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Newspaper Archive of
The Goldendale Sentinel
Goldendale , Washington
November 21, 1940     The Goldendale Sentinel
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November 21, 1940
Newspaper Archive of The Goldendale Sentinel produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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THE GOLDEND/ LE SENTINEL--Goldenctale, Washington Thursday, November 21, 1940 Th Page Two ,--'-'-- ~ " ..... ]I I|IT..1 "l ,| f'q/ 1 [to the ~chool lunch .... The effect ~he milk gradually and cook, stirring I I a"~f~/"~T A • A/'~rT'~TT JrTrT"~¥r'~ II WiUl ./~.,h~v--,~.,~..~.,-| .hlllPPhl~_ll}0f this slow alcoh01ization must be, constantly until thickened. Stir ta.| I .-- Dlflt..IZ--IL Z-I L 1 1 g 1 1 1/2,D --- I Nay 271 Iseon in the bosom of tile family: ,t eh imi;np" "e to cad add salt and pepper 1 L '--- -- " I .......... • I ~t~T.w ~a~r~rm~ ~a,~t~T.w~ I the poverty' the brutality, lack of if desired. Serves six. ~[~ ....... ~l~'.lr~.~k*. ~11r. q -lo %ow I i CHURCH Isanitation, tremhling children. TheI by the DAIRY COUNCIL Co~letrnOme " ! asi'wl: ! ]U]['l|||~g~ a.JLl~aaLo ~av~., ~.~,,y ~,~ a.~ vv I In order to avoid a conflict wlthl , I terrible toll which France has ,~aid • * on red Roy. Patmek S. Lyons, Pastor ..... ForM,,.__nerada At November Meetm o another event, the dance sp. t so a-' -- Its . alcohol is greater than that --~--r----'-------7-~ 6 eggs. ! :l~ by mines of tl~ Hmy Tmn ty (3 I Schedule of Messes /~-tm.ll her enemies have ever exact In the midst of the exciting pre-I 1 teaspoon salt. I Gel, ! lchu s kasmovdI / p,a,rations for Thanksgiving dinner, !Dash of pepper. I tPo~ ............. ,,~ th~ ~c ,Mrs Vernon Olsen was named to,th°.Ic.~__rch'.thi-.wee-- w~----e-, First, Third and Fifth Sundays 9!ed." (The Voice, p. 7. O,'t. 1940.) don't neglect Thanksgivlngbreakfast. il cup cream style corn. / Y one of these delicious breakfast sag- until thick and lemon colored, cad(~ rrC~l t h M: ~ ~-*i f~hUs:~dW;:h ~lm;. Fml ~st :FIRS .T 2/~H ~ISJ iCaHtUo 1R CH Surprise your family this year with Separate eggs and beat the yolks | ,~ Style Revue" at the November meet-I hall. During the dance intermission the ~ao~ vrr,ma~a~r o~rr~o~r ] 10-00 a. m. Bible school gestions. I lylSaltbeatenand pepperwh~tes.andFoldfOld tube slight-Tur~ ] ~m ' lug of Mucrada club, held last A low arrangement of yellow cedar chest will be given away to '~'~..~..~p.~-~.~.~. "~'~ ] ..' ~ . . '. ,. Potato Pancakes with Creamed m corn. i_°r ........ ' ........ t , r~nCK,~a~, washington , l~:uo a. n~. ~pecm~service for ' ~E S: e . ,. . I'. ". " , I -I opt t e sermon. Everyone invited the prone. ]rien(~erson. Iseheduledfor Thursday evening, I cified." l~pecially all men of the commu- C,(~mplete with programs, a cocky -- Nov .................. 28 Radio Service 1"$0~ mty.' master of ceremonies, Edward Cros- ~,~bi~,~ ~[t~f~r Me,teal network, convenient stationl 2'30 p m ~ervires at ttartand hey, who also directed the ~b,and, a 1lvl~'IpLl~alg;;aO • •~aa~ GOI.~EI~I)/~E GRANGE KI.T, Yakima 7:00 ;. ;n~ B ~" 'P 1*r ~(tlflt Combine the potato, slightly beat-]1.~ cups milk. girl band leader and blues singer F Ifl~'hl~ll RoveI't All Grangers and their friends are ]' Union and Junior Union, all meet- en eggs, flour, salt, reel,ted butter,11 pound cream cheese. assorted models the show a --O------- -- , 'lnvi , milk and onion uice and mix well 12 eggs ' l ted to attend the regular social I)AY SAINTS ling separately. triumph for the youngsters. Begin-t The evenin~nday Novem tnight at the Goldendale GrangeI R.R. Harem, Superintendent ] 8:00 p. m. Evening song and D~I°P by spoonfuls in a well-greasedil~ cups sifted flour. ni with the Vir inial reel renter- ' " - ....... ' Klickitat Wa hin o ng g I~.~ ~o ~ ...... ~.~. ~,.~ n~a~nd~l,~Inan, /rrmay evening, ~ov. 22. Earn! , s gt n I preaching service. Evangelistic iu hea.vy frying pan and bake until l3 teaspoons baking powder, ing whitewinged dancers, it ~ent on "~. ~°, '~ ~"~ ~;"'~ ~ ..... .~..~*'.~- ~ lady is asked to bring one dozen Sunday school 10:00 a. m. in i nature golden brown on both sides. This[ .~ teaspoon suit. " through Styles of Today, Grown Up Ihigh SChOOl Iootoall Ooys y~lloth:glsandwiches The social evening will }club rooms at Kllckltat. I 7'30 p m Wednesday Vn%n recipe makes twelve pancakes. Stack 13 t~blespo.ons melted butter. Folks, Sun Suits, Bathing Beauties remember. Atthat time t:tfo; foot Ibegin at 8:00 p.m. I ]Thanksgiving .~erviee at ~he M E two together, sandwich fashion, with Mix the milk gradually with the and a comic bather to Evening ] o[ all those wan turne(~ o i sons- I ,, CHIIRC"~ u~:"" CH'~VST~x 1 church" " • " " Creamed Sausage in between. Make i cheese, blending well. Add well-boat" o~h ..... h~o~ ,~.,~,-,~n,~ -utte what ball this season honored the r 1 , " one you ex~eet.'~'~--'~'l""'~" " ..... l with a chicken dinner served at the I I~ICR~A ~WI~G GROUP I ~/. T. Smith, minister 1 8 p. m. Thursday. prayer meeting Creamed~ Sausage as follows: en eggs. Sift flour, baking powder w d p , ~,, ...... .~^^,^,,^_ ~,. ~.~. ..... t Mucrada club members who are for any and all who may desire to 1~ pounds sausage links, and salt together and add to first In Cast ,*,uu,~. ~ ~oc,a~uu c,uo~,~.o~. Bible study 10 00 ......... l interested in joining the cluh's new l ........................................... : , attend this Thanksgiving service3 tablespoons flour. Imixture, beating well. Add melted Participating were Dorothea An-no*menta'meve, n(~a ,re rzate ~o the aec°r'at/°n'~ rWereoccam°st sewing group will hold an organi-iPreaching ............................................... 11:00 Come worship and serve wilhus.2 cups milk. butter, bake iu waffle iron and serve dersen, Marlene Busche, Audrey 1 . -_ (~_ pp P. . '-t- I zation meeting Friday afternoon, i Lord's Supper . ..................................... 11:50. There is a welcome here. 2 tahlespoons chopped pimiento.~ with preserved fruit. d ar Orrln Densle ~smn The nonorea guests were sea- I . . , Lefever, June E g . Y,I ' . . tNov 22 at 2"30 n m at the homelEvemng serwce ................................... ,:30I Cut the sausage in short lengths H 1 ex ed at a "football field" complete ..... . . ,. : Harold Jackson, Dyrck a I, R ......... 1~ I of Mrs. F. F. Fenton on East Court I Wednesday evemng serwce ......... , .30 , The Sentinel can fill you Chmstmas and fry over low heat until browned,~ Royal and Underwood typewriters Byars, Phyllis McKanna, Zona Clair[ TM yar(l nn~s ann PU:lPlLF;egv~Ulstreet. tBible Study Friday .............................. 2:30icards needs. Hundreds of cards, low s4irring frequently. Drain off excesslat The Goldendale Sentinel. small , goal posts M niature p y P Smith Bobby Olson, Orin Lee Day- • " .-I I You are invited to attend thcse lprices Order early fat, add the flour and mix well• Add,, down payment and easy terms, tf I seating two opposing teams were in . ton, Donna Gadeburg, Barbara Zum- I '~'c,~,'rar~'r~m~,'~v 'u'~Ta ]services. ~ ---- walt Doyl Koontz, Paul Adklson, ~.e ,,e,u rent, ,or ac ...... -I Memb ........ K^nsin_ton t I I III Joan Brokaw Joan Wilkins, Betty outed by one player holding the ba 1 I will n " -- i- " "" " o t* the I CHURCH OF CHRIST ' Jean ' s 'Th tee~ ~'r(lay attern on a Opal Wlldanen pat, r ~~llIIln/ll~ ij!i~] Znmwalt Bett" Adkison for the ktck-~aff. The place card I I ,~..,~...;,. ~v.~,. " ' ~ " ........ '^ *^^**-^"~--'*~-*~e n~mesIMas°nic temple for a no-host party. ~,~.~=..,,,v, ,,~,. Others were Carol Brock, .............. ,~ ,,, ,o,~,~,oa,,~,~a ~,, h,~,, ~,~ ~J~ _ _. in golu t~me markers'- wltn tnelrl e ................. :, ..... l Bi s Charlotte Qualls, JacKm , • ] ~' ~a ,~ ,., " ..........' .] ......... numoers served as nut cups. i-:~- v ..... t Lind's Da- Se~i(e moore, Mary ~ee vanuevanter, l~en- I ~ " s y ~ ' ' " Coach Fred Taylor was toastmast neth Byars, Garth Wlndom, Donald • " -I ]~.~q~'l~ "~N.~'l~f~l~l t 10:00 Bible school. S~herer Tommy Richardson, Joan er for the banquet, cud a very cap-I Because ,~'--f'~ "V~'han~ks~i'~n~ th~ ; 11 00 Lord's supper and sermon. t able one As the players were intro I , n Yorke Arnold Yoho Donald l%ob I 2 30 Ju mr C E , , " " •- I Woman s Association will not meet [ : " • - son and Shirley Tebbs. dared, each in his own way contm-]this Thursday Mrs J J Fry, presi-I 7:00Adult C.E. " __ ,..,WestRest f'o ee, ...... 21c ......... ~. ........ ~^~ .r^i,~. bated to the entertainment. V. T. I .... • ......'~^~ " m~.^" ....... ,..... ! 8:00Song service and sermon. ~anu m~n~o~r~ mC~uu~u ~ ~" Smith, with Wallace Hornithrook ms ] u~,,~, a.uuuac~u. ~ue ~uv~mo~. !' Week Day Service Densley drummer, and Bobby Wil- • . • - I meetH~g of the Association has b~en - accompamsL proved 'hlmsel~ as 7'30 Thursday Biblestudyof son, Dale McEwen, Mary Lee Gray ........... lpostpoued until Dec. 19 when theI " . . Big Value Coffee, lb..... 17c • auept in mamng the s~nglng as ]n~ , book of Revelations Donna Riley, Bourne Jo Young, Don- . . . . .... p regular DecemberWoman s Asso- I ' . praying ~ootnaL~ ~ 6 30 Wednesday No~ 27 a pot na Mac VandeVanter, Barbara " ciation sees'on is scheduled. I :. ' ' "" " Snider. Connie Craven, l]hirley Hat- At the request of the boys, Paul gen, Carol Beebe, Bonnie Walden, Patty Hector. Vera Beth Whltehill, Kenneth Beebe, David Miner, Sally Holler and Glenn Beers. To Sponsor Dance Also on the meeting program was a talk on Propaganda by Mrs. Ron Richardson, press chairman. Mrs. F. F. Fenton presided over the business meeting. R. P. Jeffrey, local Red Cross official, spoke to the group about sponsorship of a Junior Red Cross Chapter. After a talk on the Primary Im- provement clufb's Hot Lunch Fund by Mrs. C. R. House, the group ~ot- ed to a~sist in the project by hold- ing a dance to raise necessary funds. WE ARE TRAINED TO STYLE YOUR HAIR as best becomes your features. Whether your face is oval, round, traingular, or square-- we can flatter your features with hair beauty. Phone 1413 Shipp's Barber and Johnson, superintendent, expressed their appreciation and also that of the faculty to the mothers and to all others who aided in making this banquet one of the most memorable and enjoyable affairs of the year. Those preeent were: Paul John- son, Coach Fred Taylor, John Mil- lain, Jim Bulmer, Wally Hornibrook, Wayne Spalding, Bill Binns, Joe !Mallon, Bud Bradstreet, Emmett Hector, Bo,b VanI-~oy, Donald Hec- tor, Bill Sarsfield, Donald Sleeper, Frederick House, Jim Brooks, Jim McKenzie, Arthur Lawson, Allan Hanson, Ray B.aggarley, Bob Groves, Jack Wunder, V. T. Smith, Donald Byars, Bob Hoffeditz, Dean Brad- street, Don Hoagland, Jim Zevely, Charles Smith, Chet Baggarley, Cal- vin Linden, Verbert Crevling, and Artht~r Schuster. 160 ATTEND DINNER AT ODD FELLOWS HALL G,oldendale Odd Fellows and Re- bekahs and members of their fam- ilies met at the I. O. O. F. hall last Saturday evening for a pre-Thauks- ,giving dinner. More than 160 per- sons were served by the committee in charge of ,the dinner. A brief program was held follow- ing the dinner. John W. Gruber, noble grand ,of the I. O. O. F., and Mls~, Elizabeth Bratton, of the local Rebekah organization, spoke briefly. 22 SALE ENDS TUESDAY, DECEMBER 3 All Winter Coats At Reduced Prices ! One Lot Winter Coats, eaCh .... All Hats Greatly $6.95 and $5.95 Dresses, now ..... $4.90 $4.90 Dresses, now .............. $3.90 $2.95 Dresses, now .............. $2.49 $2.95 House Coats, now ......... $1.95 Wool Skirts, each .............. $I.00 I pair Charmette Hose..$I; 2 for $1.85 I luck missionary dinner comlbined Kelloggs with dedication service for the new HOLD FAMILY KEUNION Sunday school annex that is nearing A family reunion took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Naetc°mpleti°n' The theme of our guest Armistice i speakers message will be "Home Turner at Snake River on Anderson 1Missions.,, All friend,~ of the church day. Mr. and Mrs. Sanford and b~by daughter, Mary Ann drove are invited to attend. over from Asotin Where they are now living. The ladiee are sisters and their mother, Mrs. G. M. Eddie of Croldendale, was also present. HI FAMILY REUNION George, Chet and Gran, t Crofutt, of C~oldendale, spent the weekend inI Washoug~l, where they attended an annual family reunion of the Crofutt ~amily. I. J. Orofutt, 81, of Portland, brother of the local men attended the reunion, which was held at the home of their sister, Mrs. T, E. Oliver. The Crofutt brothers returned to G~olden- d~.le Monday. i nl II BRIDGE PARTY Mrs. E. C. Trost Mrs. H. W. Bates were hostesses at a bridge-des- sert patty Thursday evening, wi~h ~eunger C~oldendale women as their guests. Five tables of bridge were in play with high honors going to Mrs. P. F. Fenton and Mrs. Russell Woodward. As an unusual feature of ~t'he party, low e,t each table also re- ceived a prize. SELMA MYHR BRIDE OF D~PORT RESIDEN~ Following a delicious ehieken din- ner given by ~he bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Myhr, of Lyle, Wash- ington Miss Selma Myhr was united in marriage to Vernon E. Cochenour, of Dallesport, Washington. Members of the two families were present at the dinner. The guests were: Mr. and Mrs. D. O. Cochenour, of Dallesport, and sons, Vernon, Morris, Harlln, Marlin, and Larry; also June and Mrs. Pot~ts of The Dal- les. ,Miss Potts is the groom's cousin and Mrs. Potts his grandmother. ~ne ceremony was performed by Rev. Walter J. Eck, Lutheran minis- ter of The ~:)~lles, at 3:30, Sunday e, fternoon, November, 10. The bride was given away by her father, June! Potts was bridesmaid; Morris Covh- enour, beSt man. The bride wore a blue wool travel- ing dress and carried a bouquet of fluffy, white chrysantheums. The bridesmaid, also, w~m dressed in blue. Refreshments of cake and coffee were served after the ceremony. Then, the bride and groom left for a !brief honey-moon tn Portland, Ore- gon, where they visited the bride's aunt, Mrs. Emma Ohilson. They re- turned over ~he Mt. Hood Loop high- way via Wapinttla. They were at home to friends and relatives at the cottage Saturday, November 16. Royal and Underwood: Portable typewriters. ,Small down payment, balance in small monthly payment. THE METHODIST CHURCH C. J. Hall, minister C~IURCH SCHOOL, 10:00 a. m.. Mrs. W. C. Trowbridge, superintend- )eat. Does your S. S. hymnal have this number in it? 4-13-16-19-21- 22-25 or 28. SERMON, by the pastor: "And, What Next?" Choir practice, Wed. 7:00 p..m. TEMPERANCE INFORMATION : More about fallen France; Dr. Robert Hercod describes the rural French scene; "The morning break- fast begins with wine soup. A soup plate is filled with wine in which bread is soaked. Every laborer who goes to the fields takes with him a small keg containing two litres of wine or more. Wtlen he comes home at mid-day, the keg is always empty. A small glass of spirits is added to the black coffee. Return- ing to the field in the afternoon, the worker takes with him his re- filled keg. A bottle of wine is added U WITH YOUR NAME YOUR CHOICE OF 12 SMART Sentinel 9 large pkgs. Blue Pearl 9 Brand Prince 9 Albert Ginger Snaps, 2 lbs ...... 25c Crackers, 2 lb. box ...... 17c Hills Coffee, lb .......... 25c Canned Pumpkin ....... 10c Sperry Pancake, 9.8 lbs.. 49c Fairway Coffee, 2 lbs .... 25c Matches, carton ........ 17c Sea Port Brand Wheaties, 2 pkgs ........ 19c Sugar, 10 lb. bag ........ 55c Dried Prunes, 3 lbs ...... 25c Large Italian, Washington grown Flour, 49 lb. bag ....... $1.29 Tomato Juice, No. tin 10c Catsup, 3 bottles ........ 25c" Alameda Brand Small White or Red Mexican Dinner Bell Brand O Bacon Squares, lb ........ 9c Picnic Hams, lb ....... 171/zc Chili Bricks, lb .......... 25c Mutton Chops, 2 lbs. .... 19c Kraut, pint .............. 5c Mutton Roast, lb. ....... 10c ,% Potatoes, 10 lb. bag ..... 89c Yakima Netted Gems, combination run Grapefruit, 3 for ........ 10c Nice and Juicy Celery, bunch .......... 10c Large, fancy quality Apples,. box ............ 89c Winesaps, Rome Beauty, Jonathans Cocoanuts, 3 for ........ 25c Fresh Stock Cranberries, 2 Ibs... .... 29c Firm and tender