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November 7, 1940 The Goldendale Sentinel | |
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November 7, 1940 |
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Page Two THE GOLDENDALE SENTINEL---Goldendale Washington Thursday, November 7,I Tt
f'--: ]IGT,E~00D I,ADI~S ILEGION AUXILIARN/ [ ~Veek Day Service preaching service. Ikeep informed and in close
| Cf~t'~lAl APTII/ITIFq |i a~D PRESENTS PLAY[ PLANS BIG DIKNERi 7:30 Thur~day Bible study. Notice 6:30 p. m. Thursday, Nov. 7,[with the business of the churC]~
]"~= ~.J~l,t'lL.4 M"l~, I ~ V • • •L..d~.) JJ''|I -- [ Legionnaires, their wives andlthe change from Wednesday. semi-annual church fellowship din-IThis meeting will center around .h
"---'--- ~ "----- "-"'--'1 On Saturday, Nov. 16 the Glen- e 1 ii Work is plogtessing nicely on the • • [e
_ .-. ._ ,_ ,~ , • . . members of the L g on Aux 1 ary . . . + ner and busmess meetmg of the b report from the fall conference
~k||~l[|||~lrV ~'3re~e| ~ Mrs. ~al~sev l woodLadms Aid will present the will gather again Monday evening church addttlon and w:ll probably cttur(h Ever-member of the church lchurch officers to be presented b
....... ~ . • i ~ , + • . u 3; I
......... ,~ ...... . play "Jesslca's Journey starrmg,~o 1 . • be completed before Thanksgiving • t['
&J_ & ..... | ][~__|_ 1[~ ........ ~[.t ][~,,u4i-~, ...... ' ~. . !N v. 1 at the Masomc temple tel ' "" should attend if at all possible for]five or stx .o,f the local church o
2"~k[ ,im]kIlIILl~L1 J~(JH~l~. JL~Vlll~l~ JLt~ ][ ~L[iL~ ~viarcemne LyJe as Jesslca. ~namng [celebrate Armistice Day, 1940. Rem- i Any who wish to llelp financially the t'ollowing reasons: for the fel- i cers. Friends of the church are ~ls
the lead with her is Mrs. C. IM. Bab-[iniscences of twenty-two years ago i°r in the carpenter work are wel- lowship one with another, to lend]invited to attend this meeting.
A large group mixed books and I several piano numbers. Mrs. Eileen cock as Aunt Chamty. Other actorS[and a war almost forgotten will be lc°me to do so. your bit to the encouragement and[ Come worship and serve with LU
conversation to enjoy the silver tea DeLeau of Klickitat, harpist, wws to !nclu(Le the Foster sisters, Mrs. Al-'exchanged at the dinner, which is'I The last of the month a ,~pccial enthusiasm of the wo.rk, and to There is a welcome here•
....... :___ ,~-,^.. t , oin ~erglund and Mrs. Clarence i o~t f~, ~.2a n m ] Thanks~ivin~ service will ,be held --
sponsore(l Oy tile 2km~rl~u a.,~$1uu h~vA nlaved for the ~roun Put was ...... ° .........-- ..... + ~ ~ ..............
Auxiliary Wednesday afternoon, ]-- ...... .. . . Lewls, wn,o have lost their wealth, I Invitations have been sent tel followingits completion in connec-
Oct 30 inthe Methodist annex. Mrs. ~:~addd ~tth:rivWea.y to Goiaenaam a:dt ho;V:h kfPa:tAunt Chamty :gracChi friends of the Legion fern dance to i tion with our church night and I AMERICAN LEGION ]
J. H. Abshier was ir~ charge of the • • . e ; Mrs. R. I. a" o i follow the dinner party• IMusic will imissionary fellowship dinner. 1 " " |
affair the second to be held by the Chrysanthemums and autumn aa Audry Dorcus, the ttn~d htgh lbe furnished by Wally's Swingsters. -- ~ & A A ~ |
Legion auxiliary, and so successful leaves Were used around the room,school teacher, and, her group of iCommittee members arranging the I FIRST BAPTIST 'CHURCH ~ ~ .~.------ I" ~I--~-~ ~ ~-- ~--~ I
that the gro.up has decided to makeand the long table was bright withpupns, ~wrs. ~'rank Ly£e. lwrs. ueorge, dinner include Mns'. I~ee Darland, C.E. Hanes, Pastor • ~ ~1[~• ~•~[~ • ~.l E'~[~l |
them an annual event• Proceeds ofttapers and yellow cornice,pin over-Wi?21enbrock, Mrs. Maurice O'Grady, Mrs:O. K. Hill, decorations and Mrs. I ,-- ~ £'~lllll~tl~k,~; P~ll~*~;
the tea go to the child welfare fund. flowing with fruiti Pouring were • . Fred Fe er, and Belva MC--L E McKee program 10:00 a. m. Bible school. A fine ~ ]
review of the recent Atlantic Mrs. George Klatt and Mrs. C. J. Grath. attendance last Sunday. Why not ~ ............. , _, .]
Montnly~' ................. prize novel, ~ne ~a,n,,y I Hall Others assisting with arrange- Two more characters are Mrs. A. ti ]~[UCRADA CI~ lmake ~t" larger next Sunday? V¢lll" 1 AT C~TERV]l.~LE /
bv Nina ~edorova was presented by]ments for the party were ~Mrs. L. J. McGrath and +Mrs. Leonard Shill- Mucrada club will hold its regu- you who read this try to come if ~ + |
": " ~ ,~ :n-"-- ...... the nmin !E McKee and Mrs. Rex Wickham, ing. The plot of the play promises liar nleeting today (Thursday) half !not i n attendance .elsewhere? i GRANGE HALL |
Iea~ure:VllS ~,.or~V~:~.==.~/oon,~sL~m a~c. entertain- !decorations, Mrs C. R. House, Mrs. to furnish more than three hems" °f!an~ hour early, gather,ng" at2 p m i 11:00 a. m. Morning worship and ~ |
n Mrs Ralph Brown suspense laughs and en3oyment t I
ment+ Mrs.F. J. Sleeper presented Glen Brock, a d • + •~, + .. • [ at the clubhouse of the Woman's t.peraching service • i~&'T~| 11~1r% ,t ~2" ° l~Tllt'~ll I~1"t lkT | ¢t,1_ /
~naring honors with the play that ihssociation The early meeting houri 2 a0 - m S'S and preaching • t~2-~kli[~Jl~L$/'~kl l~ll~.~rll$ l'~oveml~er ~J['JL/
-- . . ! • + . + : p.. , ....
• ~ + ~ night will be the annual sale of lhas ibeen arranged so that primary I service at Hartland. I .....................
|fancy work and holiday bargains ,of- u n' " r s , d . oo , ). . • r.roceeus to go ior tmrlstmas runu Aummslon |
f . ~school ~u+fls of M~ss P_a_l _hecar_ i 7: .... L_. The Adult, ~ouno ~ . !
feredby the Aid as then only
| a TkTl Ig' l IKlf'IKlf2 TI-llT. NIT W | , " + call present a Thanksgiving pro-IPeeple and Junior Lnion societies ~ __ _ |
2"~kl'~lL~i,,~%JJ~ ~l~,,~h ,~,~s ~ +LAd • "8" *" financing projectduring tile)'ear o.• , • I ~ " e ¢v ) i n' 1 t * *
I I . ~,lam. Mrs. George Ross will be,hold tluce sepatat d (to al nee-I M,,mr hv Vllah SchoolJazz Band!
/ I Supper and food will also ,he onit, ostoss at the tea hour lings I ....... " "''
1 I sale,.a , well as other lfovelties.] .... [ 8;00 p. m. Song service and "
-- • ~ 1 I vresiaent of the organization is mrs. I HONORED AT SHOWER ] ............ 7
I h ~+A-,,,,,~tt,,~ ~,2h,r~v~ ge VCellen.brock who revilest Mrs. Joe Korevaar was honoredi ~
I ~l • • Ii iI • • • ] I II ] ! • • • • • • • I[ yone to attend All I atronage t with a shower last gaturday after- / ...... /
/ ! Utlt v.. t I will be appreciated." ' K°lnmatM~!Th:~u:c::r M2steGdeMrrg: t /
" ~ N E LEE " C~RYS.h_~THE]~UMS L:ENI) Kleiin" in •sponsoring the shelver " ~ ~
/ ) t ,o • i
/ II Chrysanthemums in the deep I I, GION ,~ L ....... + ~M /
/ ..... IIshades of fall were lavishly used tel In order to raise funds for thel ~$$ • • ~ ~ ~ • =. :.:~:~;~Iei~ /
I m :PI l INTRODUCTORY OFFISR llgive a party atmosphere to the+purchase of benefit Christma,+ boxes, l I ! I I'WI Ik'[ I'IC'g A I 14 I
I +"'-"+ " ItWoman's clubhouse Friday afternoon ]Louis Leidl post of the American i E~ ~+:... ~ I
l l]when ~Mrs. Philip Hingston, Mrs• J. cgiou ,,+ill sponsor a dance a t the ~';:+:+:+ ~+~ A |
I _ __ - . It+. Fry anti Mrs. John Coffield en-[Centerville Grange hall this ~atur-[ ~~L~_~~. ~--~~.~.. ~+~ a /
/ rip ° "|"........,~ |[tertained with a large bridge-de~-tday, Nov. S. Admissiion charge will! ~~'"~" " -'" ~[~~ ilI J~ /
I /wln-lowner OUI[~ |Ise la a r" "of me +Iv+Ibe 75cincludingtax• ~~~~ I
/ • I y o,uque~s the sa t o -- I --~~".':+~ ~~ -"~ ~ "
I + llers centered the snlall tables where The Sentinel can fill you Christm~ ~i I
/ ~ ~ ~, ~ l|the dessert 'wa~ served Honors dur- cards needs• Hundreds of cards, low ..... "~"Z~~~:' --~-*-+-- /
I li~l~ U~I~ Iling the afterno.on went to Mrs. "W.|priees• Order early. I ....................... @ |
I ",-~--~~ I C. Trowbridge Mrs. Clifford Pike 1 Follow that sound advice right to Your Dependable Store, where every price is a low
I IIand Mrs. Fred Taylor. [ , rice every day You'll find new pleasure in shopping here--a real thrill in choos- /
• + • ['~IYI ~ ~ ~ v Mem gress Services each evening begin I 40-60 watt,, 13c,,,
! If ..... I 'ng your'requirements from a huge variety of preferred and nationally advertised |
/ _.___--o I [ EASTEJI STAR WILL ltla aaa .,aaua ,u ,o brand. Price tickets are plainly marked on all displays. You can easily compare J
1 l! OBSERVE A19NIVERSARY t -- I values, take your nick of the big savings and fill your entire food order for less. J
l . . ~ • • • +t'~! / l i Members of Goldendale's Ever- I CHURCH I ........ l
I Jom Uur rmsmry auo [ green chapter number one of the Rev Patrick S Lyons Pastor II~I~I11041~ ~'I~t I~UltYI~ (Jl~ O lh hg~l~ ~ILG~I~- I
/ . I+Order of Eastern Star will observe/ .... 0" +" .... I Ilgllg+ REGULAR I t+t t
I ~ ,~_~ lr't ~ lithe fifty-ninth anniversary of the/ Schodule of M~sse~ [
/ r..very l+tn raw tree |if\ u:id ayfetheeirng0r aonvtZalt o,, herea ~rst, Ttrird and Fifth Sundays 9 -- __ _ --~....-- ~11~--,11_-- glt 4~ 'lJ'~ it | ~l--+m. /
/ ! Yaki:a chap~:rs' of (he'Eastern "St'Mary's¢hurch, Wi~hr~m, Flrst, ~pe~41ry~ ran ~a~, v + tu m. +ag +11-#+/
/ ANTOINETTE BARNARD, Proprietor I, Star have been invited to attend, l Third end Fifth Sundays, 11 a.m. f
M~s May Root secretary announc C
/ II, • . .. " - -- Dexter Creamed Honey, qt. 29c I Oep. Pancake Flour, 8 lb. bag __39 /
| ~[ ed. All pas+ matrons and the past GRACE LUTHERAN CHURCH I .... I ...... n . =
.................. ! ............................. --. ------ i patrons will be honored guests. Tile Klickitat, Washington I S0r-hum Mabt0n 5 lb. can 59c I vepenaa le Parma, o to. 0ag __o++ |