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The Goldendale Sentinel
Goldendale , Washington
November 14, 1940     The Goldendale Sentinel
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November 14, 1940
Newspaper Archive of The Goldendale Sentinel produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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! !i! Page Two THE GOLDENDALE SENTINEL--Goldendale, Washington Thursday, November 14, 1940 Thtu II1KIss ~F_~N VANHOY WEDS j CHURCH ORGANIZATION &arry, had visitors over the weekend,i ~"~,||A T. Bell Hanson, of Glenwood wins in • SOCIAL A PTH/ITIE'C, ,,, I, CT.rF 0RD GRANU mine TO ~II~ET ON TUESDAY They were Mrs. Olson's sister, Mrs.~'%'aaL~''vLu~" --t.t town on business Wednesday. ,d~'l~.., ~[ I V I I ~[L.~A~fl I~Iiss ~ean Vanhov daughter of The Woman's ~ociety of Christian Springle, of Based, and Mrs. Hanson .~:~d:~ C~P~:h~o'~ P|~ - !Mr a'nl Mrs Eugen'e Vanhoy of Service of the Methodist church and friend from Portland. ~.~.o~., ~.~,~q.~.61., --a~%F "~ g FOR STUDY CLUB KLICK1TAT W0~N'S Ic :" ~ "~ -(~:~ ci~r~'~,~,~l Granum'son meets next Wednesday Nov 20 at ~Mr and Mrs Ra- a,~lv an~ ~ --'- ~ ~ --'~ ....... LD ..... TIJ~G !Gomenuale .............. " "' ' ' " h hr 'a f " ' 1 1 ' " " " ~ ....... UIAJ~ ~U ~ ~ ]of Mr~H E Boss of Tacoma were 2:00 p. m. T e " st h 1 hour w'l children were Sunday dinner guests l An all women cast will presen~ theWE ARE TRAINED TO A s{udv club for mother~ of chil- The Khckltat Woman s (m~ met be given over to v~s~ting; then a of Mr. and Mrs. Elam Binns. i comedy "No Men Admitted" at the dre~ in the fifth, sixth, seventh and period is given to devotions, follow- iElam Binns was in Goldendale Cen~terville Grange hall this Friday STYLE YOUR HAIR as best eighth grades was formed here last ed by an educational section under Saturday on business, evening, November 15. Proceeds becomes your features. week. The club will hold its first the leadership of Mrs. C. W. Ram- ~. . . meeting ~Vedne~day Nov ~27 at a~, ........ a 1 The brideWore a dressof forestsoy. The next part of the program John Runyan and son, Bud, visitedfrom the play will go rote the Grange ............... th- tmnal Finances• Barbara Netls pl y- green suede and a corsage of button is under the direction of the secre- in l~oosevelt Saturday. benefit fund. Whether your face is ov ,,:5o p. m., ~n ~ne norary a~ v BiiI Clark, Claudie Crider, Helen T~he curtain is scheduled to raise at round, traingular, or square high school building. At this meet-ed tw° beautiful pian°s°llS" • n lchrysanthemums. Miss Verna Cul-tary of Ctlri,stian Social Relations, ing problems of adolescent children, tars: m.agee and ~rs. na~. ):,urto i ver, the ibride's only attendant, wore Mrs. Ada Lear. Refreshments will Clark and Leon~ Seely attended a!$:00 p. m. Mrs. Henry Mi:ller, Grange we can flatter your features S " i. . . • will be discussed Mrs I~mer Sil were nostosses zor ~ne socmi hour. ver gradi~ school instructor will ~Tea table decorations were carried i a dress of blue silk crepe with servedFreemanUnderGrow,the directiOnassisted by°f ,how m val,ley .... Sunday. 'castlec'turer'includes'Sdlrect ngMrs.Allenthe plaY.McConnen,The, with hair beauty. 1 " MEDICAL MEKTING Mrs. Hugl~ C~aneron, Mrs. Bert meet with'tile' club ' out in patrlotic colors in harmonyIc°rsaffe of chrysanthemums. I Clayton Granum was best man M.ovdames Green, Mabel Hall, Lettie Phone 1413 Women's Snap Fastened PENIMAID GALOSHES 98c Sure protection against bad wea~lHq' ! Smartly styled galoshes with snug fitting, snap 5~.stener closings. Full warm fleece lining! ]n heel heig%ts for every shoe! Black or brown! with Armistice day. !for hi~ brother. Mrs. Ralph Brown l~sang "I Love You Truly." About 40 R~I]~T]]O~" I~I~..IA~ES I friends and relatives attended the I Helen Kelly and He,one Thomp- ~ t ceremony [son were initiated into the Order of Out of town guests were" Mr and [ Rainbow at the regula,r meeting 1 ._... " ~' ' : ....... ~ Mrs. and two cnildren, i nem nero Tue~uay evenn~g, ~ov. i , ........ 1 - ~is~er of the groom: Mrs. R. E. l~z Toe new lCa~nt)o~w cnoir inc uaes .. .. i .......... V n IBoss and Clayton t~ranum, intoner Arcla vlncen~ t~erry today, er a . ' ......... I ' ann orot:ner O~ [lie groom all 0T Culver Harriet Crooks and Noreen] , . " ....... i Tacoma" and Miss Gerald ne Robert- vanuevan~er lniuauon ceremomes i • son of Yakima will be held Nov. 26 by the Ram-I . ' " bv receptionwas given ~virs. bow for Arlene Divers. !.~ : .. . . ". _ . ! ~rnest uoun~s at which a Dune[ .......... i dinner was served. Mrs. Counts was TURK EY DINNER SF.ff • "-" v " ,.......,..,. ,IG T ass , ted by Mrs ;ugene annoy, An old fashioned turkey dinner, re,other of the brideti and Mrs. Allan will be served at the I O O F hall /Counts. Many beautiful gifts ~'ere .... • r~ " " "t received ihe couple left on a shin here Saturday night by members of the Goldendale Rebekah organiza-wedding trip to Seattle and Tacoma. tion. They will make tt~eir home in Gold- The dinner is sponsored jointly endale. by the Odd Fellows and Rebekahs .... lodges. M em~bers of the two organi- REBEKA~ H0]V[EC0]~'NG zations and theii" families are in- Goldendale Rebekahs will meet at $ vited to attend, the I. 0. O. F. hall next Tuesdayt A short program is being arrang-!evening, Nov. 19, for their annual ed for %he evening by Mrs. Russell!homecoming and roll call. Initiatio, n Hardin. The dinner "will be served ceremonies will also be heht during I tile evening. at 6:30 p. m. Hunters! Farmers! For Loug, Economical Wear ---IN COMFORqP I Men's Stroll'h-On LACED PACS 3.29 Flexible uppers in husky yet light- weight red rubber. The fit,ted ankles prevent slipping and (,hafiug a~ the heels. The laces keep the tops llp se- curely, yet make these pros easy to ge~ on or off! 3'he sponge it~soles add extra com- fort 4,t every step! Non-skid ~)les of gray rubber. Cleat Sole Styles .......... 8.49 oTURKEYSI oDUCKS! $GEESE! • CHICKENS! FOR THANKSGIVING more than ever .... IT'S THE MEAT THAT MAKES THE FEAST A SUCCESS! Be sure you're getting the finest quality poultry for this year's feast .....GET IT HERE .... where you're sure of the best at 'less cost! 0 GOLDENDALE MEAT COMPANY "Home of Klickitat Valley's Finest Inspected Meats" Four Buckle Splashes 1.98 Grand protection for busy feet in bad weather! Li~htweight and comfy, too. F.(~ur buckle, waterproof closing and a warm fleece lining. AT THANKSGIVING TIME .... OR ANY TIME } You get more 'for your money when you travel by Washington Motor Coach and connecting lines.., more miles per dollar . . . naore comfort, convenience and service per mile. During the cold weather enjoy the relaxing warmth of carefree travel aboard a streamlined, heated Super Coach. Travel FIRST-CLASS At These Low Fares one round for example: way trip Safe, Fast, Low- Cost lteavy Dnty at Low Cost! Men's Work RUBBERS 1.19 Pavorites for years wit, h men who want the mo~s~ in service end pro- tection! The uppe~s are in black ru,hber with velvet finish. Gray rubber soles and foxing. Bo) s' Sizes ............... 9~¢ Yakhna ......... $2.80 $3.10 Walla Walla ..... 4.50 7.25 Minneapolis ...... 28.00 4"/.00 Portland ......... 2.90 4.45 San Francisco .... 11.90 20.65 8cattle .......... 5.40 8.70 Goldendale: Simcoe Cafe Telephone 82 Berry, and Joe Evans. A cordial in- vitation to the women of the com- munity is extended. in GOLDENDALE COUPLE ARE HONORED ON ANNIVERSARY Friends of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Oldham honored them on the occa- sion of their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary with a 6:30 turkey dinner at the James Shepard home last Saturday. Miss Pearl Shepard and Mrs. Alfred Andersen were the hostesses./ Those present included: Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Harris, Mrs. Bertha Haley, Mrs. Grace Ross, E. C. Cole, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Seibold, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bowman, Mr. and Mrs. Einar Andersen, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Andersen, James Sh.epard, Miss Pearl Shepard, and the guest~ of honor. W00LGROWERS AUXILIARY STAGF .. ANNUAL BANQUET Members of the Klickitat Wool- growers Auxiliary entertained their husbands and members of their fam- i ilies at a turkey dinner here Thurs- day evening. The occasiop ~'as the annual Auxiliary banqu6:. The hall w,~ attractively decc:ated in ~he patriotic motif of red, white and blue. Mrs. Jes:s Imr!e, president of the Auxiliary orgznization, presided at the banquet which was held in the Parish hal!. Those on the committee in charge of the banquet included: Mrs. Lee Ridgeway, Mrs. Russell Woodward, Mrs. Joe H~ctor, Mrs. Mike I-Ioctor. Mrs. William Horni- brook, Mrs. C. S. McDowell, Mrs. Cecil McDowell and Mrs. Clarence Hanson. ROOSEVELT WOMEN SET BAZAAR FOR DECEMBER 7 ROOSEVELT-- (Special) ---- Plans for ~the Women's club bazaar, to be held in the ~ool, December 7, are well under way and speak well for a very successful affair. The booths, which will furnish ample ~pportunity for the wise Christmas shopper, deli- cious refreshment for the hungry, and ,surprises at the fish pond, will be rivaled in popularity by the program of one act plays and music. In the past Vhe bazaar has been a big event and this year it appears that the s'f- fair will even sul~pass the others. The past week end has been a busy time in Roosevelt. On Friday even- ing Bickleton high school paid us a visit. The first and second teams played .two games. The Btclcleton folks went home vtctorlous---~but by • ~ e a very narrow margin. In react ~h y were grea,t games from start to finish• Jack Sanders was unable to play be- cause of infection in his arm and Jack Gately was also on the sick list and didn',t play. Tha,t left R~osevelt [with nine men to play two games, but they showed .up splendidly any- way. Af, ter the game the Bickleton group were guests of the Roosevelt student body wt a party. ~aturday niffhlt the gym rang with ~he laughter of "l=~pa," Jack Band- ers and was echoed by the large crowd that enjoyed the play "Papa Says No" given by the high school. Agnes Clark, Maxine Blnns, Virginia Binns, and Myron Glass aomi>osed the rest of the highly successful cast. Gertrude Clark was assistan~t direct- or. Following the play was the an- nual Armistice dance with Johnson's orchestra furnishing the music. Oth- er numbers on the program were poem, "This Is America," by Ila Mac Sanders and two musical selections, "God Bless &morion" and "America For Me," by t&e high ~chool. A funeral was held ¢or Roy Glasco e,t the Bickleton church Sunday. I-Ie was laid to rest in the Juniper Canyon cemetery. Mr. Glasco yeas an old-time ~ resident and sheepman of ,this coun-j ty. He died Wednesday at Yakima of au heaz~t a~t~ck. The Armistirce program given by the grade school F~'id~y afternoon: was well attended and much enjoyed• "The First 2"qag," by the primary grades and '"l)he First Flag," by the primewy grades and "The Etique¢te Of The l~lag," by the upper grades were patriotic plays in keeping with the day. 't ~=:,~ Kenne~llh St'loon received the sad news last Sunday of the death of his sister and brother-in-htw, whioh oc- curred when the ear in which they were riding overturned. Mr. and Mrs. AI Olson end A Klickitat County Medical m~so-Kragnes, Mrs. Martin Lumijarvi, elation meeting will /)e bold inMrs. Ehner Basse, Miss Mary Me- Salmon Friday evening: NovKill!p, Mrs. Frank Garner, Mrs. Barber White 15. I)r. Gerahl Turlev and Dr. HenryStegman, andMrs. G~rner. and --Bea~ Shop Thoma~ Meade. of Goldendale, plan to attend. Read and use the Wan~ Ads. tf -- cDA l/jr Buy your Thanksgiving turkey with the advance assurance that it will be tender, juicy and heavy with full-flavored meat. Our GOLD SEAL OF QUALITY guarantees that to you because only the choicest turkeys merit this distinction. There is none better at any price, so place your order for a GOLD SEAL TURKEY today and be sure of getting the weight you want. These Specials run from November 15 to November 21. HAMS, pound .........23 /2c Delicious... cooked.., ready to serve MINCE MEAT, 2 Ibs ...... 25c Lyons Magnus Aristo LARD, 4 pounds ........ 29c Makes Tender Pie Crusts CHICKENS, pound ..... 15c Delicious For Roasting, PORK ROAST, pound .. 16c Young Tender Pork CottageCHEF_ E, pt.... 10c Full Creamed Plain or Whole Wheat s No. 21/2 SNOWDRIFT, New Super Whip, 3 lbs. 48@ SNOWDRIFT, New Super Whip, 6 lhs. 930 WESSON OIL .... pints 23 ; quarts Nonesuch MINCEMEAT, 2 pkgs ...... RITZ CRACKERS, large pkg ......... CRANBERRY SAUCE, fancy New Pack, Eastern Berries, 2 for ..... Sniders COCKTAIL SAUCE, lge. bottle 190 Sniders Old Fash. CHILI SAUCE, Ige. Sniders CATSUP, large bottle, 2 for...29¢ POPCORN, white hulless Guaranteed to Pop, 3 lbs ............ 19c CHOCOLATE DROPS, Ass'td., 2 lbs. 25@ CHOCOLATE THIN MINTS, 1 lb. box MINCEMEAT, Lyons ex. fancy in Sherry Wine, 2 pounds. .......... BAZIL NUTS, 2 pounds ............. WALNUTS, Jumbo Franquettes, lb .... 25@ RIPE OLIVES, Bells, tall cans, 2 for.. 25@ COOKIES, Ass'td. fancy, pound ...... 19@ PINEAPPLE JUICE, Doles, 46 oz. can GRAPEFRUIT JUICE, Rel. 46 oz ...... TOMATO JUICE, C. He B., 46 oz ..... 19¢ Reliance PUMPKIN, 2 ½ can ......... Durkee's .SALAD AID, qt. jar ......... Rel. PEAS, fcy tender sweet 2's, 3 for 43¢ Rel. ASPARAGUS, tall No. 1 cans .... GARNISHING CHERRIES, tall 5 oz...lO ; SUGAR, 10 pound bag ............... Nestle Semi Sweet CHOCOLATE, 2 bars 25c SOFT A SILK CAKE FLOUR, pkg .... WEST BEST COFFEE, pound ........ 21¢ FAIRWAY COFFEE, 2 pounds ...... 25¢ Dependable FLOUR, 49 lb. sack .... ;$1.29 SHRIMPS, giant wet pack, 2 for ...... 25¢ Pink Dents Our Mothers CARROTS, 3 bunches .. 10c Large Btmehes GRAPEFRUIT, 3 for ... 10c Good Quality LETTUCE, 2 heads ..... Large Heads CELERY, 2 for ......... Large Bunches