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November 24, 1938 The Goldendale Sentinel | |
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November 24, 1938 |
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be held in Goldendale. At this
steps will be outlined for build-
~. long tim,~ county program.
M. Turner, of Pullman, assist-
(lirector of the state agriculture
olTk~e, will be on hand to
the plan. Four county corn-
will he selected at the meet-
They will represent community
home building; home interest
rural life; plant and animal in-
and land use.
WHEAT .... t
~te goft White
17 ............ ~ .51
18 ............ 53 .51 [
19 ............ 52 .50
21 ............ 51 .49
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With Uncle Sam furnishing every-
thing but g~sollne, wire and cement, !
Klickitat Valley fi~rmera ~tre ~ow re- !
calving scientific treatment for their i
in,dividual a0dl erosion ills.
Uncle Sam in this case is (~amp
Gotdendale's Soil Conservatlen corn-I
p~ny ntmffoer 945. The so41 erosion:
work is done with Civilian Conserva-
tion (k)rps l~bor, and United Statesi
department of agriculture equipment.
The engineering and planning isI
added by graduate engineers .and l
o.gron(mlistls ~hired by the government i
to ai,d far~lers through scientific soil
consexvatton met,hods.
Fill Up Gullies
l~rt of a n~tionwlde project to aid
and educate f(~rmers in soil eonserva-
t~o,n a~ad erosion control work, the
Klickitat Valley program is being
cttrried out IJhrough individual con-
tracb.~ between local farmcq*s and ~he ing. The divez~lo~n ditches, approxi- / ~rs can (,petite their machinery. , farmer no longer has the ineonveni-
Camp Gohiendale engineers wotking mutely four feet wide and dug to pe~r-, Gully control dams ~re built ~f ence of f,3rming around what former-
under Aldelt Copeblad, camp di.rector, i mtt easy crossing with farm nm*:htn- rock laid by hand and anchored by ly were dangepous ditetles. Grass ie
In their soil er~(:~sion control work lery, run e.long the side of the slope strong hog wire netting. 'Phe top of see(led along tile edges of the gully
tl~e Camp Goldendale engineers use stetrting on tbe Columbia mountain the dam is built ~bout two f~et be-land s(~n sod formation stops any
i native materials ,almost entirely. On at a low gradient,low the field' level and the ditch be- i further wasidng. This type of gu ly
the M. O. I~yton ranch four miles;i At regular, dopen,ding up- i ditches 10 ft'~t deep and as far across ! control ~rrk not only performs a
south of Golden,dale a large gully i on the slope, identical diversion i to shallow swales, over which farm- ! service to the farmer in remedying
control d,am some 15 feet wide andiditches axe dug acrcos the field, each t vals~cross the gully the conservatic~nla serious soil wash but i~h serves an
about 10 feet !high w~s constructedIparallel to Vhe one above. Theory, !hind the dam filled in even with it~ eveI~ valuable pin,pose in ~5s-
for an actual cash outlay to the own- ~b~cked by ~ctual practice, proves that I service ha~ been able to e.lmnge ing the water table of l~ts land by
er of about $35. This expenditure i Vi~ese diversion ~lit(~hes will top all 'j lop. The s~des of the ,d,itoh are then checking run-off that occurs threug~h
x~as entirely for cement, l:~bor, rockI future erosion es wail as remedy igraded in. A series of thee rock deep lmrlzontat ditches.
much of ~he er0~+ion troubles already (l,ares. each one costing the farmer~ Ma~y Klickitat Valley ~rmers
imaterials, equipment, and engineer-i present, less Lh~n $12, are built along the have already sighted contracts for
ing were grmis from the government. I Use Native Materials gully at intervals of from 75 to 150 ~, complete erosion control work on
Stop Erosion I Anot~her feature of the sell ere- fe~t. their farms. Some of the farms h~ve
On the Andrew Isa,+cson farm near islen control being carried on in th~ Build Rock I)ams alrex~dy been serviced, ~ork is ~o~
W,].rwtck, George Ross, Camp engi-!Klickitat Valley by COC labor and t ractice has shown that in l~u undt~r w,~y on ()ther,~ and many more
neer, has recently constructed a corn-government engineers is gully con-than two years the gully c~n be fllle.d are completing d(~t;~ils with gov~n~-
plete system ;0~f diversion ditches to lta-ol work. Through a aeries of rock and further e~rosion ~halted. Not only ment engim~ers for i~dividual censer-
protect l~a(~cson's land from wash-idems constructed at regular inter- is considerable soil saved hut the vatio~ prog,ams.
w dan superintendent, will be
in Goldendale this Saturday for a
meeting ~qth L. W T(~rnahan, and
members of the county AAA com-