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Grain growe
Last week, the Klickitat
Valley Grain Growers of
Goldendale took a giant and
long-awaited step toward sol-
vency - and recovery of a lost
federal grain license - when
the organization received a
$1oo,ooo loan from the U.S.
Department of Agriculture
Steve Schafroth of the Mid-
Columbia Economic
Development District
(MCEDD) made the formal
presentation at KVGG's offices
on Brooks St.
"We are very excited to
receive this check and are look-
ing forward to putting it to
good use," KVGG manager
Marta Mikkalo said afterwards.
"We have been working
toward receiving this low-inter-
est loan for some time now and
have worked in conjunction
with the USDA Rural
Development Department to
make it happen," Mikkalo said.
KVGG officers said last
month that if the loan came
through, they would proceed to
issue remaining unissued pre-
ferred stock, sold over the last
rs receive
$100k Ivan
ation rule
oned to
Final resolution of a long dis- process befbre leaving office. Dido} Rossi wins, we ~ ent
pute over release of Columbia The rule itself will be left tbr This summer, Ec01~* st
River water for eastern the 2oo5 legislature, "probably moving toward rule ~i set
Washington irrigators will be after the end of the session," based on a study_~~le°
left to the incoming adminis- O Keefesaid. National Academy 0f~y ~
trafion of the new governor. The draft policy bill, corn- released in March, wl~' .~m¢
The Washington state pleted on Oct. 22, is available ommended against cr~ sil
Department of Ecology, in on Ecology s Web site at any new non-inter~am'
press releases dated Oct. 18 water rights for ilTig.a.t~l, ant
and Nov. 2, announced that /cri/crihome.html. other landowners, citi~ live
' 1 t
outgoing Governor Gary Locke Daryll Olson, spokesman for mer flows potentaal y t0~l f u:
would not attempt to finalize a the Columbia-Snake River to insufficient for the1~~:sta
rule (called rule making) Irrigators' Association migrafingsalmon, i,I
regarding irrigation water. (CSRIA), said last week ~at the thiCeSaRIA dug in its het~ tda]
,Instead, according to Gerry fate of the issue would literal- teneditssec°ndla~ff~ni~r,.
O Keefe, Ecology s project ly' depend on who wins the three years. ..]s'~t
manager for the Columbia Go, vernorsrace. "They backed down W~~,,
River Initiative (CRI), Locke 'We are waiting for the new threatened to sue, ols~¢
will propose a budget package, Governor. As we told Ecology, if O'Keefe demurred, ~qbn t
submit draft legislation, and [Democrat Christine] Gregoire the lawsuit was one~
merely initiate the rule-making wins, you win; if [Republican ~~:rcel'
y~t n
Gun locks avail ble for nd ,i,,
The Kliekitat County Sheriffs Office and the Chris Mace, county sheriff, j~'
Goldendale and Bingen/White Salmon police Each kit contains a safety currictd~ roe
departments are offering free firearm safety kits cable-style gun lock. .]~ t r
to local residents through a partnership with The project s goal is to prevent chil~ t ir
Project ChildSafe, a nationwide firearms safety unauthorized persons from ~.~ riti
program, firearnls in residents' homes. _~ T
Project representatives have Nowin its set'T'i.
year to help raise cash.
The Grain Growers fell on
hard times starting in 2002,
due to financial mismanage-
ment blamed on an employee
who was subsequently convict-
ed of theft. Mounting debt
resulted in loss of the license.
already delivered 3,700 gun locks l , o .I *: c 1" ~ "the distributi.~'.6
Coun~.f°r free distribution in Klickitat :li'] : i~1~ ~' ~ kli1% IM i" | thegram was de Nation~V~ feel'err
"Weve got 1,2oo on, hand and a few J ~ .~[JU | | | L Sports Founda~t w
left over from last year, said Golde, ndale ~,,,~,~0~,0,,,,,,,,~0,,0,~ funding from ~3).
police lieutenant Rick Me,Comas. q~here are Department of Justice and the fire~ anl
no criteria for distribution, try-afetyS kits can be collected duri ~l~'~ fe
The locks work on most any firearm, MeComas Lav~
said. hours from any of the three law er~i~t ir
"Shareholders will be receiv-
- We encourage residents to pink up a safety ki agencies. ~ 'YW
ing their stock certificates in ..... t " 1
~e mail soon,' Mikkalo said. Contributed photo SO they can securely store their fireann," added-- Sa~
While this money will go far in Klickitat Valley Grain Growers Vice President Jim Hill a~ring
paying down existing debt it (LEFT, and President Jim Pence accept a $100,000 loan City ity ~.#lll~l ~ar!'~s
does not clear up all old debt.' check from Steve Schafroth of the Mid-Columbia Economic needs commun an volunte
KVGG has improved its finan- Development District.
ci~ position over the last year.
This money represents a to he!p save this historic busi- The Grain Growers will hold Election season may be few more doors, everyone has a charl~i'est
over, but the City of The city will soon begin ticipateincreatinga~im~
victory for small towns. This ness, Mikkalo said. their annual meeting on Goldendale hopes some local work in earnest on its 2005 of action. 'Koch sai~id's'
community pulled together Sale of preferred stock will Tuesday, Nov. 16; all members residents still have skin on Community Action Plan, and Mayor Marko*L'
ann ....... ...... ~ .... 11 • .... *~-er continue through Friday, Nov are urged to attend.
,,u ,~.,,t,,,u~ ~, ew ~,,s,~,., " "~ " " ' ' " " ek o
t9, 2004.. ---Sam Lomrg mew KnUCKleS tO KnO n ahas already retained the ser- called the communi~
vices of Paul Koch of Lake be developed betwe~
n c • Oswego, Ore., to help manage and next spring, "ala~/:
Lambs' death blamed on cougar attack enterv=lle area the project, ly important docur0~,
The first step, Koch said what the citywill be~]~l
last week, is to locate citizens the next five years..j,t jec~
Marcella Stine, who lives on the based in Stevenson, responded along with a It was the first time it happened to us. " ~rt
Centerville Highway in the High Prairie deputy from the Kliekitat County Sheriffs Two others lambs were killed nearby. I interested in working on a The first eommt~.~u~ ut :
area, lost two lambs last month to what offi- Office, Stinesaid. , heard they shot a eougar, afemale, thenext "Turn Out Task Force ; these ing will be later thi~l.!2o~
volunteers will assist in Sigfrinius said. e~,~itio
eials are apparently sure was a cougar. "It appeared to be a cougar kill,' Orr told morning. I was told it was pulling a lamb -
"I came out to cheek on the animals; I The Sentinel. they assumed back into the bushes, Stine recruiting citizens to partici- Citizens interest~,~[~ pr,
had two [lambs] and they were both dead, A neighbor first reported the incident to said.
their throats ripped. One was buried and The Sentinel. Miteh Messenger, the DFW game officer patemeetings,in a serieSa major°f communitYstep in ing recruit should ~ Pre]
the other had its frontleg chewed off,' Stine Stine said that after the killing, the who Orr said subsequently followed the developing the plan. Shamek at City Ha~;~ a~a~
......... i~. 1~,] ~ildi
said. cougar leapt over a fence and covered one ease, could not be reached for comment or 'This is an ideal opportuni- - lmmeolate~y, '*~tl
"s iiae,
Gary Orr, a warden with the Washington dead lamb with leaves which, she was told, to confirm other incidents or the cougar s ty for the community to work to be a part of th~ o"~"
state Fish and Wildlife department (DFW), is cougarly behavior, death, together to make sure that _ Sa~1ii esi,
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