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November 28, 1940 The Goldendale Sentinel | |
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THE GOLDENDALE SENTINEL--Goldendale Washington
Page Six Thursday, November 28, 194q
NOTICE OF SALE OF COUNTY pROPERTY owing to the accident fund of the l Mrs. P. J. Troh were ,pleased with J"
State of Washington and further, to] the -rriv-1 of "heir da'--hter an-~
........... foreclose a certain iien in favor of]~ a t u~ u ! A ~'~l. d • •
STATE OF WASHINC/PON, County or ~ncmtat, ss. the State of Washington against/son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Chayi ~ ~ •
Notice is Hereby Given, That in accordance with an order heretofore certain personal property me.ntioned/Johnson and son ,Mike of Selah, Wn I • II ~ N ,
ann uescrleea In plalUtlII'S lien no- . :
entered on the 1st day of, 1940, by the Board of County C~m- t|~o~ ~ n,t 4,~ nl,a~,H~'~ .... I~,~ } Mr. and Mrs. Ward Holloway enter- :• •
missioners of the County of Klickltat, State of Washington, directing the w~a]ch-~.~ "" ~-'~-7~-;'^:^:~'2:1::--~- ,.in^~~ . c'- f" q ........ ~^~" Y- ! ~ • J • ~ [ • 1
of Klickitat for delinquent taxes under tax foreclosure suit and se2e, I, sek~onp 76~nt;:m~hetPr°:isi~n~se°~ colt, Wash.; Mr. and Mrs• Living-
Statutes of the State of
Washington. ston en3oyed hawng their daughters BUY, SELL OR RENT THROUGH THE CLASSIFIED COLUMNS . .. QUICK RESULTS . . •
the undersigned County Treasurer of said County, will, on the day
of November, 1940, commencing at the hour of 9 o'clock A. M., and con-
tinuing until the hour of 4 o'clock P.M. of said day, unless the property
hereinafter described shall sooner be sold, at the front door of ~he County
Court House, in Goldendale in said county and state, sell to the highest
and best bidder for cash the following described real property, situated
in said county, and described as follows to-wit:
DIJSCRI~PTION--- Lot Blk. Price
First Addition to Lyle ................. 24 18 500.00
. Min.
Sec. Tp. Rge. Acres Price
NESEi ., .............. ..............11 6 22 40. 20.00
NE~ fracl .......................... 2 4 23 159.6480.00
SHEWS; SbSE$ ...................... 2 4 23 160. 80.00
NESE,~ ........ , .................. ... 14 5 23 40. 20.00
S~SE~ ................. • ........... 14 5 23 40. 20.00
NE~t; NINW~ ..... '..i .......23 5 23 240. 120.00
S]~NW/~ ...... ~:::.:.-.::..: ......... 23 5 2~ 80. 40.00
SWSE$ .............. 24 5 23 40. 20.00
::::.:::::::...:::.: ......... 26 5 23 80. 4 .00
TERMS: Under $50.00, cash. $50.00 or more, 20% down and the
~la2ce in ten annual installments with interest at 6% on the unpaid hal-
will adjourn said sale to the same hours from day to day by announcement
meAe at ,the time and place of said sale, or at the time and place to wmcn
said sale may be adjourned.
Dated at ~Goldendale, Washington, this 4th day of November, 1940.
Nov. 7-28-4t--- County Treasurer of Kllckltat County, Washington.
,r~j~z~.~ ~,~g~,~.~ of and continuing westerly along .said
~northerly side of the highway to a
---'------- .~ poin~t near the center of Section 23,
NOTICE O S O said township and range; thence
ESTATE crossing said S. S. H. No. 8-D to the
SMI'I~H TPoOY, Attorney General; Phoebe and Phyllis homd with them
BROWDER BRO, WN, Assistant At- from Ellensburg for the holidays as
torney General, Attorneys for
Plaintiff, Temple of Justice, Olym-did also the parents of the other
pin, Washington. N21-D26-6t-- students who were able to return•
ORDER .CALLING ELE(Yl~ION Those others attending higher in-
. ~. --~----' . .. . stitutions are: Lillian Gregory Jean
~n ~ne matter of the emcuon or ............. '..
Public Utility District No. 1 of Klick- herman, riarma weHennrocK, .-tay-
itat county, Washington. mend Ward, and Charlotte Wilson
V~HERIELA~, it appears that the of Camn Draper
Board of °Commissioners of Public ~.. ~ , "
Utility District No. 1 of Klickit~t Tne teacners left early Wednes-
county have heretofore filed with this day afternoon for their homes Mr
board their certificate stating that Sanders to Edmonds M-~ x~r,~.~ ~
the office of Public Utility District .............
Commissioner in Commissiner Dis- Portland, and Miss Griffin to Ray-
rict No• 2 is to be filled at a general mend One victory and one defeat
election to be held in Klickitat coun- were "hi ......... i
ty, on December 7, 1940, and whereas -ought nome ~rom r~l~ckitat ]
It appears that the first Saturday in Tuesday by the grade school basket-
December is the time set for saidball teams wh~ ~e-- ¢ho-~ ~ ....
election by the la%,s relating thereto. .. ' ~ "'~:~ "-~'~ .... ":
NOW TH~RE4~ORE it is hereby afternoon game. The lop pounu
ordered I)y' the* election board of team lost to their Klickitat oppo-
Klickitat county, .that an election be nents 1 t 12 whi .... o,.o
0 le the regul
held in Klickitat county on Saturday, "~'~
December 7, for the purpose of select- won 29 to 3. A *high sch~ool game
ing a commissioner for commissioner was ulayed here Friday niuht with
district No. 2, Public Utility District ~ / . ~.. ~ .
~ne town team The rlrst regutar
No. 1 of Klickit~t county, and that.
notice of the time and place of elec-~schedule game for the high school
~ion be. posted and published accord-~players is listed for Nov 29 on the
g t law. • "
Done this 25th day of November,|Glenwo°d floor with Tr, out Lake.
1940. | Mr. and Mrs. Wm Markgraf jr.,
County Election Board of Klickitat are ..... " -- - '" -
. the parents or a hey corn last
COUnl~~tv. A. M. Matsen, Tuesday in White Salmon on the
Chairman Board of County Commis- birthday of his brother two years
SMALL COST. All ads listed for this column must reach our office before Tuesday evening fol-
lowing date of publication: RATES: Minimum charge of 25c per insertion; three insertions for
the price of two. 5c per line, count five words to the line. All ads cash, unless you have a regular
charge account at this office. Turn those unused article into cash.., sell them with a classified.
lZOR SAI~E---~Walnuts, 12c lb., phone
ted Polo~nd male hegs, purebred.
Will trade for wheat oats, barley
or wh, at have you.* John Katdera,
FOR SAIzF_r~Dalry cows and heifers.
Jerseys, HoIsteins and Brown
Swiss• Iva Hill, 3 miles west and
one mile south of Centerville,
Washington. 473
back to Camas Sunday, returning
home ,Monday r~oon.
Alvin John, Mr. and Mrs. L• E.
John and Mrs. R. N. RoberWon were
in Goldendale Sunday evening.
Mrs. Dora Wilson spent several
days the last of the week in Port-
land visiting her daughter and hus-
band. Mr. and Mrs. l!~arl Tonseth.
The "Bonseths have been living in
San Francisco the past year and are
FOR SALE~Feeder and weaner I ])'OR TRADE---Turkeys for weane~r
pigs, varying sizes. Write HowardI pigs. Phone 3104. It
BTatton, Wahkiacus, Wash. 473
In fair condition Tires invery ~, l~
..... • . • th
goes cona~uon, t nqmre at The l
Sentinel office, tf[ ~ __
, FOR RENT---~urnished rooms. Wi~
]~'OR SALE--1936 Dodge coupe, good I or without lmard. Steam heat. In-
condition, practically new tires, Iquire Herman C. Roloff. 463~"
heater. $ 395 See Goldendale .~ -'-'7,
Machine Works 473 I,'OR RENT---Furnished apartment.
-------------~ Near high school. Mrs. G. 1~_
b'OR S.~LE~180 ewes 1 year old andl Roush.
up. Start lambing ~February 20. All] FOR RENT OR SALE-~even room "
in good condition $7 50 per head ........ t
R l r~,,.~o ~rH'.~,~, An:~ [ nouse AlSO moaern c~)lns for reu •
I ,Phone 1605 or see L. E. Layma ,
307 E Court St 463--~
]b'OR SALE--Model T. Roadster ln l " " ----
good condition. Will sell very rea-t I%~|~'~i t ~l~IT~. #'%1~
sonable. Inquire of Archie Rad-] |V|]h.~,~aLd~A~J~r, aU~,h,~
cliffe at The Sentinel. tfl
~ ~ / ~1 II ]~ good u nning car, $20• West 11
A Street
WANTED--Fat h~gs0 cattle, and on farmers in E ~rH~kitat
sheep. Highest n~arket prices paid Nn ~n~r~,~,~ n'~ o~ni~ r~'~
for feeder pigs.M. M. Hector ~rri~e'~r~-in~man~-~'~~ ~
phone 316Y5. April 1940 St, O~kl~ad Cal'i'f "~" ......
southerly side thereof and continu-
No. 2160
In the Superior C~urt of tl~e State of
Washington, for Klickitat County.
Ia the met'for of the joint estates
J. T. Chandler and Rebecca J.
Chandler, husband and wife, both
Notice is hereby given that in ac-
cordance with an order of the above
eutitled court, made and entered
herein on the 13~th day of November,
1940, George L. Chandler, adminis-
trator of the above named joint es-
tates, wiIl offer for sale at public auc-
tion at the front door of the county
courthouse i~l G olde~dale, Kliekitat
County, Washington, on Saturday the
7th day of December, 1940, at the
hour of eleven o'clock in the fore-
noon, the following described real
estate situated in Klickitat County,
Washington, to-wit:
A one half undivided interest in~
the following tract of land:
Commencing aJt the Southeast
corner of section 3, township 5, north
range 12 E. W. M., running thence
lng in a westerly direction along the
southerly side of said highway to a
point in the NE~ of NE~ of Section
~, Township 6 North, Range 10 E.
• M•, said point being 1100 feet
SOuth and 25 feet west of the north-
east corner of Section 22, said town-
ship and range; thence crossing said
S. S. H. No. 8-D to the northerly
side thereof and continuing in a
westerly direction along the norther-
ly side of t~he highway to a point in
the NW~ of NE~ .of Section 22, Town-
ship 6 North, Range 10 E. W. M., said
point being approximately 2300 feet
west and 200 feet sou,th of the north-
east corner of said Section 22; thence
e~ossing said S. S. H. No. 8-D to the
southerly side thereof and continuing
in a westerly direction along said
sou,therly side to a point on the ap-
proximwte north and south center line
of Section 22, said township and
range, said point being approxin~te-
ly 140 feet south of the north quar.t-
er section corner of said Section 22;
thence crossing said S. S, H. No. 8-D
west 40 rods, thence north 160 rods, to the nor,therly side thereof and con-
thence east 40 rods, thence south tinuing in a general westerly and
160 ro, ds to the place of beginning, southwesterly direction along the
Tha~ said property will be sold to northerly and northwesterly side of
the highest and best bidder for cash ~ said ~highway to'the west line of Sec-
in hand' , ,the administre~tor reserving .,,tlon 21, Township 6 North, Ran~,e~ 10
the right to reject any or all bids, and]E. W. M•, neex the southwest corner
the sale to be subject to confirma-of said Section 21.
lion by the court. ] AAso crossing ~aid S. S. H. No. 8-D
Dated at Goldendale, Washington, , at a poin,t on the ap0rexima¢e east
this 13th day of November, 1940. and west center line of Section 36,
GEOf~CrE L. C~tLA~DLER, Adminis-tTownship 6 North, Range 10 E. W,
~rator t M.
• ~ " nt i'~OW TH]~RI~I~ORE NOTICE IS
('. W. RAMSEY, Attorney for 3oi ~-~u~'v ,~r~x~ '
' ~ 4 ~.~ ~r~'v~
estates Nov 14-O t
_ . ~uv z~-a-~--- Tha~ a hearing will be held on said
~-'N~ CREDI~OI~ /application by the Acting Director of
__ t H~ghw~ys of t'he State of Washing-
No P 2161 ~ton at his office in the Transportation
r,, ~,~ ~,,~,~,,,'f~,~,rt ,~f *h~ ~tate ell Building, Olympia, Washington, on
xxr~,~=~,,~ e,~, ~rH,qr~t t~.n ntv . bhe 10'th day of December 1940, at
In the matter of the Joint Estates of~ iv o cmcg A. ~a•
William Coats and Nancy Aurell~t Dated at Olympia, Washington,
Coats, Both Deceased. this 22nd day of October, 1940•
NOTI.C,E IS HIi~RE~Y (~IVEN, that O.B. DIN~S(MORE, Assistant Direct-
the undersigned has been appointed or of Highv~ays. N14-28t3--
and has qualified as Executrix of the
estate of William and as Ad-, NOTICE OI~~ WATER RIGHT
ministratrix with will annexed of the APPLICATION NO. 5294
estate of Nancy Aurelia Coats, both
deceased, and that all persons having State of Washin,gton, Office of Su-
claims ~gainst said deceased are re- pervisor of Hydraulics, Olympia.
quired to serve the same on the TO W~IOM IT MAY CON(~E~N:
Executrix and Administratrix wi~h] Notice is hereby given theft Ray-
will annexed at her residence, Trout mend W. Ferguson, of Cliffs, State
By John A. Miller,
County Auditor.
By Edgar H. Canfield,
lt--- Prosecuting Attorney. I
Laura Parrott
Glenwood, Nov. 25 (Special) To
everyone who has wondered at some
time which comes first, the hen or
the egg, their curiosity is to be re-
lieved Saturday night, Nov. 30 at
the Grange hall when members of
Glenw, ood Grange No. 94 will pre-
sent a forty minute play by that
name, which is to be followed by
an eventng of dancing including a
potluck supper. An admission of 10
and 25 cents is to be charged for
the play. Your patronage is solicit-
ed. The wiring oommittee of Grange
members has gone into action and
the hall will be ready for the arrival
'of Bonneville power• Engineer Lee i
and crews were working in toWn~
during the week for all the streets
are staked. Roy Feller has ~been add-
ed to the list of P.U.D. emptoyees,
contacting houses for meter loca-
This Wednesday evening there
was held at the school house a meet-
ing of persons interested in com-
e, unity play presentati~on. Several
persons talked of the formation of
a group of local players last winter,
\and an effort to perfect such an or-
ganization is in effect now• Y~or a
community as isolated as this dur-
ing the winter months the logical
thing is to get together and produce
our own recreation. What better
form of expression could this take
than putting on several plays• There
is talent aplenty to be brought out,
Lake. Washington, or upon McEwen of Washington, untler date of Pete- what is needed is leadership. So)r-
& Brooks, attorneys of record for!her 30, 194'0, filed with the State oral organizations individually pro-
said estate, at Goldendale, Washing- Supervisor of Hyeing named
.~s master of the local organization
for the coming term. Other new
names appearing in important posts
are: August Dapkus, lecturer, and
Osmar Ladiges. fire insurance con-
tact agent. There will be an affair
open to the public at Grange Satur-
day, November 30.
Three county trucks which have
been hauling from 30 to 40 yards
of gravel daily on the upper part of
the Klickitat grade, have ~been fitted
With showplow attachments prepar-
atory to au expected need.
S. S. S,rface is building 90 feet
of shed onto his barn to provide
dairy cows with day time shelter•
Milk production in this valley has
fallen o'ff one third, according to
Oscaa- Brannin, miH~ truck driver
f, or Arden Farms, Inc., Portland
firm who daily buy~ 3ver a ton of
milk in this valley.
Mrs. R. N. Robertson
WISHR, AIM--- (Special) M~. J.
I. Mills spent several days in Van-
~ouver last week.
Pat Murphy had the misfortune a
week ago Tuesday to cu,t his knee
with an axe. Francis Murphy and
Mrs. Bert Murphy took him to port-
land Wednesday morning for medi-
cal attention. Pat is home-now and
getting around on crutches.
Mrs. .t/erbert Jensen and Mrs.
Chris Terhune were in Goldendale
on business the Wednesday before
Mrs. R. C. Chittester and children
and Mrs. O. E. John shopped in
Goldendale Tuesday a week ago.
Mr. and Mrs. L. E. John received
a pleasant surprise Thursday eve-
ning when Carl Hawkins of Ska-
mania, brought his brother Georgie
into town for a visit. Georgie is
serving his last year in the Navy of
a three year term. ~M~s. John and
daughter Ireta, returned to Ska-
mania with her two brothers to visit
over the weekend. Georgie left for
gan Francisco Wednesday evening
before Thanksgiving• His many
friends in Wishram were very glad
to see him.
Francis Murphy spent Thursday
evening in Chehalis with Valoris
Clark and Bessie Brainard.
Mr. and Mrs. J~ohn Wantulok, of
The Dal~le~, and Mrs. Arthur Stevens
of Spray, Oregon, spent Sunday af-
ternoon and evening at the Tim De-
laney home. The three women are
sisters. Loren Delaney returned to
The Dalles with them to visit a few
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Jensen en-
tertained corn,puny from iW)r~land be-
fore Thanksgiving anl Thanksgiving
day. Mr. and Mrs. Chris Terhune
spent Thanksgiving at the Jensen
Mrs. Win. Harp spent from Tues-
day to Thursday in Camas with her
daughter and family, Mrs. Elwin
Coop. lackie Coop returned home
with Mrs. Harp and she took him
back residing in Portland now. WE WANT~Hogs, beef, lambs an~t
CARD OF THANKS---We wish to ac-
veal, and feeder pigs. Also hides, knowledge our sincere a'porecira;
The Pollyanna Sewing Club sur- We pay highest cash market prices.
~rised Mrs. Irene ~mith with a Gcddendale Meat Co. 50tf-- tion to our friends and neighbor.
for their many kind expressions o~
shower Friday evening. Cards were sympathy extended us during our
recent bereavement over the deatt~
played after which a delicious lunch FOR TRADE family. It-~
was served by Mrs. Bessie Lyon and of our mother. -- rPhe Wilkin~
Miss Bertha Rayburn. Mrs. Smith
received many lovely gifts. ThoseI~'OR SALE OR TI-L~I)E--~For a good ~EE! If excess acid pauses Y-~
sow or calf, one good two-year-old pains of Stomach Ulcers, In( ge~
present were the two hostesses and Hampshire boar. Byrd J. Cl~rk, tion, Heartburn, Belching, I oat-
the guest of hen,or, also Mrs. Alyce Dallesport, Wash• it ing, Nausea, Gas Pains get fr_¢.8
Sample, Udga, at AI_J.A SON'~
Johnson and daughter Donna, ~Vlrs. ~71-i~~1-~ ~n. ~ PHARIMACY I~,
Margaret Chittester, Mrs. Doris
Moothart, Mt~s. Mac John, Mrs. Fay
Brehm and son, Mrs. Rose Huskey,
Mrs. Verniece Leachman and Mrs.
~ Doris Ro4)ert~on.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Fenton and
son Wallace were out of town over
the weekend.
IMr. and Mrs. Hilmer Erickson
spent the weekend out of town.
Mrs. M~#e John, Mrs. Margaret
Chittester and Mrs. ~oris Robertson
entertained a number of tables of
pinochle Monday evening in honor
of Lester John. High women's prize
was won by Mrs. Robertson, low by~
Mrs. Jean Lantry. I4i,gh men's prize~
went be Dale Mona:han and low to
Jim Huskey. Lester John was pre-
sented with a zipper bag from the
guests.. Those present were: Mr. and
Mrs. Harvey Moothart, Mr. and Mrs.
James I~uskey, Mr. and Mrs. Dale
Monahan, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard
Lantry, Mr. and Mrs. Vincent
Brehm, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Chittester,
Mr. and ~rs. Ran Robertson and
Mr. and Mrs. Lester John. A lovely
lunch was served early in the eve-
ning. We were sorry Mr. and Mrs.
Harold Ray~ourn were unable to at-
tend because .of the illness of their
son B~bby. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth
Stolte were also unable to attend.
Mrs. Tim Delafiey, Mrs. James
Delaney and Jimmie Delaney drove
to Portland Tuesday.
Many 6pent Thanksgiving out of
Mrs. Lloyd Wolfe and (Mrs. Mit-
chell were in The Dalles Tuesday.
Deere Tractor plow. Will trade for
3-bottom 14 in. plow. Inqhlre at
The Sen,tinel. 463
EHS. Phone 102. Suits made
orclor--Royal T~flors an~t
City Woolen Mill lines.
prices. West of l~ord GareKe,
Royal and Underwood Portable
typewriters. Small down paymen¢,
balance in small monthly paymenL
FOR SALE OR TRADE---Registered
Berkshire boar, $20.00. Edward
Abeling, Goldendale. 463~
I~OR SALE OR TRADE---~Oomin~ 3-
year-old oolt.~t W. J. Davis, 6 m~lles
nm'th of town on old D. M. Rogers
place. 463
FINISH LUMBER OF ALL SIZES ..... in Pine and Fir
Exquisitely surfaced our modern, high-speed planers
Klickitat. Washington
Phone 162 Goldendale
State Bank Bldg. Phone
Phome 1502- 1503
Goidendale . WashingtO
Meets Every First and Third
Monday Each Month
Legion Hall, Goldendale ~
I4V AU(7110
Used Furniture and Farm Maclz~
inery Bought, Sold and ~xchangea
Goldendale, Washington
& A, M. NO. 31
• r
Stated Communications Eve Y
First and Third Thursday
C. H. /~IO~IER, Secretary
AERIE NO. 211~
Meets every rpuemtay at
8:00 j, m.
All Visiting Eagles Welcome ~.
I. O.O.F.
Oddfellows Meet flecond and
Fourth Tuesday Night _a
RebekahIz)dge Meets First
Tuesday Nlgh
Louis eosT NO.
Mrs. R. N. l~bertsen and chil-
dren, Mrs. R. C. Chittester and chil-
dren and Mrs. 0. E. John shopped Office phone 722 Res. 342
in The Dalles Tuesday. Goldendale, Washington
Mr. and Mrs. George Coffield, Mr.
and Mrs. Ray Coffield and Mr. and ~~
Mrs. Ray Olson were in Goldendale ATTORNEYS.AT-LAW
Sunday evening. One Door North of Postoffice
Mr. and (Mrs, ~lisha Davis were Goldendale, Washingto~
shopping in G0idendale one day lastJ.R. McEWEN Z.O. BROOKS
week. .
Maxine Welter, of 4~oldendale, C.O. GAR~IRE
visited at the J. A. Abney home ATTORNEY.AT.LAW
Brooks Bldg. Office phone 872
Mr. and Mrs. George Schaer vis- GoMen~ale. Washington
ited in Hood River and Portland
Sunday and Monday.
• Ralph Delaney, Mrs. Tim Delaney ATtORNEYS=AT.LAW
and son Loren and ~Nola Delaney
were The Dalles Friday. • Darch Building
Everybody remeraber the bazaar Goldendale, Washington
and food sale sponSOred by the
Mothers' clu~b to be held this Sat-
urday, Nov. 20. at the F. G. Bunn ATTORNEY.AT-LAW
store. Try to get your Christmas One Door North of Postoffiee
presents at that time. Goldendale, Washington
Mrs. Roberta Warford entertained ?~. ~,
Pinochle club Monday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Wood and ..Mr. A~PI`ORNEY.AT-LAW
and Mrs. Paul ~illiams and boys " Darch Building
spent, Thanksgiving with Mrs. Goldendale, Washington
Wood s parents at Hood River. D
Mrs. Wood and her 4-H boys en-
tertalned the .boy's mother~ at 10 Brooks Building
o'clock breakfast Saturday morning. Goldendale, Washingten
The boys cooked and served the
entire meal which was ceanpesed of MARYHILL FERRY
stewed prunes, h~t cakes and syrup, Connecting Link for U. S. 97 and
sausage and eo'ffee. Mothers present Columbia River Highway
were Mrs. Roue, Mrs. Warford, Mrs. NEW LOW TRUCK RATES
McCullock, Mrs. Goldey, Mrs. Wil-
liams and Mrs. Garrett. Boys pros- DEAN GILLENWAT][~[~S
ent were Jimmy Tallman, Joe Rouse, PLUMBING and BUIIA}ING
Eddie Warlord, Paul McCullock, MATERIAI~
Arthur Goldey, Dan Williams and General Contractor Phone 692
Ray Egaslflra.
Goldondale0 Washington, phone 7~
Office in Pioneer State Bank
Home Phone 1464 Office 1172
Goldendale, Washington
Goldendale, Washington