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Newspaper Archive of
The Goldendale Sentinel
Goldendale , Washington
November 14, 1940     The Goldendale Sentinel
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November 14, 1940
Newspaper Archive of The Goldendale Sentinel produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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' ' .daughtersJune and Barbara (ff {Ore.. relat'ives. W F B r~ and Alan ~F~'..~ ~~~ ~; :, 1_ 940 hursday, November 14, 1940 THE GOLDENDALE SENTINEL--Goldendale, Washington Page Three T 1 ~k ~r I George Klein, Olin Spoon, andI A1 Henry, o,f t~ickitat, was in [in attendance, tober, 1940, 1).7.) announced her marriage to Leonard I ~~A*m~ I ~ ~k~, [Jack Edgar were in .Seattle on busi-!Goldendale on Ibusiness Tuesday. I 7:30 p. m. Wednesday Union ..... Smith also of Wishram. We wish ~, ~ ~ ~ ~l |'~ ]ness this week I Wal o Klein returne to Golden [Thanksgiv'ng services at the Metho- ~h~,,~,.~,,~ (~,]~,,~,,~| them much success and happiness ,j • d d .... • • • dMl~/~dr~WAIwAb~l~ ~ '~'lq Benefit dance Centervflle Nov. 23 Idale Tuesday after spending several dist church. See further announce- TV Olll~l.lll OIblll.$1a¢l 1 Two of the school faculty were ~for "rimary lunch fund Tickets days in Seattle on business ~ment ehsewhere in this issue. "--'-----" married at Aberdeen, Wash., Nov. Harl•y M c:Credy, of Roosevelt, wasT Mrs. P~bert Parot~t, of Glenwood, v " " I 'CLAS • In n.,la~.,ao~ ,,,~ 1,,,=~ .... ,p~ .... a~,, I .... ~,. r,_~.~a...a.l.~ 1~o* .,a~;ao,, 4~,,, = I from Mucrada club, 50 cents, l t-- Mrs. Emma Gregory and daugh-I Come worship and serve with us. S 0FFICF~RS t 1. They were M'I~s Betty Franklin, a - ,7"'"7 ..... . "".'"~:."~ ~.":'~."~"1 ".~.::,::~."~:'*~,~:"ff..,;~"~'.~. ",~;:~.~^.:~'~'o~1 Dayton Glower wins over from I ter Mrs. Pauline Ladiges of Glen-I There is a welcome here. All the ('lasses have had their I grade school teacher, and R. J. An- r~epalrs ana alteranons at Triplex ,-==L,us u~Luu~ .v-,,~a --~,,u~*.uA~,o . • • election f ffi er r n rt ' Cl I Lea..ue PrlnevllleOregon over the week- wood, were Goldendale visitors Tues- o o c s. They a e as fol- derso , p nclpal of the high school. e_aners. Phone 542. lt--[ s • .~ ..... ]end. He returned home Wednesday. day. [ THE METHODI~T CHURCH lows: I A ping-pong tournamen't is being William AllbrRton, of Alderdale, your woolens l~.soonditl~>nea atI Miss Martha Herman, high school l William Moore, of White Salmon ] C.J. Hall, minister Freshman; President, Bud Davis; !waged by the high school and has alld George Mercer, of Presser, were lTrlplex Cleaners• Pl~one 542. lt--,, instructor, had as her guest over!was in Goldendale ,on business Tues-. ~ vice president, Jim Warren; secre-IProved to be very popular with the la ~oldendale on busifless Thursday. Maxine Welter was in Bickleton on the weekend her mother, Mrs. Her-day. Church sch,ool 10:00 a. m., ger- tary-treasurer, Mildred B.rainard; students. The winners of the chum- Plan n,ow to attend Hunters and lbusiness last Thursday. She report- I man' of Salem. Benefit dance Centerville Nov. 231men :by the minister• I sergeant-at-arms, Eleanor Holliday; tpionship will soon be announced. Anglers Thanksgiving dance at Cen- ] ed two inches of snow fell t~here that [ Hunters here's news! Any make for primary lunch fund Tickets IChoir practice Wednesday 7'00 [ new~ reporter, Phyllis Hopkins. ] ' " t ~' • erville, Nov. 21. lt-- day. ]of ammunition you desire, Gillen-from Mucrada club, 50 cents. It-- p. m., Thanksgiving service Nov. 20. Sophomore: President, Ted NeW- RESIDENTS COMPLAIN (2. A. Parks, of Seattle, construc-] Ohet Croffut spent a few days in waters HardWare. It-- S• F. Ganders and Stanton Gun-[TEMPERANCE INFORMATION: [man; vice president, Larry Brach-t THAT HUNTERS SHOOT th)a expert for the Jo,hns-Mansville Yakima last week on business. Chet t Miss Nora Grady spent the week- ders, both of Bickleton, were in I To understand the defeat of teubach; secretary-treasurer, Orian I BIRDS INSIDE CITY 0an~pany, was in G~ldendale late last has spent ~he summer in the Mt.[end at Wasco, Ore., visiting wi~h Goldendale oi1r business Tuesday. IFrance one mus:t understand the[J0hnsOn; sergeant-at-arms, Charles1 __,=.__ ~eek t.o view the water line project [ Adams area with a band of sheep. [her brother, Bruce Orady and faro- Harry McC edy, of Roosevelt, was I part a'lcohol played. Tales of long iCr°ffut. Residents of C~o,ldendale who Ira Wil=n, of Myxtle Poini, Ore:I Mr. ~nd M¢'s. Edgar H. Can21eld[ilYMr and Mrs Clarence B Reed in 2OlEdend:l;eOnobUw?::e T:a~:y• [months o.f drunkenness in the army, ] Junio,'~: President, Wand? Davis: [ reside north of the L,Rtle Klick- [on, was in C~oldenda.le lwst week vis- land son, Russell, spen~ the past week- [ ....... ' ' I of disorganization of industry by / vice pres'(lent, Ted Will"alva-; secre- I are up in arms because ltiag relatives. He is the son of Mrs. I end in Portland visiting with rela- ]°f Seattle, spent last Thursday and was in Goldendale on business'Tues- [ d"rinkin,g, have given us a true pic- ] fury,treasurer, Marion McCulloch; I hun,ters, in violation of existing Juha r~ Friday ~n Goldendale visiting with day t r on,~um t~on f ever smgeant at arms Donald Holhday ordinances insist n shoo in • "4 "lson, of Goldendale. ]tires. t " " . 1 u e. The c ~ p" o b ages, [ .... , ' ;I " . o t g her paresis Mr and Mrs John R Frank Clark of the state h~gh news reporter Emer~ Lasen Among those from Bickleton and l Plan now to attend Huntere and l ' " " " ' - calculated tn terms of alcohol was " ' ~ • I game bi'rds inside the city llm- R~oseveFc in ~oldendale on business [Anglers dance at Cen-/McEwen' way department office in Vancouver, [20•64 litres o.f absolute acohol per [ Senior: President, Ro~e Emma 1 its. - ~rida w ~ s n nns r fll Benefit dance Pleasant Valleywas in Goldendale on business early~t nuall 192 1 Coffleld wce premden~c Jack Cr~e y e'e: Nel'o Bi . Mrs. te v" e, Nov. 21. l t--]' ' . " ' cap" a an y, 8- 932. (A litre " ; " " , " Joe Allyn and ot"her residents I Grange Saturday night good music this week l fiat ~ecreta~v treasurer, Bernmce ~rie Binns Shelby Crray George, Mr and Mrs Lee Rldgeway, of/ , ' ' ' [is 1 0567l'quidquarts) By conl-I ; " "-- " ' ' / of that section of Goldendale say ~ndrews and John I)odson. iP~oosevelt, were in Ceoldendule last[gOOd time, public invited, lt-- John A. Wmngartner, of I~usum,/parison, France,according to the !Marlow• ! that hunters h~ve killed and [ John S Robinmon of Dallesport was in Cvoldendale on business Tues I I ff~eon S, ayers state highway depart-, Thursday and ~rld~y. They attend-/ " ' , ' " ~ -]iatostfiguresavailable 1928-1932 , PEP CLUB driven away dozens of bands of ' ' a ' ' e • . eommi.ssioner elect from tlke westd y. • • • . . I nt employee, who was sermusly ed the Woolgrawer~ Auxiliary ban- / ...................... t was consuming per capita 70 per ! TMs )'ear Pep club was orgamzed I quail and pheasants during the lJtlred in an auto accident near Day-[quet Thursday evening•, lena. (llstrlcL was in t~olnenaale on ~..~. A: ~ox, o.~ w. anKlaCUS, was ln tcent as much beer, 150 per cent as i and the following students have l past. few weeks. Many of talese numness Tuesaay L~Ol(len(lale on easiness Tues(lay I ~a, W~ash., several weeks a~o, re-I Ray ~Land,graf, Klteki~at postmast-[ ..... ' " - ~" L " - leott ._f _.. • _ [much distilled liquors and 8,000 per lbeen elected to offices: President, [ bird.s were pets and spent most • tooert G~a~eo Norman t~lasco ~ Ta wanKmcus mill 1 ~rned to G-oldenda,le last week• He er, w~s in Ceoldend~le on business[ ...... ' ..... ' ' " .~ .'.. i . "/cent as much wine as ~hat consum- I Bill O'Leary; vice president, Emery ~ of their time in the yard~ of • i ana unester uiasco, all OI DlCKeton, man, was ill t~omenoale on easiness ed in the U S toda ~ • now able to be back on the :lob. Thursday. ~andgraf is chaixman of[ ........ Tues- l . . . Y. !La,.~en; secretary-treasurer, Dorothy[ ~arl.ous North .Goldendale r~i- a ~ were in ~omenaam on lousiness say. ~Marshal Petain has decreed Yers received sevmal broken ribs the c.ounty selective service board. / . ............ / : . that /Davis; reporter, Marion McCulloch. t dents. t the accident. , Tailored custom made clot.hes at~Tues(lay'_ ..... l~oy ?. la?ll.aoerg,.locai l the traffic in alcoholic beverages t Mr. Venem.0,n was elected as ser-t The discharge of ~earms in- i Mrs r.m ~arnara, owner o~ trio man, Wlll VlSl~ mastern l~licKita~ • • , . . The Portland 0regonian available: Tmplex Cleaners• Phone .................... [containing more than 16 per cent ot igeant-at-arms and advisor• side the city hmits is strictly ' ~tyie ~nop le[t Tues(~ay county (luring tne coming week • L . l ~':~a ........................ Frederick Ol•mannt s. us" l'i pnone- EaIl~ ". S. CA)e, of Bin-ens ; l'mren |lf~r Seattle on a buying trap.' She More ~than 20 members, of the|~[alc°h°l' shall cease. (The Voice, Oc- t A senlol" g~rl - , Juanlta" M"ammond, against ex~stln" ' g ordinances. ;~:°iLuta:~na:l:v:~/Cto~f£tUirona°W: !'H:rnP:;:tof°~licWknl'=t 2~r%°l;n Zlde:i.]was accompanied by Miss Virginia Klickitat (5purity Schoolmastem club I~"b':`~`@'~`@~@'I`'~`~"I`@'~`~`~g`.I.'~`~`u''~`@@@@@~@*@*@.÷@@.@@@@@*@@@@@@~@@@@@@@@@@@@@~~@~ -: ~l ...... /Lee, of Yakima. mace up ox the male members of|~ at ores t~ ~ sate on nusmess TllUrSuay. the i • ";" 7--" .... / Mr. and Mrs. Joe Garbarino and teach ng professmn in this coun- [,~ "r~ ~ "r~ ~ "r/"~ 1," "r -r~ a -T a,- --~ ,t~enent dance Pleasant Valley t~Ir and Mrs Dave Gal~barino all of ty, met at Mac's care here Wednes- ~ ~ ~'~ I'~ '~., ~-'~ ~ / / I I ~ ~/ :~ -- --. ---------- iGrange., .Saturday night, good mu?tc,~Portland, were weekend guests at day night for their regular business~i .][. .]L ~..l...J ][--~ ~,J.l...J-][-.l-fl~/~. JL $ il-- ~l _ I gooa rime, puouc invites. ~---/the h " "'r ..... t~ r session |.t. 41, i ome o~ m. ana Mrs. ma a- • /,,. %f v I G.D. I~ll, of Y~kima, city eng-Jnar_ Miss Edith Ann R ..... ** a. ran, nign SChOOl OtGl/ IIIGaL/G neer in charge of the water line ira-l fM .......... instructor s-ent the -- - - [*I, "r -r ~ T ~ ~ T ~'~ ,~ -~ ~ ,~ i / r. an(l Mrs. ~ennetn ~eeoe nave , p Armisuce weeK- ~,t. ~ • I ~, / l~ • I ~, / k ' /I / • • ' q~ provemen, t project, was in (}oldendale PHONE 52 , -- . l purchased the O. L. Stetson place end in Vancouver visiting with her IS /J ] ] ~l r'fl / %1 t "~ ~ / . W"~, [on ousmss 'l~nuv,saay. llocated on the old Blockhouse road parents. I~ I ~Jl- &. ~ .JL.~ J- ~ ~,,.flF ~..l.~JL=~ Mr and Mrs C W Neville, of so 4. I " • • • [w~t of Goldendale across from the C.H. Law n and L. G. Talcott I**** $ FRIDAY-SAT. Nov. 15-16 [Poetland, visited last ,week with Mr.]Fred Anderson residence, left early this week for the Kittitas I~ ,-~ ~ .............. $ and Mrs I J Pad Drury Mr reserve on thmr annual elk hunt ~ ver lw lr~__ t| i~.__~___ INeville an-'M" '~ " : "[ Mr. and Mrs. George Ross last ~ ' . . O o Hundred l"leces Fine Imported Linen And $ uOUDle feature I , r. urury nave Known|week moved from their residence on A Lewis county hun~ting party [.~, each other since the were bo s in , .I, Y Y ]Colun~bus avenue to the Roy San- passed through Goldendale Tuesdayl.i, Hand Made Lace Table Cloth Luncheon Sets Brld-,e ~Z~, ~ M1To2rland Marie Hall, attendtng/ed:dalh?use on D street in East ~old :ithl;h: ;~kntO?:ullf :h:t elkn ~:2 ~ O . r~.ll #'~ ~ 11 = ~Ii.~'~ w.~. ' ~ :~t.~_-~ college at V/llla~mette" University, / Benefit dance Pleasant Valley'Naches pass country of Yak~ma" I:i: ;acts, lfflllOW ~,ases, lOWelS~ I.)Ollle$ LtC. ~'l'~,nn::r,~:mmn Salem, Oregon returned :home f~r~Grange, Saturday night~, good music, county, l! ~ $ ~,.-~lll[l~l~~ the weekend with their .paren~s,[good time, public invited, it--- Mr. and Mrs. Martin Perry and ~ .... _~.,..-~.~,::,.....~,~x-¢ ...... e.~_~~ ~Rev. and Mrs. C. J. Hall. [ Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Thompson Mrs. Bert Shelton drove to P.omeroy, !~: Jll~ll~~~~.~ '[* ~/~'~,~ .... Mr and Mrs. Walt Townsend/~¢. ~-..a_.. , ...... a.,^... -~-^-- Wash Sunday whe,.~ ~ .... ~ ~.a i*I,. ~~? .... "I, .: , ,, • *, drove to PendJeton, Walls Walls [they ~rill make their h£ ~'ortland; Mr. and St. ~ary's Church, Wiehr~m First [:~ I ~d~_ __z. I I O • 1 ~'1 n~ I Ne,,,sm el IUIA ' , ll 2 o ard0harman,°fH° ula , ~hlrdendFlfthSundays, ll;.m. 'I~ I I I opecm, I c lv~ 0 t~/-~Ll['l~ II the deceased; Mrs. W.H. -- , I@ ~~ olor Cartoon---Miles Standish "A Good Place To Eeat" [[Walker, of Oregon City, a sister; GRAC:E LUTHERAN CHURCH ,, . =s . , HAND EMBROIDERED and Mrs Clara Rands and n ........ ........... ASK i Banquet Room Avaflablo I/ Leo ard Klickitat. Washington t~: tminese Mann ane I ,,., ,,.,,,,, I ~ESDAY~ NOV 19 l]Charman, both of Oregon City, eou_ Eugene R Schra~a, pastor liraH ~'|LL~I~ ~}~'~ . [~o~yl II11 r~ - "V ~-/sinMr?f::; d=?~t~; Wilkins have Sunday schaol'~ 9 80 & m {~ LACE TABLE CLOTHS esm~ti~he~lslt~needl: DINNER CLOTH UDIe feature. I]r tuded to' ldendale f " R----lar servic; ...................... " O:r " m't ..... I " • q " " • I Gleaming hite wi h a : , or ~ne wln- visu . ................... : u a. • qual'l y cru COlOr " • m = ~.= liter from Man in Ore on "We reach Christ and Hi Cru I1: • I Beautiful p tterns, packed m [ cade scholl design. Size lrlplex L~l~r~ers I~ p , g where they ,, P m Size 54x54. Regular $2.49 I attractive gift box 52x68 with six 15 i ch I|had a logging contract t'his year. tiffed. , , • I . n nap- Phone 542 Goldeac~e [~They plan ,to return to Maupln in Rad,io Service ...... ~ ......... 1:30 1 £O I [kms. []the spring. This winter they are Hv- Mu,tual network, convenient station I 1" I ,, .^. . , An of I/ing in the Uhl,n~n residence near ~ArP, Yakima Size 72x90 Regular 95 [ I o.ou set . . llthe depot. " I " I Chinese Hand Embroidered I l r tion Mr W~G67~ATT~'N~.~OI~TR ' ~ iJ. " an~- Mrs..Leo Jackson, of LATTER I PILLOW CASES I PURE IRISH LINEN ~~a~'n~"~'~5~'~I j/~ort:h Bend, Wasn, spent several R R. Hamm, ~upermtendent i .......... I TIM HOLT * VIR6iNIA GILMOR[ • JOAN ~ |days the ~,~=* w~k v~,~i*i~,~ ~,, r~_~a ~z~*~itat Washin-" ......... I uaderia swle. cauope en~s I ~A a-a o,, or~o CA!H~OLL.$PHIN80YIN6TON.ItKO=IOPI~- ~:/ endale w~tZ'friends =~d"';~att~=. Sund~°';;h~l lo:oo':"." =. l,, Extra Qual,ty Foint I Size 22x36. I ua,v, aoa F.o. LEONERROL [iThey returned to their home WSd-club rooms at Klickitat. am .. n ....... ] . . nr___-_ [Heavy weight, satin finiS: = in ~ I [[nesd~,y of t~his week. A strike in ' marquerne rauerns / 1. o pair I Hemstitched, launaeredana i-- , 1....1 .A.. lithe Weyer:hauser mills on the c~st CHURCH C ST -. ......... / - I ready, for use. Six 14 inch 9 shut o i ~Ize */zxt~o i~egumr ~o ou i napKinS tSlOl)n raze o4x'Iv PO" Al"ra 's Pays |1 [[ri4[ [[ d wn the logging operations v T. Smith, m nister " " , MEXICAN CRASH • [ " ' • ~-a.a w ,3 J JL 11 iJL JL'i" koY¢ [[near North Bend where Mr. Jackson " --------- q I LIIN . OtTO [ Floral Pattern. employed. Bl,ble study ............................................. 10:00 ~Je~O [ U hi1 or.. 0 [ O glkr THURS Nov 20-21 ........ I| R,d and USe the Want Ads. tf Preaching ..................... ' ...................... 11:00 ............. [ Bright Cheerful colors. Four I O. J 7 tt Lze Vzx uu megmar ou " " " L'LEN'FY. " I1 Persons here to a,e.nd .the fu- Lord's Supper ...................................... 11:50 ;" ,,.. " I Matching Napkins.- I Uontinuous Show Thursday AN ........ Mineral rite for P. D. Presher this Evening service ............................... ,.....7:30 ~,~ I • . I BELFAST IRISH LINEN , u u.~w~ []week inelurded: Mr. and Mrs. Frank ,Services each evening ~hrough [ 1.1tlsel: [ SA~EL 00t~)WYI~ wmat~ T| T~k~']~V~ [~L. Preeher, of Sno~homish, a brother; ,this week. Our meeting closes ~'ith ......... [ I ~N~ll~T I~T ------ a a . ][Mrs. Nora I. Walbert and daughter, 17the e~enlng service Sunday, Nov. llhunese .ano Ma(le I, RAYON DAMASK /i g snowy '-mWhite' TONS OF IT! Mrs. Leva Systedt, of Concrete, a COME --:-- ,, t LUNCHEON SETS I Damask Size 65x101 with ,.,,.,? ll;ster and niece; Merl Wolbe .of " , " IL/-Ilar. ILI =O [ h cloth wl h na lone dozeff inch nap ~~le ~tjW]L~, l[ ort Angeles, a nephew; and Mr. ~I.RST BAPTIST CHURCH .......... l 50 inc 6 pkins. I Hemstitc" ..... ~" f w'thlreadYflr;f:on:::naerea' ^ ItMrs. Helen I~:hinson, Belllngham, 7:00 p. m. Adult, Y, oung People • // II _ LP i I" ~ ll.,st.r and niece of .Mrs. Pre~:her, and Junior Union services in sops- /~/lln~rlr~r AT I .Imlln In ~)lor~ E--Collector i[ ~he Seattle P.-I. delivered to your 8:00 p. m. Song and preaching I/h°me or at Pharmacy or servtce to bo follow by an in,0r J|call Tommy Gray. tf real reception to all the CCC boys ~,k@@,~#~~¢~:~¢~,~4,,l,4*$,t,4,~¢~~¢o*~.~.-~@~¢¢~¢¢~#~¢~