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The Goldendale Sentinel
Goldendale , Washington
November 14, 1940     The Goldendale Sentinel
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November 14, 1940
Newspaper Archive of The Goldendale Sentinel produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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1879 The Largest Paid Circulation In Klickitat County Of Any Paper On F vth Goldendale, Washington, Thursday November 14, 1940 Vol. 61. No. 46. Klickitat c, ~.y will be host to the governor ac probable governor- elect of the state of Washington, November 28 wt the annual Hunters tle and appaxently ~overnor-elect ofI Washington, has also been invited to/ attend the banquet which will be held r in Centerville Grange hall. D~tails of the program for the Sl>ortsmen'sll .................. I HOBO DOESN'T MIND COLD RAIN SO LONG AS RADIO FUNCTIONS l~d Barnard, brakeman on the Goldendale-Lyle branch line, has seen so many hoboes he isn't easily surprised by their and An gler~ clu~b banquet. Governor club banquet have not been arremged peculiar actions. However one Clarence D. Martin has accepted the at this time. I .............. O "J stormy night last week he en- State Highway Department club's invitation to speak at the ban- The banquet wi, ll be serve(t by the Mrs. J. H. nosmer rteaas wo rK/ John Sanders Cuts E. L. ABbritton's .Lead To 13 Votes For East Gives Okeh To $7,500 Road quet for ~he eighth consecutive year, ladies of the Centerville Grange• This In Goldendale, Centerville countered something different. En route to Lyle he noticed End Commissioner; Official Canvass Friday; AI Henry, Mark Project To Start Soon - Martin Lumijarvi, club secretary an- I will be ~he first time in several years ~ Communities a hobo on top of a box car sit- Moulton Representative Race Still Undecided ---~-- nounced, the banquet has not been held in the!' "--------- ling with his back to the wind Final state hig~hway department Arthur B. Langlie, mayor of Seat- Centerville school building, i V, olunteer workers this week be- and driving rain. Feeling sorry i gan K14ckltat county's annual Red for the man t~rnard invited ~_long with the rest of Washin~gfon, Klickitat county is still awaiting approval was received here last week , W~NG RU~0N ~F'~, r,rl ~ ~¢q Cross roll call driveAs last year ....... the outcome of some of the closest election contests in ~his state's history. on a $7 500 project for the Golden- v urart oara 1o " him to come mrwara anu raKe - ' ---- ------ 1.~,~ ...... nt~,'s nuota is setat 900 ....... With the counting .of Klickitat's 144 absentee ballots here Tuesday some of :~lale~Glenwood road, August Hanson ........ i --. • ---- .-. (,~ ..... ~. . ~ a, avantage ot seineShelteroy .................. ~o ...... Goldendale people WhO ~untble(1 ][~ .... IA.-~.l..,~ member~hi@s Clarence Johnson of "h~ tende~ the suspense was lrPteu n'om me one really close county con~esL that Ior unty engineer announceu, xae ............... ~ L]~.~III IVl~lll|lU ' ' ' ' ' . ~ ~' •- , • : out o[ De(l tO the nowl Or tno nre ~ ~ Bingen county chairmen announces , east elm commissioner l~roject which includes clearing ........ ] ~,~ --o • ] , ' .... Thanks,' shouted the hobo, grading draining and surfacing of siren shortly ?emre '#u~t =::n:~]] (~uestlonnawes/ The drive officially started Armis- "but my radio won't work down ~[ This absentee .~.count,.. though a l- . : ......... nay morning zounu o I I,tice day wndwillcontinue until .... want to listen to ]~aarl L~oo|e~hy IS [most cw,o ~o one rmpumman, leIt m. Ieur miles or roan W0Ul(1 star~ at tne ......... I ~ t mere anu t J I ............. I ne workmen Oil ~, ......... a mistake, une o t I .................... [Thanksgiving Mrs J H Abshler .... ram " - ..... • ~ AllDr~ttou, L~elnocratic canalua~e ~at. An.ares mill si~e near ~lenwooue cit 1 ...... e line re eelWhO aa'- dI *,~uo~UOllllalrL-~ Wlll De malleO OUt l .... ' Fills pl'Ot; • n • .= • • J ~- thl" • ~d reach Outlet point Hanson said• th , Y P':~e fire Psta]tion to warm ]la.te this week to holders of low I of Goldendate, is in charge of the The ,nan carri a small xe.eteczea l-lean t.or , rd distract commissioner, out : ' i gone 'nip t ' } ........... i" ~ I Red Cross roll call drive for this ............... I ln n'ont by 13 votes• Apparently this ~one for the reposed road pro- . nl oraer numoers ny ~e J~IICK ta~ * ~ porta, Dte raaro se~ anu nan rig- . Y P' . lhtm hands by the stove mistake Yl ..... ,~, .q~laot,vo ,qorvie~ h~ard It islarca ,Final plan,s for the drive were .................. Of Local Granuel,s a safe margin although the official ~÷--"~ ..... ~-~m Klickitat county's, ..... , .............. ,-+ .... - ..... ..................... , ' gea up an aerm~ ~t~un~ m~ top --~ I ......... ~,, ~,. ~un,~ ~,,, - pusneu me wrong ~vver ~o Lura v,, ..... , ....... .... i--- I com-'leted last Wednesday ~t a coun- . ..... I canvass oi precinct pOll I>OOKS s~ne[lu- "~o~te gas'~ax apo°rti°nment'thO:f-this- -'^- ~esfrom el,0 the lights. Instead of lights he turn-l:XPlb:a~;ed°~t~:2hed~:na realty wide meeting held at M~c's care in oz tne car, ,arnaru sam .Goldendale Grangers added their[led Friday could still conceivably unt $~uuu com ,ed on the siren• ] Re~-i~tra.n,ts will receive their]~oldendale. ~,~• • • • endorsement to a bill recently in-[change the result. • ad $6 500 from the 1941 apportion- I -- °- - s to form a The absentee ballots from Klick ' ~. • * ,_ __rauesttonnaires in the order in which Half of ,the money taken in by the lllanKsglvlng troduced in Congres ' ,' - ent ~ Ha•nson s~id work is scheduled to Commissioners their numbers were drawn in the Red Cross in its annual roll call drive | [w~#'~ _~a~*~l~ Columbia Valley Power Authority Rat county added 2,5 to Mark M. i,_" ......... national lottery held oct. 29. is used in Klickttat county. The ban vaaa~aa ~,.#~.,a • a~.,~, consolidating all hydroelectric units[ Moulton's slender lead over AI Henry ~art on ~n.e pr.~ecz oe~ore .Januaryt T. Maks Plans I This week the selective servicelanee g~es into a n~tional fund for Pl~,n~i ~'~V* .in the Pacific Northwest. This bill,/£or the sixteenth district s second ~. Accor(llng to present plans tne' -,~ .---~- ....... aa,,~aa~,~,~ ~ ~*a . : ~ ., • .......... ] __ ~ , I office in Goldendale 'has been check-] relief work. County funds are used - Introduced in Congress by Rap. Knute] legislative seat• According to unof- vw roau Will FOllOW a reeenuy com-~ ~ ~ • ,.,:°is For - ----- --,Courthouseling order numbers from the master[~ conduct first aid classes, provide Congregations of C~oldendale's Hill, willprobably come up for avote ficml totals from l~ranklln, Benton, [eted suzvey along the canyon: .• .... ~. " . I !list against the county registration[relief for needy people, medical ser- .... s _ '-" "~a ...... in the near future. ]Skam,a.nia and Klickita*t county, ~w r ou~e wm provme a more scemc ~ ~v~emouist ann ~ ~pus~ cnurcaes anu I anvass of votes numbers Persons, .• receiving the|vices the purchase of glasses for, The resolution endorsing assa e ~Ioulton, ,held a 30 vote lead eve-. i lghway and at the same time will be Until the offici.a c " ' I the CenterviHe Church of Christ will ' ' P g am ore expensive to construct. Friday, plans for anew county court-=i;:iV:av~er~ii:: dT;:di: 2h;:tiVto :h~:la~hvild;:s.n and other worth-join here Wednesday evening, Nov. of this measure was voted on Satur-/y::;tY2e~::t2:o:bT;t:e_l>o~t~ ;~ ePhi.~ iu b~li~vod to be the first link lhouse will not be discussed, members t .... 20 for snecial union Thanks,-ivtn,- day, b~ovember 9 at the regular[ ' • - .- ....... . ...... Iof .~.~ ~,,o.a ,.f oommisstoners an-Ireturn it to the local office. [ All Voluntary Work I • "--~ ....... ~" ~ ~- meeting of the Goldendale Grange ]absentee ballots, Franklin county 148 t a hignway program tna~ wm maze ~-~ -~ .... servrces. The services wm De u~reczea : . . . nn ..... a t~dav h|.th,,tmh th~ nrvamsl-/ Members of the county beard an-I All local Red Cross workers con- . ............. At this meeting Earl Dooley was re-[and Skamar~ia coun,ty 117• R~urns ae Glenwood-~oldenaale roan at " - ........ ~ ' oy ~vtrs opa~ wnuanen, past~r o~ the from the ~bsente ' ,,',~"_"':~_"_~_"~_":_'..'_~ [ ..:_. ^^.~...~[^ that five persons have ltribute their free of charge I " • • ' ~;~t~,~ master for the comtn~ year e count in those ~r., ,~.,....~a~..~ .~, ..,~.~. ~;,~h.I ~l~t~ 'to construc~ ~ .~w ~ut.~.v. , ~ ' i ,'~n*erville c nutcn ...... ' ~ o ~ " "" ...... z ............ " ......... ~" I b., the issuance of ~'ener~l obii~,ation[ volunteered for service. These per- ] Pensons h~lding memberships in the ~'~.~ - ~ -' - ............. ran-e offi .............. ,._ J counties is not kuown. • bonds was a roved 1908 to 1316 in son's names will be placed at the county chapters have the right to at • • son Elected tA ~Pr;n~e~tef?lt:h~l-Lytl:a:::d il the recent geP~neral election, member :rp :filti~i;y t::r:y;~ l~t ~s:ll~l~: =~dt:lli:th?ewS:~e:~it~e a:dg:n~:tat- ihe7M:0th;d:t. CEh~:ryhonaendinti~le b::min" :~r=;irngi::lnU~dveCnh:;=M::nsR: ~r\v~i G~ B?£kl:?el~t;2 lnDeT= l schedul~ #his winter Hanson[Of the present board want to me0 I ...... . ... c - .- I . ' -Imunit~ is cordially invited to at- mend Hill stewaxd; Elmer Roe, as-Jor. . .~s . . .... ' .......... /waiting list oI VOlunteers ann tne,tion - ¢ .......... |OIIl¢lal returns when he tOOK a ¢0m- • ~ov~.~ ~ho.n ~,,,-~ ~n th,~lwi, rn me two commissioners-elect De-| ....... I • ~ tend wasters of the three churches sistant stewar(1; ~Atce ~worgan, cnao-i ...... ........... v ............, .... lcoun~y'smw quotait is unilKelyl ~) facili¢~ate .the work of the roll ' ~ . ................ ~,man(nng leao ot nearly 1,000 votes • lorezormingplans. • ' n laln• ,Jnarms uampvel:l.~reasurer; of Pitt will be ehmlnated an ounced .... ] ]any conscripts will be taken here lcall workers the Red Cross will " ~.. ' ~. . .' ....... over tiis nearest rival in the district The meeting will probably be held ..... .~ The 'Bhanksgivin,z services are mleanor ~ooley, secI'emry; r~rnes~ ...... " ] before next spring. I establish a boom m vne Home ~'urni- ... - .......... .;..;. r~,,,~o,, ~nal'les F. Stmson, incumbent Re- • 1 ~ 1 l in Goldea~dale next Monday, S F.I ....... planned as a rengmus trJbnle zor tne l r¢oe gatekeeper; v~r,s.~,, .... "' -u ........ LUnCh runa -- k wes ..... d " ture company on tne t~a~urae,ys Oil ........ Celes Ma~ "~unnt~ ham Pomona p micah ~l'om ~l-~sco, also was assur- wnu , t enu commlssloner sal . w~o_ • • 12 ~ ........... Dlessings mat Amerlca en]eys ~ince , • • "Y ~ g ' ; ed ......... Benefit From [The two men who will take their tt]tes ~eta ror 7:['t:~p:;tt~:°;'R:d" C~;::°n:e:;b::" Thanksgiving is a trulg .kmeriean I Ethel Walker, Flora; Mrs. C. H. Lew- sent:re :l::::°:e::env::~ede the a~- ]places on the board in January, and ][~ ._ t. _. _. .. ~[l?_*H__*.__ ships may leave their $1 00 member- holiday devoted 'to the la~py homeI iron, lady assistant steward; R.C. in the governor's race" Klicklt~t ]~ ~__~]the arc~hitec¢ D. A. Hil,born, of Van- ~[~m~C~, ~ll~l][-l~$ - . ' . .. .~ •. ". .. - life that has made this xe~Von groat: Lefever exeeu"dve committeeman; . . • ~.~v. ~-~,~ . sni Iees tnere, Mrs. Absnier sam. ' ' ' county aosentee votes added to couver are to be present at thin ' ~'~•~&~, ][~=~,,~u P . . .. it is, fitting that it ~hould be observed Aglle W~tl~s, home economics ......... kUUIILV IIUlI~"~I Eight teams were name(~ t)y mrs. . .... _ . . .... - .~,u ~ --,s~ ......Ar~nur ~, ~anglm'S lead by 38. T~e • ~ In religious ~asnlou. c*nali~nlan, ann wnes~or ~tm, cora~s- To bring free hot lunches to prl- meeting• • school children, Mucrada clubI At the present time our plans are sponsor an informal dance Sat- very indefinite concerning the cour¢o evening, November 23 at~t~he house, ~l~ner Kamholz, second din- Grange hall AH proceeds trict commissioner said• We must &bshier to take cha~ge of the Red The ministers in charge of arrange- IPuneral services for Rebecca Ann Cross roll call drive in the G~lden- ments for this year's union services WHkins, 71, pt~nee, r Kltekttat valley dale area. They inclt~dh: Mrs. E. C. resident who died a,t Vancouver last Allison, jr. and Mrs. C. J. Hall; Mrs. hope to have a much larger crowd Chart last yoax when only a small Saturday, were held here Tuesdayiw. D. Norris and Mrs. W. W. Lear; . . the dance will be turned over to complete our plans de~ermi~e costs g~ pup attenuea ' ' a~ternoon. Mrs. Wilk:ins came to ~; Mrs. D. Led,better and Mrs. Johu Col- [ ' ' " Primary Improvement club, and then issue bonds. Klickit~t county in 1878 with her[field; Mrs. Herman K'am.holz, andi ' msors of the hot lunch fund Mrs The commissioners expressed doubt ' , • . parents, William A. and Jennie O. ,Mrs M C Bi~by; Mrs. Bert Knox[ P r~ PI~~ , " " " ,i O ,I,,#" 0 ~as ~.~vAAvas F nton a whether ~ctual oonstruetlon could be • Fe , M, ucr da president, an- " Vanhoy. ~he Vanh~y family crossed i and M~s. Rex Wickham; Mrs. FredI ~ &~. ~nced started before early next year After • " the plains in a covered wagon, iTaylor and Mrs. Rudte Fimmel; Mrs. I tosses ,r No new ventuie the lunchroom at the meeting ten~a~Ively set for Men , • • . '' " At the time of her death, Mrs. Ed Karge and Mrs. C. H. Hughes;[ ~S a" •11 ___ .•:lmary. school ,has been operating" day, ,~he commissi~ners will haw Wilk~ins was residing at her home ~'n,t and Mrs. Ralp~h Brown and Mrs. Gee. I rlel illness ~r furnish more definite information on the pro ilkins mo I ro have a number of years to ..... "~Vancouver. Mrs. W red to.:I~latt Mrs. Z. O. B. oks will ,.~nches to. all students who live ject. Vancouver in 1930 following the l. charge of the Red Cross booth on Funeral' r~t(~s• for. I~hares D. Presh- -~ner than a. few blocks from death of her husband the lwte Wil- Saturdays l er, 84, pi,oneer Croldendale merchant, !h~ol,during the cold win~er D~$:l~h T~k-~ ~iam J. Wilkins. Conduct Classes I who died at his home here last Fri- nths. A cook Is furnished by the j .... ,Puneral services were held from A complete list of the community lday were held from the Phillips forks Ptc~ ~ ss dm~ s~ratmn bu , chapel Tuesday Mr Presher died of • g'e A "hi " , t LeRoy ~Jla~d[~O the Phil.lips chapel In Goldendale roll call workers and the quotas set ' • • I1 food must be bought by ~he Pri-I ~ •~. |1 = Interment was .In the G-oldendale I. for each area in the county will be pneumonia: ~ary Im rovement club Funds r I Mr Pre~her came to Goldendale P • on lCKleton O. O. F. cemete y. T~e Rev. C. J. Hall announced la'ter. Among from" l,a ~ad at present will last only a few ---------- ~astor of the Methodist church con- outside Goldendale who attended thelm°re t~ .n 40 years ago from Chic- !~ks it was stated. One of Eastern Klieki,tut county's dueted the services, county-wide Red Cross meeting here ago. Un~til two years .ago be operated 'Muerada club has v&,u~teersd to pioneer stockmen, LeRoy Glasoo, died Survivors include four sons, Wil- 1,ast week were: Clarence Johnson!a general mer~handise store in this An redsing funds for the pro- in Yakimu last 'l~hursday. ~uneral liam S., of Paaeo; Raymond H, and Leon B~rry b~th of Bingen and[city• His .business was located on and cIub members plan to can- services for the 74-year-old sheep Thee