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Newspaper Archive of
The Goldendale Sentinel
Goldendale , Washington
December 5, 1940     The Goldendale Sentinel
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December 5, 1940
Newspaper Archive of The Goldendale Sentinel produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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December 5, 1940 THE GOLDENDALE SENTINEL---Golden ale, Washington Page Seven Firm Calls Meeting The possibilities of producing ~reial mustard on Klickitat ' farms will be discussed here Dec. 5, L. W. Ternahan today. Representatives of a mustard corn- will meet with county farm- vrs in the court room of the court- Steel Gang Races LYle 4-H Members Winter To Finish Presented Awards New Railroad Spur l Awards to Lyle 4-H -----'----- club members, who completed their 111 a race against winter the steel year's work satisfactorily. First year i ~ang of the J. Neils I, umber corn- awards were given Alma. Russell pany raih'oad is now working i and Jeanette Shebly; second year i against time to complete a 12 mile to Jean G(~edrich; third year to I ~xtension from Camp Draper to the lMary Lou Cody and Colleen ~rest; border of the Columbia National sixth yen" pin to Bettie Dean. Forest. Tbe J. C. Penney silver loving 'cup, awarded to the most outstand- ~ing 4-tl club girl in Klickitat coun- ty, wa~s presented to Bettie Dean, wiw completed very outstanding work in six yearly projects: namely clothing, handicraft, food prepara- tion, canning, home efficiency, and home furniMfings. For ~ year this I cup remains in the possession of the person to ~vhem it was awarded and will become theirs permauently if hOuse at 1:30 p. m., to outline plans The steel gang under foreman - "i 1 I Parley Akerill has ah'eady laid lllfbr thisC°mmercialdistrict, mustard proauct m tnine miles of rails on the grade that l earrio~ them past Staacks butte into • Farmel~ interested in the project .... o ' tile bquirrel pass c untry. ;r~ invi:ted to attend the meeting,I Winter snows may any day shut ernahan said. Mustard is now be- , ., - " ......... i~ .... ~.. _a • . . l tuerali~'ay crews cue o[ tile 111~1[ ~ p~ouUCetl In eolnnlerelal quan- ] • • ............ ~hillcountry the new hne l~s pene- • ~ules in certain sections ot K}lOllIalla ..... 1 s "~ ~-r~" *--"11"" r (ratlllg. vl e pur Will ~%(21tbu~tllJ~ alld even in Eastern ~Aashington. It reach the Columbia National forest believed K~ickitat county's eli- area near Goutchen creek. and soil may be suitable for It is believed timber adjacent to ithe award is won three years sue- p~oduction. the spur will probably ,be logged by !ce~ively" the J. Neils company next year.] Lylo leaders are planning an tn- Dnring the past season all logging lteresting program for tlw year. Act- was within a tliree mile radins offing leaders for Lyle clubs are: Mrs. "A Good Place To Eeat" camp Draper. iMarian Leonardo, clothing; Mrs. Banquet Room Available I Evelyn Moore, cooking; Mrs. Etta Sell it through the Want Ads. tf i L e i d I, handicraft ; 6h's. Dicky i,Marsyasu, h~me improvement; Mrs. Daisy Cody, assistant; an(t Mr. L. Goodrich, farm projects. HAPPY HOME PEOPLE RETURN FROM VISIT Goldendale's Paint and Wallpaper Specialists Announce The Grand Opening Of Their LOCATED ON COLUMBUS AVENUE in the State Bank Building A COMPLETE LINE OF Fullers Paints, Wallpaper and Decorating Supplies GIFTS FOR ALL ADULTS 0 "It pays to patronize the specialist .... if you're ill, see a doctor .... if your tooth aches see a dentist.., and if you want paint, see a painter." HAPPY HOME --- (Special) -- Misses Elina and Martha Hoikka, who have been vkdting with Mr. and Mrs. \Vm Scott and family at Bat- tle Ground the last three or four weeks, returned home Monday. Mrs. Alex Randall and s.on were evening callers of Mr. and Mrs. John Erkkila last Monday. Arnold ltoikka waks an evening caller at the Randall home Monday. Little Teddy Carratt, Centerville, was visiting with his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Aug Niva and family, Monday. Arnold Hoikka and Alvin Randall motored to Battle Ground last Wed- nesday. Mr. and Mrs. Aug Niva were busi- ne,~s callers in Goldendale Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Tobin, of Klickitat, were weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Aug Niva and family. Mr. and Mrs. Webster Ahola were in Goldendale on :b.usine~ Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Tobin, also Mr. and Mr~. Aug Niva attemlcd a show fin Goldendale Sunday afternoon. Hm Royal and Underwood Portable typewriters. Small down payment, balance in small monthly payment. MOST POWERFUL TRUCK ENGINES IN THE LOW-PRICE FIELD 90.HORSEPOWER STANDARD ENGINE 93-HORSEPOWER HEAVY DUTY " OAD-MASTER" EHGINE ] 6o ,oo,,,... o..,., .o.o,. - . A COMPLETE LINE FOR m MASSIVE NEW TRUCK STYLING making these new 1941 Chev- rolet trucks the best-looking as well as the best-performing trucks in the entire lowest price field. NEW LONGER WHEELBASE NEW RECIRCULATING BALL-BEARiNG STEERING GEAR greatly reduces steering effort-- brings true passenger car steering ease to truck operation. NEW, MORE COMFORTABLE DRIVER'S COMPARTMENT with greatly increased leg room and better/form-tiffing seat and back in cabs, giving much greater driver comfort. WHEELBASES [ ALL LINES OF BUSINESS" Right-0f-Way Cleared For Glenwood Line Right of-way6 for public utility district owned power transmission lines through the Glenwood valley are now being cleared. The work is under the supervision of H. E. ~mith, R.E.A. ~uperintendent fronl Lewiston, Idaho. - The clearing work started at Lakeside and will progress to~,ard Glenw'oed. It is believed the clear- ing crews will reach Glenwood early this month. Construction of the li~e will follow the clearing. Forty-foot cedar poles will be used to provide spans of from 300 to 400 feet. Half of the 20 foot right-of-way is taken from the coun- ty road while the balance of the easenlent is cleared from the adjoin- ing field. NEWS FROM APPLETON COMMUNITY REPORTED APPLETON --- (Special) -- Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Johnson, of Klicki- tat, and Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Soren- sen and children, of High Prairie, were visitors Sunday at the Stephen Nagel home. Air. and Mrs. Ralph Raymond had a~s dinner guests ~l~hursday, Mr. and Mrs. RayDavis and children, Mr. and Mrs. McGuffin and children, and Lynn Aldrich. Mr. and Mrs. Julius Mater were visitors in White Salmon, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ehner Beek~ were in Lyle, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Oneal and chil- dren and William Oneal were in White Salmon, Sunday. Mrs. Lulu Nagel spent Wednesday and Thursday in White Salmon with her mother who was ill. Mr. and Mrs. Crockett Oneal., of Ellen,sburg, Mr. and Mrs. I~oving Oneal of Vancouver, and Mr. and Mrs. Hylton Oneal of White Salmon, visited with Mrs. William Oneal in White Salmon, Sunday. Victor LeGall and daughter, Mary Jo, were business visitors in W'hite galmon, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Blair Shippe¥ visit- ed Sunday at the Ernest Struck home. Mrs. Mac Oneal, of Bellingham, is expected to arrive Monday for a Car" was given in Lyle last Wednes- day ni~h~t, Nov. 27. It was glveni *again Wednesday night at Wishram. ~The baske,tball game with Wish- ram, which was scheduled for Friday night, was postponed until a later date. I~'iday, December 6th, the basketball team will go to Klickitat to the b~asketball jamboree. The girls are prac,ticing volleyball and looking forward to playing a game witch Wtshram some time. The Sentinel can fill you Chrlstm~s cards needs. Hundreds of cards, low )rices. Order early. SAFETY AS YOU LIKE IT O,S, Non-Skid Nobby Re-Cap OK.TIRE SPECIAL --- We have 18, 19 and 21 inch tires in stock Court News Given [Dairyman Now Marriage Licenses For Week's Period On Vacation .aroi M Ela,-7-, and ..... ]jorie Hartland, 22, both of Waseo, Orders are entered which grant to Ed Babcock, owner of the Green lOre., st Goldendale, Nov. 29. Three the Boaxd o,f County Commissioners extra compensation as follows: S. F. Wnuk, 1 day general administration, $6.00; 19 days as road supervisor, $114.00 and necessary expenses in the sum of $10.50. Elmer Kamholz, 5 days general ~dministration, $30, $11.50 for the use of his car and $3.15 necessary expenses; 15 days as road supervisor, $90.00, and $33.85 for the use of his car: Alfred Mat- sen, 3 days general administration, $18.00, $11.30 for the use of his car and $3.50 necessary expenses; 17 days as road supervisor, $102.00 and $56.16 for the use of his car. Information is filed which charges Harry Severns with the crime of gape, committed on or about O~t. 22 in Wishram, "Washington. Upon being arraigned the defendant plead not guilty. Order is entered which ~ppoinCs Angle C. Presher as executrix of the estate of P. D. Presher, deceased. The estate consists of community property having an estimated valua- tion of $10,000.00. The heirs are the surviving spouse and an adopted daugh,ter. ~he suriviving spouse is the sole devisee. Final decree of divorce is en~tered in the case of Madge Forbess vs. Jacob F~rbeas. ,Final decree of divorce is entered in the case of Virginia B. Smith vs. i~vid V. Smith. An interlocutory decree of divorce i.s en,tered in the case of Genevieve Densley, vs. Sidney l:)ensl~ey. The plaintiff is awarded the right to re- sume her maiden name of Genevieve White. In the case of Donald H. Jarvis, ot al, vs. John Coffield and wife, in acordance with the verdicts ~)f the jury, impaneled to try the case, it is ordered, a~ljudged and decreed that :plaintiff's complaint as to both the firs~t, and second causes of action, be, and they are dismissed with pre- judice, and that the defendants have judgmen.t against the plaintiffs for their costs and disbnrsements made and expended. An interlocutory decree o£ divorce is e~tered in the case of Iva A. Hill, vs. John E. Itill. It is further order- ed that .the care, custody and control of the children, be, and the same is awarded to the ploA~tiff, and that the real and personal property of the parties be, and the same is awarded be the plaintiff free and clear of any *a.nd all claims of the defendant. Upon consideration of the petitions for citizenship, it is ordered by the court t, hat each of the peti,tioners, namely, Silas Ayres and George Mark be, and hereby are admitted to be- come citizens of the United States. The name of Silas Ayres is changed to S*a.muel Ayres. II1 an action filed by The State of Washington, vs. E. L. Monzingo and T. A. Hlldenbrant, ,the plaintiff prays for a judgmen.t against them in the sum of $161.64, alleged to be due to the plaintiff for unpaid sums under the Workmen's Compen~tion Act of 'the State. In t~he mater of the joint estates of J. T. and Rebecca J. Chandler, both deceased, upon petition duly filed,• it is ordered by the com-t that the adminis*trator sell for cash in hand to the highes~t and best bidder a;t laublic ~uct$on, all of the real propertYtat~s, belonging to the said es- :Order is entered which appointsI Lilltan L. Charman as executrix of the estate of l~red R. Charman, de- ceased to serve without bond. Do You Know? The Pacific Northwest hm~ 41 per cent of the potential water power of the United States. In developed water power per capita, Oregon and Washington lead the nation. The State of Washington alone with a population of 1,721,376 produces mare hydroelectric energy than the combined output of Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island and Connecticut, whose population totals 7,500,000. The per capita use of electricity in Washington and Oregon i~ the highss¢ in th~ nation. The cost is the lowest in .the nation. The aver- age paid by residential conuumers in ,Washington and Oregon (2.47 cents !per kilowatt hour) is slightly more than half the average rate for the United State~ a~ a whole (U. S. average 4.07 cents ,per kilowatt hour.) The trend of cost is do~vn- ward and the use increasing in the Pacific Northwest. The aver, age use of electricity by residential .c~)nsum- ers of the major uttl~ies is above 1,450 kilowatt hours per year, as compared wi,th 900 kilowatt hours average use by residential consum- ers in the United State~ as a whole. -= II Sell it through the Want Ads. Meadow Dairy, left early this week iday law waived by court order. o11 an extended vacation nece~sitat- i ed by his healtil. During his absence the dairy will be operated by John Shull, experienced dairyman fl~om Northern Washington. Mr. and Mrs. /_~abcoek and family plan to spend several months in the I Willamet[e valley and in Vaneou- tver, Wash. Before leaving Mr. Bab- e'ock thank d his customers for their past cooperation and assured them that the same service enjoyed in .the past will be continued during his absence. i Alonzo C. Yarnell, 31, and Neva I Austin, 25, both .of White ~almon, at Goldendale, Nov. 30. W. F. Spivery, jr., 24, and June C. Robbins, 33, both of The Dalle~, at GoldendMe, Nov. 30. Willis Shlinfeldt, 21, of Farmers- burg, Iowa, and Agnes Amrose, 19, Monona, Iowa, at Goldendale, Dec. 3. An Ideal Christmas Gift for the Student ..... A ROYAL Portable Typewr.iter. See them at The Sen- tinel office. May be purchased on small monthly paymetns, tf GIVE YOUR CAR A CHRISTMAS PRESENT TOO ..... Yessir!.. That car of yours will really appreciate one of Hamilton Brothers' Texaco Lubric £ion jobs. Bring it in today for a complete check O Check This Texaco Gift FIRESTONE TIRES AND TUBES SEAT COVERS FIRESTONE BATTERIES FOG LIGHTS WEED TIRE CHAINS - PRESTONE ANTI-FREEZE And Many Other Accessories 9 O II I Illl I i Ill Ill to In a New 1941 De Soto with Fluid Drive and Simplimatic Transmission I Illl' I I 1941 Fluid Drive De Sore equipped with special counting devi~e. 2 Girls Make 3070 Mile Trip Over All Kinds of Roads Without Once Shifting Gears or Using Clutch AN AMAZING RECORD [ But youDe Soto pedormenoe. Drive a new too can drive aH day without shift- De Soto with Fluid Drive and Sire. ing-enjoy this new plimatio Transmission todayI *Available on all models at moderate extra ~oat. DRAMATIC PROOF .... "For Normal Driving You Don't Have to Shift or Use the Clutch!" i *FLUID DRIVE with SIMPLIMATIC TRANSMISSION TRY IT TODAY AT. . 108 N. GRANT STREET PHONE 176g