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The Goldendale Sentinel
Goldendale , Washington
November 24, 1938     The Goldendale Sentinel
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November 24, 1938
Newspaper Archive of The Goldendale Sentinel produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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TO LICENSE AGREEMENT• REPRODUCTION, DISSEMINATION, STORAGE, DISTRIBUTION PROHIBITED• Page Ten THE GOLDENDALE SENTINEL--Goldendale, Washington Thursday, November 24, 1938 ~i :!!' Peaches, Apricots Topic For Yakima Fruit Conference T 41S BOOKLET 'q/~ te Ma~ ~a~'~ f~r a c~py at v~mr ~ It'o FRYe! PRODUCE Lettuce Head ..... Bananas 3 lbs. ..... 19c Sweet Spuds 6 lbs. ..... 19c Oranges Size No. 176 1 doz. .... 25c Grapefruit 8 for ...... 25c Green Celery 2for ....... 9c Lemons Dozen ....19c Cranberries 2 lbs. ..... 29c 9 Special S ;t~2, Extra Fancy 9 Red or White 9 Phillips OZ. can mm Maximum Guaranteed Meats SATISFACTION GUARANTEED ON EV- ERY PURCHASE ALWAYS WATCH OUR PRICES ALWAYS SELL AS LOW OR LOWER THAN ANY COMEETITIVE PRICE Come In And Save On Top Quality Meats FORMER SiX PRONG LADY I owned ,by Mm. George MoCredy. This DIES AT SOLDIERS HOME building has been remodeled to bet-! tar accomm,c~late the many depart-I BICKL~TON -~- (Special to The ments of l~he post~ service. Ions V. ~ntlnel}-~The ?hanksgiving playlet McCredy postmistress, ~as ln,het~llu~ directed by Miss Orpha Jansen dur-i 63 ~dd~tlonai loc~ poxes ~OT V ~g the Sunday school %our last Sun- I of the patl~ons. day was a success and~ enjoyed by An all day meeting of Alder Creek every~lte, A very interesting T~nanksgiving sermon w~ delivered Sunday, Nov- ember 20 by Ray. Vernon, w]m presses at 11 a. m. every Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. B. H. F~ulkner and Mrs. Effi~ Zumwalt were host~ to M~s. Beulah Yarnell and ~aughter, M~'s. Gl~ys (,'rider ~ud Mary Bet~, and Mr. end ~rs. W. L. Zumwalt, of Yekima, Sunday. D~vld Jordan, of T~ma, nephew ot Mrs. EKie Zumwalt, w~s a caller at her home last w¢ek. Mrs. C. ~mstock, former resident of the Six Prong section, passed away M~nday, November 14. Funeral ser= end Interment were in Retail, where ~hey ,have lived at ~he Soldiers Home for e numt~r of years. Mr. Com~tock ~rvivea his wife and is a ~panish W~r Veteran. Mt~ L~ia ~trange L~reen, daugh- ter of ~orge L~rsen, was quietly m~ed to Tl~omas :Price in Yekima November 11. ~hey wtll make their home in Yeklma. • he goal for attendance at Sunday school is 60. Everyone do his beat to reach it. Ronald Faulkner left Sunday of l~t week fc~ Medical I~ke, where he accepted a position at the Cus- todial ~0~i" Mrs. (I. J. ~eus~u was ~hostec~ ~ a dinner party W~,nesday evening. Her r~uts included MY. ~nd Mrs. George Man-sen, Mr, and Mrs, John Harris, Mr. and M~s. ~I (~rter, Mr. and M~. Alfred Mat~en, Mr. e~d Mrs. Ch~. Jansen and Mr. and Mrs. C. R. M~redy. Pinochle, contract an~ c~ino furnished the evenings enter- t~nment. High scores were won by Gee. M~een and ~. Carl Caster. ~e Bickleton post office moved I~ ~ to the Bu~ Pyle building Orange was held Thursday with eL pot luck dinner at noon. Ray. Vernon, Harlend Schultz, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Donaho and Mr. an& M~rs. Forest Wandllng attended, the Natlonel Grange held in Portland last week. Mr. and Mrs. (~eorge M~utsen enter- tain~l My. and Mre. C~ss. E, Scott ln~o c~urch membership. It ts ~estr- ed ~hat the parents be present if pos- sible. Mr. and Mrs. Ctm~le~ E. Scott en- tertained Father Mullig~m and Mr. and Mrs. J. Mullig~n and chtldreu, of Sunnystde, at dinner Sunday. The Blckleton Boy Goo~t Troop ~tt- tended the Court of Honor held in Betme Wednesday. Chris Jansen took the Scouts down. • he bu~ineu end i~cial meeting combined was ~eld at 0he home of M~s. A. T. Walling ~'~rlday. A fine program was enjoyed by all. F. W. Zumwalt, Edward Flower, A. G. Rowland, John Dodson an.d J,~&n Harris attended the Masonic lodge in M~bton Monday evening. The meeting ws preceded wtth a din- net, The ~od Will ,Society is giving their annual dinner in the Grange hell ~aturd~y, December 3rd at six p. m. This society is an auxiliary of t~e churOh, patronize this dinner and support a worthy cent. Mrs. AIM[ta ]~a~owll en~lped the Boy Scout troop, Mr. an*d M~rs. Scott e.nd Herbert Evans e,t a turkey din- ner Tues~lay evening. The dinner honored her son, Walter, wl~0, is an active member of t.he troop. Mr. end Mrs. Charle~ N. Jansen and Mr. and Mrs. H~rry McCredy were Joint hosts at a card pa.rty S~- urday evening at the Jansen home. Progressive pin.cvhle was played by the 24 guests. Mrs. George Matsen took ,home the traveling prize. Alfred Jansen and Mrs. C. R. McCredy made high scores. S. F. Gan~ders end Alfred Jansen made a business trip to Peace Wed- nesday. In Probate No,. P. 2011 In the matter of 0he joint estate of Alfred Pascal end Irene Pascal Pench*es and apricots will be t~he principal topics of d~scussion in the soft fruit section of the 34th annual meeting ~c,f the Washington State Horticultural association, at Yakima DecembEr 5, 6 and 7. Tim ~*hrBe-day meeting is divided into six sections. The morning of the first ,d~y will be devoted to pest con- trol, and ~t~e afternoon to soft fruit. Tbe hee.l~h, value of apples is slated for Tuesday m.0~rntng, to be followed by orchard mana~e~nent problems. Wednesday's topics will be .fruit econ- omics-handling and harvesting, and orchard soil management pro~blems. C. L. I~c,btnson, Yaktma, president of the association, ie to be chairman of the soft CruEt section. A com,parlson between canning freestone end cling peaohes will be ~n~de .by A. M. Neubert, U. S. D. A. fruit end vegetable la~boretory, Pull- man. Neubert ,worked at Presser last summer with Rod Elberta, Standard Elberta, Gold Medal, I-I~le and other verieti,e~ of. pear, has. Art M~tzlaff, e successful grower of Parker, Wa~hing~o~n, will discuss the growing of peaches. E. D. Gen- singer, We~natchee ~prlcot grower, will :tell of his experiences n main- taining s,ize in apricots. A progress report ,~n mite control by Dr. R. L. Webster, entomologist at the experiment station, State Col- lege of Washington, Is included ~a the afternoon's program. Each ~d~rees wlll ~be followed by discus~ion period during whioh each gro~w~er wil have an ogportunity to contribute ~h,ts lde~8 and ask quay- [ ttons about ~he growing and handling I of soft ~rults. During .~he discussion { on p~chets, a representative of the[ farm em~nomics deportment of theI State ,College will be pre~ent to an~-I war questions on the peach outlook.I OBITUARY . Bertha E. Miller, youngest daugh-] tar of William H. and Mary A. Mill-I :" er, was born on the family farm] one and one-half m41es east of Gold- Leaee---Wm. R. and J. A. Lauter- endale, Washington, on March 1~. bach to Bingen and White Salmon, 1879. Her entire life with the excep. lion of a few years in Oregon, was spent in Klickitat county. On October 13, 1914 she was mar- reed to Zenas F. Mattson. After liv- ing in "Goldendale one year they moved to Cent~rvllle, Wash., where she lived until the time of her death, which occurred at the family home on November 21, 1938 after many months of illness and suffering. She became a member of the Church of Christ many years ago and was a tireless ~vorker in church, Sunday school, Ladies Aid and other departments of the church. ,~ i' She was a member of Centervfl]e Gi'ange No. 81, Neighbors ot Wood- craft No. 156 and also took an ac- tlve interest in P. T. A., Thimble club and other commun,lty affairs. ~he loved music and took pleasure in sending choice blos- soms to her friends. Besides her husband, Zenas F. Mattson, s,ho leaves to mourn her passing one daughter, Mrs. C. E. Jackal of Centerville, Wash., one, grandson, Robert T. Jackal, also of Centerville, Wash., two sisters, Mrs. E. M. Ahola, of Camas, Wash., and Mrs. Bert Sears, of Toppentsh0 Wash., and several nieces and nep- i~ews, besides a great many friends and neighbors. Hers was an active life and she will be long remembered and missed by her neighbors and loved ones. Week's Realty News Tax Deed--.County treasurer to Melvin Densley, Lot 15, Block 3, Terminal Add. to Galdendale, $$1. Quitclaim--Henry H. Huske¥ to Christina Huskey,, Lot 9 and 10, Block 4, Suksdorf s Add. to Blngen. WD---Ploneer State Bank to Levi Niva, gel-4 of ~ec. 15-3-14, $1~00. WD---Charles S. McDowell and wife to Zona I. Hector, S|S~t of Soc. 33-4-17. Deed of Trust--Frances WarnstaffI to R.W. Richter, Lots 2 end $' 1 • - h SENW1-4 and NESWl-4 of ~ 19- to, ~nd filed with the olevK of b e r, ~ " " , Superior Court of enid county end o-lu. i state his final account and report and WD---L E. Rushing to Willis A. I ~etition four distribution as suoh ad-~.r,.~ ~w~ 4 of Sac 2-~ ~ ~r I ministrator; and~ ~chet We~lnesd~y the I ...... ".. . " ".. - " J 21st d~y of December, 1938. at 10:00I QC--L. E. Rusn]ag to Wll~s A. o'clock A. M. at the court room ofI~..b~ ~ s~um 4 of ~ s~ • ~ I our said Superior Court at Go den- - ........... I ~dale, i*n aald county, has been dulyi wu--~'mneer t~m~e tmnz to t~nas. appointed by our Superior Court for O. Hooker, SWNWl-4, ~NI-$ffW1-4, ] the setlement of the final e~ccount, et ....... 1 - " " c 12 and SWo . _I whtc e u ~w~w • or ~e w~ ~ or h tim bhe Co rt Is tusked to ~ - • " settle euoh report, dlstri~ute the Sac. 11, .all of ~ . 13 and N1-2 and property to the heirs or persons an- ~ , ... o^ t" ~ 20" ~12 ~^~ titled to ~ne same end dlsclmrge the o~- .... o~. ~-~- . , ~ ,.uuu._ I administrator. QC--Caroline Unaerwooa to Irma l WITNESS,. The H.on: J..E. ~tone, Pauline Davis Lot 1:0, Block $, j Juage o~ the e~l(l Hupemor courL WhEt S 1 o ' I an'd the seal of s~ld, Court affixed e a m n t this 23rd day of November, 1938. QC--State Bank of Goldendale toI GEiO. M. BAKER County Clerk an,d ts Myrtle E Smith, 2 trac in Alder- CAerk of the ~uperior Co.urt. By R. M. Spoon, deputy, i dale. Nov 24 Dec 15 4t ksdorf Ve ~.:~- - --- { WD---Theodor Sh to rley Read and use The Sentinel want'I R. and Edna WoosleY, Lot ~, Block ads. It ~a~ It--[8, Suksdorf'd F/rat Add. to ~lngen. RHINO ADDS MYSTERY TO DRY FALLS At the base of the 400-foot Dry Falls, near Coulee City, are several centuries-old lava caves. In one of these, explorers have found bones believed to be part of a prehistoric rhinoceros that once roamed the Columbia Basil Photograph shows the entrance to one of the cave.'. This picture released through cooperatlo;: of Wash. ~gta~ S#a~ Progress Comm&~qon and ~asfilmjto~ Ne'a,spa?cr Publishers" Association, o[ which this news- ~prr h a sustaining member ~tract la Sac. 31-3-12, qor 10 years, $600. QC---Rosa A. and Z.O. Brooks, North 888 feet, more or less of SW SW~of Sac. 16-4-16, east of Colum-i bus Avenue. WD---Al,der Creek Orange to Max and Carl Maurer, Lots 1 and 2, Block 7, Blckleton; $300,00. WD---Alder Creek Grange to Max~ A. Maurer, S~ of Lot 5, Block 9, Bleklet~n. WD--Calvln L. Crider and Wife to Max A. Maurer, Lot 6, Block 8, Blckleton. WD---Nicholas Names to George Matson and Nelson B. Matsen, SE1-4 Sl-Z NEI-4 and SENW1-4 of Sac, 26-6-~1; $1200.00. THANKS VOTERS I wish to exted by sincere thanks to the electors of Kllckltat county for tbe splendid vote given to me ~,n November 8. The vote is most encouraging and evidences the de- sire of the voters that I.carry on. R. M. SPOON. COMPLETES CHECK Carl Kummer, state range super- intendant, conipleted his oheck of compliances on Kltckltat range programs this week. teens for compliance payments be forwarded to the state o'ff'ice mediately, L. W. TernLahan, agriculturist enid. OLD SONGS KIT Monday Wednesday Friday 8:30 A. M. ERNEST WILLIAMS 1109 Lincoln Ave. Phone ~,W4~ TE HAS PROVED THE GREAT VALUE OF MI'AT A FOOD The Goldendale Meat Co. offers you the largest selection of meats in Klickitat County .... A t The Lowest Prices buy until you sea have seen fine as- Costs no more to sortment of inspected meats. WATCH OUR WINDOWS AND SAVE ! ! ! A real packing house market at your ser- own a ROYAL.. vice .... Order Your .... Roy. -- TURKEYS... GEESE... CHICKENS dO 35:mtselFa favor I Chose and AND DUCKS wt=z--h~mimm~ sturdy, ~Z ~o ~m~--s~ tt'a the o~ly Ix~rtable Touch Cam.ol togctber with Our produce department will save you in ~ammble--a~d the Specml me.. ' money .... Come in and see , only $1.00 a w ekl mw ROYAL Goldendale Meat Company ONLY PORTABLE " BUTCHERS AND PACKERS WWH TOUCH CONTROL* '"Home of Klickitat Valley s Finest Inspected Meats ~9 The Goldendale , WE DO CUSTOM BUTCHERING Sentinel