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Newspaper Archive of
The Goldendale Sentinel
Goldendale , Washington
November 24, 1938     The Goldendale Sentinel
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November 24, 1938
Newspaper Archive of The Goldendale Sentinel produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page Two THE GOLDENDALE SENTINEL--Goldendale, Washington ..... Thursday, November 24, 1! Umlauf, Jr. From Camas came Mrs, Otto Michaelis and Mrs. Beais. Goldendale guests included Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bogyman, Miss Nedra Bowman, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Ward, Mr. and Mrs. P. L. Welter, and their daughter, Miss Maxlne, J. A. Barge, and the family of the bride. MASONIC DAI~CE A dance will be held at the Ma- sonic temple this Saturday evening VALUES FOR FRIDAY, SATURDAY AND MONDAY for Masons, Eastern ,Star and Rain- bow members and their friends. The HARD MIX CANDY, 2 pounds .................... 19@ dance will begin at 9:30 p. b., Mrs. JUNII~ER MI XCANDY, 2 lbs ................... 25@ Merle Hurd announced. OXYDOL, package ............................. 19@ CASCADE CRACKER:S, 2 pounds .................. 19@ LIONS S~ pm~rav, s Members of the Goldendale Lions MEDIUM SSO~r SHELL OREGON WALNUTS, 1 lb. 150 club were entertained with a reel WHITE BEANS or RED BEANS, 10 pounds ........ 45@ of motion pictures shown by Jimmy SORGHUM, 1 Gallon ........................... $1.19 Hall. Tile film included shots of the SUNGOLD FLOUR, 49 lb. sack .................... 98@ Carneigie Tech-Notre Dame football game which he witnessed on a re- cent trip east. Other pictures shown in the movie reel ,were of the Gold- endale Jamboree and Indian fishing on the Columbia at Celllo. m Dep. our, bar'-rel .. ...... $4 9 8_ I NAU0N WOOL 1 no at, I0 Ibs ...... in the interests of National Wool week, November 20 to 26, Golden- Lard, 8 mads .............. $1.191 dale clot hing stor , Ledbetter Wallace, J. C. Penney Co., the Mary- Beth Shoppe, and the Dresswell ROLLED OATS, 9 pound sack ..................... 39@ shop. are featuring special wi,ndow: FARINA, 8 pounds. ............................. 43@ displays this week. Each window CRYSTAL WHITE SOAP, I0 bars ................. 29e display features articles of clothing MORING MILK, 3 cans .......................... 19@ made from domestic wool. MATCHES, Carton .............................. 15e ~sGrv~G D~Ov. CHEESE, 1 pound ............................... 17e Under the Joint sponsorship of CLABBER GIRL BAKING POWDER, 2 lb. can ...... ~1@ Louis Leidl post of the American CATSUP,'" ~ttle~ . ............................... 10@ Legion and the Goldendale aerie of the Fraternal Order of Eagles, a FRUITS AND VEGETABLF special Thanksgiving day dance will be held at the Utopian ball room, Carrots or Turnips, 3 bunches ..... 10C Thursday night, Nov. 24. D. E. Van- doVanter is chairman in charge of Lettuce, locM grown, 3 hea& ..... 10c srrangements for the dance. Tbompson's orchestra will provide Celery, Utah or bleached, stalk .... 5c the music for the affair. Oranges, 288 size Stmkist, 2 dozen. 29c Zvo vA T0 H0 D Grapefruit, 100 size Arizona, doz... 29c savF ZRZ D S., A comblned silver tea and art ~.~ PHONE 272--GOLDENDALE fest lval will be the highlights of the regular meeting of Mucrada ~ Thursday afternoon, December I, at theWoman's Asoclation club house. Guests for the program include the Woman's Assoclation, and the junior clubs from Klickitat and Members should keep in mind the business session will start promptly at 2:00 p. m. Evelyn Martin will be hostess of Emma Seibold Weds Klickitat Man At the Book club Wednesday, Novem- ber 30, at the home of Mrs. A. R. Tuesday Afternoon Ceremony Here Young uist. Beneath an arch of evergreens, foretelling the coming holiday sea- son. and flowers of the late fall, Miss Emma Seibold, daughter of Mr. dozen guests from Goldondale and out of town followed the ceremony. Receiving was Mrs. Seibold, mother of the bride, wearing a street-length and Mrs. Ernest Seibold of Golden-I frock of crepe with a dale, Tuesday afiernoon, November l corsage of rosebuds and gardenias, 22, exchanged wedding vows with land Mrs. Fred Rosonkranz, grand- Alfred Boysen, son of Mr. and Mrs. mother of the bride. Fred Boysen of Klickitat. The Rev- The weddi~ng cake centered the erend C. J. Hall read the single ring lace-covered reception table, flank- service at 3:00 o'clock at the home ed by tall white tapers and flowers. of the bride's parents The bride cut the traditional Tall baskets of big chrysanthe- mums in shades of rose and white stood beside the bridal couple. Given in marriage by h~r father, the bride chose a long taffeta gown of steel blue. full-skirted, with a yes neck and puffer sleeves. Her corsage was a spray of three gardenias. Bridal Party Miss Elsie Seibold, her sister's only attendant, chose a tv;ffeta gown of cherry-rose, made on similar lines to the bridal gown, with a corsage of gardenias. Harold Hut- ch.ins of Klickitat ~¢as best m~n, and Miss Maxine Welter was at the piano to play the wedding march. An informal reception for two WATKINS VANILLA CONTEST CIA~ES THE BOth of this month Be sure and send in your entry, blanks "NOW!" With purchese of barge vanilla you get Cocoa, Bak- ing Powder, pound cans end half pound Pepper, for 5 cents. Let's bril~ some good IW'I~.s t~) Kltck- ltmt County, Your ~Vatkins Dealer ts still hold~ first p~e. ROY W. LUNDBEI~JJ, Goldendale pieces, and assisting with the serv- ing were Mrs. Chester Beals of Camas, and Miss Nedta Bowman of this city. Mr. and Mrs. Boysen left after the reception for a short wedding trip to Seattle. For traveldng the bride chose a long-sleeved frock of jay blue alpaca with a coat of rain rust and hat and accessories of black. Klickitat Home After November 25 the couple will be at home to their friends in Klickitat, where the bridegroom is employed. The bride, ~ popular Gold- endale girl, was graduated from high school here and a~ended Washington State college, where she was a pledge of Delta Zeta sorority. Mr. Boysen was graduated from high high school in Klickitat and attended school in Seattle. Out of town guests bidden to the wedding i.n¢luded Mr. Boysen, father of the bridegroom, from Klickitat. Mrs. Boysen is traveling in Ger- many. Others from Klickitat were Mr. and Mrs. Hutchins and their daughters and Mr. and Mrs. Herman If your coiffure in step with the season ? Let us show you the lat- est styles of attractive hair dressing. Lead the style parade with the ultra-new hair-up coif- fure. Accent your new winter wardrobe with one of our new- est winter permanents. Shipp's Barber and Beauty Shop Phone 1413 for Appointment TURKEY DINNER Honoring eight Goldendale wom- en, Mrs. John A. Miller entertained at her Centerville home with a tur- key dinner last Thursday. The a~ter- noon was spent in sewing. Among those present were: Mrs. August Hanson, Mrs. John Nath, Mrs. John Kaidera, Mrs. James Gray, Mrs. Lawrence Sanstrum, Mrs. Roy San- ders, Mrs. Archle Radcl~iffe and Mrs. J. g. Hoagiand. MRS. KARGE HOSTESS TO BRIDGE CLUB THIS WEEK Mrs. Ed Karge entertained mem- bers of Goldendale's newest bridge club for the group's second meeting Monday evening at her home. Co- hostess for the evening was Miss Peggy Conry. A buffet supper pre- ceded the evening of contract bridge, and honors went to Mrs. Carter L. Hilsabeck and Mrs. W. L. Matthews. Four tables were in play during the evening, and guests t, ncluded Mrs. Pat McEwen, Mrs. Max Maurer, Miss Faye Gosney, Miss Madeline Trumbo, Mrs. Matthews, Mrs. Will- iam Woodford, Mrs. Karge, Mrs. Credo Watson, Mrs. Ronald Richard- son, Miss Mary Nesbitt, Mrs. Don Hobbs, Mrs. Lloyd Hanson, Mrs. Hilsabeck, Mrs. A. Copeland and Harold Guy. The next semi-monthly meeting of the club will be held Monday eve- ning, December 5, at the home of Dr. and Mrs. M. R. Davies. Hostesses for the ovenrtng will be Mrs. A. Cope- land and Mrs. W. L. Mathews. WHITE SALMON WOM~I~ VISITS ASSOCIATION Personalities of the officers in, the Washington State Federation of Women's clubs were on parade here last Thursday, when Mrs. Bertram i Heaman of White Salmon, district federation president, paid her offi- cial visit to the Goldendale Wom- an's aesoclatiom Mrs. Heaman spoke to the group about the federation and its advantages. The meeting Thursday followed a pot-luck luncheon at 1:00 o'clock in the association's new club rooms. Mrs. John R. McEwen was hostess to the group, ~ssisted by a commit- tee from the clufi. Two gifts were presented to the club following the regular business meting. They Were a silver tray, the gift of the White Salmon club, pro- sented by Mrs. Heaman; and a table- cloth of Quaker lace, presented by Mrs. Stanley Thompson~, president, in behalf of the Mucrada club. A tea towel shower was also held for the club by association and Mucrada members. CHRISTMAS MEETING Members of the Kllckitat Wool- growers' Auxiliary will hold their regular December meeting l~n the form of a Christmas party next Thursday, Dec. 1. The meeVing will be held at the home of Mrs. Max Maurer with Mrs. Wlltiam F. Hornt- brook acting as chairman of the hos- B L A N K E T S NOW'S THE TIME TO BUY tess: committee. A pot-luck lunch Not less than 5% pure wool! ANDSAVE!! will be served at noon. All members They're large, wa ,rm,_ and at- over 25 cents. These gifts will be $1.98 pair exchanged at an Auxiliary Christ- mas tree. -- PLAIDS, INDIAN DESIGN ~.~~7/~ CENTERVILLE SHOWER IN Attractive colors ! With stitch- HONOR OF MRS. C. ~ ed ends. Size 70"x80". Mrs. Curtis Neal was recipient of S1.49 each • many beautiful gifts at a miscellane- ~z~..~?..F//A. , " ' ~,~ ous shower last Thursday afternoon CO M F O R T E R -//////.~ 100 % wool filled ! Sateen cov- ~i' ~ .,..~.~fi~' for which Mrs. Mary Ritzschke, Mrs. ........., ~.,.... Hugh Cameron, Mrs. Gus Hollett, ered. Cut size, 72" x 84". Harms were hostesses. The Center- ville Grange hall dining room was :~/.//~/.~.///S~:~/~2~:~,~;~~ TOPFLIGHT tastefully decorated with fall flow-. ;~,,~ ~ ~.~x-/zx~'~'~'~'z'~',i~ ers. The T anksglving motif wa. : -- S H I R T S carried out in the refreshments as ,.~~ At... Mrs. Neal (Iris l~itzschke) is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William~ Combed broadcloth. Smartest Ritzschke. ' i ~~ patterns, whites, solids ~ fast Curtis Neal is the son of Mr. andi ~~/£VI I [~\ color! Nu-Craft collars attach- Mrs. Marion Neal, of Dufur. ed" DANCES WILL PROVIDE i Towncraft* S._.,HI R T S! .aO Assisted by nine community or- "ne ab "c. Patterns, whites, ganizations, the Goldendale Primary FI r f rl Improvement club will stage a bone- ,. solids! NuCraft collorsl fit dance at the Utopian hall Satur- 1 ~i~/'~l/~'/~ Smart TIES day evenlng' December 3" Funds i ~i ' 49c , taken *in at the "dance will be used to provide hot lunches for the pri- Hand made, resilient. Color- mary school children during the [ ~/2A{~ ~,~ ful new fall designs! winter. Goldendale organizations assist- I~"~t\ BIG VALUES ! ing with the dance are: American Legion, Leg~ion Auxlillary, Goklen- UNION SUITS dale Grange, Lions club, Chamber of 0. ~Isterhood, Eagles lodge, and Admission for the dance will be ~ Buy now! You rarely get 50c per couple with 25c charged ~.~ ~.,,-~m# winter weight unions at for spectators. ~i!~~~ this low price!They're ------- made of good quality cot- W0!KA~S ASSOCIATION ton, rib knit ~ lightly fleec- ASKED T.0 AID VETERANS ed for added warmth and The following statement was re- comfort. Snug-fitting cuffs leased for puhlication today by Mrs. on sleeves and ankles. Full Richard J. Bates, of Bingen, chair- cult sizes. man of cooperation with the War Veterans representing the Mid-Co- lumbia district federation of Wom- an's clubs: "Now it ,Is time to turn our thoughts to What to do about the Veterans in the hospital at Walls Walla for Christmas. "I would llke each club member to buy a package of gum and a candy bar---wrap in Christmas paper --attached to it a Christmas tag 'with the name of your club on the plain side. "Please, Madame President, after you have collected the~e wrap and mail to Mrs. Wdlliam Page, 117 Park St., Walla Walla, Wash. Then drop me a card telling how many were sent. "Do this as soon as possible. "To be sure all get a gift from each member of Mid-Columbla we have to send 418. Don't stop at your quota. "If any club can gather greene--- fir, jack pine, etc., you might send some to Mrs. page---as you know around Walla Walla they have noth- ing like our evergreen trees and they Just love the smell of the l woods." UNION TItAI~SOWII~O SERVICE DRAWS CROW.~.OF WORSHIPRRS Unton Thanksgiving services at the Baptist church Sunday evening were attended with the combined congregations of the Methodist, Gospel Assembly, and Baptist churches filling the auditorium, bal- cony, and platform of the Baptist church to near capacity. A happy spirit prevailed through- For Protection and Service! Dress Galoshes 98c So light in weight you'll hardly know you're wearing them! Two-tone silk finish rubber uppers, fleece lined for comfort and warmth. Convenient three snap style, well reinforce& BOY'S WOOLEN MILTON Cloth Jackets Sizes 8 to 16 $2.79 MEN'S---BOY'S Storm Rubbers 79c-- 98c Popular Pence Brand ! Made of live, long-wearing rubber with non-slip heels and soles. Fabric lined, easy to slip into. Their high cut up- pers fit smoothly, keep out rain and snow ! Choose yours and save! WORK GLOVES Serviceable Jersey ! ! 15c pair Sturdily made, fleece lined for warmth I Knit wrists ! Baptist church, presided and offered the closing prayer. The decorations consisted of M~r. and Mrs. A. L. Powers return- ed home ,~turday afternoon. Mr. Powers recently underwent an opera- out with si,nging, praise, testimony pumpkins, squash, shocks of wheat and thanksgiving preparing the way and corn, and fruit arranged by the for the Thanksgiving message which decorating committee. A happy Was delivered by the Roy. C. J. Hall, thankful people united in the sing- pastor of the Methodist Episcopal ing. church of Goldendalo. He pointed Minor differences were forgotten out by keen observation., and by and all unlte(d .in the service of timely, humorous and serious illus-praise and thanksgiving tn a way trations that we should all be grate- which is inspiring and encouraging ful to God not alone for the great for ~he Christian work in Golden- things of life but for the ~nnumer- dale. able lesser blessings as well. A thank offering for the Temper- ance cause in the state of Washing- ton was taken which amounted to nine dollars. Miss Alexander, of the Gospel Assembly church, read the scripture lesson and also sang a solo. Miss Radanovsky, also of the Gospel As. sembly church, offered the evening prayer. Roy. C. E. Hanes, of the tlon in Portland. He is getting along nicely. Mrs. Henry Runyon left Sunday for Portla,nd to be with relatives a few days. Word was received Setu rday of the doeth of Clarence Powers, a former resident of this community. He was a brot~her ,o,f A. L. Powers and Mrs. Henry Runyan. Mr. an~ct Mrs. A. C. Vincent and Miss I,da Louise were cellers at the Clarence Kelley ,home Saturday. I Mr. ~nd Mrs. Clint West end ram- WHITE CREEK GRANGE HAS BIG ATTENDANCE tly, of Sundale, visited Sund~y wiVh Mr. and M~rs. E. V. Schrantz. DOT---(Specal to ~he Sentinel)--- ~here was a record attendance Fri- Mr. and N£rs. William Mason return- ~day night at the xegular Grange meet- ed to their ,home Vhls week from Portland, ~here Mr. Mason hes been under' medic1 supervision. His con- dition Is ropartect somewhat tm13rov- e~, MEN! BUY NOW! SAVE! OVERCOATS Value - Priced ! $11.90 Styles galore ! Polo, raglan or box type topcoats ; double breasted box overcoats l Rich, soft fabrics. Smartly tailored ! MEN'S STRETCH-ON Short Boots $2.98 With flexible red rubber up- pers--eyelets and lacing at tops! Sponge rubber insoles --thick grey rubber soles and heels ............................. :fi Storm Welt Boots $4.98 Perfect protection in rough. weather. Of black retan leather with steel and stud hooks and eyelets. Strong leather laces. Leather slip- soles and thick weather- proof leather outsoles. Leather heels. Claud Woods, Gatekeeper; Samge, Lecturer; Oren Woods, Tre~ urer; Maud Binns, Secretaxy; A1~$ (]less, Cd~plain; Meud Wilson, Cer~; Dorot~hy Woods, Pomona; Sybel ~" Icy, Flora; Lady Assistant Stewt~e~ Emma Schrant; Executive Com~it" tee, Fr~nk Rasmussen; Home mica, Pearl Wo~ds. It t*here would be e program 2. The proceeds of v~hi~h will be by the Grenge. A dance will the prog~ram. Everyone is urged attend. As has 'been the custom for years, a community c~lnner will held at the community hall Thanksgiving Dey. The evening be spent in merry-making hY young and old~ Everyone Royal and Underwood for sale at The Goldendale nel. Low down payment and monthly payment.