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The Goldendale Sentinel
Goldendale , Washington
November 18, 2004     The Goldendale Sentinel
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November 18, 2004
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18, 2004 PAGE 5 RECORDS HAT'S HAPPENING THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 18 Grange 49 will meet at 6:30 br a potluck supper followed by business at 7:30 p.m. This meeting will be • " meeting. For information, contact Helen Hill at 773- ' Rumble. Take a leisurely hike up the Trail. Everyone welcome, wear warm Hikers will meet at lo a.m. at the Lyle Unlimited will meet at 6:30 p.m. at Savings Bank• Chili Feed for GHS Music Dept. at Admission donation. Music presented by GMS Concert r and Jazz Ensemble I and II. Violence Task Force will be an informational meeting for anyone to learn more about the Task Force at , Council Chambers. Open to information, call 25o-o315 Hoctor at 773-3776. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 19 Klickitat Community Network board meeting from 12 p.m. to 2 p.m. at the Lions Club in Lyle. Everyone is welcome to join in discussing youth issues in the commu- nity. For more information, contact Jennifer at (5o9) 493-2235. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 20 Widowed Persons potluck will not be held during November. For more information, call 773-5856. Central Klickitat County Parks and Recreation District will be holding a fall cele- bration with a bonfire from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. at the corner of Pipeline Drive and NE 3rd St. The public is encouraged to attend and bring their own refreshments. Chamber of Conunerce Forum Lunch at Reno's Restaurant at noon. Speaker will be Dana Peck. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 3 ° Parents of Students Graduating in 'oo5, there will be a meeting in the Goldendale High School Library at 7 p.m. to organize fundraising activities for the 90o5 senior class trip. For more infornlation, contact Michelle Wilkins at 773-3853. AST DISTRICT COURT LEWIS AND CLARK GARDEN PARTY Photo courtesy Linda Williams On Sunday, members of 4-H and Master Gardeners, families, Wishram School stu- dents and Maryhill volunteers planted the museum's new Lewis and Clark garden for overwintering. Orchard View Farms of The Dalles and Milestone Nursery of Lyle vol- unteered legwork. The Gardeners, advisors since the project's inception, were excit- ed to have their knowledge of native plants put to the test. "Some things Lewis and Clark had in their journals were more coastal.., and they came through twice, spring and fall, and missed a lot of plants," said Linda Williams. The group hopes the garden will stay part of its educational programs. JUDGE BRIAN ALTMAN OCTOBER 15 Eugene Schilling: Possession (5/21/2003); $100 warrant to previous 30 day OCTOBER 19 Allen Blake: Make False Public Servant (7/9/2004); guilty, 365 days jail/364 susp., fine w/$750 susp., $250 LEA fees. 2 yrs. NSV. Marie Baxter: Theft 3 change of plea to guilty, 24 sentence, pay $250 Law ;100 court costs, $125 CAA bench prob. NSV. Kaye Bommersbach: DV (9/11/2004); DV Assault 4 change of plea to guilty (2) $1,000/$900 susp., pay $250 , $70 jail fee, 1) 365 susp. credit 2.2) 365 days credit 2, 24 mo. active No Contact Order Violation change of plea to guilty, susp., pay $50 court CAA fees, $100 GIF, No allowed, drug/alcohol evalua- DV evaluation and treat- "MEN DAY LOCAL FORECAST ment w/in 30 days, No contact order remains in effect, 90 days jail/90 susp. jail, 24 too. active probation, NSV. DV Assault 4 (9/20/2004); Interfere w/reporting Domestic Violence (9/20/2004); change of plea to guilty (2), fined 1) $1,000/$1,000 susp., 2) $1,000/$1,000 susp., pay $50 court costs, $70 jail fees, $50 GIF, 365 days jail/364 susp., credit 2 days, 90 days jail/ 89 susp., credit 2 days, 24 too. activce probation, NSV, parenting classes, DV Victim impact panel, Drug/alcohol evalu- ation panel w/in 30 days, DV evaluation and treatment, DV quarterly review hearings. Dela Renee Fox: DV Assault 4 (2/19/2003); def. in compliance, removed from active probation, monitor- ing. Richard Dean Hendrickson: DV Assault 4 (9/7/2004); 2 yr. deferred sen- tencing order filed, pay $250 Law Enf. Fund, $100 cc, $125 CAA, 24 mo. active prob., NSV, obtain drug/alcohol evaluation and follow treatment, obtain DV perpetrator evaluation and follow treatment, victim impact panel ordered. Ivel Lee Lilley: Supply Liquor/Premises to Minor (6/26/2004); change of plea to guilty, 12 mo. deferred sentence, pay $250 Law Enf. Fund, $125 CAA fees, $100 court costs, obtain drug/alcohol evaluation and follow rec- ommended treatment, 12 mo. bench probation, NSV. Pastor Pegueros Cruz: Assault 4 (7/2/2004); 24 mo. stipulated order of Nov. 18 GOLDENDALE Few Showers Low28 SENIOR CENTER IDAY, NOV.19 LUNCH MENU r Cloudy ............... I 1 Low 28 //A"", Nov. 2o i W '\\; Partl Low 26 ......... THURSDAY, Nov. 18 =1 Baked Chicken 147, Low 31 TUESDAY, Nov. 23 (, NOV. 2a Thanksgiving Dinner € Cloudy Roast Turkey ' 46, Low 30 WEDNESDAY, Nov. 24 Nov. a3 -Closed for Thanksgiving 46, Low 33 Meals are served at noon. Home-delivered meals are Nov. a4 available to shut-ins.. 48, Low31 Call Senior Serwces at 773-3757, for an assess- ment. • che - Vu 1 Office can meet all your dental needs. patients welcome! • 615 E. Collins Drive • Goldendale COMPLIMENTARY BLEACHING* * AFTER INITIAL VISIT (NEW PATIENTS ONLY) Offer valid through 12-31.04 Initial visit includes exam, necessary X.rays, and cleaning. , Family & Restorative Dentistry , Senior Discounts ° Care Credit Accepted , Most Insurances Accepted Robert Brewer DDS - 5:00 p.m. • 818 West Sixth Street, Suite 3, The Dalles •296•9134 continuance, complete DV perpetrator treatment program, 24 too. active pro- bation, NSV. Eliza F. Wahchumwah: Animal Cruelty 2 (4/19/2004); change of plea to guilty, fined $1,000/$750 susp., $50 court costs, $250 GIF, $120 CAA fees, 90 days jail/90 susp., 2 yrs. bench pro- bation. NSV. OCTOBER 20 Devin Wayne Prouty: Fugitive (10/20/2004); def. before the court on warrant from Oregon. Def. signed waiv- er to return to Oregon. Brian Richard Bonath: Speeding 40 MPH Over Limit (Over 40) (9/4/2004); motion to suppress affidavit and dismiss violation granted. Bradford Gary Jackson: Speeding 15 MPH Over Limit (over 40) (9/5/2004); Motion to dismiss based on discovery rule, granted. Myron James Lewis: Failure to Wear Safety Belt (9/16/2004); not committed. Lester Cyrus Wahsise: Non Highway Vehicle Trespass (7/13/2004); commit- ted, fine $190. Harley E. Hand: Failure to Wear Safety Belt (9/28/2004); committed, fine $50. Felipe Izquierdo-Brijo: Speeding 25 MPH Over Limit (over 40) (9/30/2004) Operating Motor Vehicle w/out Insurance (9/30?2004); Committed, fine $110, committed, fine $338. Curtis E. Adams: Stopping on Roadway; committed, fine $60. Thomas Allan KIossen: Speeding Too Fast For Conditions (10/9/2004); committed, fine $50. Curtis Edwin Adams: Use/Possession of Loaded Firearm (10/16/2004); bail forfeiture, $100. Criminal Trespass 2 (10/16/2004); plea- not guilty, Pro Se or NOA 2 wks. Stephen Eugene Clark: Criminal Trespass 2 (9/3/2004); plea - not guilty, def. will retain own attorney. Karon Rae Hill: DWLS 2 (10/1/2004); plea - not guilty, def. sworn in, found not indigent, Pro Se or NOA 2 wks. Donald L. Jaksha: Use/Possession Loaded Firearm (10/16/2004); plea - guilty, bail forf. $75. OCTOBER 21 Danita Oneta Thew: Protection Order Violation (9/28/2004); change of plea to guilty, fined $1,000/$900 susp., $50 court costs, $100 city Inv. Fund, $130 CAA fees, $100 jail fees, 90 days jail/85 susp., credit 5 days, 2 yr. active probation, NSV, drug/alcohol evaluation and follow treatment, parenting classes, DV impact panel, DV evaluation/treat- ment, no firearms allowed, no contact order remains in effect, quarterly review hearings, community services allowed on fines/fees. OCTOBER 22 Sharon Ann Cloud: DV Assault 4 (10/22/2004); plea - not guilty, bail $2,500, NCO entered. OCTOBER 26 Simon Paul Alpiak: No Valid Oper. License w/out Identification (10/25/2004); plea - not guilty. Glen Wayne Davis: DUI amended {o Negligent Driving 1 (8/29/2004); change of plea to guilty to amended charge, fined $1,000/$500 susp., 90 days jail/90 days susp, 24 too. bench probation, NSV. Theresa E. Eisinger: DUl (9/3/2004); change of plea to guilty, fined $1,078, pay $200 DUI cost, $65 CAA fees, 365 days jail/360 susp., 5 yr. bench prob., I Here's The "Dish" On Saving Some Suds In ,, The Kitchen! You can use your dishwasher more efficiently by using the energy-saving or short-wash cycles. Don't pre-rinse your dishes - newer dishwashers do the scrubbing for you. Wash only full loads - the dishwasher uses the same amount of water whether it's full or half-empty. Fill each rack completely, leaving room for proper water circulation. Dishwashers use about 37 percent less water than doing your dishes by hand! Klickitat PUD, Owned By Those It Serves Goldendale  White Salmon 1313 S. Columbus ' 110 NE Estes 509/773-5891 509/493-2255 1-800-548-8357  1-800-548-8358 Klickitat PL! NSV. Rhonda Cecille Ellis: DUl (4/6/2003); ruling - not double jeopardy, motion for double jeopardy defeated, state can proceed with resisting arrest. Currently set for jury trial 11/19/2004. Gonzalo Ferret Bonilla: DUI (4/4/2004); Def. failed to appear, $2,500 warrant, no transportation, person called for def. to req. cont., 2nd FTA for court. Alex Witkins Looney: Poss of Marijuana (3/16/2004); Possession of Drug Paraphernalia (3/16/2004); def. failed to appear, $1,000 warrant. Zachary Lee Sauer: Failure to Transfer Title, 45 days (8/14/2004); Failure to Initially Register Vehicle (8/14/2004); Charge amended to failure to reg. vehicle, fined $300, pay $65 CAA fees $102 TPC, 90 days jail/90 susp, 24 too. bench prob./NSV, count 1 amended to failure to initially register vehicle, count 2 dismissed per state motion. SCHOOL LUNCH MENU THURSDAY, Nov. 18 B - Cheese Zombie, fruit, milk. L - French toast, ham, hash- brown, fruit, milk. FRIDAY, Nov. 19 B - Oatmeal, juice, toast, milk. L- Hamburger, orange wedge, fruit, cookie, milk. MONDAY, NOV. 92 B - Waffles, fruit, milk. L - Chicken nuggets, french fries, veggies, bread, apple- sauce, milk. TUESDAY, Nov. a3 B - Cold cereal, toast, fruit, milk. L - Soup & sandwich, veggies, pears, cobbler, milk. WEDNESDAY, Nov. 24 B - Cold cereal, toast, fruit, milk. L- Pizza, green beans, veggies, pineapple, milk. ATT0000TI[©00 Tee will be a meehng for the parents of -¢Cudents of the Graduating Class of 2005 in the Goldendale High School Library, Tuesday, November 30th at 7 p.m, The meeting will be to organize fundraising activities for the ....... 25 Senior Class Trip. Any Questions, call Michelle Wilkins at (509) 773-3853. BIG RI00R DINBR " " Dinner Special Thursday, Nov. 25 Serving Noon- 5 p.m. Oven Roasted Turke00 Virginia Baked Ham or Prime Rib Dinner Meal served w/all the trimmings, holiday salad bar, beverage & Children's Menu Available dessert. No Discount Coupon on Holidays, Call for Reservations Hwy 14, Bingen, WA 98605 • (509) 493-1414 Department's Family Planning Program is offering CONFIDENTIAL • STD Testing - Herpes - HPV - Hepatitis B & C - Gonorrhea - Chlamydia • HIV Counseling and Testing diD,. =,,=,,m TO SEE IF YOU QUALIFY FOR]" I'(1"..__ TESTING-- Call the Klickitat County Health Department: White Salmon Goldendale (509) 493-6234 (509) 773-4565 1-888-267-1199 1-888-291-3521 ** TRANSLATORS AVAILABLE BY REQUEST ** Funded by: OPA Title X Grant I PUBLIC HEALTH