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Page Twelve GOLDENDALE SENTINEL--Goldend le, Washington Thursday, October 31, 1940i
/ 1kA"11 [Miller declared ~...*J .... ~L ..... I~,_,J:~_A_^y ~: ..... Iopinion the "pauper clause" is in-of the legislature. I. have in mind,ultimate amount thereof.._ 1.~,W~is knOW
trunk Miller .......... n- ~" h~s "latform stres~ F.~VlU~llq~q~:~ Olll)W~ [t#dHUIUdtU~ ¥IUW~ I American and undemocratic Assist-the North bank from Maryhill to 7 Yes to such extent as will ~!~t!~:
Ld~LO[ ~@~'~ a~v,.l~l otaaa ~'~nnp~r~ Ied bv~ Miller included" fair adman- tTIq~;;~%,A~.,OtZA~'--':"'" Killed" . On State Issues ance to senior citizens should be re-Kennewick, removal of the Maryhill- IIsult in greater economy ~nd tncr0a~+,~i~:~:~ :~ ~::
istration for labor, observance of , i ]garded'moreasareward than as~,iGoldendale loops and completionled efficiency. +!t!~: 7,
"In two primaries and one geE- constituion: f, ederal ;ld n:2~:lP:d- By Locomotive (From First Page) Idole" [from Paterson to Presser. 8. No, Provided they are
• " (~ ~ vote in .... h~si°n~' real ~oos ~ u P Y , ~ ~-- / 3. Yes. I do not believe the $3- 2 Yes--To be considered how-led by laws and regulations simU~ ~*
oral ele ~tio 1 rs ~ne ~ourt ..... suit~~ ' ~ ' ' ~ .~ :ll~,
eo.gre~sional district have sup- selecttve mihtary training tor no- Definite proof that Francisco Be-I e era£ tlovernmen~lo00,O00 raised annually by the s~lesiever, in connection with available]to those applicable to like cooOe~ l~i-:
ported me for Congress," Frank[ti°n's youtlL cheap power, whether jar, Mexican section hand whose body lw~th equably in every state, and a{tax on food is necessary in our state lrevenues and savings from improved ltive or public agencies. ~ I
admmistered pubhcly or pmvately state tax ~ould only have a tendency revenue s stem Under ,
.~tiller, of Yakima "Republican nomi-I ' " " • we.s found near the railway tracks]'' '* * . | y . the present administration I would resitate tel ~ :l--
ne,~s declared this we:k. "Each time ] ...... ~. east of Roosevelt a week ago, was , ().... keep o•ut th2~ l"a"zLg?;'~nCustries,~, ..... s thatllaWc]p]entseVenmustPensi°nerSa taxesand rellefon thenre- suppOrtneed tc°lnpleteu]~ repeal of .the Mrs. Abshier" Is i n
they have surmorted me by tncreas-]~P~lrl~'~ ~~'~ I killed by a train was uncovered late+ .... ' ..... ] " P Y " " "•i ..... eq "'ement which would
- --~ ~ ~a~,~,aaa~,~o ~a~,~ ~ 7 This code system developed + ....... + • . ~ l'* •
, ~--+ ..,-~. + teresa anu Du~er leave age as the smgle ~equitement I
thousands." + .... .......... • +-. . + , • • " LI
+ UU(letout previous governors has AJl at~;; ~,~llcxlalal~
"The votes show an indisputable TO Phone Returns s P. & s. railway officals made a • • - . . I 4. No. Because I believe tltat di- I doubt if that would be wise as+ ::+1+1
desire for a change. At the general [thorough examin(~.tion of the locomo- no~ worze(~ out, and I am m raver I version of state tax revenue to other state law. Old age pensions, basedi -- :~, ~
election of Nov. 5 y,ou will decide [ -------- itive that was pulling the east boundl°f electwe officmls, luses would even~tually place the bur- upon age alone, is a matter for fed-I Mrs. J. H. Abshier was na~:~ ~
In order that county electron re )ass 8 No Rural electrification to the chairman of the Klick~tat cox
whether I shall represent you at l " • -, I +'.eager train the nigh.t Bejar was • • • [den of highway upkeep and construe- eral action. More can be accomplish-I " ~ n
Washington. Iu spite of my best of-Iturns may be tabulated as accurate-lkilled and found dried blood and hair :farmer is like the city water system/tion .on the general property owners ed for the aged by liberaltzinglRed Cross chapter's annual rol! f~* !~: •
forts there are still many I have Ily and qmckly as possible, John Ai ion the engine's step• ~?tth]nnrb~bn dweller--a public neces-/ 5. Yes, I would oppose such leg- "need." i drtve scheduled to begs Nov. l~,lt, ~ ..."
|M~ller auditor urged men y a etter socml life ~ Clarence Phil*hps of Goldenaa
beet~ unable to meet personally "' ' • ' . Sheriff C R House said that a • • • • /islation The Democratic party plat- 3. Not so long as we retain the " ,
Some of them have asked for my[precinct boards to telephone in their iiabol~tory test made by investiga-! /form recognizes the right of labor t olsales tax and I am not in favor of'vice president of the county ~:|
Diet'S. Here they are:" itotals a~ soon as tabulations areitions proved beyond doubt tha~t Be-i CHAS. F. STINSON /organize and bargain collectively irepealing sales tax until a morelCr°ss' announced that the annUa~ +~+~
"For the past seven years we have tcOmplete" . . . jar was struck by the step of the i It.l,. Cand,date for State Senator / 6. I feel that the question of a i eqnita'ble tax can be devised as a meeting of the organization will
spent, spent, and spen+t," Miller de-i The results should be te£epnoneu locomotive while he was sitting on -'-------- /state income tax is one which theiPart of our tax system [,held Wednesday, Nov. 6 ~.t Ma :~i~|
.l.~r~,+d "But we have got neither I to the county auditor's office which the end of one of the cross ties 1. A re-alignment of t'he Maryhill ]people of Washington should decide 4 No unless some extreme cafe. |:
})tees, petal+~ employment, nor defense I will remain open all night, Novem- , , _ _ + loops. Establish a state road on ~he ~Mv~. ~ su~,~..,~++~,-"~"~,,~-.,, ,u~;-~ ~..~+~-+ ~,~+~" .... ~,~u- ~'I emer~enc'v+ o .- shoula,- ,~.-~"~ ..... -*,~.~,~.s]'~"~ ~ ++ • :~ *
• ene ' North Bank hi hw 1 ar .
forour money. Let's stop waste and ber 5. Although a large~ g rali Persons desiring Employment Ser- ' " " "g ay ce through ~ ple be allowed to register their opin_ i necessa~y to do so" IR.E.A. A""roves
buthl defense electron vote is anti(~pated resultswee mf treat to Kenne~tck (I secured this in the ) Not unl ]~]~ .
• •" ~ " ~' " "' " o" ion or information con- ' " " lions ,through an initiative measure. 5. ess it is clearly shownl ~ • . ~fl~.~
"l favor an inc.ome for farmers t should be tabulated much fw+ter in eerning the filing of Unemployment Senate twice 1935 and 1937 sen-I 7 I favor decentralization of that such right is being abused bvl rower Line l)iu 1+:!
o ual to that afforded la~)or and in- this election than they were in theicom ~ +. • • SlOEs.) A secondary state highwaytnnw~, ~,~ ,~ +~,~ ~a,~t.,~o+..~ ttt~ ~+~,~' .............. -I ~/~-
q I pensatlon claims should contact, ,*~___r -.~,. ~. ..... ~, ..... ,~.~,.~.o~.~- .... X,~.',~.~ang ~ auu Lnell only Ior/ ~ !~'l~Wq
dt ~t~ x They willget ~tquicker September primaries The primary Fosi~er on Thursda November 7 at l~om Lyle to Khckttat to Goldendale tton of state affans back t the ut )one tra~4
~" +/' -" • ' • • " ~ ' ' " ; Y, , ; " " ' • i • ' "'" ' •u the hands : P •r of preventing such Definite approval of the con :~
wheu we +uS out endless expert-'ballot with as many as 21 candi-ithe court house at Goldendale 2. Yes. With propel economy in of the duly elected officials abuse I heheve such right should be lsi n d b the Klieki~tat P U D. r
~c~ting and give them a fair breaktcdates• • ' for one office' was highlyl " state fmances the old age assistance/8" I am o ~ • ~ ~f + u rat v " . I~g e ~,~Y .,,. ~n . " " tto'~:~ ~' S
• ...... I ......... - ..... + ..... " pposed to passa ....i g a ,teed attd freel, exercised,, n,~. ..... • ~....n .... ..r the construe : i¢
in their own Am,mean marKeL I comp~tea~ea ~el£ it through the Want Ads tf couJu ~e easily increased l~or the ~+~+++~++-.^ -.~ *~ ........................... ,,st+ I .~
• • J • +,,~++~++vv ~+. x++. i vtu+u ILS exerctse ts[all" 0.nuJUSttO I Or ~)~ relies O[ 1~ ~A A. line In w + :~-~
...... same season the word Need could be I . " ~ (~
.... I " t all partms, era Klickitat county was received , i~(k
out. Ou.r elderly people shouldt MARK M. MOULTON i 6. Not at this time• The costof day frcm~ Washington, D. C.
n,a,~e a pension by right. . ~lh.p. Candidate for Representative~ national defense and of federal goD- Martin Lumijarvi, member of t]~ ~°n
3 The p~ esent tax commissioner s ~ ~I
". + " ' t --------- PrEsent is mounting so rapidly end county P. U. D. board, said ~he c~ ~ ~ ~I
say ~t can not be done. I favor the 1. Prefer n.ot to list in order of to such extent and federal income tract was ~pnroved by the hatleSS ~
removal of the tax on food wherever l importance because they should be taxes are being so constantly in- R. E. A. office~. The line will oonn~ ~'s
possfl)le. But I d.o not favor trying supported cooperatively by all corn-creased that nothing should be done Gilmer with Glenwood and Tress ~a~,
to get votes by false promises to munition interested• A program by the state to increase the burden IJake.
~/ the voters, should be agreed upon and a fight, upon income until the federal tax
4. No.
Tko So.. w,,b ,k. HAND LOTION Insredlent 5. Yes, I would oppose such leg-j made fo__~r all i~ t+h~ coming session~ systen___~ become____~s :tabilized and t?e Read and Use th__e Want Ads_.__~
• . mmm • mmmll mmm mmm 1 m mmmmlmm
IN SU.PURB GRANULATED SOAP ~. ~.d ..o~, |.,t~ d kow islation. I
Slllwdly y y Yet sides Y+u tlsc Anent 'n.qvalicy, tlsc raauimurn in .......... 6. Yes. I m m m m ~i~ ~-
IIIIIIUlIClIIrl Or ~¢ p¢omofion lad gale O[ ~U -PURB SOAP, Ev¢~ ~.ay oF
~a ~, you h~s¢~a~d by hl]~fl.~. Tk,~+ *kySU-PURB Granulmd 7. Yes. Decidedly so. I
is Sldlslyin, tl~usandl today - - why il will *lAbly and 111414+1 yov+ Try,
p41clc414~ and se~ [or you++se~l 8. NO. I
White Magi. Ilem.(andldate for Representative
RLF. Ig¢
. .. am W mmm l+.gallonjug my leastl" toC°mpleti°npaterson. 2.°f~liminationthe Norther I I &~ n mml +?
LARGE Broken ~No. 241~D¢ Bank highway to Kennewick or at
Maryhill Curves• Other projects con-
, 1 Mk |l )k'l Sunny Point ~No. 1 ~R~ sist of a good sufaced road into the VALUES FOR FRIDA , URDAY, MONDAY
m~ m_ +L-J-, mm cans mmv Appleton country, improvement of
Prke, F,i. M,. No,. z'4 - the Lyle to Goldendale highway via Stone Buhrr Products Made on old r mneu asL'o--J o ne'o-e '°°'
WHITE KINO ,,, \ CATSUP ,+o. Klickitat. Completion of the road ~:s
from Pasco to Ringold, along the
OAMAY SOAP 3oak., I'o ................ Columbia river. Extension of a high- Whole Wheat Flour, 9 lbs. 44c Royal Pudding, 6 pkgs... 25c
P & 0 SOAP Ss.v.b.. 140 --"1 * COFFEE CENTEH DAYS I way from north to south through
LIFEBU0¥ SOAP k I DWARDSCOI Iq E 2'b'39¢lb. 20¢ i Skamania county. These last four I Corn Meal, 4 lb. bag ..... 22c Brazil Nuts, 3 lbs ..... , .34