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The Goldendale Sentinel
Goldendale , Washington
November 28, 1940     The Goldendale Sentinel
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November 28, 1940
Newspaper Archive of The Goldendale Sentinel produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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[. 1940 hursday, November 28, 1940 THE GOLDENDALE SENTINEL--Golden Ie, Washington , ~ -----._: .... ................ , n aad I T ~ " ~P~ I Mr. and Mrs. Herman Umlauf, of H.H. K:ure of Lvle was in Gold- Jess Wherry, of Dot, was in Gold- of Mr. | I ~p~,m~ 1 ~- ~l"~tl~ Klickitat, spent Thanksgiving clay endale on business "Friday. bndale on business Monday. "~ ~ TA ~'~ . • • family I ~i~."~.~ ~ .~ ~V/~ " Im G odlendale with relatives. Bill White, of ]tligh Prairie, was Bill L u~e, .of B ingen, was in Gold- .] p,,~.~',~c'~Ja%,As~,~,~, f ~#/~ [ Dance, Pleasant Valley, Dec. Goldendale on business Friday. endale on business Tuesday. rtland, il Mrs. Gertrude Schumann, of San Mr. and Mrs. Byrd Clark and! 482t Dance, Pleasant Valley, D?c. 7. Jim Powell, of High Prairie, was I their |Diego. California. spent over Ttmnks- elan Ensley ~', ~re in Gohlendale on John Bridgefarmer this week Mr. and Mrs. W. F. ~Neltzm, of in Goldendale on business Monday. ! giving with 4Mrs. It. I). l'hillip,.~. Friday from Dalle~port. purchased a new l~ord tractor Cliffs, were in Goldendal~ on busi-Orders taken for homemade fruit- spent / Dance, PleasantValley,Dee.7. Mr. and ~Mr,s. Clarence Ensley left through the Nlckerson Motor corn-ness Fmday. - cake. Edna Mulford, 330 W. Main. [riend~ | 482t for their work at Alsea, Oregon, on pany. . .. . Mr. and Mrs. Herman Hapgood, 481 | Mr. and Mrs. \V. E. Weaver,of Thal~ksgiving (lay. New Mercmy cars wele uenvereu of Pilot Butte nearBend, Oregon, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Snider and fam- L wor0 |W.hite Sahnon were in C~oldend~le on ~ .,. • ..... this week to R. A. Jacksou and Z.spent Tha~nksgivingin G~oldendale ily ~"ent Thanksgiving day in Yak ,~-* | t • ' iJance,i leasant ~alley, l)ec 7.O BI oks b the Nickel son Motel ~' - Le ~* lousiness Wednesday 482t " "o ' y ' "with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M.ima visiting with friends Betty Layman, of Sunnyside, was in Goldendale last weekend visiting friends. A large tree in the rear of the Lands residence on (5purl street fell over last ,Sunday. Virginia Hoblm spent Thanksgiv- ing in Wapato "with her parents. She returned t~o Goldendale Saturday. A marriage license "w~as. issued Nov. 20 by the county auditor to Lewis Brown, 25, of Tygh Valley, Page Three ~' Your Woolens Reconditioned at roll Mld |Triplex Cleaners. I'hone 542. lt-- S ¢ ne day| Manlev Cox of \\,lllte Sahuon, aUS 111" I~a;~ ;irld(la(;ldendale I)u~iness visit~,r ~, Nr. / Dance, Nov. 30, Eagles hall. Adm. ent ~0 ~g0c Brem Brown's orchestra. 472t ' Mrs. ,lohn Sirois, of Portland, and klrs. CyntMa B o'wden, of V?alla Walla, sl)ent over Thanksgiving in ale with their father, "W. E. HOrnibrook. and other relatives. C. R. Miller, of I)ullman. speut] in Goldendale witll sisters, Ml~. E. M. Stultz and Maggie Hill. Mr. Miller was on way to Yacolt, "Wa, d~ington. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Miller and of The l)alles, spent Thanks- with Mrs. Bennett's parenb's, and Mrs. Chas. Shew. The Portland Oregonian available Frederick Oltmanns. Call phone for daily delivery to your own in town or at Confeetionary tf PHONE 52 IR. Nov. 29-30 Double Feature ! Mouse takes a trip 8UN.-MONDAY Dec. 1-2 Double Feature BABY SANDY in DEAD END KIDS in "Give Us Wings" News Reel ,DAY Dee. a (~artoon---dSniffles takes a trip Nelson & Orchestra Dec. 4-5 Double Feature - Andy Devine in Nan Grey - Tom Brown in Cartoon--Recruiting Daze Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kuhnhausen and daughter, of Gl, enwood, were in Goldendale on business Friday. ~Mr.,and Mrs. Karl Abbuehl, of Mt. Pleasant in Skamania county, visited Mr. and Mrs. Ensley at Dallesport, this week. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Lawson and family drove to Canby, Oregon, 'where they spent Thanksgiving with i relatives. Mr. and 5ir~. Frank Adams and children, of Klickitat, spent Thanks- giving in Coldendale visiting "with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Zachary Niemela. Mr. and Mrs. V~:e~s DeWeese, of Lyle, spent the Thanksgiving holi- days in Goldendale visiting with he~ father, W. F. Byars and other rela- tives. ElMs Seibold, student at Wash- ington Stale College, spent the Thanksgiving holidays in Goldendale i visiting with her parents, Mr. and ~ne s t Seibold. lrie and Betty Imrie, stu- 1 dents at the Un'versity of \~ ashing- ton, returned to Seattle Sunday after spending Thanksgiving with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Imrie. l)anny Seitzinger returned to his classes at the l;niversity of Wm~h- ington after spending Thanksgiving fin Goldendale with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Seitzinger. Milton Eddy returned to Seattle Sunday t:) re,~ume his studies at the University of Washington after spending Thanksgiving vacation in Goldendale visiting with Ms mother, Mrs.l I,itly Eddy. Foremen of the Klickitat Pine Box company mills accompanied by Phil .Hingston left Monday ,on a trip to Bend and Klamath Falls, Oregon. They plan to 'inspect ,opera- tions in a number of pine mills and box factories on their trip. Dance, Pleasant Valley, Dec. 7. 482t Mrs. Fern Ewing left Sunday i Mght for her home at White Horse, iSonlh Dakota, after a visit of sev- i eral weeks here with l~er father, ! Jim Shelton, and her sister, Mrs. Marion Hudson, and other relatives land friends. The American Guernsey Cattle Club, Peterborough, New Hampshire i reports the sale of a registered iGuern,~ey eow by L. W. Dayton to i Harry J. Reed of Goldendale. T.his i animal is Calypso's Matilda's Linda } Queen 618788. Dance, Nov. 30, Eagles hall. Adm. 50e. Brem Brown's orchestra. 472t Mrs. Elsie Ensley returned to her home at Dallesport Monday. She had been called to Washougal three weeks ago as a nurse for her mother ]who wm~. critically ill with pneu- monia and asthma. While in Wash- ougal Mrs. Ensley's brother who is supervi,~or of the Co.uer d'Alene na- tional forest, visited her. The Oregon Journal delivered to your .home or at Confectionartz stores and Allison's Pharmacy. George Lay- man, agent, tf-- EAGLES HALL Saturday, Nov. 30 BREM BROWN'S BAND Adm. 50c, inc. tax WATCHES .... Come in today and inspect our complete line, designed by America's foremost watch mak- ers, Hamilton, Elgin and Walt- ham. RINC S.,.. All types and styles of rings at prices within the range of every shopper. COSTUME JEWELRY . . . SILVERWARE . . . CLOCKS .... D. Gunning & Co. company. Tailored custom made clothes at Triplex Cleaners. Phone 542. lt-- Max Bigby, .of Seaside, spent Thanksgiving in Goldendale visiting with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. [M. C. Bigby. Mr. and Mrs. ~Ve?ley Wilson and Mrs. Julia Wilson were Thanksgiv- ing day guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Wilson Jn Bickleton. Mr. and Mrs. Dayton VanVactor and son, .el Klamath Falls, were in Goldendale over the Thanksgiving holiday,:~. Mrs. VanVactor is the daughter of Mrs. Oscar Allyn. Dean BiNby returned to Seattle Sunday after ,~pending Thanksgiv- ing in Goldendale with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Bigby. He is a junior at the University of Wash- ington. Vernon Diver,s returned to Pull- man Sunday after spending Thanks- giving vacati.on with his parents, Mr. and IMrs. Robert Divers. Harold Hill, Washington State College student, returned to Pullman Sunday after spend,lug the hoidays visiting with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Hill. Jean Sleeper, student at Washing- ton State College, returned to Pull- man Sunday after spending the Thanksgiving holidays in Golden- dale visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Sleeper. Mrs. R. D. Sunderland spent the Thanksgiving holidays in Portland visiting with her daughter and fam- ily, Mr. and Mrs. ~Howard March- bank. Mrs. Laura G. Loughary, of Port- land, was a recent ,houseguest at the J.ohn R. McEwm~ home. Mrs. Loughary is a former Goldendale resident. Jimmy Spalding returned Sunday to Everett, Wash., after spending Thank~.~giving with his parents, ,.'Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Spalding. Howard Masters, jr., returned to Pullman Sunday after spending the Thanksgiving vacation "with ,his par- ents, Mr. and M~s. Howard Masters of Centerville. Betty and Bud Matsen returned to Pulhnan Sunday to resume their studies at Washington State College after spending the Thank~sgiving weekend in Gioldendale with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. B. Matsen. Virginia VanHoy returned Sun- day to Pullman after spending the Thanks~'ving holidays in Golden- dale vi~iting wit.h her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn VanHoy. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Rainey and Harvey Norris, of l~,ortland, spent Thanksgiving in Goldendale vis4ting with Mr. and ,Mrs. W. D. Norris and other relatives. Mrs. Rainey is the former Della Norris of this city. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Tobin, of Klickitat, at'e the parents of a daughter born gat~rday at the Kelley Nursing home in Goldendale Sharing in the congratulations are the grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Jaekel of Centerville. Lyle Ternahan, county agent, and Mrs. Lorna K. Perkins, county h,ome demonstration agent, were in Yak- ima Monday to attend a meeting sponsored by the department of agri- culture. ,Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Phillips spent the past week in Wilbur and Davenport, Wash., visiting with relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Phillips resided in Wil~b.ur before they moved to Goldendale two years ago. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Rauscher are movng in~o the residence on East Court street formerly occupied by Edgar H. Canfield. Mr. and Mrs. Rauscher are purchasing this prop- erty from Mrs. Trost. Mr. and Mrs. John Mattson, of Centerville, and Mr. and ~Mrs..Ed Mattson and children, Denise and Beverly, and Raymond Mattson, all of Sundale, were Thanksgiving day guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Andy Taylor in Lyle. John R. McEwen returned Thurs- day of last week from a business trip to Chicago and Decatur, Ill. On the trip east the Great Northern passenger on which McEwen was riding was held up for 24 hours in deep sn.0"w drifts in Western Minne- sota. Thred of the four locomotives used on the train in an attempt to force it through the drifts were frozen up and the passenger cars were w~thout heat for several l-tours. June Hector returned to Pullman gunday after spending Thanksgiving vacation in Goldendale visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Hector. The Seattle P.-I. delivered to your home or at Allison's Pharmacy or call Tommy Gray. tf E. McAllister. ~Paul Sanstrum, of Hood River, I spent Thanksg'iving in Goldiendale ! with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. F. ~Sanstrunl. N. E. Nelson, manager ,of the Jaymar Lumber company of Hood Rier, was in Goldendale on busi- ness la,.~t Wednesday. Orders taken for homemade fruit- cake. Edna Mulford, 330 W. Main. 481 Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Miller and family, of Bingen, were Thanksgiv- ing day guests at: the Gene Splawn h,~me. J, oe Nesibitt, of K~mos, Wash., spen't Thalnksgiving in Goldendale visiting with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Nesbitt. Mr. and kMrs. R. A. Wiltse, of Longvie"w, were guests at the Fred Nesbitt home over the Thanksgiving holidays. i Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Sanders spent I Thanksglving day in Yakima wit.h Mr. and Mrs. Oren Sanders and tMrs. Harrington. "~ Mrs. John Nath has moved int, o the McEwen apartments where she is sharing an apartment with tMrs. Bess Niva. Repairs and alterations at Triplex Cleaners. Phone 542. It-- Workmen this week completed the installation of a new ceiling in the McKee Drug store. The ceiling wad" lowered four feet. The ne`w ceiling is made .of fir-tex. A rainfall of .42 inches was re- ported Saturday and Sunday by Edward A.beling, government weath- er olbserver ~or Goldendale. Bill Nye was taken to the Vet- erans' hospital in Walla Walla last Friday for a medical examination. He will undergo a major opere.tion there this week. Fred Watson returned to Golden- dale last week after spending ~ev- eral days in Portland undergoing medical examination. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Eriekson and E. C. Walton returned Sunday from Wenatchee where they spent the Tbanksgiving holidays with relatives. ,Lee Rtdgeway, of I~oosevelt, was a ~oldendale business visitor the first of the week. He had the misfortune of runr~ng a spike in teh heel af his foot on Sunday, while working at the H. A. White ranch near Roose- velt. !Glen' Groves, of Ellensburg, spent Thanksgiving in Goldendale visiting with friends. He ls employed by the Zeibarth construction eompany. Mr. and Mrs. Mel I)avldson and two children, of The Dalles, spen~t Sunday in Go.ldendale visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Crooks. The executive committee of the Klickita't County Tu'berculosis Lea- gue met Monday evening at the home .of Mrs. John R. Mlllam. Routine busine.~s was transacted. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Culler, of Bingen, were in G~oldendale Sunday and Monday visiting with relatives. C. E. Crooks returned to his office this week after having spent more than a week at home recovering from a severe oold. !~] Mrs. E. C. Trost, district Woman's Association president, accompanied Mrs. Lowell Smith to Trout Lake last week to attend a meeting of the Trout Lake W,omeLn's club. Mrs. Smith was the speaker of the after- noon. Her topic "Tuberculosis Con- Mr. and Mrs. Ed Pike last 'week moved into their new residence on First street. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Taylor have rented the residence on the oorner of Court and Academy formerly oc- cupied by Mr. and Mrs. John Nath. Mrs. ,Lowell Smith is spending this week in the western part of the county assisting Dr. S. L. Cox of ¢he Washington Tu.berculosis association and Miss Amye MeKee in the lV£on- toux skin-testing cllnies. iM~iss Edith Ann Ryan, high school instructor, spen,t Thanksgiving in Vancouver visiting with her parents. ~4iss Marie Rood, primary ins'truct- .or, spent the h.ol.idays in Seattle with friends. A1 Henry, state representative elect from this district, was in Gold- endale on business .Tuesday. iDavid F. Lewis, of Wishram, filed suit for divorce from Carrie F. Lewis in supertor court here this week. D. M. Gilpin, state liquor inspector from Vancouver was in ~oldendale on business this week. A crew of state highway depart- men~t men were in G-oldendale this week painting the center line in high- ways in this vicinity. ,Bonnie Riddle, of Seattle, spent Thanksgiving in G-oldendale with friends. She is now te,a~hing in a Seattle beauty school. Mrs. T. H. Yorke, of Spokane, is spending a few days with her son and family, Mr. and M~s. R. H. Yorke, at the Spring Creek ~lsh hatchery. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Hoisin,gton, of Bingen, were in Goldendale on busi- ness Tuesday. Albert Johnson, of Appleton, was in Goldendale on business Tuesday. F~nk E. Cl.wrk, state aid engineer, of Vancouver, was in Goldendale on business Tuesday and Wednesday. John Chandler, Henry Ladiges, Max Ladiges, Ferdinand Markgraf, all of Glenwood, were in Goldendale on business Tuesday. Lee R. Layman last week was is- sued a building permit for a $150 remodeling job on an old building located at 421 East B street. Mr. and Mrs. Junior Jacroux re- turned Tuesday f~om Huntington, Ore., where they slyent a few days with Mrs. Jaeroux's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Brown. Mrs. Martin Ferry was in Snow- den, Husum and other Western Klickitat county communities on business Tuesday. Mr. and Mm. R. G. Averill, of The Dalles, were Thanksgiving guests at the home of their son and daughter- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Averill. Bryant Robertson and Bob Robert- son, of Klickitat, ~ere al~o guests at the Averill h,ome. Miss Helen Brondt spent the Th.anksglv'ing holidays in Ellens- burg visiting with her parents. Miss ~mye McKee and Mrs. Lorna K. Perkins spent Thanksgiving in Wenatchee visiting with relatives. Miss Irene Krausher, for the past several months secretary at the McEwen & Brooks office, plans ~o leave this week for Walls Walls. She will spend several weeks vaca- tioning in Walls Walls ibefore re- turning to a new .position in Yakima. C. H. Knosher underwent another operation in l~ortland Monday. His condition w~s reported as satisfac- tory Wednesday. Mrs. Knosher is in Portland with her husband. Frank Knesher has been in charge of the trol," was 'illustrated by large, edu- Kno~her Insurance Agency since his cational charts, father's first operation n~ore than a Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Swain, of month ago. Seattle, spent Thanksgiving in Gold- Helen Kelley received minor'cuts endale visit4ng with her grandfath- er, W. Leidl and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Swain and Mr. heidl were guests at the P,o,bert McKillip home near Centerville Thank~sgiving day. . S. F. Wnuk, ,o.f White Salmon, and A. M. Matsen, of Bickleton, were in Goldendale Monday for the regular meeting of the board of commissioners. The Klickitat county commissioners plan ?,o meet with Day Hil~born, Vancouver architect next Tuesday to inspect plans for the new county courthouse. H. M. aoeempanled by Mrs. A. E. C.oley spent two days in Vancouver vlsi'ting with relatives be- fore returning to his ship the U. S. S. Colorado at the Bremerton Navy Yard. Mrs. Coley returned to (Iold- endale with George V. Coley, of Ridgefield, who spent Thanksgiving with relaUves in Goldendale. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Coley, of Vancouver, also spent Thanksgiving in G~Idendale with Mrs. A. E. C,oley. The visitors re'turned to their home in Vancouver Saturday. and bruises in an auto accident early Sunday morning. She was a passenger in a car driven by Victor Lenoir. The accident occurred on the state highway near the O. L. H~amtlton ranch. Cans. driven by Lenoir and Stanley Strata collided. MINER'S O. K. TIRE SHOP IS NOW . EQUIPPED s~ to prowde ON YOUR WORN TIRES Don't take chances with smooth tires on slick roads. Bring them in today for a guaranteed O. K. Recap. O. K. TIRE SHOP Goldendale, Washington Oregon, and Josephine Fisher, 31, of Alicel, Oreg~on. Cars driven by Floyd Powell and Mrs. C. B. Hatch collided at the Intersection of Grant and Broadway Monday. No one was~ injured and -damage to the machines wag small. Mr. and Mrs. Oren Sappingfield plan to leave late this `week for Tacoma where they will spend the Christmas holidays visiting with friends and relatives. Paul Johnson spent the Thanks- giving holidays in Spokane visiting with his father and mother. Mrs. R. . K. Nickerson, Mns. Thomas Meade and Miss Eileen Bradford spent Saturday and Sun- day in Portland. Mr. ~nd M,rs. Jack Dressel and son, of Seattle, spent Thanksgiving in GoJdendale visiting with relatives. They returned to Seattle Sa*turday. Miss Frankie Johnston spent the Thanksgiving holidays in Cheney visiting `with her family. Miss Marcella Smi'th spent the Thanksgiving holidays in Othello vis- iting with her family. Mrs. Sue Morehead, county school superintendent, left Wednesday for Olympia, where she will attend the annual sta'te meeting of superintend. ents. Reed and Use The Sentinel Want Ads. They get results, tf Lowell Smith, Goldendale high school instructor and president ef the Klickitat Education Association, attended the annual meeting of the W~shington Educational association held in Tacoma last Friday and Sut- urdayv Mrs. Pearl Wanamaker, state superintendent-elect, attended the meeting. Smith was the only rapresenta.tive from this county at the W. E. A. gathering. Mr. and Mds. W. D. Sapplngfield are visiting with relatives in Spring- feld and Eugene, Oregon, ths week. Mr. and Mrs. Sappingfield left Gold-' endale last week and spent Thanks- giving at Sprtngfielld. Triplex Cleaners Phone 542 Goldendale All kinds of repairing, alterations, etc. Selected from this early Christmas Showing and your thoughtfulness and good taste will be remembered through- out the year. Early American Old Spice Coty Yardley Evening in Paris Montag Stationery Revere Copper Ware Chrome Chase Novelties -0- Regis:tered Graduate Pharmacist In At~tendance At AH Times You won't have to wait longer to get that New Wir ter Coat at a bargain. Here they are . . . our entire stock greatly reduced. 0 Coat , Coats, Fur Trimmed 0 ALL $9.95 Coats now ....... .85 ALL $11.95 Coats, now ..... 8.85 ALL $18.95 Coats now...14.85 ALL $29.50 Coats now .... 22.85 FUR JACKETS Black or Brown, Dyed Coney, Satin Lined 18.95 FIFTY Sparkling WITH THAT GAY HOLIDAY LOOK Dressy Dresses . . . with Jewel Trim .... New Lingerie Touches .... New Shirrings and Pockets. A STYLE FOR EVERY OCCASION Black and New Colors Everyone a Real Bargain] Sizes from 11 to 44. Priced from to '.95 "i : i :i! iii iill " i~iil~