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November 28, 1940 The Goldendale Sentinel | |
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November 28, 1940 |
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ursday, November 28, 1940
THE GOLDENDALE SENTINEL--Goldendale, Washington
Are Arrested
Two arrests were reported this
~eek by state game protectors. F. R.
l%oples, of California, w,a.s fined $20
and costs by Justice of the Peace A.
~. Byars, when he pleaded guilty
Sportsmen Plan
Dance At Lyh
The Lyle school gymnasium this
Saturday evening will be the scene
of a county sportsmen's dance. This
dance will be held under the Joint
~spons0rship of the Klickitat County
Local Bowlers
Lead Meetl
~'~Two Goldendale bowlers, Verna
Culver and Marshall Ramsby, cap-j
tured first place in the mixed
doubles competiti,~)n at Camas last
Sunday. More than 80 teams from
'to hunting upland game birds out of l Hunters and Angle]'s club and the Portland and other sections of Ore- I
:id: h~:l: ° nb :°~'eP :~ e dto t~a 1
lea~on without a l tense. Justice [ Klickitat River Fish and Game club. [ gon and
~YDI~: Proceeds from the dance will go ] ~2s 92r t::: '~ ~I~7;
• suspended $10 of the fine. The G '
Hubbard and Donald Mitchell, into a special fund to q3e created by~°::cW~ve 1 r r
bo~h of Klickit,~t, were arrested on state sportsmen's organizations fo~..~ .... ~. ~ '. . . . .'
Charges of shooting before sunrise, work in Olympia during ~he 1941 It4z ann l'~z. ~amsoy tmneu ]n
The men pleaded guilty when brought legislative ~ession. Music for the scores of 200, 180 and 188. The
befbre Justice of the Peace, A. B. dance will lie furnished by Morey Goldendale pair had a hiandi('al) of
75 for each game.
}raf and his orchestra.
Senator Charles F. Stinson, of
Pasco, recently under,vent a major
operation in Seattle. The Senahor's
condition was reported a,~ saiisfac-
Sell it through the Want Ads. tf
U'UPOX- c.~O~:., I,hN
FroST, decide whether you want an exist-
ing home or a new one. If the former, find
the house and get the terms. If the latter,
select the location and make preliminary
notes as to the type of home you want.
THEN, see us about financing• We'll give
you full details about our modern home.
loan services.
neer State
IQroshong in White Sahnon, Nov• 19.
i:'Phere were fined $10 and costs. Nine:
~ttollars of each fine was suspended.
Royal and Underwood Portable
Small dov~n payment,
balance in small monthly payment.
uire at The Sentinel. tf
Read and Use the Want Ads. tf
you plan on sending Christmas cards, don't wait until the
few days. These cards come direct from factory to us,
which requires a few days for deliver .... so place your or-
ders early. We also have other lines, ranging in price from
for 25 cards and up. Our line is complete.
If It's Xmas Cards.... See The Sentinel
P~OSEVEll./F--(Special) -- Verona
and Lois Clark, of Portland, visited
e.t the home of their parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Gee. Clark, during Thanksgiv-
ing vacation.
,Thanksgiving guests at the John
!Sanders home were: Mr. and Mrs.
Tony Smith and sons, of Husum, Mr•
and Mrs. Bud Smith and family, of
Game Of Season With
Granger Scheduled Here on
December 6
High sc~nool basketball will make
its bow before Goldendale fans here
Friday evening, December 5 when
the G. H. S. team meets Granger
on the loca,1 floor. Wlt'n a nucleus of
four lettermen to build around Coach
John Millam is now attempting to
weld a winning combination out of
a willing squad of 20 men•
The four lettel•men include two
farmyards, V. T. Smith and Calvin
Linden and two guards, Jim Zevely
and Jhn Brooks. In adidtion to these
men Coach Millam has several ex-
perienced men up from last year's
second string.
Vincent Hall, senior, and Allen
Hanson, sophomore, are staging a
Paterson and Mrs. Sarah Smith. bat.tle for the first team center posl-
M,rs. Gee. Clark and daughter were ] tion. Charlie Smirch, sophomore, and
Saturday dmnez guests at the Glenn
, " • " /Bob Hoffeditz, senior, are also in the
Glass home. Ithick of the fight for first team posi-
IMr. and Mrs. Bud Reader enter-]tions"
tained Mr• and Mrs. Ez Kaiser, Mrs. Many Reserves
Brown, Mrs. Jenny HeLle and Mrs.
Bud Bradstreet, Doug Bratton, J,im
Radcliffe on Thanksgiving day. McKenzie and Charles Conly, up from
Sunday Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Read- ,the gr*a,de school five, are also con-
er had as their guests, Mr. and Mrs. tenders for first team posts. Still oth-
,Dick Athow, of Goldendale. MrS'lets on the first team squad include
Radcliff, who spent Thanksgiving at,
the Reader home, returned to Gold-
endale with them.
Wl~a.y, Gem, ge and Leif Svaverud
visited their parents in Eugene, Ore.,
during the Thanksgiving vacation•
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Glass and fam-
ily were Sunday dinner guests at the
Ed Flower home.
The Gleaners Class of the Sunday
school entertained members of their
families e~t a pot luck dinner and
,p~rty Wednesday evening before
Thanksgiving. Mrs. Olson, teacher
was in charge Of the games, which
furnished great enjoyment for the
The Camp ~Fire Girls, who attend-
~d Camp Roganunda last summer,
entert,a.ined the rest of the group at
a "Day at Camp" Wednesday even-
ing. From Reveille to Taps, lncluding
a good meal the girls went through
camp routine• It's fun even in winter•
Have you done your Christmas
shopping? The great day is not far
awa.y and to make your shopping a
pleasure, the Women's club is having
a bazaar December 7 in the high
school. Plays, skits, m,usic, a fish
:pond, a food booth and gift counters
will afford an enjoywble and profit-
~ble time for all.
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Crider and
family spent Thanksgiving day at
the home of Mrs. Crider's pa.rents in
Mr. and cMrs. Edward M~ttson and
family spent Thanksgiving at the
home of Mr. Mattson's sister in Lyle.
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Gately and
family had Thanksgiving dinner at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Mr. ~nd Mrs. E. L. Binns and'fam-
ily spent Sunday afternoon at the
J. R. Gately home.
Mr. and Mrs. Max Maurer, Mr. and
Mrs. Earl Baker and Mr. and Mrs.
Harold Fariello, all of G~ldendale,
20 New Rockers
Don Byars, Chet Baggerly, Arthur
Lawson and Kenneth Fiske, a trans-
fer from ~ossil, Oregon.
This year for the first time in sev-
eral seasons Goldendale will enter a
"B" team in the county league. This
:team will compete ~"ith "B" clubs
from other parts of the county. The
Goldendale club's first game will be
held here Friday night with a Klick-
itat "B" team. This game will be-
gin at 7:00 a. m. A Goldendale grade
school team will meet et Klickitat
grade five the same evening.
"B" Squad TOO
Men turning out for the Golden-
dale "B" squad include Duane Brun-
er, Alfred Wlllkie, Loran Prothero
Bob VanHoy, Dean ]~radstreet and
John Edgar. Coach Millam pba.ns to
split up his second team and "B"
team to allow a sprinkling of experi-
enced me~ in each group•
A tentative 12 game schedule has
been arranged for the high school
team. Croldend*Me's second game will
be against Bickleton on the Eastern
Klickit~t club's home floor, Dec. 14.
Goldendale this year will vie with
Bickleton for the right to enter the
"B" class high school tourney in ~he
Yakinfa Valley district.
~oldendales second h,ome game of
the season will be aga.inst Stevenson
here Dec. 16. The complete first team
schedule will be announced next
were Thanksgiving dinner guests at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Horace
The first 4-H meeting of this year
was held at the home of Mrs. Synthia
Becks. The officers for both the cook-
ing and Sewing club were elected.
There were 19 present and three ab-
sent. They pulled taffy; popped pop-
corn and had a vm'y good time• The
next meeting will be held December
12th. '~hey are going to bake cookies
that day•
Mr. and Mrs. George Bean and son
Bobby, spent the Thanksgiving vaca-
tion with Mr. and Mrs. Orrtn Woods.
On returning home they visited Mr.
and Mrs. Chester Binns and Mr. and
Mrs. Mtlt Smith. Bonnie, Mrs. Bean's
sister, returned with them.
For Exhilarating
There's Nothing Better Than
Bowling . . . Stop in at Ben-
son's Recreational Center To-
night... You'H find congenial
surroundings . . . fine alleys
and coaching for beginners.
Recreation Center
from $6.75 to $9.45
City Basketball
League Meeting
Plans £or the formation of a city
basketbal.1 league will be discussed
here Thursday evening a~ ~ meeting
to be held in the Furniture Exchange
building at 7:30 p. m.
2d~l persons inter0sted in p~aylng
basketball or in sponsoring a city
league team are urged t,o attend. At
the meeting a league organize,rich
will be formed.
B I CKLEIT0~N-- (~Sp eclat ) ---A Boy
I Scout Court of Honor was held in the
! Bickleton Grange Hall Tuesday even-
ing, November 19. Grandview and
Belma troops attended• A ligh't lunch
was served by the mothers of the
Boy Scouts of Bl~ckleton.
After a basketball game, in which
the town team played the high
school Wednesday evening, a party
was given by 'the high school. They
played games and danced. Cookies
and cocoa were served for refresh-
Several of the Bickleton people at-
tended the Community The.nksgiv-
ing dinner at Dot and enjoyed it very
much. Many more attended the dance
in the evening. All reported a good
Among the Oollege Students that
came home for Thanksgiving were:
Leans Brown, Kathrine Frostrup and
her girl friend, Martha Joslyn, Vel-
ma Wilson, Betty Wilson, Rom~ Lest-
er, Harriet ,Crotfredson, Arydth West,
Gloria COpenhefer and her gi, rl friend,
Helen Hill, Ranald Ferguson and
Dale Johnson and Bud Carter•
A large crowd attended the Grange
dance in Biukleton Friday evening,
Nov. 22. The music wes furnished by
the local orchestra. Refreshments
were served at midnight.
The dance at Alderdale w~ts at-
tended by a great number of people
from Bickleton.
Thanksgiving guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Zumwalt were Mr. and
Mrs. Bert Faulkner.
Virgini~ Rasmussen, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Rasmussen, of
Dot, broke her right arm when she
fell from a ta,ble~while playing, Wed-
nesday evening.
Dinner guests of Mrs. Calvin Crid-
er Thanksgi~in,g were: G. A. YarneD,
Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Yarnell, Willis
and Isabelle, L. D. Yernell and Iris
Thanksgiving guests of Mr. and
Mrs. George ~Matsen were: Mr. and
Mrs. Leona~'d I.ngram, Jimmie and
Jerry Snodgrass, Mr. and Mrs. Eric
~Frostrup and Kathrine and her girl
friend, M,artha Joslyn, Mrs. Anna
Nelson and Elmer, Mrs. Anna Brown
and childrenf Albert Colye, Mrs.
Hazel Jensen and children•
Mr. and Mrs. ~I. O. Wilson called
on Mr. and Mrs. Will Jordan at Ken-
newick Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Wilson and
Bobby, and Mrs. Juli~ Wilson, of
Goldendale, were Thanksgiving din-
ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. O.
Mrs. Anna Nelson and Elmer wore
Sunday dinner guests of ~r. and Mrs.
George Matsen and family.
George Matsen and family were in
Sunnyside ,S~turday on bueiness.
Mr. and Mrs. Kirby and family
saw the show in Sunnyside Thanks-
Guests of Mrs. Mflner Larsen for
Thanksgiving dinner were Mr. and
Mrs. Chris Jensen and family, Mr.
and Mrs. George Faulkner and fam-
ily ~nd Mrs. Anderson.
Zehna and Donald ~Ska~gs spoilt
Thanksgiving vacation in Yakima.
Donald Skaggs threw his wrist out
of place Saturday while cr~king a
.Mrs. Gee. ~teiliy went to the coast
Thanksgiving to visit her daughters,
Mamie and Marie.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry McCredy and
Harriet spent the weekend in Port-
Olin Jordan visited his parents at
Kennewick Thanksgiving. Mr. and
Mrs. Al.fred Dona hiie of Seattle, were
also there•
~Mr. and Mrs. Delmar Allbrltton
and family were q~hanksgiving din-
ner guests of ~r. and Mrs. Clyde
The Goodwill ledies are giving a.
bazaar at the Grange hall December
7th. E~erybody come.
" Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Jonson and
family and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Jen-
sen and family ~zere guests of Mr.
~nd Mrs. Chas. Scott for 'thanksgiv-
ing dinner.
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Everett, Mr,
and Mrs. Esten Gaines and Mr. and
Mrs. Kenneth Lever were Thanks-
giving day gueste of Mr. and Mrs.
Fred E~erett.
J• P. Jensen, of Me, nsflold, Wuh',
ington, Al~fred Jonson
sen were guests of Chas. Jensen
Page Seven
Clarence M~Bride went to Arling-
ton e.fter cattle Monday•
tMr. and Mrs. A. M, Matsen and
Herbert spent Thanksgiving at Seat-
tle. They returued home Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Claud Williams and
Richard have been aw~y two weeks
in Olympia and visiting her folks in
Mrs. J. E. Carter was a Th~ks-
giving day guest of Mr. and Mrs.
Harold Naught.
,Mr. e.nd Mrs. Franz Brodine, of
:Seattle, spent two days last week at
the Walling home.
Isabelle Yarnell spent Thanksgiv-
ing at the home of her parents.
Glen Yarnell and Willis were in
Croldendale Friday on business•
M,r. ~nd Mrs• Sh~lvy Gray and
family were dinner guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Esten Gaines Sunday.
Mrs. Anna Brown gave a dinner
Friday evening for the young people.
Among the guests were Mr. and Mrs.
Cecil Everett, Mr. a~d l~rs. Joe Rob-
erts, Kathryn Frostrup, Martha Jos-
lyn, Jimmie Ingram, Keith Jonson,
Phyllis Ma.tsen, Ruth Jensen, Walter
Brown, Albert Coyle and Leona
Brown. Afterwards the party went
to the dance.
Mr. and Mcs. Carl Carter and
family were Sunday dinner guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Naught.
Dinner guests of M,r. end Mrs.
Mrs. M. Garner and Mrs. U. Hyl-
ton were visitoru, in White Salmon
Saturday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Fran~ Curl and
Clifton and Jimmie Curl spent the
h,91iday visiting Mrs. Curl's sister in
Sam James, student at the State
College at Pulhnan, visited over the
weekend with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. IIomer James.
The teachers all spent the
Thanksgiving vacation out of town.
Mi,~s Cawdry and Miss Murray wore
In Seattle, Miss Graham at Spokane,
Mr. and Mrs. Woodhouse at Coulee
City and Mr. and Mrs. W. DoWeese
in G,oldendale.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter ames and
Mrs. V• C. S0rensen were The Dalles
visitors Tuesday• Mrs. Omeg had
the cast removed from her leg
which she injured a few weeks ago.
Mr. and Mm. Rene McGowan left
for Bellingham, Wash., Wednesday
where they spent the weekend vis-
iting relatives•
Mrs. Fay McNabb spent a few
days last week in Portland.
Mrs. I. tI. Barlow spent Thanks-
]giving day at the Leaton hom~ in
Mr• and Mrs. Clarence Ensley and
Vic50r Taylor left for Alsea, Oregon,
where they expect to have work this
Goldend~le Saturday.
~Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Collins went
to Portland Monday with Mr. and
MTs. Martin Lumijarvi and came
home Tuesday. They spent the night
in Vancouver.
~Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Collins, Mrs.
Nellie Collins and Harlau Schultz
were Thanksgiving day guests of Mr.
and Mrs. W. D. Fisher in Sunnyside.
M,r. and Mrs. M• A• Collins and
M,rs. Nellie C~lins were in the valley
on business Satuvdsty.
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Glass and fam-
ily and Noble MeCredy were Sunday
dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. F.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hosfelt were in
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Anderton and
Martin Copenhefor Thanksgiving
sons, Wesley, Gale and Keith An-
day were: Mr. and Mrs. Artie Copen- . .........
.. uerton, OI wlsngan, wa~n., wero
hefer and Mr and Mrs. Byron ~open- • ...... ~ ....
• , visitors at ¢ne nonce oz ~ar. ann ~m.
hefer of Croldendale, G4oria Capon-/R F Niblock from -h rs-a until
' . • T U O y
hefer and Helen Hill, of Ellen~burg ~. _
- . / ~unaay.
and George Sanuers
• ~ [ The latest report f~om Miss L, J,
.Mrs Martin Copenhefer, Gloria! So er who is sei'iotml ill in the
• | p , .y
Copenhefer and Helen Hill were inI Good ~am~ritan .l~ospi:tal in Port-
land, is more encouraging as she is
some improved. M~s E. Crecelius is
in Portland with Miss So,per.
Mr. and Mrs. U. S. Buck left
Tuesday morning for Portland
where they will spend the next few
days with their son Clyde Buck.
Clyde wa~ operated .on last week
and is slowly improving•
Miss Ruth Clark and Miss Y~aren
Brum~baugh, student nurses at The
Dr~lles hospj~aq, accompa~nied Mrl.
Lois Clark, Nada. John and Gladyi
Clark t,0 White Salmon Thanksgiv-
ing day. The Clark~ spent the day
with Mrs. C. M. Ryman and ~Ilss
Mabel Ryman. Miss Brumbaugh vis-
ited her grandmother there.
the v,xlley Saturday on business. ' Glen Sorensen, of Willametto Unl-
M,r• and Mrs. Harry Giles were~: versity at Salem, s,pent from Thurs-
dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Leon- I day until Sunday visiting home
ard Ingram Sunday.[ folks here. Kenneth Sorensen drove
Vera Mae Chambers was operated lto Salem Sunday with Glen and will
on for appendicitis Wednesday. She
is reported doing very well. S~he Is
at the St. Elizabeth hospital in Yaki-
Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Johnstead and
daughter, Lois, spent the Thanksgiv-
ing vacation with Mrs. Alice Saling
and family.
visit there a few days.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Sellers were in
Lyle Monday• They are moving to
Al,sda where Mr. Sellers has work.
Richard Gray, of Salem, visited
his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. U.
Hylton here, and his mother, Mrs.
Hazel Gray in Bingen, over the
I weekend.
LYLE WOMAN IS ILL AT t James Nlblock, of W. S. C. at
PORTLAND HOSPITAL Pullman, visited over the Thanks,
- giving holidays with his parents,
Mrs. l~Mr• and Mrs. R. F. Niblock.
LYLE--- (Special) --,Mr.
R. Purvis, of Seattle, were visib0rsl/ Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Rater and
at the home of :Mr. and Mrs. Sidney sons and G. Rater, at ?ortland, ware
John,~on from Wednesday until
Mr. and Mrs. M. Cox and chil-
dren, of White Salmon, visited at
the home of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Johnson, ThanksgivinK
v~sitors at the home o,f Mr, and Mrs.
R0~rt Chamberlain over the week-
Miss Betty Dean, a college stu-
dent in Vancouver, Mrs. Dorothy
Kish and R• Linden, of Goldendale,
~'isited at the Loon Dean home here
day. Miss Lillian Johneon, also of
White Salmon, spent the vacation at • "
her arents' h h r [ Mr and Mrs Wilbur Johnson and
p ome e e. • '
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Peterson, ell Mrs. Evelyn ~hur~t~, of K~lic~itat,
were callers at the Sorensen name
Portland, visited at the home ,of Mr. ]
Menctay afternoon
and ,Mrs. Ira Hewett, Thanksgiving| , " '1
Don t forget the Balch adies an
day. Mrs. Peterson is a daughter of]
Mr and Mrs Hewett [ nual bazaar and supper at the
,,,~r and Mrs Raym~,nd,, Shurtz and] Grange hall this Friday night, Nov.
29 A program will be given after
daughters, of Klickitat, were inl. "
I the supper
Lyle Sunday afternoon.
~r. and Mrs. Walter Crane enter-
tain0d the following at their home ~e[ievo
over Thanksgiving: M~cs. Panks of
Spokane, Mrs. Sperling, sr. and Mr.
and Mrs. George Sperling and son
and daughter of Portland, and Mr.
and Mrs. Victor Ganguin, of Gold-