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The Goldendale Sentinel
Goldendale , Washington
November 29, 2017     The Goldendale Sentinel
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November 29, 2017
Newspaper Archive of The Goldendale Sentinel produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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GOLDENDALE, WASHINGTON iUAI NOVEMBER 29, 2017-- U 0 Max EPaKSON chocolate, soup, cookies and the kids, and Santa and Mrs. REe0RT R more. Claus will also have a table An impartial committeefor children to visit. of qualified persons will be Hot soup and sandwiches The Christmas holiday judging each parade entry will be available for purchase events continue in Gold- endale with more holiday and there will be an award providedby Holbrook Farms. bazaars and the 27th annual presentation at the Masonic "We have so many people Candy Cane Lane Parade.Lodge for first, second, and here in town with lots of tal- Below is a list of immediately third place winners, ent," Bazaar coordinator There is no cost to enter Theresa Keeler says. "Some upcoming holiday events, the parade but donations are people don't think they We'll have information on other December events in greatly appreciated to help are artistic, but we want to next week's paper, cover the cost of awards, rib- encourage everyone with Golden Pines Alpacas bons, and advertising,homemade crafts to show Open House, Dec. 2 and 3, For more information their stuff." about the parade and to get Keeler says the Farmer's 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Golden Pine Alpacas hold an entry form, call 773-4567 Market slogan is: "If you their holiday sale and Open during the day or (509) 840- make it, bake it, grow it, or house this weekend with a lot 0749 for evenings, add value to it," then they of cozy and warm gift items, Farmer's Market Christ- would love to have you par- plus a Chance to see the ani- mas Bazaar, Dec. 9 from 9 ticipate in the Christmas mals they come from. For a.m. to 3 p.m., Goldendale bazaar. more information, call Barb Primary School 820 S Be sure to grab your holi- at 773-6184. Schuster Ave. day decorated popsicle sticks Candy Cane Lane Lots of gifts and food will that can be turned into the Lighted Christmas Parade, be available at the Farmer's Chamber of Commerce for Dec. 9 at 5 p.m. Market Christmas Bazaar, the raffle drawing that night. Come out and enjoy a fes- and local vendors will be Vendor openings are still tive Christmas parade with showcasing their talents with available for a $10 booth lighted floats and a chance for various homemade crafts and rental. Applications are the kids to see Santa Claus. homemade goods, available the Chamber of The parade kicks off at 5 p.m. The Goldendale PrimaryCommerce, the Goldendale at the primary school and School cafeteria and gymna- Library, or call Theresa will head west on Simcoe and sium will be full of vendors Keeler at 772-2971 to have one then north on South Colum- and booths will be decorated emailed to you. bus. with holiday cheer. Monkeyshines Holiday The theme of the paradeThere will be jams andOpen House, Dec. 9 from 10 is "Santa's Workshop," and jellies, local honey, baked a.m. to 7 p.m., 514 S Colum- all parade entries must be goods, lavender oils, fabric bus in Goldendale. illuminated with lights and andleathercrafts, handmade For those looking for should feature the parade jewelry, small home furnish- eclectic art and other vin- theme. Check-in starts at S:30 ings, and much more. Holiday tage clothing items, Monkey- p.m: at the primary school, wreaths and plants will also shines Holiday Open House State Representative Gina be on sale. will have plenty of options McCabe will be this year's The Farmer's Market to choose from including 20 Grand Marshall. Christmas Bazaar is the larg- percent off winter clothing Following the parade stop est in town with between 45 items. by the Masonic Lodge for pic- and 50 vendors. Mosaic Christmas trees, tures with Santa and enjoy Face painting and balloon made by owner and artist some refreshments of hot animal art will be offered to Sandra Choate, will be on sale as well as other eclectic of their popsicle stick raf- Chamber is recognizing art- Christmas ornaments, fle drawing. Deserts and ists as local business people, Free hot cider and ginger- refreshments will be availa- too," Baldwin says. "There bread will be available for ble to the public and winning is no other outlet for artists shoppers and the store will be raffle sticks will be drawn at to show their work in town, open during the Candy Cane 8 p.m. so it is great that the Cham- Lane Parade. Popsicle sticks will be at ber will continue to do that "We invite people to stop all the holiday bazaars this throughout the year." in and see our store and grab weekend and the more you From soaps to fine prints, some refreshments during turn into the Chamber the jewelry and crafts, to fine the parade," Choate says. better chance you have to woven cloth items, there is "We will also have popsicle win. Donated items from something for everyone to sticks for people to use for the local businesses, and art choose from. Prices range Chamber of Commerce raffle work by local artists, will be from $2 to $100, but Baldwin drawing that night." the winning prizes for the says the Holiday Shoppe is Monkeyshines will be raffle. Organizer and art- not about trying to make closed from Dec. 15 until ist Kathy Baldwin says she money. January 2018 for the holidays, hopes to see as many as 50 "Our purpose is to support For more information, call prizes given away. fine artists and craft artists 250-3835. Fifteen local area artists in the community," Baldwin Goldendale Chamber of are displaying their hand- says, "and to expand peo- Commerce Holiday Shoppe crafted and homemade items ples' artistic conscience and raffle and desert, Dec. 9 at thechamberandtheselec- awareness in the commu- from 6 to 8:30 p.m., 903 E tion is varied. Art shows will nity." Broadway in Goldendale. become a regular event at the The Holiday Shoppe will be Though the Chamber hasChamber and Baldwin appre- open seven days a week from been having their Holiday ciates the Chamber's commit- 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. between now Shoppe event since Nov. ment tolocal art and culture, and Dec. 24. Call for more 20, Dec. 9 will be the night "I'm very grateful theinformation: (360) 202-3574. Washington State Attor- affects 500 or more Washing- tigated and confirmed that ney General Bob Ferguson tonians. This is the first law- person and one other individ- Tuesday filed a multi-million suit filed under the revised ual had in fact accessed the dollar consumer protection statute, company's files, including the lawsuit against ride shar- "Washington law is clear: names, email addresses and ing company Uber, alleging When a data breach puts peo- telephone numbers of about thousands of violations of ple at risk, businesses must 50 million passengers world- the state's data breach noti- inform them," Ferguson said. wide. If Uber's assessment of ficationlaw. Uber discovered "Uber's conduct has been the compromised data is cor- a data breach potentially truly stunning. There is no rect, this type of information affecting 57 million passem.. ,e usegor keeping this infor.,.. :=does not require notification ger,,and drivers around the, mation from consumers." under Washington's law. world, including the names The complaint, filed today However, the hackers also and driver's license numbers in King County Superior obtained the names and driv- of at least 10,888 Uber drivers Court, alleges thousands of er's license numbers of about in Washington. violations of Washington's 7 million drivers for the com- Under a 2015 amendment data breach law by failing to pany. About 600,000 of those to the state's data breach notify affected drivers and drivers live in the United law requested by Ferguson, the Attorney General's Office States, and at least 10,888 live consumers must be notified within 45 days of the breach, in Washington. within 45 days of a breach, In November 2016, an indi- Uber notified the Attorney and the Attorney General's vidualcontactedUberclaim- General's Office ofthe breach Office also must be notified ing he had accessed Uber's Nov. 21, 2017, roughly 372 within 45 days if the breach userinfor ation. Uberinves- days after it discovered the breach. Rather than report- neys General Tiffany Lee someone's name and any of ing the breach as required by and Andrea Alegrett are han- the following: law, the company has admit- dling the case. Social Security number; ted to paying the hackers to Data breach notification in Driver's license number destroy the stolen data. Washington or Washington identification This lawsuit does not Ferguson updated Wash-card number;or address any data security ington's data breach notifica- Bank account number or issues that may have led to tionlaws with agency request credit or debit card num- the breach. Today's lawsuit legislation passed in 2015. ber, in combination with does not preclude future The bill was sponsored by any required security code, ::ac.tiQ o ,oth . j #ues. ..... Rep, Zack Hudgins,(D T,u,k , access coda, or as wo d h t The office argues each day wila) and Sen. John Braun would permit access toan Uber failed to report for each (R-Centralia). individual's account. individual qualifies as a sepa- Washington has two data Since reporting began in rate violation under the law. breach laws: One applying to 2015, the Attorney General's Ferguson's lawsuit asks for individuals and businesses, Office has produced annual civil penalties of up to $2,000 the other for local and state reports examining the data per violation, which should government agencies. The from the previous year. The result in a penalty in the mil- laws are essentially the same most recent report found lions of dollars. The state also and require notification to that breaches affected nearly asks for recovery of its costs Washingtonians at risk of 3 million Washingtonians, and fees. harm because of a security more than six times the num- Senior Counsel Shannon breach that includes per- her affected in the previous Smith and Assistant Attor- sonal information, meaning 12 months. 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