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2, 2004
Your Gorge Classified
ad also appears in •
Hood River News; White Salmon Enterprise;
The Dalles Chronicle;
and the Camas/Washougal Post-Record
or toll free at 1-888-287-3777
78 Help Wanted 105Adult & Hood River 155 Furniture180Appliances 185 Firewood & 215 Musical
Office Elderly Care Stoves Instruments
275 Misc. for Sele
Needs 2 JUANITA'S Fine Foods
or full time. Do has an opening for an
extra money for Accountant. Preferably 2
We will work yrs. exp. Please send
~'Current schedule- resumes w/refs, to Christy,
2885 Van Horn Dr., Hood
EOE. River, OR 97031. No
phone calls please. Wages
BASIN- Evening
Aide. Do DOE.
extra money for Secretary, part time, Columbia
We will work Gorge Community College
~'Current schedule- Student Services Department.
at 541-296- Requires HS diploma, one
year secretarial experience
and one years experience
Family using computer software
~enter has a full- applications. The preferred
open for an candidate will have an As-
MA, LPN or sociates degree and the
White Salmon ability to read, write and
509-493- speak Spanish. house will
nd your resume be 10am-2pm, Monday
Box 1519,through Friday. $10.59 per
Salmon,WA., hour. Position closes
Attention: LindaDecember 15 at 5:00 pro.
Request complete job
description and application
Licensed X-raypacket from Office of the
in busy or- President, 400 EScenic
clinic. Mon-Fri
competive Drive, The Dalles, OR.
Send 97058, 541-506-2405.
to: Cascade
1715 E 12th EOE
OR 97058.
79 Help Wanted
Mental Health
posi- Hood River area, business
to business, exp. preferred,
(County P/r to start, refs required,
Mental Health
This position pay DOE. Kristi 509-427-
for assess- 7232 OR 866-261-7609.
needs, devel-
Service/treatment 83Work From
providing thera-
,nty designated UJl;~:X;J~
Must be able to EXCELLENT INCOME
Ono-callschedule. National Capital Funding
degree in psy- Group now hiring court-
SOcial work or house researchers. Will
clinical field train to work from home on
experience pre- your computer. No exp.
"L salary with 2 necessary. 800-440-7234.
is $33,716.80,
Used Guns
Cash Paid
The Gun Shop
1109 Hull. Hood Rivel
Mon.-Fri 10-6 p,m,
Sat. t0-4 p,m.
Tired of the rat race? $500-
509-575-3894 $1500 PfT. $3000-$5000
application. F/T. Work around your
resume schedule. Call for info,
your appli- 888-685-8444
Classified Deadline is
Monday at noon
Call Today!
Are you the primary CiTY
caregiver for a loved one? ABBREVIATIONS
Don't forget to take care of For the convenience of our
yourself, too! Evergreen readers & advertisers the
The Dalles has immediate following city abbreviations
short-stay and respite will be used to identify
opening on our new Adult garage & yard sales in the
Day Care Wing. For more Columbia Gorge (all others
information or to schedule will be spelled out):
a tour, contact Erin, HR--Hood River. TD--The
541-993-0030. Dalles. PK--Parkdale. WS--
White Salmon. TL--Trout
MARKETPLACE Lake. eL--Cascade Locks.
NB--North Bonneville.
Auctions .......................... 125 GOLB---Goldendale. WSHGL-
Hood River ...................... 126 -Washougal.
The Dalles ................... 127
White Salmon/Bingen ""128
Odell ................................. 129
Garage/Yard Sales ....... 130
Other Oregon Cities ......... 131
Parkdale .................... 132
Cook/Underwood .......... 133
Other Washington
Cities ................................ 134
Goldendale ................... 135
Camas .............................. 136
Washougal ...................... 137
Vancouver .......................... 138
Bazaars/Flea Mankets"""139
Antiques &
Cotlectibles ................... 140
Jewelry ................... 145 /~0 ,~18~
Apparel ............................ 150
Furniture ...................... 156
Appliances ........................... 160
Home Electronics ............ 165 SWIMSUIT, size 22, Cher-
Computers ....................... 170 okee. New w/tag of $33.
Satellites ................. 175 Asking $8. 360-835-7388.
Cameras &
Photo Supplies ................ 180 Women's anniversary style
Firewood & Stoves ......... 185 band, 19 diamond& Pd
Hot Tubs, Spas, $1500, sell $750.
Swimming Pools .............. 190 541-296-5226.
Sporting Goods ............... 195
Exercise Equipment ........ 200 /55 Furn~re
Sailboards &
Accessodes ........... 205 (2) dresers, 1 w/hutch.
Art & Leisure ............. 210 Make-up vanity, night
Musical Instruments ......... 215 stand, $250/a11.
Lawn, Garden 541-296-2744
& Equipment ................ 220
Building Matenals .......... 225 *Mattress Sets King & Qn sz.
Timber Buy/Sell ............ 226 Quality pre-owned at aft-
Hand & Power Tools ........ 230 fordable pdces!
Miscellaneous 541-296-4341.
Equipment ........................ 235 5 piece Bedroom Set.
Health Care Includes 2 night stands,
Equipment ......................... 236 6 ft. dresser w/mirror,
Arts, Crafts & Hobblas""240 headboard & Armoire.
Baby Items ................ 250 Good condition. $300.
Hair Care & 541-308-0925.
Beauty Aids ..................... 255 BASSETT Pine table, chairs
Books ...................... 260 & hutch. $400. For details
Office Equipment ........... 265 509-427-8635
Restaurant Equipment ""270
Miscellaneous COFFEE tbl., 2 end
for Sale .......................... 275 tbls., 2lamps. $65,
Miscellaneous 360835-3926
Wanted ............. 280 Ethan Allen Queen bed wl
Free/GiveAway ............... 282 bedding, vanity, dresser &-
Swaps & Trades ................ 285 nlghtstand, $400.541.387-2966
Glass top table w/4 high- AGoodNtectionofW/D
back upholstered chairs, starting ~ $79, Reffidge start-
$100.541-490-6296 Ing @ $t59. Come by Col.
........................ Gorge 2nd Hand @ 413 E 2nd
Hard rock Maple coffee o¢ call 541-296.4800.
table & 2 end tables. $100.
541-387-2966. KENMORE side by
side Refndge, $200.
MATCHING couch, Ioveseat` 509-748-9118.
chair & ottoman set. Exc.
cond, $450. 509-952-0430 KENMORE W/D, Extra
PAIR of wing back Chairs-, cap. Heavy duty. Matched
$125 ea or both for $200. set. $225. 360-835-9783.
360-834-9337. Microwave hood fan.
White. Almost new, $150.
SOFA bed, light color, exc. 971-249-0388. Ken,
cond. Easy to open, $250. 503-577-7910.
ocw Washington
Cites 160Appliances
*Best Prlcesl Rebuilt Kenmore
HOLIDAY Gift Shop/Yard washers starting at $100 & up,
Sale, Sat., Dec. 4, 9-3. dryer, $75 & up. We can repair
Come to Glenwood & fol- your appliance for less. Win-
low signs. 509-364-3488 ter special service call, $35,
Lots of great items! Todd, 541-296,6001.
LYLE ESTATE SALE 30" Whidpoot white electric
Sat. Dec. 4, 8am-?drop-in self cleaning range.
656 Centervilte Hwy. $300. 971-249-0388. Ken,
Fum. TV, Beds. 503-577-7910~
Kitchenware. Tools.
Freezer. MUCH MORE!!
Check out
the Real
of the
ALL TYPES of SEASONED Great christmas gift. Whit- SOLAR Equipment, 5kw
FIREWOOD WANTED ney upright piano. $450. 110t220v inverter, perfect
503-667-6291. 541-993-1201. for home or business,
.............. ........ back-up system for power
FIR FIREWOOD for sale, PIANO for sale, antique up- outages. Call Rainier at
$160 a cord. Split & deliv- right (Kadbaugh), walnut fin-
ish, good ¢ond. $500. 509-773- (509) 773-7841.
ered locally. Washougal 5158o¢509-250-0111.
~o1-~602 280 M/sc.
Mill ends, short, cedar, $10 220Lawn, Garden,
Looking to buy ammunition,
pickup load. Mon-Fn, &Equipment re-loeding supplies, military
7-4.54 1-296-2650.
memorabilia, guns & gun
SEASONED & dry maple JOHN DEERE dding lawn- parts. Gun books, and oth-
or alder $165 a cord. Doug- mower. Exc. cond, $1500. er misc. gun accessories.
las fir $120. You haul. May 509-773-3881 weekends, Please cat1541-296-3777
deliver locally. Washougal or 773-3497, weekdays. Want t~o--Buy-----Nat-ive
Rebuilt Appliances, reason- 360-835-8101 Iv. meg Amencan arrowheads &
able prices. 90 day warranty. 225Building artifacts. Cascade
541.z~ma~. /90 Hot Tubs, Materiels Archeology, 253-278-3753.
...................... birdlandl01
WHIRLPOOL dishwasher. SpSS ~= POOLS
Quiet sedes. Free. 2X4 Steel studs. 30/10', WANTED OLD Tonka trucks,
18gauge. S100. and other pre 1970 toy
360-635-9783. BEACHCRAFT acrylic out- 509-493-4266. truck& 541-467-2511
175 Satel/'des door hottub. 7'x7' Avail. in
Dee Flats. $500obo, 7 white vinyl dual glaze AN/A~LS&
541-354-3760. windows, 1 patio slider. AI-
Check this outf ................... most new. Call for sizes & AGRICULTURE
3 free receiversSWIM SPA. 14.5 feet. $7995 pdcas. 971-249-0388. Ken,
complete. 1-888-558-2600. 503--577-7910 Livesto(~ & Supplies ""'290
OR the Pets & Suppties~295
Free DVR or HDW receiver
240Ar~ Cr~, Pasture Rentals """""'300
4 ~ ~ 195 Sport/rig
Stables & Kennels """'305
(with purchase of NFL 8unday &
ticket) Goods Hay, Feed, Straw'""'310
Food, Meat & Preduca'315
Free Installation SINGER sewing machine in Rants &
To order call
34 CAL. Cabela's Hawken oak cabineL Treadle-style, Nursery Stock""""""'~26
The Space carbine $300, many ac- electric. $75. 509-493-2434 Farm & Orchard
Connection sees. 509-773-6745. Equipment' 325
1-800.284.9830 ............... 275 Misc. for Sale
541-328-6218 CASH for sports cards. Buy,
*(credit apwovat & Sell, Trade. Great
programming Christmas gift? 509-493-
commtl~ent r~lulrsd) 1123
(all major oredit cards FOOSBALL table with
Nso ask about Dtrscway high electronic score keeper,
speed intsm~ and XM $40/obo. 54 1-296-3008.
commerdal free utell~ radio WOMEN"--$--- Dy-- nastar-- Ski,
systmns, boots, bindings. Like new.
$90/OBO. 509-493-1123
High Speed Interact
Sales, Service &
Gorgeous AQHA Grullo filly.
GORGE Skipper-W/Quincy Dan.
SATELLITE $22oo. 509-767-1539.
541-386-2037 JUSTIN H~IOR~G-
1-800-292-9683 AFA Member, 509-77~
Local Hood River
dealer for the
Columbia Gorge
1802 Cascade St, #4
10'x6' Fir Tree, perfect for
Christmas, U-cut. $50. O~
- - 18 MONTH old Pony, excel-
CANOPIES. 50 large can- lent w/kids, gentle, sweet,
epics in stock. Call any- $250.541-298-7840.
time. 503-296-3761. Brace ............
Brothers Towing, 1119 W. 2yr.otdSorrellfilly,~q~,
2nd St., The Dalles, OR