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November 25, 2004 |
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Have a happ & safe Thanksgiving holida
es -- Price 50¢ Thursday, November 25, 2004 • Goldendale, Washington 98620-9526
One hundred and twenty-fifth year-- No. 48
Photo by Sam Lowry
ENGAGED -- An air inversion caused acrid smoke to spread throughout downtown Goldendale Monday
from a house fire at 516 E Main St The 1910 Victorian owned by Bob and Kathy Marshall was for sale, and
- a good thing, said Goldendale Fire Chief Howard Scartozzi, since by the time crews arrived it was "fully
eft'and in flames. Damage was severe; investigators blamed an electrical malfunction. Captain Jason Young
and crew "rehab" before re-entering the house as smoke still puffs from a gaping hole under its eaves.
B;, SAM LOWRY count3" auditor or chieffinandal
News Reporter officer..."
Kalikow said the one referred
Yakima County Superior to home-role counties, the other
Court .Judge C. James Lust on to non-home-rule counties;
Nov. 15 issued a summaryjudg- DiJulio said it meant any coun-
ment in favor of Diana ty could have either.
Housden, Klickitat County "There is not a single stick of
auditor, in her lawsuit against legislative history that limits
the county's chief financial offi- this to charter counties,"
cer (CFO) and board of corn- Didulio said.
missioners. In his judgment, LtLst agreed
The case stems from 1996 with Kalikow:
when the commissioners began "The Klickitat County board
pulling the prelinainary budget of commissioners may certainly
process and oversight from the confer the title of chief financial
auditor and reassigning these officer on... Chipman, but it
duties to the CFO, a position does not follow that he may
held since 2OOl by Glenthereby take on the responsibil-
Chipman. ities of a county auditor in a
Housden, represented by non-home-rule county," Lust
attorney Barnett Kalikow of wrote.
Olympia, argued that the move "To the extent that Chipman
was unconstitutional,has assumed the duties and
"Chipman has taken over the responsibilities of the auditor,
statutory duties of the auditor summary judgment in favor of
almost entirely," Kalikow plaintiff is granted."
argued in a hearing earlier this Housden said shefelt
year (see The Sentind, Sept.23). relieved and vindicated.
Arguing for the commission- "Hopefully things can go in
ers, Stephen DiJulio said that a smoother direction now,"
"counties have the ability to she said.
choose a CFO or not... It's not Tim O'Neill, county prosecut-
unconstitutional." ing attorney., said it would not
Lust's ruling ultimately be appropriate to comment
swung on the state's 1889 con- until the judgment had been
stitution, which created defined discussed with the commi~ion-
structures of county govern- ers. DiJulio, he said, planned to
ment, including an auditor, as do so soon.
well as mechanisms for counties DiJulio could not be reached
by a vote of their residents to for comment by press time.
adopt charters and become Not decided by the judgment
"home rule" counties, free to is the question of which duties
change the state-mandated have been shifted to the CFO
structure of governmem, that ought not to have been.
At issue was language in 1995 '~at issue may be brought
laws referring repeatedly to "the on for hearing," Lust wrote.
g speaker to visit Goldendale Wednesday Mental health cuts affect county clients
a Pierce serious messages about the Goldendale city limits. As con-
~8heriffs deputy beloved By SAM LOWRY
News Reporter
importance of taking proactive cerned citizens, it is our goal to
anti-violence work, will steps to keep violence from keep Goldendale a safe haven to
Goldendale on creeping into communities and raise our children."
Dec. 1, to speak to schools," said a release from the Villahermosa will speak to the A new federal interpretation of Medicaid
school staff, parents Goldendale School District, Middle School student body at funding will mean cuts in mental health ser-
Villahemaosa's host. ao a.m. and the High School stu- vices as of Jan. 1, 2005.
a former "Goldendale has been rela- dentbodyatm:5op.m.,followed The changes, announced Nov. 15 by state-
and S.W.A.T. team tively free from gang activity by personal safety training for affiliated Greater Columbia Behavioral
is nationally known and violence," the release said, district personnel at 2:1o p.m. Health Regional Support Network (GCBH),
Speaking and for 20 "out the reality is that gang He will also speak during his will affect clients and, service providers
with community problems exist north in the visit with specially invited fanfi- statewide including Central Washington
in the University Yakima-Wapato-Toppenish lies andcountyjuveniledepart- Comprehensive Mental Health (CMH),
area of Tacoma safe- region and it was a gang initia- ment personnel. Klickitat County's contractor.
neighborhoods tion that was responsible for the An engaging May 2000 a~- About 50 local clients will be affected
and violence, murder of a teacher in Benton de about his work can be found
children call 'Mr. City earlier this school year. As by searching for "Villahermosa" Others could be impacted later, but agen-
and engaging late as last week "tagging" or at the Web site http://seat- des expect the 2005 state legislature to dose
is able to convey gang s~anbols were found in the, the funding gap before that occurs.
"We are being directed by our funding
sources to take very specific actions to end
services to specific groups of clients and to
stop providing specific services. We are
attempting to take the least disastrous
actions possible av this time," stud Rick
Weaver, CWCMH's CEO, in a prepared state-
Weaver later explained what caused the
For years, the federal government has
funded mental health set,Aces on a "capitat-,,
ed" basis, granting states so many dollars per
Medicaid client per month. Until now, that
average amount exceeded what was a~y.
spent; states could use the leftover dollars to
serve other clients.
See HEALTH, page 2
sentenced for contracting without license
morning in East District Court, Kelley hired Maley to remodel Kelley's house
Ron Reynier sentenced James on the outskirts of Goldendale in late 2002.
to 45 days in jail and ordered After a month, Kelley learned that Maley had
~" a $1,ooo fine for working as a con- no license and dismissed him.
registration. According to Kelley, Maley ruined his
ght a degree of resolutionretirement home and stole the money paid for
2o-month-old Goldendale-area the work; Kelley has since razed the house to
between Maley and the man, Dr. the ground.
I(ellev, who brought the complaint According to Maley, Kelley destroyed his
him" to the Klickitat Countyreputation, has harassed him continuously for
z's attention, a year and has forced him to move his busi-
scheduled to go to trial, earlier ness to another state; Maley now apparently
an offer from the prosecutor's office resides in Calitbrnia.
pleaded guilty, both sides Central to the proceeding was the con-
to argue for sentencing, tention, not really in dispute, that Maley had
s proceeding, technically the sen- worked illegally before.
nty first
Shortly after 4:30 p.m.
on Saturday, Klickitat
County officials contacted
the state elections office
with two numbers: Rossi
4,767, Gregoire 3,919.
The county thus
became the first in the
state to certify results of
its gubernatorial
recount. The recount
was ordered last
Thursday by Secretary of
State Sam Reed after an
could not avoid revealing the "This is not the first instance of doing con- initialtally left
emotional conflict between the two struction and electrical work without a Republican Dino Rossi Photo bySamLowry
Prosecutor Tim ONeill SeeMAJ_,EY, poge~2 leading Democrat County officials certify the recount in the Auditor's office
said that Christine Gregoire by 261 Tuesday. Counterclockwise from left are Commissioner Joan
votes, far fewer than the Prey and Prosecutor Tim O'Neill; election officials Mert
...... 2,0oo needed to trigger a Scheradella, Donna Scarola and Dede Pafford; Auditor Diana
- " : mandato~, recount.
THE SEASON [- The loc~l recount ended Housden and observer Phil Mockel - just out of the picture is
Photo by Sam Lowry | ...... ........ with Rossi picking up one observer Ruth Bruns. . .
.d sash burns have L~,,~.~#~ ..... ~