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The Goldendale Sentinel
Goldendale , Washington
December 9, 2004     The Goldendale Sentinel
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December 9, 2004
Newspaper Archive of The Goldendale Sentinel produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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AGREEMENT. REPRODUCTION, DISSEMINATION, STORAGE, DISTRIBUTION PROHIBITED. PAGE 12 DECEMBER 9,1 Your Gorge Classified ad a/so appears in • Hood River News; White Salmon Enterprise; The DaNes Chronide; and the Camas/Washougal Post-Record. or toll free at 290 Liv 325 Farm & 330 Business 340 Apartment & Supplies Orchard Equip.Rentals Rentals/WA. 350Condo Rentals~OR 365 House FP=ntals/OR 370 House Rentals/WA OLDER horse trailer Solid TYM-TRACTORS. 33-70HP floor. $600. For details call Sale ends Dec. 31st. Ad- 509-493-4774 ares Tractors, 541-296- ....... 4943 PIGS; weaner $50; feeder $60. 509-773-7099. RENTALS SADDLEBRED registered gelding+ 14yrs, 15h, Great on trails. 1st level dressage. $3000. 541-386- 4945, USED SADDLE. $85. 541- 467-2483 WANTED: 3 horse slant trailer w/tack rooms. Call Jimmy at 503-703-3270. AKC CHOC LAB PUP& Bred for inteUigence, trainability & classic good looks. $350. 541-296-3233. AKC CHRISTMAS PUPPIESI! AKC Mini Dachshunds for sale, $400 ee. 2 black & tan, 2 red dapple. 360-335.-0558. Black-yellow & calico, adorable kitten. $1. 541- 296-6288 Dog bed. New, cedar lined, cloth for large dog, $20+ 541-386-1033. FOUND Small dog, mixed breed. Tan-colored, friendly. For details call 509-493-1777 FF~E~E 7mos~ blue eyes-i< Siamese beauty. Shots/ neutered.54 1-354-2102. FREE Dalmatian/Pitbull puppies. 7 weeks. 1st shots. 541-354-9953, FREE KITTENS. All colors & sizes. 1st shots & wormed. 541-386-1985. FREE TO GOOD HOMEI Kitten, 10 wks. old. Black & grey. 509-493-3248 Fdendly black long haired dog needs good home, 45 Ibs• Neu~ted. 541-386-9037 Gorge Mobile Equine Vetednery Services Emphasis on quality pre- ventive health care, den- tistry & nutrition at your home/farm. Lad R. Heir- man, DVM 509,427-0055. HOLLY BERRY needs a new loving home. Adorable 4 yr. old spayed declawed, SH, w/tuxedo markings. Call to see+ 360-834-1885+ PUBLISHER'S NOTICE All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Fair Housing Act which makes it illegal to ad- vertise "any preference, limitation or discrimination Business ~entals ...... 330 based on race, color, relig- Apartment ion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, or Rentals/Oregon ...... ""335an intention, to make any Apartment such preference, limitation Rentafs/WA ......... 340 or discrimination." Familial Condo Rentals"""""'"350 status includes children Duplexes, under the age of 18 living 4-plexes/OR ............. 355 with parents or legal cus- Duplexes, todtans, pregnant women 4-plexes/WA ............ 360 and people securing cus- House Rentals/OR ..... "365tody of children under 18. HcoseRentals/WA ..... 370 This newspaper will not Senior Housing .......... 372 knowingly accept any ed- Mobiie Homes/OR ..... 375 vertising for real estate Mobile Homes/WA ...... 380 which is in violation of the law. Our readers are here- Mobile Home Spaces "'"382 by informed that all dwell- Rentals Wanted ....... 385 ings advertised in this Rentals to Share .......... 390 newspaper are available on Room Rentals ............ 395 an equal opportunity basis. RV Site Rentals ...... 397 To complain of discrimina- Vacation Rentals'"""'"400 teen call HUD toll-free at 1- Bed & Breakfast ........... '405800-669-9777. The toll-free StoregeSpace ............ '410telephone number for the Misc. Rentals ............... '415hearing impaired is 1-800- 927-9275. PURE Amedcan Pitbulls. No papers. 11 wks old. 330 Busineu Rentals BINGEN lease office space in new building, 400 sq ft plus restroem. Off street parking. $500 me. includes utilities. 541-386--5109. BINGEN office building for lease: 220 Steuben. 2400+ sq ft. New gas heat system. Off street parking. $1100 plus utilities. 541-386-5109. Commercial light industrial, 30x60' shop. W. 10th. T,D. $1000/mo.541-298-8628 HAVE A HOME FOR SALE? Get results fast by placing your ad in the Gorge Clas- sifieds, your ad will appear in every paper in the gorge area, reaching over 115,000 readers each week. Call us at the Gold- endale Sentinel, 773-3777 or toll-free at 1-888-287- 3777. 335Apa#ment RentaldOt "The Dallas Lg 1 Bdrm. Clean, quiet, nice yard. No pets. AC, W/S/G pd. $425 + $150 fee. 541-980-8640. *The Dallas Ig studios, Unfum, $365. Fum, $400. W/SIC pd, HUD ok. 541- 296-8805, 541-993-8805, Apartment for ~nt in Wasco, OR. 541-442-5262 Carousel Apts, The Dalles. 1 Bdrm, W/S/G pd. $360, $150 non-re/ dep. Fdg, stove, AC. 805 Court St. 541-298-1882. HOOD RIVER Great location. 1 bdrm., lst/lasU cleaning dep. No smoking/ pets. $465. 541-386-4506/ 541-386-9462 after 5 pro+ Miniature Schnauzer puppy. Male, $400, Guaranteed. 541-386-HOOD RIVER • Nice 4821. downtown office space for O~,~ PlttBuUPuppies.4 lease. 2 private offices & f~+4 weel~s old, reCeption area?2 partdng weaned and ready to gel spaces, $722 includes Mother and father on site. utilities. 541-386-5109. HOOD RIVER: 1 bdrm, $525 509-493-3859. -- .................. HOOD RIVER: 2 bdrm, $475 Hood River 2000-4000' sq. ft. HOOD RIVER: 3 bdrm, $575 retail/office space. Gorge Windermere GTRE Surf Shop bldg., 13 Oak St, 541-386-3233. HOOD RIVER. Must see to appreciate dyer v~ew apt. in Historic building. 3 bdrm., 2 bath. Newly refurbished. No smoking/pets. $995/mo. iocls. W/S/G. 541-386- HOOD RIVER HEIGHTS. 3964/503-810-2884. Retail/office space, 1500 sq, ft. Off street parking. HOOD RIVER. Affordable Frank@541-386-1000. rent, Hud Accepted. In- come restrictions apply. If HOOD RIVER. 1200 sq. It, no units are available, Ground floor. AC, ample qualified applicants will be parking, pdvate restroom, added to our waiting list. $1100mo. 541-386-8907. Please call 541-386-6607 or 541-386-6788. $200 ee. 541-387-4357. 54 1-386-4185 or 386-1699. ................................................. HOOD RIVER. Downtown SAVANNAH Monitors 3 @ HOOD RIVER. 1200 sq. ft. $20 ea. Red-ear spider tur- Ground floor. AC, ample ties, 2 @ $10 ee. Geckos 3 parking, private restroom. @ $15 ea, 360-835-9190. $1100 me. 541-386-8907. ST. BERNARD puppies. 5 Light Industrial property, males/4 females. Beautiful 1820~ W. 2nd St, The Dallas, markings. DOB: Oct. 24. 5,~00~lft,541-296-5944. $350/ee. 509-493-4774 OFFICE SPACE CHRISTMAS PUPPIESI AKC 1,500 Sq Ft, 2nd SL TD Bichon Fnse. 6 wk-.s, on Dec. 541-296,5944 21.2M, 3F. 541-980-9545 ON BROADWAY, store/rent/office space for POMONA TERRACE HAS A lease. Easy access from HOME JUST FOR YOUI Hwy, 97, suites starting at NeMyremodaiedunltfor only $300/mo. Contact ~mo. $595 wtth t yr HAY FOR SALE. Brenda at Columbia Crest OR to bettar sult your budget, 541-298-1026. Property Management, e Standard unR for ~5/mo 541-296-5267. $545. with I yr leaN. All units HAY FOR SALE'. Alfalfa $1OO/ton. Badey $85/ton. Shop or Storage. 1200 sq It. are2BdmlleBAJ~0KIft. 541-296-3386. $300/mo. Concrete floor Washer & dryer in ave~ Call Jerry at 541-298-8903 home, covered parking and =else, W/S/G pd, S~ 8 & 3/5 ~~ The Dailes htstodc downtown pets welcome, t0t9 Pomona ~I Prod~(~ 3300+ sq ft, $900/mo. 54t-993- Street Wut, The Dallas, OR. ,,, 48,16• 97058.541-296-4114, 3 HEIFER =iv., app. 400 t1~. Th- e oaiies 1800+ sq~ retai~l The Dailes I & 2 apartments Vaccinated, wormed & reedy bldg. 3 bike from Home De- avsllsble, HUD ~• ~laed•9OO-~3-~'L pot (next to Astro Gas), 541-298-7015 Lots of parking, storage, The Dallas. Taking ap- ~& Availnow.541-298-8873. plication for 2 Bdrm apt. bldgThe.Dall°s 1800 sq ft retail W&D, all appl. Unfur. $450. ............ (3 bike from Astro 541-296-6024. I)7 1840 Case Skid Gas)•Lots of parking, storage. The Dallas nice 2 Bdrm Steer, 1100 hours, new Avallnow•541-298-8873, apt. UtilsincL t~ea, tracks+ $12,500. 541-296-1223. 541-296-5067 7th St. River view. $490 Gorge Rentals 541-387-4080 HOOD RIVER. 3 bdrm., 2 bath. No smoking/pets. $995/mo. 541-386-3964/ 503-81 O-2884. HOOD RIVER. 1 bdrm., downtown. No smoking. $385 + dep. 541-386-4645. HOOD RIVER. 1 bdrm downtown. Off street park- inS. $525. 541-386-7301. sffncoe Hi APARTMENTS ; Quiet Neighborhood Bedroom Units On-site laundry A United Builders Rental Property Golden Arms and Golden Sands Apartments are the place to level Golden Arms Apartments 3 Bdrm. units available Rent & Deposit based on income W/SIC paid, laundry & playground Very close to shopping & schools 2 lOS. free utilities Golden Sands Apartments Fantastic Value! 1 Bdrm., 1 ha., $280/m0•, $280 dep. W/SIC paid; Close to downtown; laundry; extra storage; HUD vouchers accepted. First full month's rent FREE! Inquire at: 509B E Main, Goldendale, WA 98620 Phone: 509-773-5828 Fax: 509-773-3153 TTY: 1-800-833-6388 for hearing impaired Equal Housing Opportunity 118~.'lmgW & 33s t Renla/#OR. WEST PARK PLACE 1MEET PARK ORCHARDS 1750 W. 10th S. Affordable 2 & 3 Bdrm. Calm room, rec area, convenient location. Water,sewer & garbage included. CALL NOWl 541-296-5388 Income Limits Apply Equal Housing Opportunity Sun Castle Properties 2 bdrm. A/C, on-site laundry, W/SIC pal. Quiet clean, spaaous. 773-3816 or 773-3209 HOOD RIVER Timbercrest Condo. Nice 1 bdrm 2 bath condo. Avail immed. Phone 541-386-6886 for info. LG 2 Bdrm, 2 BA. w/view. The Dalies, 54 1-296-1152 355 Dup/exes, Four.Plexes/OR 2 BDRM: W/S/G paid.No pets. Clean, great view. 509-767-1449. ** The Dallas 2 Bdrm. Heat,WlSlGlincl. New car- pet,super clean. Laundry rm on premises. $475. $350 dep, 1006 Union. 541-993-5255. CASCADE LOCKS. 2 bdrm, W/D hookup, 19- deck, river/rot, view. W/S The Dalles Nice 1 Bdrm, close pd, No smoking. $575 + In. $400/mo + dep, HUD $300 dep. 541-374-8750. approved.541-296-2967 HOOD RIVER. 2 bdrm, 1 TheDailes3Bdrml,x bath, garage. No pets/ ba, $700/mo. No pets, smoking. 1 yr. lease. $700 HUD OK. 1216 E 10th St. + deps. 541-386-3894. 54 1-386-7044 HOOD RIVER. Full THE DALLE$ 2 bdrm, 1 bath, Remodels. Great location all appliances, $6501mo. + + Views. No pets/smoking. 3 bdrm/1 bath, upper. $715 dep. 541-980-7763. 2 bdrm/1 bath, upper. $715 The Dalles 2 Bdrm. 2 bdrm/1 bath, lower. $640 $700 + dep. No pets. 541-308-O686. 541-296-2074 MOSIER: 2 bdrm, $650 N. Bonneville Goldendale: HOOD RIVER: 2 bclrm, $595 Save $100 a monthlacres, Mt Hood HOOD RIVER: 3 bdrm, $875 Beautiful new 2 I:x:lrm apt. pasture, Windemere GTRE homes with GORGEous $25,000 541-386-3233. views. For more info 509- Cliff Flour The Dallas Houses & apart- 637-0370. *Limits apply. ments available starting at NEAR APPLETON NiceHigh Prairie: 20 $400. 541-296-2292. 2bdrm/2ba mobile home. mote. $16,000. Partly/urn. Most elect, pd. THE DALLES 3 bdrm, 1 No pets. Re/req. $450/mo bath. No smoking. $700 + $100 dep. 509-365-4615 High Prairie: 2 + dep. 54 1-386-3894. WHITE SALMON/UN- The Dallas 2 Bdrm, 1 BA. DERWOOD 3 bdrm 2 bath No pets, HUD okay. w/garage near Spring 509-395-2772. Creek Fish Hatchery. No HOOD RIVER -- smoking/pets nego. W/S view on Hi THE DALLES. 1 bdrm., includ. $860.541-490- & very clean. Applces. incl. 8277. NO PETS. W/S/G pd. $400hno. 541-386-3602. WHITE SALMON 2+ bdrm, HOOD RIVER 2 bath. Clean, nice, 1 mi from town, quiet, great views, yard. Avail 111. $700. 617-921-1619. HOOD RIVER. Avail 12/1. The Dalles cozy 2 Bdrm, 1 New4 bdrm, 2.5bath, AC, BA. W/D hk-up, family rm, WIDIDWlFPI2cargarage. gas heat, fenced back yard $1050+util+$500dep. w/storage shed.W/SIC pd. 503-492-8176/319-6517. $595/mo. $300 dep. Avail after 12/3/04. 1006 TD. 2 Bdrm, clean, quiet. Verdant. 541-298-6697 Util rm, yd, W/G pd. no pets. $495 + dep. 541-296- The Dalles 3 Bdrm 1(< Ba, 2861 all appl. W/D. great yd. The Defies 3 Bdrm, 1 BA. $850/mo. 509-493-3366 $650. 1 Bdrm, 1 BA. $375. The Dallea 3 bdrm, 1 ba, no 541-296-8824 smoking, small pets ok. The Dalles 3 Bdrm up, $695. 1 2408 E 14th . 541-296- Bdrm down, 5398. No pets/ 2401 $650+$400dep. smoking/HUD. 1819 E. 16th.. 503-661-1241 370 House UNDER NEW MANAGE~n" RentalslWA O DEPOSITS, O FEES on 2 & 3 bdrm townhouses 2 BDRM, 1 ba., new car- located in nice quiet area. pet, paint. W/SIC pd., "the Dalles. 541-298-1076. $425/$250 dep+ 773-3755 Dave. 360Dup/exes, BINGEN Cozy 2bdrm/lba. Four-P~'WA New carpet, paint & stove. W/D hookups. Large yard w/river view. $575/mo. + FOR Rent, 2 bdrm duplex utils w/lst, last & one me. w/garage. 773-4750 or sac. dep. and 1-year lease. 773,4796, Sherrye. 509-493-2857 Wishram 5-plex. 1 Bdrm, 1 BA. WIG pd. $250/mo. CARSON 2 bdrm, 1 bath. $200 clean dep. 1st. last, $575./mo. Rental & credit re/. req. Pets nag., no 509,773-4500 smoking. 541-308-5530 or ~5 HOU:$0 509-427-5934. CentarvJlle, WA• 3 Bdrm, 1(< R~t~II~R BA. No pets. $600/mo. 509-365-5420. *HOOD RIVER' Garage loft CLEAN 2 bdrm. home, gas studio apt. 50% furnished, heat & AC, all .appliances, W/D. Super ~ean pdvqte. W/~G~j:~~O~ Off Frankton; $500 + Utils. 541-386-3682. *The Dalles 1 Sdrm + den, 1 BA. new paint. Lg yd. $475/ dep. 541-386-4497 Hood River 1 & 2 bdrm apts. Starting at $500. 541-386-1310/6476. HOOD RIVER 2 bdrm 1 bath. Garage & shed. W/S/ 3~~ G pd, W/D/DW. New car- pet/paint, remodeled. No pe . 03-70. 7 Hood River 3 bdrm, 1 bath, GOLDENDALE: 1-2 bdrm., deck, view, Part. /urn. all util. pd,, $490-$600/mo•, $600. No smoking. Avail. inc. cable. 509-773-4325. 12/21. 541-490-1270. LARGE 2 bdrrn, weather- HOOD RIVER. Newly re- ized apt., all elec., WIS/G modeled 4 bdrm., 1 bath on pd., $400/mo., $200 dep. 3 ac. $975 + first/last. $500 NICELY furnished 1 bdrm., cleaning. 541-386-1396. $325/mo, $200 dep. 123 NW High St. 509-773-3816. Wlshram 2 Bdrm, 1 BA home. $350/mo. $300 clean dep. 1st & last. HUD approved. 509-773-4500 cord Klickitat: 20 trees, view. Klickitat: 148 WlSHRAM: 2 bdrm, HUD acre considered. $400/mo. 509- pdvate. 773-4408; dmcgill@gorge+net 375 Mobile Homes/ MOSIER 10 ac., Dry Crk. Rd. Oreg~ $150,000. 382 Mobile Home Local park space for rent. Free fishing to residents. 541-298-56O9. Cascade Locks Bridge of the Gods RV Park. Located along the Columbia Gorge. Full hook-ups included. Cable "IV, laundry, full showers. Only $350 me. or $18 nightly. 541-374-8628. The Dallas 2 Bdrm, 1 BA. All real estate No pets, HUD okay. this 509-395-2772. to the Fair which makes 380Mob//eHome¢/ ve, se "any Washington limitation or based on raCe, o ion, sex, GOLDENDALE for rent. 2 status bdrm. MH in family park an intention, to $325/mo. first/last/deposit, such water pal. (509) 773-3822. or GOLDENDALE for rent. 2 status bdrm, MH in famiy park, under the age $375/mo. flrst/lastJdep, with parents water pd. (509) 773-3822+ todians, and people WHITE SALMON. Nice 2 bdrm, 2 bath on pdvata lot. Refs. This req'd. $628.541-354-2726. knowingly vertising which is in law. Our by informed ings newspaper are an equal To complain c teen call HUD 800-669-9777, telephone hearing 927-927& 410 Space FOUR Aces Mini Storage Space available Conta~ #m~ e~ 641-490-~0 3 bdrm., 2 ba. house w/AC, + att. oversized garage, nice 415Mis¢. neighborhood. No pets, , $750/$550dep..W/S/Gpd. 18 ACRE PEAR ORCHARD Other Rentals Available Kllckitat Valley Realty Hood River (10% apples) 509-773.6338 for lease. Please call to see & discuss. 541-387-8890. Dstiesport 3 Bdrm, 2 BA.