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NOVEMBER 15, 2017 --3
:s some
The sunny weather at the answers are yes. Yes, yes,
end of October provided the yes."
perfect time to plant some Krake points to the gar-
new bulbs in the Goldendale den's dedication speech given
Community Library's gar- so many years ago by Mary
den area. The narrow garden Jean Lord, then Secretary
spreads against a brick wall of the Friends of the Gold-
along the eastern boundary endale Library. Krake found
of the library's front lawn. the speech in a drawer in her
The garden was dedicated office, and that is what got
in 1993 to library supporter her outside searching for the
Maria Timmer, who had died garden.
earlier that year. She was a "Mary Jean Lord said,
library board trustee and~ 'this garden, as setting for
supporter over many years, this really amazing library,
She was also an artist, a speaks emphatically of pride
singer and an accomplished and love of community.' That
weaver, "noted for her unu- sounds about right to me,
sual color and intriguing too," Krake says, "but the
textures." garden was overgrown with
"As I planted the bulbs, I grass and ground covers. So
admit I spoke to Maria and this kind of became my first
asked for her blessing on my pet project as the new librar-
simple design," says Erin ian. I want to acknowledge
Krake, Goldendale librarian, that pride from the past."
"I like to think she approves The garden has histori-
and that she'll be smiling cally been maintained by the
down on us this coming Friends of the Goldendale
spring." Library and a few dedicated
Krake sees the garden, volunteers. When Krake
and the rejuvenation of it, as approached them for help
one small part of the larger sprucing up the garden, they
renewal of the library, which pitched in with plants and
IN LOVING MEMORY: Goldendale Librarian Erin Krake plants bulbs in the Maria Timmer Memorial Garden at the
which ends with this: "We
have created a place to be still
in, a place to remember gentle
people and simple pleasures,
a place to take pride in what
we have done and in what we
can be."
"That is so beautiful to
started this month with the got a trailer full of alpaca
replacement of the library's manure. Plans are in the
front stairs, making for adding more color best way I know how is to put in 1973;
"You can tell a lot about a and texture to the garden this some flowers in the ground . Volunteered at the library,
dendale--twice; including putting barcodes do."
• Became a member of the on books for computerization;
Goldendale Library's Board • Artist, weaver, singer,
of Trustees in l967; gardener, homemaker,
• As library board chair- reader, life-longlearner;
person, led the effort to pass • Maria's three guiding
the ballot measure that led principles: The Bible verse,
to the affiliation of the Gol- "Give and' it shall be given
me," Krake says. "I want to dendale Library with Fort unto you"; a Dutch proverb
honor that intention, and the Vancouver Regional Library that says, "calm on the wild
waves"; and the old adage,
"Not only promise but also
community by its library," spring, and any gardeners
she says. "First of all, is who want to help are encour-
there a public library? And if aged to participate by calling
yes, do people know about it? the library at 773-4487.
Do they use it? Do they love Krake points again to
it? Here in Goldendale, the Lord's dedication speech,
there and help take care of
SIDEBAR: Who was Maria
• Born in Holland, lived all
over the world, settled in Gol-
If ever you've thought about adopting or fostering a pet, the need is urgent,
Co"TalBur~e: NORA CAupeett.
• Not long after her death,
Maria's husband Dr. Gerard
Timmer, donated 48 acres of
land to the Greek Orthodox
Church for the establishment
of the St. John the Forerun-
ner Monastery on Hwy 97.
• Do you remember the
Timmers? Share your stories
with the library by calling
Erin Krake at 773-4487.
Please help us find forever homes today!
Th0masWesley Hawes, Jr. ,
Thomas Wesley Hawes, Jr.,
78, passed away on Wednes-
day, November 8, 2017, follow-
ing a long illness.
Tom was born on June
30, 1939 in Port-
land, Oregon to
Thomas, Sr., and
Alice Hawes. He
attended Benson
High School in
Portland, Oregon
and was active in
the Boy Scouts of
America, achiev-
ing Eagle Scout
status and par-
ticipating in the associated
Sea Scouts organization.
That interest in seafaring
led Tom to enlist in the U.S.
Navy in 1956 as a boilerman.
Over the course of his twenty-
year career with postings as
far away as U.S. Naval Air
Station Agana in Guam, Tom
served aboard the Baltimore
class cruiser USS Los Ange-
les (CA 135) and USS Brush
(DD 745), an Allen M. Sumner
class destroyer. Tom reached
the rate of Petty Officer First
Class (E-6) and received
a number of commenda-
tions from the U.S. Navy,
including the Good Con-
duct Medal (Third Award),
Armed Forces Expedition-
ary Medal (Taiwan Straits),
and National Defense Service
Medal. While stationed in
Long Beach, California, Tom
met and married his wife of
54 years, Laura Bess.
After he retired from
the U.S. Navy in 1976, Tom
and Bess moved their fam-
ily to Goldendale. Here,
Tom worked at the Klickitat
County Sheriff's Office for
20 years, eventually serving
as Superintendent of the Jail
before retiring in 1996. He
returned after retirement
to work an additional three
years as Superintendent of
Jails for his best friend, Sher-
iff Rick McCo-
He is survived
by his wife,
Laura Bess; son
Thomas Hawes
III; daughters
Sheril Hawes and
Karla (Hawes)
Devries; son-in-
law Jay Devries;
sister Allaire (Hawes) Henne-
man; grandchildren Brit-
tany, Teegan, and Grady; and
great-grandchildren Brady
and Kacie. He is preceded in
death by his parents, his step
mother Olivia Hawes and his
beloved dog Nick.
Tom enjoyed golfing and
fishing in his free time and
frequently engrossed himself
in handyman projects to the
benefit of many. The Golden-
dale community was family
to Tom. He enjoyed coffee
with his friends every morn-
ing and was a 33-year mem-
ber of American Legion Post
#116 in Goldendale. Tom's
family and friends would like
to thank the people of Golden-
dale, especially Rick McCo-
mas and Connie and Larry
Riches for the consideration
shown to him as his demen-
tia worsened. The small-town
kindness and concern made
his final years easier.
A celebration of life will be
held at the American Legion
on Friday, Dec. 1, at 5:30 p.m.
Following are students on
the Bickleton Honor Rolls:
1st Quarter 2017-2018
4.0 GPA: Hannah
Binfet, Leyla Gonzalez, Scott
3.75-3.99: E m i 1 y
Hanson, Kira Harvey,
Hayden Andrews
3.50-3.74: E t h a n
Mains, Michael Gannon,
Aryanna Guillen, Rosalinda
Molina, Hunter Wentz,
Cesareo Arriaga, Nathan
3.25-3.49: H e c -
tor Estrada, Dakota Riggs,
Ethan Andrews, Cody
Strader, Charlie Andrews,
Emily Reese
3.00-3.24: J a z m i n
Ayala, Sawyer Luther, Jacob
Merry, Skylar Lowe
Bickleton Junior High
School Honor Roll
1st Quarter 2017-2018
4.0 GPA: Luke Bin-
fet, Adriana Gonzalez, Ser-
ena Jensen, Maleah Jones
3.75-3.99: A d r i a n
Vargas-Salas, Shelby
Ingram, John Cardenas,
Cheyenne Curtiss
3.50-3.74: S a r a h
Merfeld, Haylee Andrews,
Anita Camacho, Kylee
McBride, Juan Ramirez
3.25-3.49: Alexander
3.00-3.24: (none)
• Local tax changes
Church D " rector
Columbus Avenue Baptist, S.B.C.
i 815 N. Columbus, Goldendale. 773-4471.
Pastor Michael Block, Sunday School
9:45am, Morning Worship 1 lam, Sunday
Evening Study and Worship 6pm, Wednesday
Evening Prayer and Youth Group 7pm
Holy Trinity Catholic
307 Schuster, Goldendale. Father William
Byron, 773-4516. Sat. Eve. Mass 5:30pm;
Sun. Mass 9am; Spanish Mass Sat. evening
6:30pm Eve of Holy Days 7pro; Holy Days
7.3odin and Daily Mass Mon - Fri 7:30am
CCD Classes, Wed. afternoons 2:15 to
3:30pro Kindergarten through 6th grade. Wed.
evenings 7:30 to 8:30, 7th - 12th grade. Con-
fessions before Mass Sat. noon - lpm
Community Grace Brethren
1180 S Roosevelt, Goldendale, Gregory M.
Howell, pastor. 773-3388. Sunday School for
kids & Adults 9:00am; Sun. Service 10:30am;
Sat. Service 6:30pm; Wednesday Activities:
Awana 3-5pm; Youth Group & Prayer Meet-
ing 6:30pm;
"The Bible, the whole Bible, and
nothing but the Bible."
Christ the King Lutheran
S Columbus & Simcoe Dr, Goldendale; 773-
5750. Sun. school, 9am, worship services
10am Everyone welcome.
United Methodist
Columbus & Broadway; Pastor Kathy Neary;
773-4461. Service times: Worship 9:30am;
Adult classes 10:45am; Fall & Winter Chil-
dren's Church available during worship. All are
welcome. Call the church for regularly sched-
uled events.
Church of the Nazarene
124 W Allyn, Goldendale; Pastor Victor Hunt,
773-4216; Sunday
School 9:30am; Worship 10:45am
Centerville Community Church
508 Dalles Mountain Road, Centerville,
WA 98613; 208 -792-7108; Pastor Patti
McKern; pastorpatti53;
Sunday Worship Celebration 10am.
"Where friends invite friends and
Everyone is Welcome"
Father's House Fellowship
207 S Klickitat Ave, 773-4719. Basic Bible
Fellowship 9:30am; Worship 10:30am; Wed.
Prayer 6pm "A Gospel-Centered Church."
1602 S Columbus, Goldendale. Pastor Kevin
Gerchak, 773-4650; Sun. School 9:30am;
Morning Worship Service 10:30am; Evening
Service 6pm; Family Night on Wed. 7pm with
programs for ages 3 years through adult.
1/2 mile East on Bicldeton Hwy. Sabbath
School Sat. 9:30am; Worship Service llam;
Pastor Tim Gray; 773-4381
Praise Barn
2021 Pipeline Rd, Pastors Rod and Cathy
Smith, 773-3185, Sunday Worship 1030am;
Wednesday Bible Study 7pm
Let the community know about your church
by listing your services & offerings here for
only $19 per month. Contact The Sentinel
at 773-3777 to find out how. Blessings!