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For Those Who Fought That Other
Might Be Free
On this Veterans' Day, The Goldendale Sentinel has gone back in time to retrieve articles, photographs and letters published in our newspaper about the'
Klickitat County residents who served their country in World WarJ, World War II, the Korean War, Vietnam, and in Desert Storm. The information
reprinted the way it appeared in the various issues (with typos included). Perhaps there are names here that many will recognize, the
demonstrate the selflessness displayed by so many. Due to the volume of information, not all veterans' names could be mentioned.
Veterans Day
AUG. 1914 TO Nov. 1918
MARCH 14, 19t8 Cecil C. Jordan, Bickleton
(EXCERPT FROM LE'rrER HOME) Earl M. Baker, Goldendale
Leidl Boys Write From Over-The-Sea Fred R. Dean, Glenwood
Dear folks: - Harold P. Ingram, W. Salmon
A few days ago I received a Ferd Holter, Goldendale
rather from Jim with lots of very Robt M. Waggoner, Bickleton
interesting news. I was mighty glad Hershal Rains, Walla Walla
that you were having such a good E.B. Silsby, Jr., Columbus
time in Seattle although it was like H.G. Williams, Wh. Salmon
the kids to do their best to make you Cecil C. Wilson, Dot
enjoy yourselves. I was also glad F.C. Sarsfield, Centerville
that my cable got there when you Frank O. Bradford, Lyle
were all there together and it makes Jonas A. Bonjour, Goldendale
me feel pretty good to know that you E.E. Johnson, Wh. Salmon
you know that we got here safe. Trthur B. Bullack, Goldendale
I am anxiously awaiting word Frank H. Smith, Bickleton
from Babe but I don't suppose Ill Jas. F. Thompson, Glenwood
hear from him until I happen to run D.M. McGrall, Sixprong
across him some place over here. I O.J. Kuhnhausen, Laurel
have met several Washington boys H.L Chambers, Bickleton
but none that I happen to know... K. Minatoya, Roosevelt
We folks are betting big money Roy P. Quincy, Goldendale
that the war will be over by August, S.H. Perkins, Goldendale
so if that is true I will expect to eat L.S. O'Neal, Glenwood
Christmas dinner 1918 at home. O.V. Green, Newberry
Your loving son and brother, F.E. Wiidanon, Centerville
Louie John R. Gately, Sundale
JULY 11, 1918 Jesse R. Lampoon, Goldendale
Numbers On June Draft As Jay BryanStewart, Dot
Drawn F.H. Womack, Wh. Salmon
C.W. Barnes, Goldendale H.I. Schrants, BicJ(leton
Wm. Matte, CentervilleCA. Everett, Bickleton
Eugene E. Clary, Goldendale Geo. O. Jackson, Alderdale
Ludvik Borbon, Glenwood A.L. Sanders, Columbus
W. G. Imrie, Goodnoe Hills N.F. Strahl, Centerville
John E. Hoctor, Goldendale Cliff Younquist, Goldendale
Vincent E Hayes, Fallbridge P.A. Weslund, Wahkiakus
Francis H. Sanders, Bickleton W.E. Gadeberg, Dot
Kiril Todoroff, White Salmon Jas. O. Branton, Goldendale
Victor S. Sodoro, Hartland Walter R. Klatt, Goldendale
L. Dickerson, White Salmon W.C.R. Withrow, Goldendale
Vernon C. Routh, Alderdale Harry V. Spencer, Ly]e
Cecil W. Smith, Bickleton Albert Goffredson, Bickleton
EL. Anthony, White Salmon T.W. Olson, White Salmon
Alva Amos Quails, Granger Chas. V. McEwen, Centerville
Julius E. Wang, Troutlake H.V. Binns, Dot
Chas. W. Horton, Sundale O.L. Conboy, Glenwood
Ross J. Ashley, Wh. Salmon Wrn. F. Thane, Bickleton
Letter Recites
Information concerning the feats of Capt.
the Bronze Star award, is contained in
the following letter recently received by
Capt Hills parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chester
Hill, of Goldendale:
Germany, Aug. 14, 1945
Dear Mr. and Mrs. Hill:
This letter is in regard to an award
recently presented your son, Capt. Harold
W. Hill. The award, the Bronze Star Medal,
was presented by the 99th Inf. Div. The
citation reads as follows:
"Captain Harold W. Hill, 395th Inf.,
United States Army, for meritorious service
in connection with military operations
against the armed enemy from March 7,
SEPT. 20, 1945
Battle Feats Of Capt. Harold Hill
Harold Hill, which earned him
JUNE 1950 TO JULY 1953
SEPT. 1939 TO SEPT. 1945
JANUARY 29, 1942 Sorensen and William R.
Draft To Take Nine More Men all of Lyle; Chester
On February 10 Bickleton; Francis
Men scheduled to go on Feb. 10 Raymond Kahkonen,
include: Lyle Heifer, Chester L. Centerville; Ralph H.
McKune, both of Goldendale; Appleton; Thomas
Herbert D. Hewett of Lyle; William Sundale; and Robert
David Woosley and Robert H. Laurel.
Meresse, both of White Salmon; MAY 7, 1942
Archie V. Henderson and Ernest Lee Army Calls 25
Henderson, both of Husum; and May 4 Draft
Harold J.Wellenbrock, of Those who left included
Glenwood. Pickrell, Leo Sutton,
MARCH 5, 1942 Wagner, Frank
1945 to May 8, 1945 in Germany. Entered Men Listed Oliver Gunderson,
the military service from Washington." The entire list follows: William F. Claussen, James Adrian
Since all citations read as above we of the Public Relations office believe it Young, James W. Hartz, Gail W. and James H. Watson,
will be of interest to you to hear a few of the facts that earned Capt. Hill the Jackson and Melford Warren Goldendale;
award. Hamllik, all of Goldendale; Raymond Mamburam, Salvador E
During the period cited Capt. Hi!l (then 1st It.) was Company commander of E. Hess, George N. Quinton, and Ibabao Tafalla all of
~G" Company, 395th Inf. Capt. Hill s Company was one of the first across the Frank Aylette Tuthill, all of Lyle; M. Elkins and ex Art
Remagen Bridge shortly after its capture. In the ensuing days Co. G experi- Milford Thomas Boyce, Kenneth H. of Trout Lake Sic ne' R.
enced heavy fighting in the small toe-hold the U.S. forces held. Then the coor- Lamb, and Raymond Gilbert Otte, Fred W. Ogden, Ei as
dinated drive for more ground came and Capt. Hill was selected to lead his all of White Salmon; Ivan K. Fink, of Wilson, Marcus Ernest
company on a daring infiltration attack on a German Regimental Command Husum; Otto Durant, of Wishram; and Alfred Hugo EIIwe
Post 2000 yards behind the enemy lines. This was accomplished and at 6:00 Charles Melvin Vance, of Maryhil]; Klickitat; Raymond
a.m. his company attacked. So complete was the secrecy of the company's Olavo J. Lahti and John Franklin Centerville; Honorato K.
movements that the objective was taken after a 15 minute fire fight in which 87 Dooley, both of Centerville; Phillip J. Maryhill; Henry Harter,
Raboin, of Klickitat; Marion Milton John Edwin Blanchard, C
PW's were taken, including the regimental commander and his staff. The corn- Lake of Glenwood; Earl Piffer and Charles A. Perkins, Law
pany then fought off a counterattack of two tanks and 100 Germans until help Richard U. Augh, both of Bingen. James Fredrick, Robert
cam 12 hours later. All this was accomplished with minimum losses to Co. G. APRIL 9, 1942 White Salmon. This
The capture of the command post led to the immediate break-up of the
Klickitat Sends 59 To Army four Filipino men.
Remagen defenses in that area and a day later Capt. Hill led his company on The complete list follows: Cecil JUNE 4, 1942
another daring night attack against Rossbach, Germany. The company waded W. Smith, Marshall W. Wilson, Darrill County Sends 25
the swift, cold Weld River and took the heavily defended town completely by K. Gillespie, Orace Kerr, Mike The list of men who left
surprise. This action netted 200 PW's and cleared the way fo rthe armor which Henslee, Jack Hatch, Dave Vinton, county included: Walter
took off on the wild rush that encircled the Ruhr. These two vliant and excel- Robert Qanderson, Charles Davis, Charles O. Bleiler, both oft
lently led attacks were featured over the nation-wide broadcast on the Army Max Nogle, Melbom Olaf Nordwell, Howard C. Cahoon, of
Hour radio program a few months ago. Archie Hardy, Eugene Eversoll, Jack W. Venemon, of
The next notable action of Capt. Hill's Co. G came at the close of the Ruhr Denton S. Drury, and Russell Eugene Thor, Thomas
pocket when once again he led his unit on a daring night raid to set up a road Meech, all of Goldendale; Ralph Guy L. Beebe, John A.
block at Iserlohr, Germany. This action bottled up two complete Panzer Weaver, William F. Perry, Maurice Earl E. White, all of
Divisions and in the first night three full general and their staff, along with 1400 Triplett, Reino M. Veronen, Cecil George R. Ryals, of
PW's were taken. The next morning help arrived and the company pushed on, Walker, John Pearce, Max Delbert Monroe and
capturing two more full generals, one full admiral, and a record of 2500 prison- Cochran, George Orvil White, all of of Klickitat; and Wallace L.
ers. A few hours later the Germans surrendered throughout the Ruhr pocket. White Salmon. of White Salmon.
The remainder of the war was spent in "normal" action including several List Is Long One JULY 9, 1942
bridgeheads across rivers to engineer the way for armored forces in their race Others taken in the draft were: 23 County Men Leave 1
to meet the Russians. The notable of these being theAItmuhl, Danube and Isar Donald Schmidt, Jack Gojis, Those who were
Rivers. A week after siding in the liberation of 20,000 allied prisoners at Charles Carr, all of Husum; John George Pauoll,
Mooseburg, Germany, the war came to a close and Capt. Hill and his compa- Bleiler, Floyd Leaton, Jack Grubb, Anderson, Silver
ny took a well earned rest. Arthur Ladiges, Vernon Warner, and George Reed,
...... I~ ~s giv~ y~9 ~.~ ~re of the d~s Y0~ ~n h0~ Joseph ~ ~all~ ~1,~ G~W~; ~X. Stowell of
" ~ ' PJ~. Pe~n, Rid~'rd W&'h~i-, und~onetb~ugh0~t~eb~eforGe~ari~,.ItlSbecausetH~a~yh~smari~ How'~rd $§v~O~nduhzirles clerk KIcjht; Jesse Gaines
22 County Men Leave For Duty Richard Thompson, Delbert Ackley, men like your son that the war was won and you have ample and just reason both of Roosevelt; Glen Cox, Walter Woosley, Floyd
And Physicals Ray Vedey, Charles Woodruff, Bill to be proud of him. The job of rifle company commander has been conceded Hein, John Vincent, Reuben Pederson,
Names of three inductees... Dove, Ralph McKinney, William as being the hardest and toughest the army has to offer during combat and Lumpkin, Marion Sanders,k Arthur Marvin of White Salmon,
were released this week... They are Wallace, Emmett DeWalt, Floyd Capt. Hill has held down and fulfilled that job to the highest degree. Modin and Jimmy Moore, all of Charles Ilarrett
Charles Early of Maryhill and Etvis Stanneart, Marion Gotfredson, Signed, Klickitat; Jamie Garrison and Glassley, Harry Miller,
Clan/and Charles "Bud" Mesecher, Cherles Huber, Leonard Conklin, Windol L. Wyatt, Francis James Murphy both of Gerhart Dinger and
both of Goldendale... Robert Kalt, Joseph Nagy, Jack 1st Lt. Inf.,
SEPT. 28, 1950 Henningson and Chas. Kilbom.
Son Of H, Olson Killed In Korea OCT. 5, 1950
Harry Olson, Jr., 27-year-old son of Two Businessmen Called Back
Harry Olson, Sr., of Goldendale, was To Military Service
killed in ac~on in Korea Sept. 21, it was Those already called back to set-
reported by the father this week. No vice were Jim Bridgefarmer, who
details regarding the death of young operated the Hotel Hall with his
Olson was given in a telegram from the father and Ben E Bush, owner of the
War Department, Olson said. Ham] Ben F. Bush Store.
Public Relations Officer.
1955 TO 1975
AUG. 31, 1967 ance, and his knowledge of selected
Larry Schank enters US Army military subjects.
Wishram; Walter Schmid and Harold Miller of Klickitat;
Martin both of Trout Lake; Merle Lester
Hamllik, Robert Brown, Fred Ward of Glenwood.
Spurgeon, Christian Christensen, all Howard, formerly of
of Bingen; Claud Brashers, Kenneth was inducted at
was born in Hayward, Wisconsin, and Edgar H. Canfield, young attor- Larry Schank, son of Mrs. Elsie DEC. 7, 1967
had been in Japan four years, hey of Goldendale, who had served Schank of Goldendale, entered the Goldendale soldier home, after
Richard Jensen Killed On two terms as prosecuting attorney, U.S. Army June 5 and received his award
Battle Field In Korea prior to his enlistment in the service basic training Fort Lewis. He is Army SP4 John F. Ihrig complete- JAN. 17, 1991
The Korean war has taken anoth- in 1942... Canfield served as a stationed at Fort Belavior, Va., for ly missed his GI turkey dinner on County Servicemen join Desert
er Klickitat County youth's life -- Special Agent in the U,S. Army ten weeksof special training. Thanksgiving, but he wasn't minding Shield operation
Richard Jensen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Counter Intelligence Corp and in all Dennis Ruff with Navy in Saigon it a bit as he ate a belated holiday Swift arrives in Gu/f
Chris Jensen of Bickleton... probability will again be assigned to Dennis L Ruff is a disbursing clerk dinner with relatives here last week- Ssg. Patrick L. Swift reported for
Richard was killed while in the line of the same branch. :. assigned to the Naval SupportActivity end. For him, November 23 was a duty in Saudi Arabia Dec..10, 1990.
duty in Korea on Sept. 3. Dr. Lloyd Wolford, who served Saigon. Ruffis the son of Mr. and Mrs. big day, even without turkey. Ssg. Swift deployd with his mainte-
37 County Men Take Phyeicals during World War II as a lieutenant Robert E, Ruff, Goldendale. As he was ready to eat the holi- hence unit from theirhome station in
Those making the trip to Spokane in the Navy, has reenlisted... Keith Browning promoted day dinner, at his post in Viet Nam, Nuremburg, Germany.
Monday were: Henry Dlcksens, Ray FEB. 26, 1953 Marine Corporal Keith E. he was ordered to report to his com- After a short wait, they will be
Gosney, Earl Danielson, Robert Kenith H. Vogt Of Klickitat Browning, son of Mrs. Charolette mender at once. That official pre. deployed forward to establish main-
Hawkins, Robert Theabolt, Lester Honored For Action In Korea Browning of Wahkiacus, was pro- sented him with the Bronze Star tenance support for the vadous units.
Mulkey, Kenneth Moline, Raymond For exceptional service in Korean moted to his present rank at C amp Medaal with "V" Device, then gave SSg. Swift is the son of William
Johnson, Merle Mobley, Hubert action, Corporal Kenith H. Vogt, son of Foster, Okinawa, while serving with him leave and transport orders and Swift of Goldendale and a 1974 grad-
Humphrey, Benjamin Clark, Bud Bain, Mr. and Mrs. John Vngt of Klickitat, has the Third Foprce Service Regiment, advised him he just had time to uate of Goldendale High School.
Frank Graves, Edgart Woods, Donald been decorated with the Pacific Fleet Marine Force. make the next plane out. Within the
Washburn, Keneth West, Gordon Commendation Ribbon and Combat His promotion was based on time hour, he was on his way home, his
Ross, Truman Keel, Lloyd Tillotsen, "V" of the United States Marine Corps. in service and rank, military appear- service in Viet Nam behind him.
AUG. 1990 TO MARCH 1991
USS Missouri.
The battleship left
after Thanksg
Gulf soon after the neW Y
MMI House is the
and Mavis
is a 1976 graduate of
High School.
Martin sees
iaj. James a.
and Evelyn Martin
serving with ~e
Maj. Martin was
Saudi from
House aboard batttleship in gu/f where his wife and
MMI Roy House arrived in the remain while he is
Persian Gulf aboard the battleship Operation [
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