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Newspaper Archive of
The Goldendale Sentinel
Goldendale , Washington
November 21, 1940     The Goldendale Sentinel
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November 21, 1940
Newspaper Archive of The Goldendale Sentinel produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page Eight THE GOLDENDALE SENTINEL--Goldendale, Washington . . -. .............................. first--i)~-toratein ~the-west was at ..................................... :~-- ....................... o I Rites Held For McMinnvilie He later was pastor of l Chamber Holds Seal Sale Drive College Trained Wlshram Scouts l what is now the Hinson Memorial l " • I ° W. T. Jordan At ehurch'of Portland Monthly Meeting Chairman Named . Cadets Desired Score At Court ~~ 1.Is ~1 ...... ---i-" While in Mc~Minn'v~lle Mr. Jordan " For Thio r'o,,n*-, ----- "" •" •" IVl~rIL?nlll • .hllPOrlm ............ "~te~ "'f Linfleld col [ -'---'--'--- [ o %.s ~ g.~l Any young man who feels the urge ~,.)~ raonor rlere ,,.,~-j ~ ....... ~rwu aft ....... - l~ou,tine business held the atten- --------- to 1 1'11 ho,v fl "the arm wa " --------- , tege. ~ater while pastor of a Denver, . I ee ~ to y y y, Funeral services for William Colorado church Mr Jerdan was tlon of G~ldendale Chamber of Com- Mrs. Martin Forry willhead the and who can qualify as a flying cadet Wishram's wide-awake Boy Scout Thomas lordan 83 ne of Klicki I I en; of the' board of trustees merce members here Tuesday even- annual Christmas seal sale in Gold- in the Army Air Corps will find a troop and ~heir grownup boosters .... ~ ....... rag. A C Keefhaver, Chamber presl- endale for 1940, Mrs. Bert Wdkms, heart welcome in Portland from .... i h r ' Mid , , , o " i pres d • • • • i tat county's pest l~nown ana mos~ an~ executive committee ot tne .................. I ...... Y ~ walked off w t top hone s at a - low~ mi.~.t.~ wor. held from the / o,~1~.m~ Women's college In Colo- ](lent, repot~tea that,there is nine nKe-icounty seal sate eaawman announcea ! November 15 to lS when the Travel-Colnmbia distri,~'t court of honor held .................. i.~.. ...... ... . o • ~ ~ ~lihood of securing federal funds at ithis week This drive, which is con-t ins Flying Cadet Examining Board in Goldeudale Novembm 12 The Maryhill church Tuesday afternoon rado Mr. Joruan amp serve(1 ~or ~our ............ , " ~' ' ~ ' ". , 1 n te ltms ume tm ~L ~omenaale airport ducted entnely by mail is the only will meet m Pmtland accoidmg to W~shl~m contingent of 31 at the at 3:00 o'clock, iMr. Jordan died at years as chaplain of the state se a . ' " " I " ' I ' " " , • ' " "s " ' " his home in Seattle Saturday. He During his 20 year residence at norPhilip Hingston, in ~he absence ofL,ea ueapPeal and the only course of income [ Lieutenant Colonel B. H. Hensley, court of honor was presented the had been iu poor health for several Maryhill, Mr. Jordan took an active the regular committee chairman, re-]for the Khckitat County Tuberculosisldistrict recruRing officer. During its sheel)skin award for attendance. ] n he h fhl comma I ted that little progless has beeng stay m Poltland the boald ~11 m ,years. I interest i t "re o 's - ...... , " ~ " " ..... " " - More than 100 were present at the c he servedImade on the pending Goldendale hos I Tubmculoms is still the leading te~lew those appl)ing fol appoint [ After retiring from the ministry nity. On many o~casions ' " - " " ..... " " " '" " ' -Icourt of honor ceremonies held in j in 1910 Mr. Jordan made his home tas minister in county churches, pital project, cause of dea,th "among young people ment and will give the necessary ex- the county courthouse. Ray Hughes, • at Mar' y "hill where' he operated one I His survivors include the widow, The subject of faster mail service I and ranks, among the entire popula- aminations to those tentatively• ae-i.~ ~',~" ""^ D-lla ~., v," ..... ............... ~'~'~ "÷ *~" ..... r~ of the finest orohards in Eastern.~1 Mrs. Birde M. Jordan', two daugh- l between Goldendale and Yakima V¢~I- tion as the deadliest of all com- cepted, l.~f~,f .....h,~nn,' __.~wlth .................... a~_,~, ohmh,¢ ,, o~,r...u ~1 V~;ashi~igton" ~ . A fe~ years' ago Mr. items', Mrs. Sterlng D. Peterson and i ley points was again brought up for ........... ' municable diseases Itealth education! lleq ~irements for al I)( inure( ~t "~rc ..~4~,~,/ Schamc..,~ ~f,~f T..erh Dalles, ~c~..~-o~nf and Mrs Jordan moved to Seattle iMrs Horace G Rahskopf" and two~ discussion at Che meetinz Hie-hwavlis the chief method of combatting that a young man be unmarried" in ! ..... • t ~ " " ' i : c,- o ¢ ~ [ ' ' , colnnllSSlOller was e=l.iso present aria xshere' they resided until his, death.:, grandchildren, Sterling Jordan Pet-~!imp~ovements. including the elimina- this g~eat plague, and, a generous excellent heatlh; at least 20 years ~-~va~ ~ ded t~el .heepskms " to the W~sh-' Mr. Jordan had a distinguished ! mson'. , and .Mellnda Ann Rahskopf, , ,Ition of the. ~Ma~y~hill" loops wine also use of the appealing, colorful seal on , old, but not past ,')6', and he must /a ...... ..... ~ ..... ",,~. T,~ ....... --i~ ~.~ ~h~ h~..,h,,.,,~,,.Z ~areer in the ministry. The son of a ! all of Seattle. discussed, all holiday mail is a guarantee that have satisf,a.ctorily oompleted two : for the comin • m well known Southern evangelist hel The Rev. C. E. Hanes, pastor of , a vigorous campaign will be waged years of college. ! kfter thata onh_ t~me ittwill be presented was graduated from Wake Forest the Goldendale Baptist church, con- George Pollan, of Goldendale, re- college at the head of his class and i~ 1878 was ordained aa a" minister iI~ the Baptist church. After performing outstanding services for his church in N.0rth Carolina, Mr. Jordan came to Ore- gon with an immigrant trdin. His ducted the services at Maryhill. In- :ceived treatment Tuesday evening I 2erment was at the Maryhill ceme-for a severed tendon in the back of l church, i hand• in Kltckitat county in 1941. Over During the nearly 30-week train- t(~ ti~e troop having the largest atten- P ices are for HOME TYPE 49-Ib. uck KITCH[N (RAFT FLOUR Nov. 22 thru Nov. 25 241A-lb. sack . . . gge Drifted Snow, 49 lbs...$1.54 CHERUB MILK Tall Cans 4 for 26c DOG FOOD Strongheart, l s, 6/25c SHORTENING, Royal Satin 3 lb. 39c ITALIAN PRUNES 4 lb. pkg. 19¢ KARO SYRUP BI, Label 5-1b can 35¢ SCOTTISSUE 3 rolls 21c Gold Medal, 49 lb. sk... $1.69 PANCAKE FLOUR No. 10 Harvest Blossom Sack Roaster Fresb l Stokely or Libby Tid-bi~ or Crushed 8-o~ csn HONEY POD PEAS 2 for TABLE SALT 8-lb. bag 18c SODA CRACKERS Salted 2 Ib bx 15c LUX TOILET SOAP 3 bars 17c RUBY CATSUP 3 12-oz bot. 25c GRAPEFRUIT JUICE ,~6-OZCAN 17¢ Kraft Macaroni Dinners Pkg. 9¢ Julia Lee AIRWAY Lb, bag 12e NOB HILL 2ba,33c Lb bao 17e Lb can 20e ¢ 15¢ 29' pkg. pkg. KIDNEY BEANS, Joan of Arc, No. 2 can... 10c ~I~)MATO JUICE, Sunny Dawn, 46 oz. can.. 17c BAB YLIMA BEANS, 5 lb. pkg ....... ...29c BLA(~ PEPPER, ~ lb. pkg ........ ~....10c CITRON PEEL, 8 oz. cello'. ........ .....1Tc BABO CLEANER ..................... 12c OORN, Country Home, cream style, No. 2 can 10c PEARS, Harper House, No. 2~ can .... .... 18c PEACIng'S, Castle Crest, No. 2~ cans, 2 for 25c RADIANT FRUIT MIX, 1 lb. pkg ......... 31c RA.ISINS, 4 pound package. ............ 21c ST. REGIS MACqK]EBJEI6 No. I can ......10c MALT SYRUP, Blue Ribbon, 3 lb. can ..... 49c B U T T g ~[~ Grode ^ t~. 41@ g O G S . ade A lge. Doz. 340 C ~[ E g S E ~fld Cream Lb. 19¢ SALAD DRESSING, l)uchess, quart Jar ..... 23c Sandwich SPREAD, Lunch Box, pt. 21c; qt. 85c Waldorf TISSUE ............... . . • ..... 4c SO(YI~ TOWELS, 2 for ................. 19c STARCH, Corn'or Gloss, I lb. pkgs., 8 for... 25c RIVER RICE, close out, 2 lb. pkg.... .... 10c QUAKER OATS, quick or regular, lge. pkg. 21c VARBRITE WAX, quart can ............ 69c Mazda Light GLOBES, 15 to 100 watt 10c to 15c HERSHEY 5c BARS, 5 for .............. 15c Her. Bittersweet CHOCOI~a~TES, 7 oz., 2 for ~5c Edgemout SMACKS, large pkg.... ....... 14c Values are for Friday and Saturday Lemons, doz. ...... 19c Sunk st Emperor Grapes, lb.. 5c Fancy Grapefruit, doz. .... 25c 100 size Arizona Calavos, each ..... 10c 24 size Turnips, 3 bchs. .... 10c Good Quality Potatoes, 50 lbs ..... 49c Deschutes U. S. No. 2 ,, , b. Bacon by the piece, 1 .19c HAM, Morrells Pride Skmed, lb ......... Pork Shoulders, lb ..... 12c Picnic Style Pork Steak, lb. ........ 17c 70 cents out of every dollar raised is spent in Klickitat county directly, This year seals will be sold from November 25 to Christmas eve. Other seal sale chairmen and the communities in which they will serve ing course, the flying cadet receives dance at the next district court of l a salary of $75 a month in add'itioh honor to be held in The Dalles, Dec-! to his qnarters, cl,,)lhin~;, medicai eml)er 10. and a ration allowance of $1.00,iinzmy Trowbridge, of the Golden- per day. At ~l~e completion of the dale troop, was advanced to the r~nk couz'se, the flying cadet is commis- of Life Scout. The following merit e sioned as a second lieutenant in the badges were presented to Goldendale Air Corps Reserve and is placed on Scouts: Jimmy Trow~bridge, athletics, aclive duty for a period of one or more with a tactical unit of the ~" Sleeper, chemistry; Douglas Bratton, Army Air Corps. handicraft; Jim Brooks, chemistry are: W. G. Parker, Alderdale; Mrs. to the police reports," one of the ;and woodworking; Fritz House, Alfred P. Hill, White Salmon; Mrs. youths was quoted as saying. " personal hoMth; James House, pip- James Erwin, Bingen; Mrs. R.M. Both boys had reform school neering; and Tommy Gray, tender- ttuntington, Klickitat. In Bickleton records in Utah and the older youth foot. I Mrs. A. M. Matsen will serve; Mrs. was on parole at the time he left The examining board at the court August Jackel, Centerville; Mrs. the state, county authorities said. of honor was made up of Scout rues- Lloyd Hickey, Glenwood; Mrs. Mexy ............. Stewart, Trout Lake, Mrs. George Coffield, Wishram. Mrs. John Sand- Thursday, November 21, Civil Service . Jobs AvaIl A call for carpenters, s',tlpw and instrument makers was this week by the U. S. Civil oommission. A.pplica,tions will be ceived for these positions by the corder, labor board, Puget So Navy Yard, Bremerton, Wash., uP Dec. 31. Examinations will be given : these positions after that time. JOtS will be awarded on the basis of co$" petitive examinations. TO KLICKITAT COUNTY VOTI$11~ Gojdendale Grange No. 49 wishes t lta e this opportunity of thanking a~ t~e voters of Klickitat C