league, day when a group of local players G-oldendale will go into the game ldrove to The Dalles for a series of on the short end of the betting odds m,a¢chesl wit.h Oregon teams. Crolden- after dropping games to Granger,I dale's teams failed to win a single Marquette and Grendview in the'match although some of the local Yakima Valley already this year. players received individual honors. In Rossier the Mab,ton team has Fred Anderson turned in the day's one of the finest high school passing high score with a round of 231. Those artists uncovered in recen~t years. ~twho made the trip ,to The Dalles In- ]Goldendale will attempt to 1hatch his [ chided: Phil Hingston, tester Lewis aerial bombardment with a diversi-iBob Anderson, Howard Spalding, fled passing attack featuring the left-i Ralph Rodlum, Max Maurer, Russell handed tosses of versatileV. T. Gay, Bob Linden, Bill Darland, Ted I Smith. [I)arland, T. F. Benson and "Ed Snid- Smith with Jim Buhner, Chet Bag-]er. gerley Don Hoagland and Jim Zeve- Women bowlers who made the trip ly axe'back on the Goldendale squad to The Dalles were: Edith Nickerson, this week, Coach Taylor announced. Hill Reads From Record To Show How Parties Vote Performances not pronlises are what voters must consider in the coming election Congressman Knute Hill declared Monday in a 15 minute address delivered on Goldendale's Main street. Reading from the Congressione.l Record, Representative Hill declared that Democratic votes were responsi- ble for all the farm legislation pass- ed in the past eight years. "Republicans, despite their talk of aid to the farmer, turned down every proposal for farm relief .that appear- ed before Congress in the past eight years," Representative Hill said. "On the original soil conservation and domestic allotment act Republicans in the House voted 75 per cent against passage of the measure. Democrats voted 90 per cent for the same measure." On the AA~ act in 1937, 85 per cent of the Republicans voted nO. Eighty-one per cent of the Democrats voted for .the A~A," Hill declared. MeNary Okeh Continuing to read from the Con- gressional .Record Representative ~ill pointed out that Republicans had voted overwhelmingly against perity payments for farmers in 1940 for a reduction in federal funds for food stam,p purchases, and against an increase in federal surplus commo- dities corporation. Representative Hill, who Monday accompanied the Democl~tic caravan through Klickitat county, declared that the only reason he had left Washington, D. C. a.t this time was because so many other' Congressmen, I including Republicans Joe Martin,! Bruce Barton, W~lsworth, and Ham Fish, were absent it was impossible to secure a quoram. "I am in favor of a cost of produc- tion plan f~r agriculture," Hill de- clared. "In this I have no quarrel with Charles H. MeNary, of Oregon. He too w~s for cost of production agriculture, but his plan was vetoed by Republican presidents Hoover and Coolidge." Other speakers with the caravan included: A1 Henry, candidate for sixteenth district representative; l Harriet Crooks, Verna Culver, Juan- irma. Butterfield and Betty Hamilton. Sunday, November 10~ tour teams from The Dalles will come to Go ld- endale to meet local bowlers. Stanton Ganders, county Democratic Ichaicman; Aq McCoy, of Yakima; and James McCabe, of Yakima, who spoke in behalf .of Seuator C. C. Dill. BOWL for HEALTH Bowling will keep you in trim, it givds you healthful exercise that you need. More import- ant to you, is the fact that bowling is it's a keen sport that relaxes your nerves. Stop in soon and try it at Modern up-to-date alleys Benson's Recreation Center PRECI$IO| REBUILT Goldendah Page Eleven ~._a._~_ l~_'L_ 1_ led to $14,657,000, but decreased to ~,L~[e ~ t..~ll~)q~l~ ]$9,991,891 in 1939, a reduction of $4,664 109 or about one-third Have Few Debts ' , Mrs. Rudy Busche is still confin- Olympia, Oct. 34, (Special)-- i ed to St. Elizabeth's hospital in State Superintendent Stanley F. At-,,Yakima under a physician's care. wood said today Washington's corn-!Her condition is no~v much improved men schools have the lowest bonded land she may be able to return to indebtedness ill the past 24 year~, !her home Sunday. $16,551,000. Dean Gillen~vaters last week laid In 1916 the total bonded d6bt a new cement driveway into the was $15,875,000, but in 1932 it was MacBlaine property on Grant street. $28,031,000, highest point tntheBA CTM A history of Washington's common ~ohool system. ] The bonded d~bt reduction, At- wood said, has been accompanied by ~ ~crea~ ,~ t~ ,oct, *~* ~e~ ?~771~}~i~ ments in local districts. R E V E Such assessments in 1930 amount- (Paid l~olitical Advertiseme~xt) * Do you spell THRIFT with a capital "IF" ? • Will you open a bank account if your ship comes in ? Will you make regular de- posits i] there is anything left over after you pay everything else each month ? • You can knock the "if" out of thrift by making up your mind, right here and now, to start an account and deposit something each pay day, before you spend a cent. U P~oneer )osed O TO BE VOTED ON NOVEMBER 5, 1940 W sm azo , OFFZC~ OF THE SECRETARY OF STATS. To Whom It Malt Concern: In obedience to the State Constitution, and the several Joint Resolu.. tions of the State Legislature hereinafter referred to, there is hereby published for the consideration of the voters of the State of Washington, three proposed amendments to the constitution of the said state, as fol- lows: SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION NO. 1 in addition to the amount invested in such shares. Be It Resolved, By the Senate and the The legislature may provtda that stock- House of Representatives of the State of holders of banking corporations organized Washington, in legislative session ~under the laws of thiz state which shall pro- ~embled: That at the general election to lm held in vide and furnish, either through member- sMP in the Federal Deposit Insuronae ~or- this state on the Tuesday next succeeding poration, or through membership in anl~ the first Monday in No~ember, 1940, there othe~r instrumentoliW of tha Government shah be submitted to the qualified voters of of the United States, Insurance or ~¢urRy this State for their adoption, and approval for the payment of the dehte and obligations or rejection, an amendment to the Constitu- of such banking eo~oratio~ ~ulvalent tion of the State of Washing~on, ]repealing that required by the la~w8 of the United section 7 of article XI. States to be furni~he~ an~ provided by ha- A~d Bs It Furth~" R~dve~, That~ the tion~l banking usl~inti~aa, shall be relis~al - Secretary of State shall cause the foregoing from liability for the debts and obligations constitutional amendment to !~ publtenen of such banking corporation to the same ex- for at least three ($) month~ preeeding ~ent that steekholders of netJonal banking the election. In a weekly newspaper in au~Aattons are relieved ~ li~bfli~ for every county whera • newspaper is pub- the debt~ and obligations of euch national lfshed throughout the state, banking aueclafimns under the laws of the Pa~ed the Senate February 8. 19n. Vurm~ A.., President of ti~ Senato. Pam~l tim Hou~ March ~, 19~9. JOHN N. SYLv~Teg, gpenkor of the Hons~ Fried in the otnea of theSecretery of State, Mare~ '~. 1939. SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION NO. S ~N.o~d/ng for a~ amendment of section 11 of articla XlI of tha Constitution of the State of Washington relating to the. liab!!ity of stoekhoMers in ~po~.tlons, mcm~mg banking corporations, for.~ae debts an~,oo- libations of such corperanone, and enammff the l~lat'u~ to provide for ¢.~ p lactng of the liabilitY of stoekholder~ o~ Dan~zng eor- United Sta~. A.4 Be It Further R~ol¢#d, That the r~tory of State shall enuse the £or~oi~E con- stitutional amendment to be published for at least three months next precedh~q the elec- tion in u weekly new~paper in every countF where a newspaDme is published throughou~ the state. Passed the Senate February ll. 1989. Vmvoe A~ Minims, President of the 8enat~ Famed the House March 5, 19~9. Jox~N N. S~ Speaker of the Hom~ Filed in the office of the Sect~e~ry of St~ March 7, 1939. HOUSE JOINT RESOLUTION NO. 11 potation8 o~.nlesd under" the laws of this Re It Resdeed, By the Senate and the state for the debts anu om~ations of such House of Representatives of the State of ~orperations npon a basis of equality with Washington in legislative session m~hled! the liability of stockholders of national That at the general election to be held in bankin~ rescissions for the debts and Phil- thls s~to on the Tu~,h~ next s~inE gatllms of such associations under the laws the first Monday in November. 1940, thera e/the United States. Be It R~ved, By the Senate and Houu shall he submitted to the q~m/~aed electers of this state for their a~proval and ratifies- of Representatives of the Stats of Wa&hing- tion. or r~jection, an amendment to Article ton, in legislative session mmemhled: Ill Of the Constitutiea of the Stato'of Wash- That at the general election to be bold in ington, by adding, thereto a new Netion to this state on the Tu~Klay n~t eucoeedin~ be desta~a~ ~uon 18 ~ fol~o~- the first Monday in November, 1940, there Section 56. The peopm Dy lnlY~ m' shall be enhmttted to the qualified electors the l eKhdatura by appropriate enactmen~ of this state for their approval u~l maY ~ change, ~ O¢)~er ~ ~,lal'l[ tion, or rejection, an amendment of ~etion any een~tftutlcmat or ~tnor omeer ot tl~ 11 of article XII of the Constitution of the sta~ah ineluding members of the le~alaturet State of, 8o that maid ~ pros/dad, Ao~, The |alary of the legis- when amended shall read u fonowst latees ahall not encoed Fifty Dollars p~ Section 11. No eorporation~ mo~tioa, month. Any and all conatitutional pmv~ or individual ahall kue er put in elmulatJo~ ~ons to the aontrary m hereby repealed, u mone~ anything but the lawful moneY ef Passed the House March 8, 1939. the United States. Each ~ae~ of banking or ineuranee oerporatten or joint JOHN N. SYLVSWrss, stock a~o~lation shall be k~fllvldllany and Spea~el" of the Hom~ pm~onal~ liable equaI~ ..~ad mt~ ,~ Pammd the ~enate March 7, 1959. not one for another, for ~u eontruc~, Pep , VIcvol; A. M~r~mm, and ~ement~ ~ ~ ~on or as. President of the S~nato. secistien ~¢~rning wMis th~ Mmsm s~.,~. stockholders, to the ~d~nt o~the amount ox Fried in the o~lee of the Ikmretery of ~R~b that ~ ~ ~t tim ~ value Ummof, N~'Ch 18, 1999. STAT~ OF WA~TON~ OFFI~ OF TH~ SzeR~Aay or STAT& I, l zv , Secretary of State of the Stere of Washln hexeby certify that the above and foregoing contains a full, true.dud .cot=_ rect copy of Senate Joint Resolution No. 1, Senate Joint Resoluuon ~o. and House Joint Resolution No. 18, passed by the Le~Islatu~ Of the State Of Washington at its twenty-sixth session, as appears from the said Joint Re~olutions on file in my Office. M;t Hand and the seal the Stat of Washlagt &qV of MaT, 1940.