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Newspaper Archive of
The Goldendale Sentinel
Goldendale , Washington
November 24, 1938     The Goldendale Sentinel
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November 24, 1938
Newspaper Archive of The Goldendale Sentinel produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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~UCTION, DISSEM NATION, STORAGE, DISTRIBUTION PROHIBITED. November 24, 1938 THE GOLDENDALE SENTINEL Goldendale, Washington ........... Page Three .............. iiHi i .... I i _ II .... : ............ ....................... ~ .............. i I I lllll Ill l ~ i Benefit dance for Primary In- R.A. Jacktson, Rcck Creek sheep- Richard M. Wrig~ht, of Klick tat, - • °ve entclub c t t°p an man returned t rday °m bus was ` usin slt°r G°ldend B I I I I ~lp~l,,i~ll I i~111~111~lll~,l~l qi, lVil~l p hall. ItI heSS trip to Portlend,. I Monday. il I il II I,. G. Talcott and son, of Wah- K.T. Deverill, of Renton wee in! Richard Bates of Bingen, "was in • 1' i i kiacus, were in Goldendale on buel- Goldendale on business ~hls week. Goldendale late last week as a Wit- I | .,,.. ~ ~ hess Tuesday. [ List your farm ,or town property lness in the condemnation suit ~being • P' ~'~ ]i i A complete line of the soason's lwiht Knosher Agency.It---tried here. I it, [ i most beautiful Christmas ¢~u~ds att Mr and Mrs. Harold) Sorensen and George Read, former White Sal- I | ~LPl I a wide range of prices. See them Onlcllildb;en of Hartland were in Gold- men banker, was in Goldendale , • ~, 1 k display a.t The Sentinel office. PrintedI endele on business Monday. t Thursday and Friday of last week ~ I t I k | on plain, tfl Mr and Mrs. Jack Perry, of Bin- as a witness in the condemnation ~ II } ~k J ~ Gl:rg:l:e~=,sdoaf' Clw~ffhhi~e w:: :l:/l=t' ;Vr;d: in Goldendale on business suit being heard by a superior court , • X\X -- l Gold nd e y " l " y jury. I I ~ k~ff"~ ~ .. ]t w ty to Yaklma. / With every purchase totaling $5 William McCu'tcheon, of Wlhite Sal- ' I • I~'~ P If ~F" J'B ff J WANTED" Hogs, beef, veal, lambs/or more receive a hand painted oil men was in Goldendale as a witness I ~ ~ { I /1 1 @~.. ~ l i and mutton. Highest market pr!icelportrait complete with frame at l in the state highway condemnation i ~ I j ~ x.~j~.jr / -~I,0Ab~Af~i//J~°) t paid. Goldendale Meat Co. We dotMary'Beth Shoppe. lt'---tsuit being heard here. ! " • I' I |'ghl//lT'/lUllll~i'-" , custom butchering, lt__/ Guy Norr,is, of Bingen, former/ Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Brewer, of I i I .I ~'~'~'~ 1,lr//~f ''~'~" ~'/ ( Mrs. Matt Crocker returned to her/G°ldend~]e resdent, was in Golden-ICentralia' were visitors at the home I ~ • J " I I I I tl% "~ - I[ jr home at Centerville Monday from/dale on business Monda~ . of M;rs. E. M. Stultz an,d. Mr. ~nd Mrs. ik /~ / /i- ~. _e~e$,a| j ' The Dalles where she has been re-} Benefit dance to.r t-rlmary In-]Fred Nesblt, last week." ~ ~ ~ (ash~ol~ F provement Club Dec 3 at Utopian • I ~l .,'~-01~ a - ¢~ellr|L ceiving hospital treatment. ] .... ..[ STAR MARKET. Quality Eroc- I [ / I , r I I| . P"' ,ioe i, ,see,, _ .. e.nd Mrs. John R. McDwen]'hall" . .... . t/eries and Inspected moats. Trade at [ / II I, ~..~..~ ~ ~htS roS~ new ~-[~:,ar ~ @yes ='" [ spent the weekend In Portland where/ Mr.. and Mrs. rievman ~amnolz~ The Star and bank the difference. [ / I • s P" -- lngton-Untvemtty ~ Oregon foothalllMulford. / " A#.l,r~ ~kd1,|,~. V~ V~,,,~. 'T.. ...... I.L., ~~. z.V@~?-,k\: :i!;i Gerald Fenton, accompan~led b) game | Dean Glllenwaters snent the vast[ Harry Card, of Hood River, wa~: z~.~ IvlLl~i;;O &li.# lil~li.l~ Iklli~a Wli.ll 4~ , , , , • * I 2Pier C~a=~oon, "Johnny Smith and gt . . g an A complete line of the eee~on s] Judge J. E. Stone, of Keiso is in[ and Mr 1 P . " ........ Poker Huntas" I Satur(lay. Mrs. Seuter met ~er hus most beau.tlful Christmes oa~s at|Goldendale this week for the superior] White Salmon duringthe cent.he S EEL band et Ca~oecto/.~oeks where she ha~ r lan end month • • ~EERTO NEW R a wide range of prices. See them ~1~ e~u,rt jury to m. He p s to sp I • ~ ~ ~ ~| | r~ i i- :ddsplay et The Sent nel office. Printed] Thanksgiving dey n g/ " I ilr lrl.. ll'| I~r/]l]rdl31/~llldnllrll spent lfne past week visiting with he t , t 'Dacoma vtstttn Mrs Otto Mlchaelis, of Camas, • slater . ' .............. " on plain, if|with his son and daughter.|and Mr. and Mrs. Herman Umlauf, li~ll,lldl~ &IIViil li~ilUtalj[ II I~FII, I#~I, IVii t uK~..Wl~lJ. INOV. Z~-~U The Oregon Journal delivered t~ Betty Matsen daughter of Mr /Wtlll~m Luce of Btngen, was in|of Kllckltat, were ~tn Ooldendale your hems or at Confectioner "store - ' " ' .,~ ~--,~ ~ Y and Mrs. N. B. Matsen, of Golden-/(~oldendele on ,business lest Sat u~-ITuesday to attend the wedding of |~e~l,~ae VAn A~,~I~ RI,,,,~,,$ ~ P,,,& ..... ~. ~ ~,~ and Allison's pharmacy. George Lay dale san~ tn a sextet that Was] day. | Miss Emma Selbold to Alfred Boy- ~mi@lam~@ a ~ll g~i~Ot ~IVWVUL ug gMU~tUg~ ,~ ma ,,gent. tf ,, ~~~ ...... -- chosen to sing at the All CollegeI Richard Dacon, of Vancouver, in-|sen, of Kllckltat. " ~ Revue" of last week at Washtngton]terviewer for the Wasktngton statet Harry Dunn and Alvin Qualls, urtrv ,VAW~. CHANCE8 WITH State college, Pullman. I employment service, was in Gold-| employee of the Goldendale Meat EITHER BRING IN YOUR OLD TIRES OR BUY DIRECT .... ~r"'~'WORN SHOES Rev Frederick W Carstens, 62, I endale on business laSt week. | compan,y, are spending their Thanks- .... ~., ........ ::. ~;i~.t~- ~u~ . • . , (~) When it costs so little to have former Baptist minister and instruc-i Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Brewer wereI giving vacation tn the Yaktma val- FROM OUR STOCK .... ~i, :.~:!~ them rebuilt at the t w le tor in the old Kllckttat Academy in ,o~er from Ohehalts l~s eek visitingI y. g l~#'~l~l't _~l'tft~ .~l'tftlr~ Goldendale, and one-time member of ~t the home of MTs. Joseph S~ultz./ Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Sheldon, for- V ~ |I .~ ~ V !~ I~ ~ ~ !~I V av~v~,a~.a aa ~wa=v~., ~w~,ffi~ ft or e Saturda accom merl of Goldendale moved this ~ v v ~, = v ~-~ a,a v • • ~.~ & ~~~~~ I~ the Linfleld college faculty at Mc-"Dhey le f hem y ' -i Y , Bill Plummer Mi.nnvilIe Oregon died at h~s home panled by Mrs Mary B ewer of Seat-] week to Bend, Oregon, where he , i~l~i~!i~i~~.~i~ ___ ___in Bellingham last Saturday He was fie. The Mesdemes ~rewer e,re daugh-employed. ~ ...... ~::! --- pastor of the'First Baptist church of ters of M_vs. Stultz. Mrs. Mary Brewer ,Mrs. Laura Lamb, of Ooldendale, ~ !:::i ......... Bellingham at the time of his death expects to return la~er t5 reside with was treated for minor tnJurlea re- It #,l . P = ~ ..... ll,lq" nIwv~n ~_ wmVi~ " _ m mk- !, m " ~ . "~ ........ ~:,.~~'~'""~~~,: ..... . ........... The Portland Oregonian available .her mother w~ho hes been confined to celved in an auto accident Saturday i • ~i~ ~,~w~ ~A ~ • L~)Ior IJartOon, ~.tUlYrX ..... . ........ 1 Dentlatt~ from Frederick01tmanns Oa!l her home for some time. night. Mrs. Lamb was a passenger tl Oll lVlCl • -' Ultli~ t;OlileO~r~ Ala(l(lln,s ~ngerla " . "~ " How to Watch Football [Old State ~ank Bide, Ooldevd~le phone 914 for daily delivery to your The Seattle P-I delivered to your m t.he car driven by Charles Ramey, ~vr,,,-~. ~,r, ....... ' Maderia, Isle of RomancePhone 1173 own home in town or at Confection- home or at Allilmn's Pharmacy or of Wishram, that overturned on the L~nUL,~ rTopnetor --- . . cry stores, t~ ~ Joel Abshler, agent, tf Blockhouse road "west ofGoldendale., !',!