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Newspaper Archive of
The Goldendale Sentinel
Goldendale , Washington
November 14, 1940     The Goldendale Sentinel
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November 14, 1940
Newspaper Archive of The Goldendale Sentinel produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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/ i;! :i Page Six THE GOLDENDALE SENTINEL---Goldendale, Washington Thursday, November 14, 1940 La~,,a~]12"1~ L~I~,/ • l~,~,F,,aa~ of NW~ of Section 18, Township 2 ]North, Range 15 E. W. M., at approx- STATE OF WASI-LINGTON, County of Klickitat, ss. / NOTICE --TO CREDITORS i897' imatelYplus highwaY50, engineer's stationI Notice is Hereby .Given, That in ~,cordance with an order heretoforeI __ t NOW, THE~RE, NOTICE IS IB entered on the 1st day of November, 1940, ,by the Board of County t)om-] No. P. 2160 , HEREBY GIVEN • missioners of 'the County of Klickitat, State of Washington, directing the' sale of the real property hereinafter described, acquired by the said County In the Superior Court of the State of i That a hearing will be held on Washington, for Klickitat County. said application by the Acting Di- of Klickitat for delinquent taxes under tax foreclosure suit and s~le, I, h t s o" '' ~ " t a In t e matter of the join~ estate i rector of ff-Iighways of t,he State of ............. TH ..... H THE 'LA 'SIFIED COLUMN ............... the undersigned County Treasurer of said County, will, on the 29 h d y t ........... , ~ a r t)n~naler ann ~eDecca a W~shington at his office in the Trans-]:lUI, ~LL OK I~]~INI ltOU~ ~ ~ ~ . . . ~UI~I~ l~h.~Ulil~ .... of November, 1940, commencing at the hour of 9 oclock A M, and con-I 7~'. ". .......... " tinning unhl" the hour of 4 o'clock P.M. of said day, unless" the" property ,~unanaler' nusDanu ann w~ze, Dotn portation Building. Olympia, Wash- SMALL COST All ads listed for this column must reach our office before Tuesday evening fol- : - nt ........ ington on the 17th day of Decem- • " • ....... hereinafter described shall sooner be sold, at the front door of ~he Con Yl ~Totice is h~r,~bv o'iven that th~ ber, 1940, at 10 o'clock A.M. lowing date of publication: RATES: Mlnmaum charge of 25c per msertlon; three msertlons for &curt House, in Goldendale in ~id county and state, sell to the highes I,,...~.~,...~a ~..o 1. ....... ,,.÷~ o,,a Dated at O, lympia, Washington this the price of two. 5c per line, count five words to the line. All ads cash, unless you have a regular • i ted ....... ~ ............ uv .......... and best b~dder for cash the following described real property, s tua ..................... ........ as a ,,ms ra or 29th fO ob r sils a O Director charge account at this office. Turn those unused article into cash.., sell them with a classified. in said county, and describes as ~oaows to-w~: I Joint esteutes of J T Chandler and . . ~. Min Il~becca J" Chandler: husband and of Highways. Nov 7-21-3t-- , , t~wu.(,t~tt)~t~t~.~ L(~t Blk Price lwife, both deceased, and that all per- NOTICE OF ItE~G ~J'~ i1~ I~1~ T~ • T~ l'~IbOR S.~LE--Wa,lnuts, 12c lb. Phonel ing, Nausea, Gas ~Pains, get free • ..~,~,,, ...... v,,-- " [sons having claims against said de- First Addition to Lyle .................24 18 500.00Ice-sod are required to serve the same ~ ~ | | ~ | K ~]~ | | ~l 3125, McC,ann's, Maryhill. lt l Sample, Udga, at AIA~ISON'~ Min. / on the administrator at his residence, Notice is hereby given thatthe I ~ ]l~k A ]l~ ~ ~ l~i --~I PHARIMACY. . 50 • .~ac Tn R~e Acres pri~e~Glenwood, Washington, or upon C. Board of County Commissioners will ..... ! • • • ql~-• I ....... ~W. Ramsey attorney of record, a't hold a hearing on the 18th day of ~VI~IA, TR.~H)E--3-bot~o~ lb | . | | ,'~ | KlbI(/]£Fr~ K&l~d~d~UL ]~L[al~* NESE~ ............................. 11 6 22 40. 20.00|Golde~dale, Washington, and file November 1940 a* Ch,~ h ..... e ~n ~)eere -iTaccor plow. Will crane for ~-~ V ~ Ja F, ILg. Phone 1G2 Suits made to NE~ frac'l .......................... 2 4 23 159.6480.00[with the clerk of the above named ................ I " A M in t~he Court House, Qolden- 3-bottom 14 m• plow. Inquire at - ar~er--Royal T~ilors an40r.~ga~ S~SW~; S~SE~ ...................... 2 4 23 160. 80.00[court, together with proof of such dale,'We~shington, for the ,mr nose of The Sen,tinel. 463~~l City Woolen Miii ltn~. l~ptti.~r NESE~ .............................. 14 5 23 40. 20.00]service, within six months a.fter the adopting the 1941 Gas Wax~l~udget as ~~_~-R-~.~ IA)ST--Oc~over z~ near no. cz~nfl] pri~es. West of lr~rd Oar~e, G~ld- SESE~ .............................. 14 5 23 40. 20.00[date of ~he first publication of this n~r fnllowin~ r~rduttnn ~nnrr~v,~.~ ~u~ ~ . ~ ~r~ a~--" ~ . ~ t SChOOl, ~(-mon~ns ola ~ngnsn ~e~- en~lam. ~--* NE~; NINW~ ............ ' ............ 23 5 2~3 240. 120.00tnotice, or the same will be forever Au~,,~t ~ ~- Berksmre ~oar, $20.00. E~w i ter, white with black ears, blackl - S~NW~ ............................. 23 5 23 80. 40.00[barred. , ~. ., . ~ ....... ~~---~ ~ spots over eyes right eye inflam-} this means of thanking the voters SWSE~ ..................... ........ 24 5 23 40. 20.00[ Date of .first publication, October .......... l~s°lu*i°n Aboling, Goldendale. 463--I spot on hips, tick marks, brown l CARD" OF THANKS---I, am ta~king N~NE~ 26 5 23 80 40.00131, 1940. x~as~x~u~n~a'~l~l^~u~ge~ o b~u)R SALE OR ;fleD. E--,Coming ~- ed, c~tton rope 'tied ~o collar, an of Klickit~ county for their sup- .............................. ]~EORQE I.,. CHANDLER, Adminis- _stima~.~"', .... ~,~,~ -~-~-:~y-2,~o year-ore colx. w. J. ~)aws, b muesi swers to name of Pal. Reward. C. J .pm, t in my race for the third dis° TERMS: Under $50.00, cash• $50.00 or more, 20% down and the/ _ tratoro.f said joint esta~tes.._ ~_.~matea_cae re_ve~ue.~n.t ~ca~e~as north of town on old D. M. Rog2j',s A. Kincaid Lyle. 443 trict ~ommissionership. A:l~hough balance in ten annual inst~llments with interest at 6% on the unpala val-|c, w. t~A~DEY, 2~t~orney for sam ~a~ tidal Will De ~llotiea .to ~zlcK~a~ place ~vo i ~~ the absentee ballots will have to C~unty during 1941 to be ($135,- ~" ..... ---I ~ ~ ~ ~ T~ ~ ~ decide the race, win or loose, mY ance. | joint estates. Postoffice address, 000•00) One Hundred Thirty-five ]~ ~ r]~ ~'~ ~ ][ ~- i ~ A ~ i ~ | i / thanks to you remain the same--- GoldendUle, Washington• ,~,~ .................. 114 i II K o~ ~ |. ~1. , ~ ,~ ~ I l~ l~ E.L. (Ed) Afilbr~tton, Alderdale, AND NOTICE IS H~I=tEBY FURTI-I~R ~IV~, That if necessary I/ Oct.24N14t4-- Thousand Dollars. ~ ~ ~ • " , a, V • will ad'ourn said sale to the same hours from day to day by announcement! ................. ~'~'~ m accoruance w~n J,~ I~ • • ~ ~ I I w~h~,~t,~, ~t~-- J • , r • ~ .~ the provisions of Seetion 56, Chapter i ..... t ................... [ ....... ~ .... ~ "'~.a me~de at the time and place of said sale, or at the time and place to which]STATE SOIL (X)NSER~ ATION CO~I- said sale may be adjourned. ] MIT]~EE OI~ ~VASHIN TON 187 of the Session Laws of 1937 of ]~OR S.~LE---180 ewes 1 year old and ~ ~u~. x.~ ~ue~, ~v ~Jn~.r,,~±~ ~CARD OF THANKS---We wish ¢o ex- t~he State of Washington, it is hereby up. Start la nbin g February Alll u neg ~aY,°r-~even~-ng'^~u'~,-a-~t press our ~uppreciation ~o the Nov.WIn---ORDER,~,,~vt'tITE~S;P~'PISS. the M Dated This~,,~,~,,n 7-28-4t--- District HEYL TO matter at -q-~uth~rn SHOW ~oldendale, et Court came • al ~:~F --, CAUSE of De~endant~ .~MERICA Division County on the regularly Washington, United ~ Treasurer--_------------ TO , Plaintiff~o States vs. TIO,(YI~ .this° ~ this of d~uy far .JOS. Klickitat the 4th BO.129, upon BOYD E~stern dayws motion County, ..... vv,, .... Board. " ~" tenance, 1941 & """~ Tax "~° rtio" War. that w~h 4% ................... of Gas r'unas ,, ,.. ............ ~h-46 Retirement 50% County ~,~ ,~.~ it Tax other "% "" ~'+"~'-*^a is ....... as ,,,,,~,,,,,~s ~'"'* ~und the .... ... follows• Commissioners estimated ~ intention~ $135,000.00 $ $ ........ 0% 67,500.0062,100.00 ~a~ 5,40000 ~'~'~"~- None Gas ~,~o ,~-~ of ~ y~Ol~ ~)1¢.. ~ .. ""'" ~'~ -- Nel!~e puue~s, pul le~S, B. shape in age ~,,~11 316Y3, " S2~J~---£sa~ good ... ~]hE J" . ~.¢~m-~r~eavy weight Durkee, ..... Rockwel^l,phone also " aresse~ inquire Goodnoe qt,-.i~ condition -~ No,- 12 3 .. K~lcklta, t. ~n~ "'" ~T'm~h~"~ R hode.I.slund pounds :~'ora at l*om ' H.flls. $7•50 z~c .parr ea "~ " ~" coach ..... ~¢~cnar~son's~ _......, ,~,,n,~ ' per 92_.. telvphone per 2 ~" n"ll~s pouna, in head. r~oc~ "*'~ ~,,~r lt-- Red l nne 463~ ~ t It " ' .......; * ~ I ~ ! .... ~ ,~ i i ] I WE WANTED--Fat ~ °h'~e" We veal, Goldendale v..~-~ ..~,,,,~ fo ~aa~e ~" ....... ~,i I=1 r ~ ']" WANT--Hog~, ,---, ~v • dl~ ~'" f ~'- eede and ~enne~¢ • ~,~--~. ~av~ tti"~"~°* "" hi~'hest ~ !~ ~"'~?~ r ~"~°~ . feeder pigs Meat " ~hogs, cash . "~"*~ "~'~" u~- 11~ Co. pigs. beef, "v~"~v"~" M ~ ~ " ma, rket cattle, M Also v-,,,~o "~"~° ~v"" lambs i'.,,n !~ ~ Hooter 50if--- ~" "ri°'" m I'~ hides ~'=~ ,a~NI "P'~ ~,~- .~A and and ..~. a~ i I ~ I I I ]CARD ' ~ ~ I / our man - Welbert, tu,, and ~av ,,.^ friends has~o'~ floral ma,w fri~'"~s ~"'~ .., ~'~'*'~ ~m ~ " __ sincere trouble ---The OF offerings ....... a,x,~o ................... s~t~ ~ ^, who ~ ~n~ TIIANKB--To "'" °"'~ uur .... ~ " "f~mily thanks ~ ~,e so in "~I, ~ "~ ""i~'~"~'""o .,v*vu "^" """~" ~o~h... ~i,,~,,~ faithfully in our . s~,,,,~ _~ -'l~esl~er t),o~h~, . the ,~a~, ..... and hour ........ ~ loss , w~ the vv, ~'" apprecl~- w sn,~ came of , .... t~,,,~ of ~uau~ ---~^r ~har- ~ "- Elsie grief ~"" *~"~ our the tO -- 1 I . ~ • , : by its attorneys of record, Lyle Kelth, United States Attorney for the East-[ All persons, firms and corpora- Unexpended and unobli- " Barber shop. It l" ~ I1~ l~ 111 ~ I [ l~,mor~ux, 1.,eva Bystedt and M~r~ ern Distric.t of Wasbington, and Hart Snyder, ~Special Attorney for the De-[ tions who hold legal or equitable gated 1940 Gas 2~ax "~ I I "" ....... partment of Justice. It appeared to the court .that in the above-entitled| title to any lands lying within the Funds .............$ 10,000.00I~OR SALE--80 acres near ~olden: FOR R.ENT---Furnished rooms. With [ CARD OF THANKS -- We wish to c~use a judgment was en.tered August 17, 1940, adjudicating and deter:}~.unuaries of the said districtr are Estimated Over-run of sale. Also mt 1OOxlgv on ~as~ or w~thout ~boafd_Steam he~t. In-I ,t~ke this means of thanking our mining the amount of just compensation paya.ble by reason of the taking o~| ellglbl.e to vote at the said election. 1940 Gas Tax Funds .. 30,000.00 ~J~r~aaway. ~'none ~#z. c. u.. p:ar- j quire Herman ~• ~oloff. 463---I friends and neighbors for ,their ~" several tracts of real property herein descrmed as neremafter set ~or~n,|,~my sucn persons, nrms or corpora- ~ mire. ~°---I ~1 pressions of kindness and sympa~. Total estimated Gas Tax . ~ . Fo~ ~'x'----rurnlsneu apartment. ! ~nd f~P ~"h~ rn~n~, ~nri h~,~nttflll which judgment fur.ther declared each of the several defendants hereineufter[ tions are eligible to vote• Fund available durinz ]~OR SA_lbE----Mooel T. Roaaster ini Near high school. Mrs. G H. I )'~'~'~,~'~'~,~ -~'~ ~h~",.',~mo named to be in default; tSat funds are on deposit with the clerk of the court/ Voting divisions and polling places 1941 .........-.-...°.$175,000.00 good_condition. W:il~ sell ~erYt~e~-:~ Roush. 463j ~¢)r't~ngs~rv'iZ;s-un~d ~lel~"at"~the for the amount of such awards, except that as to Tract BC-129 the amountt for the election are as follows: A " sonaDle. ~nqu re o Arc - • on deposit is $190.00 ~und a deficiency judgment is to be entered in ~onnec-[ Diwsion No. 1 Comprising landsh,~r pploved~n tMs 5th day of Novem- ~ua~,-'"'~ ~. ,~.~ ,~.~.,~,.~^-,~..-, ~+~ i ~,~.~'.~ ~t~,t,~,~.~ O~. ~-~ZA]b~----~-~aa ......... ~um II ~.,~..~.~,~m~,.,B~cl~leton church...~..during,~.^ ~..+~.°ur ..¢receu¢..,,r tion therewith for the sum of $35 00 together with interest at six per cent| within Polling place located at the ......... ~. ..... ^lso modern --~-"-- ~ ..... , ................~,,~ ,.~,~ v .... ............39 " ' / Dorothy school in the Glade area, A.M. MATSEN, ~ ......... 05 or see "~""~ ~or reu~. f~uther The Gl~sco Famil 1¢ per annum ~rom ~pru ~, x~ • ,-- -. I~?T,Mh~l~ I~AMI-I[~T.~, 16 L.E. Layman, l Y _s It further appearing that, since the entry of said judgment, petitions[ £a~.~ma. county. • : Board ..................... of County Commissioners, cards. ~1 ~307 ..... E Court St• 463-- - .... nave .................. oeen nlea Dy certain o~ ~u u~au~u~o*^"~ ...... ~,r~'in",.~ ~ that said awards De!/ 1)1vision 2. ~omprising lan(ls with- Klickitat County," State of Washing ........ 'iI?OR REN~~L-~ .701(eaev~ _A "~ ~o+~., +~a .~o ~,~n ..... ~o ~,it" ~in Polling place located at Bickleton, ton. Royal and Underwood typewriters -' ~'~'~ ~ Misery o~ Z"~*: ................-" " {Klickitat county, in the Odd Fellows ~~~veille.W~it~ A~I~~ Tract tl No BC Petitioning Defendants Dlstributees Amount Ha. ~Se~l)2~test: Jeer~ MII.~ER: at The G~Idendale Sentinel. Smalli ,-;~ ~ .....~ ~-~ ..... ~ ~--~-a-n ~ Baker and ~ 225 00[ .Division 3. Comprising lands with- __~ --. down payment and easy terms, tfl l~|~"~| | & ~Ir~. t%• TO Am ~ ~ ~ ~ ........ .. ~.,....~.. ,w~,,~th ~i~t- his wife end in t lin Po nlg place located at Roosevelt, o ............ Klickitat Count- ~ ' 467 00 ]Khck~tat County in the Roosevelt l~.anchise Application No. 1280 ~ ! I $ , & ~ ~a ,15 l~ncKltatcounty, anaHermann W Abeling ~ • • ~ ~?~.,,,.,,, ..... ..... ' . . • NOTICE OF HEARING NQTICE O]~ CIT1 ELECTION I]~R~EE' If excess acid causes you ~[ ~ ~UUU 247 Leola Sheldon" and Harold Kltckltat County $ 1.58 / Ehglble ..... votels: • residing...within the ~ , . ~ I pains of Stom~zh Ulcers, Indtges-J V -- ~, ~o~ h, ~,o~a Le,q~ .~heldon and t distr~ct snail cast their oallots at the In the matter of tha emnlication of Notice is hereby given that general tion, Heartburn, Belching. Bloat- U~U~.TMLHS.SALVE.t(OSe0RO~ -" .......................t-t~',~t~ .~h~a.n Ipolling place for the division where- Public Utility ,Dis~rie't~ No 1 of Ci~ty Election will ,be held in Golden-i • - ~. -" ~Yl~usband~'''~-' 71 42~in they reside. E'llgible voters not re .... Now therefore, it is hereby ORDEI~E~th~ the remaining defendants I Sihdei#gba~tohsma:htehdiSo~[~fn~ sh~l~eC~oSt construct,Klickit'at CountYoperatefOranda main,tainfranchise ant° dale,emoerWa*shl~gton~, tsar, at ~ne'°n regularTUesday'pmlmgDeC-i ~' ,~ named in the amended petition for condemnation as respectively claiminglt.. •. . P g P " electric transanission a,nd distribut- places, in saia ui.w, for the purposes~ an interest in said tracts as follows, to-wit: l[ 2d ?olVl~°eng,wan~ch n~n~l~d:teo~helr in~ line U,DOn a nortion of S S H of electin,g the following officers: I ....... $ Tract '~ , ~ C No'. 8-D in~Klickit~t County, "VCash-.Mayor ~or an unexpired term of l • t • ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~o. ...................... B. C. ~on-pe~mm,,~ ,uu~uauant-~ I STATE SOIL, ,~ CONSERVATION C(~M-iington ~nree years. I IB BB • •m II BB IB BB - BB BB . .. ,~ ........ ~xr u~o.. ~ noker" Theodore R Baker: Dora M ]MITTEE. By C C, KING, Cha r- WIdEt~EAS Public Utility District . Three Councilmen for a term of} • • 1 II•~• ,.,•~ •i • ~ perry- Ralnh Baker; ~Charles Baker; The Unknown Heirs of Core [ ina}~. - ...... No. 1 of Klickitat County he.s, under roar. years: . . . l • • • • ~1~ • ~ ~ K Bake'r: dece~ased; The State of Washington. ... I D~? tills £s~ nay OrN~OV7e!~e~"~ ~h ...... isicm~ ,~f ~*h~ter 53 Laws of ~'ne polls widl be open from eign~i BB ~ • • II 1 II ~I II " BB ~ @ 215 J. FranleWarner and Jane Doe Warner, his wife; The unknownI ,~ • - 1937, flied with the A~ting Director o clock A..M. to e~ght o clock P. "i ~ • • ~ ~ • • • ~ • • • • Heirs of J Fre.nk Warner, deceased, and the Unknown Heirs ot ~ . " of Highways of the State of Wash- ann swi~ ele(~tion will oe nel(1 In ,~.c-} ~ ~ J • • ~ ~ ~ ~1 ~ m I - ~- : ............. s ~" "-"Reill- and JaneIN°tics of Hearing Final Account and ington an application for a franchise cordance with ~he]:al electiont l '~, ~ • ~ ~ ~ I m Jane i)oe warner, nls aeceasea wne, name ~. v ~ ~, .... [ r~n,~t ~nd P~lif,i,,n for ' Doe O'Reilly, his wife; The Unknown He~rs of James ~: ~,, I "~"~-~i'L~,~i~ ..... to construct, operate and maintain laws of. t'he ,Sta~e o~ wasnmg~m~L so i . . deceased; and the Unknown Heirs of Jane Doe u l~eHly, his ae- { " ........ ,~.u electric ~ransmission and distri- tar as tne same may ee appllco.ele, i II (eased wife; walter S Jones and J~e Doe Jones, his wife; Thel -. ~... bating line :upon a portion of S.S. In witness w.hereof, I.huve here-I : " nkn ,~h ~o. ~'. ~ Unknown Heirs of Walter S. Jones, deceased, and The U o I ............... H No $-D in Klickitat County, unto set my, ann an~xea my o~- ] ................................ ~. @ • • • ~n Lne ~uperlor uour~ o~ the ~a~e oi He~rs of Jane Doe Jones, his deceased wife, Louise R. M~D~. nald I w~h~,,~,,,~, e,,, t~u~t,~ n,~,n~v ~ashi~wton for a neriod of 25 years ficial seal this 12th day ef November,! FINISH LUMBER OF ALL SIZES ..... ha Pine and Fir • n ~-~ Irs ol .......~ .................... "" ¢o-wi,t: 40. . . . and John Doe McDonald, her husband, The Unknow e ~ t. ~,,,h~t,~ ° .... 19 ; ~Lou~se R ~McDo~aald, deceased, and trhe Unknown Heirs of John ..... "" -:.~ .... • .... Beginning at a p