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~Y.i+:~:S.:?/22 ..... ~ ..... 2"..+~ .......
Artist of the month: Ron heldon
The Golden .Gallery's artist of Sturdy-looking scenes are made on
month for November, Goldendale
watercolorist Run Sheldon, likes
experimenting with techniques,
painting scenes and still-lifes.
And moonscapes.
"They are difficult and unusual,"
Sheldon said. "And nobody else was
doing them."
Cold light and shadow play on
farmsteads drawn from sketches he
made in the East and Midwest• Skies
are painted with multiple layers of red,
green, and tmrple.
"It makes it live, not dead."
paper bonded to canvas, watercolored
then varnished with a new sort of
coating, developed for museums.
Sheldon began his career "at an age
when most think about retiring,"
inspired by a gift certificate for a half-
day watercolor class - on his 6oth
A former salesman on the road ("I
enjoyed it! I've been self-employed all
RON SHELDON my life"), Sheldon now counts himself
lucky to have a detached lo-by-24-foot
studio and plenty of time to work.
There he paints, does his own matting, and
A moonscape won Sheldon "best of show" at makes prints and cards.
It's also home base for travel to lO or 15 shows
a year, from Lake Chelan to Eugene, Spokane to
Vancouver - hard work, Sheldon says.
He maintains a Web site at www.ronaldshel-
Come January, Sheldon said heql be teaching
watercolor technique at the Goldendale pool,
along with other Golden Gallery artists.
last year's Southwest Washington Watercolor
Ass(x'iation exposition in Vancouver.
Sheldon is proud of new techniques. Bursts of
yellow and green, for example, are composed
with a spray bottle.
"You have to squirt water just at the moment
the paint is about to dry but is still wet." It is very
hard to teach, Sheldon says.
Dec. 1 broadcast to explain new crop insurance
Contributed 1~
On Nov. 5, C~
MacRae (AB6
LEFT) and
Kayser, both,
long Centerville+
their KliCt
!ges -
County All-Are ue'
Cowboy sad~
awarded in earl
the last 10 year
the top. total I~, •
(or money) w
in the county's
annual sur
rodeos: Bickl+. ~y SA
Glenwood News
Goldendale. Ka "-'---
won in ~lmng (
MacRae in d wile
Then on NoW a cau~
Lacey Brat
(BELOW, Lt's the ]
A new insurance coverage (AGR) Lite," a risk-manage- Those with satellite and Lexi Cam~ and s
offering income protection Tent tool rec~mtly approved receivers can tune in the both of - to in
for most farm-raised crops, for producers reporting broadcast on Galaxy 3, ,~ ..... ,~ it d to
animals and animal products income on IRS Schedule F or Channel 22; the program can ~u~,,~,, ' -(t, ned
will be the subject of a 90- its equivalent, allows most to also be viewed on personal . . ~_~
computers at http'//cahein- wmners at a o~~1 Inn(
minute satellite broadcast insure income levels,based • " rodeo in Red weeks • ~"~ Mid
nextA GoldendaleWednesday" viewing site age.°n tim past five years aver- ml. Ore., for g,a}~rierly~
will be set up in the school AGR-Lite is limited to pro- Viewers can submit ques- Thomas, a Ioc~t
board room, 6o3 S. Roosevelt ducers with average gross tions to the panel via phone, fighting leuk~a pea
fax or e-mail. Questions can Bradley wooltl I~
St., for the 9:3o a.m. to 11a•m., Dec. 1 broadcast, insuredinc°mes belOWliability$500,000;cannot beodirectedlt; John Nelson, ~" ~:::::~, ~;iO~udivi?io2~ Ident
"Adjusted Gross Revenue exceed $a5o,ooo• (5 9)477- 7. ,~e~ t,r : .......... d and
, ~ ~ ..... "* .,] ~ar Gc
bL ' ,.. ., the second.~ plea(
MALEY - II IIv IB buckle out °]e°urtthatL
frompage,, ,, II ,''''"o ! I pee-wee entrall]elke
license, ONeill said in ask- This was a horrendous Reyniersaid. , II ~~, ,I ] • lhfileh~
ing for the maxinmm penalty breach of the public trust,' The judge denied Grundei s her, 2,
for the misdemeanor charge. Reynier said. request that Maley s jail time .... , .-.-- ~ ~lea, o
" nve~ " to work rew I Happy 22nd Ann versary J ~s:.~ ~-~:-:, '-7 ...... ,-, .... ,,t,l
Maley s attorney,"The victims are never fully De CO rtea c , ~ : KUrd
Mum & Dad~ ,Love, the Fam
Gwendolyn Grundei of compensated for their time ordering him to report on or M~__ ~-~ J~.~, ~ , Kural/wou!a" t.t !( ing,
Goldendale, argued that and anxiety,' he, added, before Jan. 2, 2005, after the than eJor partictpt :bec
Maley had already done jail responding to Kelleys earlier holidays. ,~. I lathe Annual 8a~ten G
time and paid fines for, his statement that even the max!- A hearing to determine the "2 X,~ . '
amount of restitution Maley I F°~r..~La~t, w_;#,,, ~ [~' .-, Vet.}., 5~e6~;a~ i~/a-.~/~s-t; Nlsmakj
unlicensed work at Kelleys. nmm sentence ~'ould be a tate,
O'Neill disagreed, sayingslap on the wrist, must pay Kelley will be sched- Y ] J' andVick(Moore
uled later
that an earlier sentence and The judge concluded by .... • ....... IITho McCrodv Co I [ donated their services for the raffle lea in
1he resntutmn nearmg ,I ............ ! "-"" who renteff tat[es
lationsfines wereresultingfOr probatiOnfrom a vio-dif_ generaladdressingpublic,C°mmentSseverelyt°can-the could be a complete civil mat- JJ~ Rook Nook t~,...I ~ to
the vendors who rented ta],nine
ferent case in which Maley tioning anyone hiring a con- ter," ,Reynier said. "That l] 7_ ~_.T..".". ) ..... ~[ I A bazaar can't happen without °m
was convicted of the same tractor to be sure the person doesnt eliminate the pos, si- 111215 W. Main ~ I ~ " " Tl,~,,lr,~lg crit
, I nan1
ility of resolving it civilly. ~tig~t~
crime, contracting without a is licensed, and noting the b ~j ~ ~ nan i
license, very complex nature of the
The judge agreed; based homeowner-contractor rela-
upon the repeat offense, he tionship. Erdman Funeral
the maximum allow-'Sometimes you end up ~,-~"1 ~ /MICKItat ~ "mj::il ~ .;--, - -- -.- - - ,A- - -~.,t W"'+
able sentence, with the wrong person,"~i~II ~" Healthy People ~ ~Crematton 3ervt~
I E ~ Action Network //lff::~. 300 W. Broadway, Golden l again:~e ne
// y 773_4646 Dot
There will be a meeting for the parents of H bollar
students of the Graduating Class of 2005 in Common sense for the common cold. My wishes are for a simple crema,q ill of(,
the Goldendale High School Library, Tuesday, DIABETES and the flu: People with diabetes may At-- Lroman'-" " t Funeralrunerm taomeHome anaand L, remCremattlh kl
November 30th at 7 p.m. The meeting will be be at risk for colds and flu, if you have a cough or fever, ~ L uneral taome an(] L, remn ll
to organize fundraising activities for the stay home. Drink plenty of fluids. Fluids help keep your Service, wecan arrange, for thi.s reque
2005 Senior Class Trip. body healthy and less likely to become dehydrated. Rest. any other type of service a family may
Any Questions, It helps you fight off the germs that are present in your in mind. It isn't necessary to Out of
bod~ . . . :e o . .
or pin a society tO nave our wlsnes c
call Michelle @ilkins at (509) 773-3853. Contact your medical provider by phone before corn- ] . y _. ¢-seve~
ing in. They may be able to help you by phone or advice OUt All of our services are performed 10 have
rll rur~
of the best time to come in. ly and we offer what no one else thou
TO KEEP GERMS AWAY. If you work in an office
and share space, wipe down your desks, phone and other
shared iteins. Do not touch your eyes, nose or mouth.
Use tissue to cough into, then toss it in the garbage.
Wash your hands after each tissue use. Use warm water
and soap or an alcohol-based hand sanitizer to wash your
hands. Don't share things like cigarettes, towels, lipstick,
toys, or anything else that might be contaminated with
respiratory germs.
Wear warm clothes and a coat/hat/gloves when going
outside. Get plenty of sleep, eat healthy and drink water
AffordabiliW, integri , digni , trust prov
familiariW. After all, we have been ~ere n
care of the Goldendale communiff ':g at
more than IOO years. Call us, 773-4646. , ye
are here to help.
• Erdman FuneralHome
and Cremation Service.
and stay active. These tips can help you stay healthy all