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2- NOVEMBER 1,2017
WELL DONE: The Goldendale Middle School has announced
grades shown here.
this month's students of the year, eighth
from fifth, sixth, seventh, and
MAX EPaxsoN treating others the way that Kenny, Ramiro Armenta,ness, and charity.
PCPORTER yOU want to be treated. Jessica Shelton, and Katrina Goldendale Middle School
Fifth grade recipients of Mason also recently had its first pep
Goldendale Middle School the student of the month Eighth grade: Preston rally in years. The Leader-
(GMS) honored students of award were: Tasha Chavez- Briseno, Dimera Shea-Borg- ship class organized the rally
Thompson, Alexus Enderby, man, FaithBartkowski, Ken- and taught GMS students
the month for October using Rebecca Slaughter, Quinton nedy Berry, Justin Ward, three Timberwolf cheers,
the theme of respect. Pool, and Everett Aleck. and Sam McCandless.
According to the school's Sixth grade: Jacob Shat- November and December and the band played the fight
criteria, showing respect is tuck, Taryn Rising, Brooke willbe combined for the next ~song.
demonstrated by showing Blaine, Latisha Roberts, student of the month awards The hope of the Leader-
courtesy, accepting the dif- Joseph Wadsack, Holly with thethemefocusingon ship classistopromoteTim-
ferences of others, anti-bul- Huwe, Faith Potts, andfriendship and generosity, berwolfpride and encourage
lying stances, and following Hayden Slaughter. Students will be selected the GMS student body to
the Golden Rule, which is Seventh grade: Braydenbased on compassion, kind- show school spirit.
VETS me 1
parade. To pre-register, at the Masonic Lodge or at at 10 a.m. to catch aride. Ladle's of the Eastern Star
you can find an application Umpqua Bank. Following the parade vet- will be serving a traditional
at Umpqua Bank on MainFor veterans who can'terans and their families are turkey dinner with mashed
Street or call 250-3086 for get to the parade grounds, invited to the Masonic Lodge potatoes and dressing, and
more information. There the Goldendale Motorsports for an Elk Stew luncheon, they are offering free deliv-
is a suggested donation of Association (GMA) will be Prior to the Veterans Day ery of meals for those who
$10 per entry. TheMasonic escorting veterans to the parade, the Eastern Star cannot attend.
Lodge is requesting that pre- parade line up and will drive 66th annual Turkey Dinner Tickets are $10 if you pre-
registration entry forms be veterans in the parade in vin- will be held on Sunday Nov. order and $12 at the door. To
completed and turned in by tage cars. Veterans can meet 5, from noon to 3 p.m. at the pre-order your tickets call
3 p.m. on Nov. 8. Completed at the American Legion Hall Masonic Lodge in Golden- (509) 314-9743 and leave a
forms can be dropped off at 108 N Grant in Goldendale dale. name and call-back number.
FIGHT from page 1
none remotely suggests his victim of assault and that fight, adding that Ellsworth's called in to Lars Larsen's
resulting injuries were any- his stepson's grave injuries stepson threw the first punch radio show, and Larry the
thing less than appalling, prove that. against the other boy, forcing Cable Guy has reposted
The matter comes down to: Prosecutors, however, himto defend himself, tweets from Ellsworth's
which party was the one act- typically place primary On the other side of the Twitter traffic. While the
ing in self-defense? accountability on the per- story, witnesses for the online rhetoric escalates,
Ricky Ellsworth, step- son who commits the first injured boy maintain stated there is little likelihood the
father of the boy with the aggression. If, because of that it was the other one who matter will be revisited by
broken jaw, has placed his that aggression, he or she started the fight. Those wit-
stepson's name prominently sustains serious injury, that nesses added that it was that county authorities, who say
on the internet and in social doesn't mitigate the fact that boy who sucker-punched they are confident they did
media, claiming grave injus- the injuring party was acting Ellsworth's stepson after he their jobs in complete due
tice has been done and call- in self-defense, tried to avoid the conflict, diligence.
ing for social action on the According to the most Using social media, Ells- There is a rally scheduled
matter. He has demanded uninvolved sources cited in worth is telling his story to for Feb. 5, 2018 in Golden-
further investigation and reports, Ellsworth's stepson the point of gaining national dale, organized by Ellsworth,
says he is convinced that it used racial slurs against the attention on certain blog aimed at securing what he
was his child who was the other boy and instigated the sights and podcasts. He calls justice for his stepson.
eran in attendance to honor items for the dinner. There
their service, is great community support."
Initially the word got out McCabe echoes that senti-
slowly, but each year more ment: "I'm very appreciative
and more people turned up. of all the people who come
"At last year's event the hall together and collaborate to
was filled," Aleckson recalls, make this happen. It couldn't
Her husband--formerly an happen without them."
Army cook--does the cook- Reservations are
ing. "He's a Korean War and requested to be made by Nov.
Vietnam veteran," Alcekson
says. "He's used to providing 10 to gauge the number of
big quantities." dinners needed. They can be
Others in the community made by calling Aleckson at
have turned out in strength (509) 365-4429. But she adds:
to offer help. "I have a group "Even if you forget to ~SVP,
of people here who support come anyway."
me in the set-up for the din- "This is something close to
ner at the golf course," Aleck- my heart," McCabe, a long-
son points out. "People such standing supporter of veter-
as the Grange ladies and the ans' issues, says. "I was born
supermarkets help provide on an Air Force base."
FLU p-4e 1
your health provider or at a
Thoro io aloo opccifio doo
age amounts for children
depending on the age. There
will be a vaccine for children
from 3 to 36 months and a dif-
ferent one for children 3-18
years of age.
Pillon says this year the
Washington State Depart-
ment of Health will be cover-
ing the cost of the flu vaccina,
tions for children, but there
is a $15 administer fee for
giving the flu shot.
Adults will be charge a flat
rate of $25.
Flu shots are also available
at the KVH Clinic on a walk-
in basis Monday through Fri-
day, 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., with
no appointment necessary.
Cost is $35, and KVH can bill
insurance dependent on the
individual insurance plan.
KVH encourages those
with flu-like symptoms to
call the Family Medicine
Clinic at 773-4017 to speak
with a member of the medi-
cal team or schedule a same
day appointment to beseen
by a provider.
Somc flu-like symptoms
include fever, nausea, mus-
cle aches, congested or runny
nose, headaches and fatigue.
The Center for Disease
Control and Prevention
(CDC) recommends getting
the flu shot by the end of
October but it can still be
effective if received later. The
KVH clinic will continue to
offer flu shots through the
end of the year.
Both KVH and the county
health department encour-
ages everybody to follow
the normal guidelines for
preventing the exposure
and spread of the flu. Wash-
ing hands frequently, cover-
ing your cough, and staying
home when you are sick are
the best ways to prevent
spreading the flu.
"If the community takes
those normal precautions ,
and gets their flu shot, we 5
could have a very minimal ,,
flu season this year," Pillon ,
says. ,
Number of Current Vacancies: 5
Salary Range: $19.59 to $25.48 per hour.
Benefits: Medical, dental, vision, state retirement, deferred com-
pensation plans, paid vacation, paid sick leave, and comp time.
Position Information: Corrections deputies are responsible for the safe-
ty and security of the community, staff, and inmates, by way of safe and
humane incarceration of pre-trial and post-conviction inmates.
For more Information or questions please contact a corrections
sergeant at 360.385.3831 ext. 2, or email
ENERGY from p e'x:[7
gas transmission firm. some from Europe as well
In an interview last week to try to stimulate interest.
with Nichols, KPUD's Smith We are trying to facilitate
confirmed that the utility a project that we believe
had decided it would not would add a lot of value to
try to fund the project "with the west coast power grid."
ratepayer money to the tune Smith confirmed reports
of $2.5 billion." that National Grid and Rye
"We had never taken that were working together
approach," Smith said, "but on the project. "We have
we had taken the approach worked with them over
to see if we could find other the past several years in
investors and developers various forms," he told
that do that kind of work. Nichols. "They have been
We had talked to companies doing due diligence on the
from across the country and project and they have filed
.... !!)
a preliminary permit appli- towards project happening,
cation--that doesn't get although there are no guar- ~:
them a license. All it does antees that it will. At this r
is reserve their spot while
they do their due diligence point they're still working ,~
further and prepare a for- through all of their issues. ~
mal application." But for somebody to take
The project has been this step and invest the dol- ':
on the KPUD radar for lars required to advance
a long time. "Commis- theproject--thisisapoten-
sioner Randy Knowles has tial huge benefit for Klicki-
spent countless hours try-
ing to promote the project tat County Klickitat PUD as ..
within the region and move well." !li
it forward," Smith said. --with reporting by ,i.
"This is a very large step Rodger Nichols
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