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Newspaper Archive of
The Goldendale Sentinel
Goldendale , Washington
November 24, 1938     The Goldendale Sentinel
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November 24, 1938
Newspaper Archive of The Goldendale Sentinel produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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SUBJECT TO LICENSE AGREEMENT• REPRODUCTION, DISSEMINATION, STORAGE, DISTRIBUTION PROHIBITED• Page Six ii!~¸:i¸i KJ~bb Loses Skirt Bremelton's trent page mayoz Jomse Kaab~o lost his shirt in superior court in Port Orchard last week, when ~ juey c~,nvlcted him on a THE GOLDENDALE SENTINEl_.--Goldendale, Washington t;he t~-xpayers of this country a favor by not pyr~midlng a further tax bur- den of billions of do,liars to be used for munitions, it w~.s concluded. Plant Eats Hamburger A rival to J. Welling Wimpy bs a plant that eats hamburger, discover- ed in the Olympic mountains near Shelto~ by Mark W. Dye, Seattle botanist omd engineer. The plant, illustrated recently In Eae magazine CATHEDRAL WITHOUT CHIMES Thursday, November 24, CENTERVILLE GRANGE l WEEK'S EVENTS FROM HONORS MRS. C. NEALf HAPPY HOME LI~ CENrERVILLE--Special to The1 HAPPY HOM.E--CSpecial to Sehthml)--The bridal shower dn tSentinel)-~Mr" on,& Mrs. We honor of Mrs. Curtis Neal was held !Ahola and daughter, June, wore at the Grange hall Thursday. About l ness callers in The Dalles SaturdaY' 75 women attended. The room wast Mr. and Mrs. Pete Wiidanen a~tt beautifully decorated in autumn lson were Goldendale business callO~ flowers. !Saturday. j Mrs. Dave Boyer, of White ,SaN Ruby St. Lawrence, of Portland¢ umn, is visiting with her daughter-:was a weekend visitor with Mr. an~ charge of consptr~y and Rcceptlng Newsweek, rese~a,bles a hooded cobrai bribes to operate ~ g~ambling place an,4 was originally accustomed ~o aI iu-iaw, Mrs. Floyd Boyer. Mrs. Alex Randall. • in the navy yard city. Mayor Knabb, diet of insects. Its botanical name ~s i Miss Zola Long, of Goldendale, is Mr. ~a.nd Mrs. Zachary Niemel$ more often allan not in the news, was chryaa~nphora and it was found visiting daring the week wlth were business cllers at ~he Dalles one con~ted ~f conspiring wiVh Pete growing at an altitu,de of 5,000 feet. ! Eunice Kerr. day l~t week. , ~imon, seattle t~vern keeper, Dye fed ohopped beef to the plant, i Young peoples Bible study was at Mr. and Mrs. Pete Wildanen ann who turn~ state's evidence and and when he found that a pinch of I the home of George Walker Friday• s0n, also iVbr. and Mrs. Fxed Richere* " h ........ ! Gameswere nlav~¢] ~,,a ,~n4,,,,,~a h., son all dl f,~mily, of Klickitat, welt ,pl~ded guilty to paying tile mayor amouxger, ple.cea in tae "'mouth," ~ ~-" ........ j,,j,.,, .~ ' ee " " ~ . . i all Sunday afternoon calleTs with Mr. a. total of $175 for the privilege of a pod down ~o the ~0ot~ ann c~useu I " oI~rating au:omatic payoff pinball it to thrive, he acclimated, it to low- I Mrs.Martha Clarence, of Crofton and Mrs. Alex Randall. mazhlnes in Bremerton. A plea ofler altitudee end now has severalt ~l'rairie, atended the bridal shower Mr. etnd Mrs. Alex Randall, ala0. Kn~bb's attorney for a directed ver-]growing in his garden in Seattle. l i Thursday' [Aug Niva were in Goldendale o~ h~rt, manager• Two hundred indivld-~*heJf cent per hour for all additionalI dale, was a business caller in Con-l ual producers delivered a total of 1,-~hours. An easier bond redemption I tervillB Monday• | [ [[IHII[/ 905headto, the Grange ~gency, ioeat-|schedule, increasing power Mr. and Mrs. Leland Niomela, °~11I~[lllllllII/ ed in the Ol~& Union Stockyards in|ti~n an~ round Snancial condition Kelso, were weekend visitors withlI I~ IIIIIIII/111 Spokane, from October 10 to Novem-/of tile city lig, ht made tills posslble, l their parents, Mr. and Mrs. William I lff,~'lk"X~_ IIIIIIIIl#1 bet 9, it w~s announced. [Utilities C~nmisslonor Ire S. Davis-I Niemela and Mr. and Mrs. John | I ~k ~ ~]]]IIH~ Several county shipping emsocia-|son said. I Kahkonen. !l |[@)~/~/~t- [lllU//r Howard tions, interested in the Grange pro-| --'------- 1 Watson called at thell I~/;~111~ ject, h~ve been making plans ?~o man-|School Law Cited i Elba Kerr home Thursday. /I i ",~---- IE~k"' k~ the4x liv~tock on a cooperative | It is mandatory for county super-1 Ladies A;id met at the homo o~ [| i .... bash~ l~rout$~ the Grange cc~mmis-|int~ndents of schools to divide up Mrs. Emma Eshelman WednBsda) | "~ slon, Gladhart ~id. Livestock men,)conse~lldated school diszl~tcts into di- Nineteen were present with a pot- I ......... enthusiastic about the agency, men-)rector districts ~nd see that the state luck lunch at noon. The afternoon / ['#E~UNAL ties that marketing is more orderly,|1~w is enforced, Attorney General t was spent in tacking out a quilt. | grades and cl~ses more uniform and)Hamilton announced, in Olympia last I Vernon Seeks will be quest speak-l/ CHRISTMAS oo~t of assembling, handling and ~week. In same consolidated dstricts, I In northern Okanogan county, near the British Columbla'border l~es a hnd of many lakes. Here is Cathedral I er at. the Church of Christ at both I/ shipping is cut for the proaueer dlrectces are not elected from a suf o crshado ed b 5 ath ~ morning and evening services next I ---'---- [ flcient number of sm~,ll drIstrlcts to [ mission and Washington ~Vewspaper Publisher] ,4ssociat%n of ~hich this newspaper is a ~,~taining nwmb~. I Sunoay, during Miss Opal Benedict s I/ ~'~'~ Women's Peace Time Plea l insure proper governing of the I ...... ]absence. II As ~ascist ~ares and news of Jew- sohool~, the attorney-general said. [ Golf~en¢~$~|~ .~f,~ft~tl I Advisor .............. Miss Smith ] student government program. Threol Mr. and Mrs. Matt Crocker reurn- I| Beautiful, expensive - looking i~h massacres in Germany darkened t .............. ! ASSEMBLIES / members of the controlling board led home from The Dalles Monday.//cards with your own name in- newspaPer headlines this week, the i Company Sells Out .... ~ .... ~wo assemblies were held lastI will be ~hosen from the Boys' League I Mrs. Crocker has been fn the hospi- l| scribed on them. Envelopes to voice of seven lo~rge peace organiza- Conferences wer~ held i~hts week ~,~L~L~ rvr ! week, one on Wednes&~.y for the pur- land three from t,he Gi,rls' League. An I tal for several months. //match. A variety of prices alone in the United States w~as ~heard l lc~oking towa'rd~ the sale of the prop- The fimt e, diti+c~n of Vhe high school / pose of pep talks by the Senior foot-/elBction will be hBld sometime ~h,~s [ Mr. and Mrs. Harold Eehtley, of [] that will appeal to you. in a protest to ~Jhe administration terties of the West Coast Power corn- nowsl~per, The Sim coe Pup, o~me ball players; and another on l~ridey ~wesk. I VancouvBr, are ~risiting Mr. and ~| SEE THE "TOP" N"M .... I ~nst the current proposal to create I pany in southwest WaShington. Meet- [out last Friday. Great things for the l to distribute ~h~ first edition of the/ I Mrs. Matt Jacobsen ~/ U /~l~lf~ a nav~tl and military machine for de- 1 lug in Portland, company represBnta- [ future of this newspaper ~re expect- [ paper. !~ '~7 ~- ~ t Mrs. John W. Miller has been ill || This line is a group picked by lense of the entire western hemi-ttives planned transfer of transmie. !od. The staff includes i~he following: I On Wednes~lay each player g~ve~L~O IOU ~now4r in The Dallas hospital, but is ira-l| large dealers as the best group sphere. Representing thou~.nds of lsi.c~ lines and distribution fe£ilitiesiEditor ......... Eugene Jaderqutstlhis view of the football season t, his] ~ proved. ~|of distinguished cards for the w~kers in the cause of peace, the l for Pacific, Wahkhakum and Cowlitx Business Manager .... Bud M atsen~Ye~ar. Most of the boy~ can surely[ Not long ago in this state, work- Mr. and Mrs. Lemoin Eshelman /| year 1938... if you want an majority of them women, ~he Joint ~ counties to the PUP. These countie~ Sports Dditors .. Charles B,~gg~arleylcondense e+ lot of material into, a/men round a log seven feet in di- and Mrs. ~H~ugh Cameron and son/|elaborate card see this beauti- etatoment of the seven organizations I voted in PUP at previous elections, Phoebe Moline tshort time. Although Virgil Oltmanns ]ameter, in a tunnel they were dig- motored to Portland Friday Mr and |/ful line .... they are really contended t~hat there is danger chat and Skamania county, ~vhich appr.o~-Editorials ............ Betty ImrteIwas un~le to bB present, tribute was ]gins 150 feet below ~he Yakima Mrs. Eshelman took the seventh de-/|"tops." a program of military protection will e~ ~PUD this month, tnas made no Features Mary Lou Hurd IPaid~ to him by his fellow players ~rtver. gree tn the national Oran'ge Mrs l[ eWH~ ..... ~TilttLw~nt'ee:W~h~:i~n~! ~~e~:dililgff~iut-~°~se°:Pr~ea°~cS~:elfi! ;FPRlspE°!!!:I ....... ~V~eiiiii°~wrr~il ! ::;i:ri~;L~:~;~'Kk'ya eEe~B~ d:Y '°:'/h: l!in~t:;iii::~tfC°a~:hli| qlii~ase't::;i:~ndu~! dCM~a:i~:::hL::;:ir~v~d:itlL:hii:i::°~u~;; ] i ~~Y:~Y~d~/ Lending a haml to help South uttlttiBs to ~be purohuaed when. the ReportBrs I~Dec" 3 wt~h ZilM,h herB. With two ace ,) est~m•, ated at 12 million years, son, Saturday. - /per card. Am~can countries to raise their city goes into the power business. F~reshmen ...... Jimmy Trowbridge players from Centerville augmentingI What price 162 years of American Mrs. Charles Divers, of Thai| PLACE YOUR ORDERS ~tand~rds of living so that fascism The t@wn plans to pay $44 000, to Marine Fuhrman |the regular lettermBn, Goldendale democracy~ Wasn't it just day be Dalles, visited durin the week wi ht| ..... ' • - g t will hove no appeal to them, and come oat of a $90,000 revenue bond Sophomore~ Billy Blnns should have a good team fore esterd n ~ ~.. ~.. i| .... • ........... . . Y ay that pa stepped out of her .-arents, Mr. an ........... ,. showing them a working democracy issue. . .Frances L~son BOYS, LEAGUE /the cave mouth to go hunt up a Jacobsen, and brother Warren. [/ #'~#-~ ~-~-~v~,~ a • ~-~ in this country ~111 do more ~i~an Juniors ........... Wesley Adams No definite action or vote could be | s~ber-toothed tiger steak~Port Mr and Mrs Virgil VanHoy ~vere |l hULl ]i%IMI ]~1.1". battleships to stop economic pone- yal nd Underwood typewriters Noreen VandeVanter taken becausB quite a number of bhelTownsend Leader. callers in Centervile Thursday. [/ {31~kY'lPlkll~l trat2on ,o~ t~he European dictatorships° at the Goldendale Sentinel. Small Seniors ............ Vernon Divers boys were absBnt. Nominations were _ [| aEA~IIL~E~L it wa~l st~te~L The President will do down payment and easy terms, tf O~rol Brumbau~h made for the administrators of the I read it in The Sentinel. Sell it through the Want Ads. /L ,// !;ell P/ An early showing of pleasing Christ. mas C ts Stocks are complete, sales people unhurried crowds small, weather mild . . . and so you'll mtl FREE GIFT enjoy shopping more, select just the gifts you m)m WRAPPING want and save time, money and effort. Led- Itl better & Wallace is ready, right now, to help II]1 you in your gift selection and you're sure to ll/ . o find everything in our large, complete stock rail of gifts, m l ALLISON'S LEDBETTER & WALLACE [I t/ PHARMACY YOU LL FIND JUST THE GIFT YOU WANT AT McKENZIE HARDWARE TOASTERS .... ZENITH RADIOS .... MIXMAsTERS .... CROCKERY .... GLASSWARE .... SPORTING GOODS .... YOU'LL Ill ll ,lglt UPONLY 32 DAYS Be able to find just the gift I15 "~ Until you want, I/i CHRISTMAS i Save money on all your -: I/( ~__~.~-~z, of course--but Do You Remember i Do your shopping in comfort ff'l.~ ~~ that Last-Minute Rush Last Year? and convenience! I|~ "~r g#l~- I Be smart, start your Christmas IF YOU l[[ ~'-" - ShoppLagat , ) III The GOLDENDALE ) "> i.) D. GUNNING & CO. We are Ready to Help You Make Your Christmas Shop- We have $300 worth of Yardley's Christmas Gifts at all ping Easy and Quick. prices... Sunbeam Electric and Remingtons Close Shaver Razors... the best made at any price. LeGui Perfume and the,Famous Johnston Candies. EVERYTHING .YOU WOULD EXPECT TO FIND IN A GOOD DRUG STORE .... BETTER HURRY .... McKEE THE DRUGGIST .| ffiu: ,.._.. AI L938 ~oal T1 [Mrr iw Ilrs let Pp ~ri (~Ol,d P~ ~e gem AT ~T AT W~ fe gt~r ~F &Id~ BI C~ llla~ Lily ~le~ ~J Wh~ ft ' Ut No1] 41ic ~o fl .~.,di unt ~gns ~dt ~lo iqe l~re f, Na 1G; ;gy,