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11, 2004
n open house;
tour D.C.
pi'esen- f
Railroad to the EX
in Sunnyside
is a miniature rail-
by Sam
Bob Chapman at the
Ranch on Big Horn
public to ride this
i However, it can be seen
East End
Ada Ruth Whitmore
houses in Roosevelt.
much Keith and Vera Jensen joined
help her hus- his brother and wife Bill and
Margie Jensen for a tour of Wash-
ear- ington D.C. They rodethe metro
bus and visited many places. They
granddaughter missed seeing the White House
and Arley Gray, is as it was closed at this particular
Bismarck,N. time.
I to visit Sidney Summers of Cleveland
Hnda and her broth- passed away. Sheis the mother of
in Goldendale.Sally Naught. There are no pub-
be an open house lie services.
future for the new
Contributed photo
The ordination of Warren J. Blanck (RIGHT) was held Oct.
9, at the Adventist Church in Goldendale. Pastor Blanck
earned a theology degree from Walla Walla College in
1972, and finished a Masters in Divinity degree from
Andrews University in 1976. His wife, Cheryl Stuart, grad-
uated from Hermiston High School in 1972 and then attend-
ed Walla Walla College. The two met in the Hermiston
church at choir practice and they became friends. Cheryl
later asked Warren for a date, and the rest is history. They
were married on April 17, 1988. They have three children,
Robert "Ben", Dianne and Jason.
Christmas bazaar this weekend; tree expected Friday
Annual Christmas
5Ol State
(SR14 where the Mon-
The dates are
Saturday, Nov.12 -
t9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Nov. 12. Anyone
help fill the hole once
Donations of Christ-
have been over-
and have greatly
the of the
' Commissioner, Joan
present the latest
on the status of
boundaries. The
he in attendance.
md a glove on the
' of the chili
)y at 365-
Barbara Sexton
Mildred LyOns
403 Klickitat St., Sunday Bible
study 9 a.m., Sunday service at
10:3o a.m.
This Sunday, Nov. 14, a youth
group from The Dalles will be
presenting a biblical skit for the
Lyle Celebration Center,
715 Washington St. Sunday
services at lO:3O a.m. and 6
As printed in The Goldendale
Sentinel in 1960 and reprinted
with their permission: "Histor-
ical Society Members Exchange
Early-Day Stories:"
"Curtis Gould, High School
Superintendent, who recorded
on tape portions of the meeting
for the benefit of Lyle high
school students, said some stu- Northern R.R. During the work
dents had asked about the road- near Fisher bridge, one convict
way blasted from rock above the escaped by leaping into the river
highway tunnel east of Lyle. and swimming away."
"The rockwork was never fin- '7 wen t to a bookstore and
ished, though a considerable bit asked the sale~xvoman, q4rhene's
of roadway was blasted and the self-help section?' She said
hewn along the basalt cliff dur- if she told me, it wouM defeat
ing the life of the job. William the purpose."
O'Neil placed the time as 1912 Submityour news to: Barbara
to 1915. It was brought out that Sexton: 365-5:374 madi-
one convict was killed on the job;Mildred
and was buried in our cemetery. Lykens: 365-0060 - mil-
"Kreps added that convict Lyle Web site
labor had been utflized for a por- by Pam Essley - http://com-
tion of work on the Klickitat
F/r goldsmith/bench jeweler with a
minimum of 2 ~pereinee
Applicant must be willing to tmdergo a baO41roumd check. Mtmt be skilled
in the |oliowing disciplines; ri~ sizin~ chain solderin4~ watch band
adjtmtment, stone setting - pron~, channel, bright cutting and pave.
Wages are DOE. Apply in person or submit your resume to:
~, .Desigt~ in I~neJeuelry.
106 3rd Avenue • Havre, MT59501 • 406-265-1516
F.maih IvrdrgO)
feed well-attended;
honor roll announced
The Glenwood senior class
would like to thank all the (~m-
munity members and sponsors
for supporting their Indian taco
dinner. White Salmon Thrift~,ay,
Hood River Safeway and Albert-
sons helped sponsor the dinner.
They cleared $59o on the dinner.
On Oct. 30, the Canapbell Group
sponsored one more day of
woodcutting for the seniors. A big
thanks to all of the sponsors.
On Saturday, Nov. 13, Karie
Carlson and Raylene Steinbach
are giving a baby shower for Fred
and Dani Steinbach's twin b~,s,
Austin and Tate. The shower will
be held at Raylene Steinbach's at
Margaret Throop, Chris Miller,
Debbie Woodward and Kay Carr
traveled to Bellevue, to attend the
Washington State Fair Associa-
tion convention Oct. 21 through
23. They attended work~ops and
dis~on groups on howto meet
the changes and requirements in
the fair ind~try.
Parent-teacher conferences
were held Wednesday, Nov. 3.
Students making the honor roll
and their GPA (grade point aver-
age) were:
Seniors -- Hannah Page,
4.00; Ned Putnam, 3.84; Sarah
Sinor, 3.77; Samantha Sutteflid,
3.57; Kayleigh King, 3.23; Hon-
orable Mention -- Ashley Wood-
ward, 2.95; Tony I~iter, 2.91 and
Amanda Kuhnhausen, 2.86.
Juniors -- Josie Masden,
4.00 and Stacey Ruland, 3.68.
Sophomores - Nathan
Eaves, 3.35 and Lupita LoIx~, 3.o7.
Freshmen -- Devin Dean,
3.96; Jimmie Smith, 3.87;
Georgie Kokos, 3.23; Dave'y
Lumley, 3.20; Honorable Men-
Homema rs
tion -- Tim Kuhnhausen.
Eighth grade, Honorable
Mention -- Joselene Starr, 2.83.
Seventh grade -- Audrey Hill,
3.34; Brian "I.angfield, 3.3o and
Amy Keithly, 3.14. Sixth grade
- Mariah Srnith, 3.34; Kaylene
Tyndall, 3.24; Honorable Men-
tion -- Dustin Jones, 3.96.
Students of the month for
October were unveiled at an
assembly held Friday, Nov. 5. The
high school student was Saman-
tha Sutterlict; junior high student
was Angelique Sohappy and the
elementary student was Re,fau-
na Guzman. Congratulations to
each of you.
We wish Christina Kuhn-
hausen a speedy recovery on her
recent surgery.
Jaylin Thr0~p was the recipi-
ent of the Jean Schilling Memo-
rial nmrket lamb, sponsored by
the 7-F Ranch. Jaylin will be
showing his lamb at the 2005
Klickitat County Fair. Congratu-
lations Jaylin.
All vohmteers who worked at
the 2oo4 Klickitat County Fair
are invited to a free dinner and
entertainment on Saturday, Nov.
2o at the new American legion
buildhag ha Goldendale. The event
starts at 6:30 p.m.There will be
a silent auction to help sponsor
the 2005 Klickitat County Fair
and Rodeo queen, Lacey West.
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