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Newspaper Archive of
The Goldendale Sentinel
Goldendale , Washington
December 12, 1940     The Goldendale Sentinel
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December 12, 1940
Newspaper Archive of The Goldendale Sentinel produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Phursday, December 12, 1940 THE GOLDENDALE SENTINEL--Goldendale, Washington T T • KLICKITAT HEIGHTS I WPA BEGINS PROJEC | I ...... • The Churches LADIES HONOR BRIDE Y _ _l AT GLENWOOD SC.OOL Grocer On Food --- Winners Namedl -------- KLICKITAT HEIGHTS--(Special) Laura ft. :Paxlx}tt • F. • .. HOLY TRINITY CATHOLIC "--Mrs. Gus Myhr is enjoying a visit -- I Glenwood, Dec. 9--(Special)--A tamD violation frvm relatives who.m she has not White Salmon and Croldendaleltwo-year discontinued WPA school " ~ Roy. Patrick S. Lyons, Pastor seen in many years• students divided the prizes in thelproject was reopened here Thursday SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 10~-The Mrs Arlene Smith who has been recount essay contest conducted by the I when WPA workers with a fund for recent felony conviction of Edmund Schedule of Messes visiting her parents' Mr and Mrs Klickit~at County Tuberculosis Lea-lmaterials supplied by a recent social Levy, a Los Angeles grocer, of crtm- First, Third and Fifth Sundays 9 Yohey for the past month left Fri- Due, Mrs. Lowell Smith, executive security grant began to paint theina!ly violating Federal l~ood ,Stamp a. m. day morning for her home in Bould- secretary of the organi~tion, an- interior of the gym and to construct Plan regulations emphasizes the im- St. ~dary's Church, Wi~hrexa, l~irat, or, Colorado. nounced tod'ay. I a 14x32 foot kitchen in conjunction portance of abiding Iby the regula- ~hird end Fifth Sundays, 11 a. m• Mrs. Hazel Johnson Elder and two First prize in the senior division with the school cafeteria. A new ti,ons, it was stated today by Jous- t daug~hters Joy and leap arrivedwent t.o Agnes Collins, of White Sal- floor is to be laid in the gym, new than Garst, regional director of the ORAC:E "r.UTH:ERAN CHU:RC]:f ! "~ • "' - '. ......... nd -riz- "- ~'allace ] doors installed at the entrance, :hand Surplus Marl~ting Admin[lstration Klickltat, Washington , raursaay evening ior a visit through men, ann seco p o m vv , . ....... ' Eugene R. Schramm, pastor [the holiday season with her mother. Hornibrook, of ~oldendale. In the 1rails ana rue.Per matting on tn.e U. S. Department of Agriculture. ] Mr~ Pearl Johnson junior division first prize went to ramps, anti paint ana Kamotmne mLevy was fined $500, received a Sunday school .......................... 9:30 a. m. • " ,the various rooms to the extent that • "J ..... h ..... t r o" " 1- n~ale with' two-year suspended prison sentence | Mrs. Yohey visited v'rmay at t e L~orotny xl.oc o , ~ t~o ue u ............ ,Regular service ..................... 10:30 a. m. | Russell home. , Winifred Balsiger, .of White Salmon, iunas win reach. The prelect is in and a five year term .of probation."We preach Christ and Him Cru- :~ Mrs Conklin had the misfortune taking the second aw~trd. First prize charge of Russell Pack, WPA labor He was also denied further partici- clUed." 1 ta break her glass~ necessitating a in each division w~s $2 50 and sec- supervisor from WMte Salmon, pelion in 6he Food Stamp Plan by [ trip to The Dalles to have them re- end prize was $1 50 In addition es- which community supphes five of the Surplus Marketing A dministra- I,ATTER D/tY" SAI~S • 1)aired ..... ~: ". ..... It he workmen, with two from Glen-tiin • says wm~en vy ~uarlan ~ealora, oi .......... bookkee"er " R.R. Hamm, Superintendent | Our ladies assembled at the home Croldendale and ttoberta Dodson, oilw°°a ana ~wr. rarr, Lnc v , Levy was indicted by the federal Klickitat, Washington 0 ' from Trout LaKe. r o i f Miss Aura Thomp,~on last Satur- White Salmon were forwarded tel , . • grand ju y n three counts: non- Sanday school 10:00 a. m. in ' • Mrs Edith Old hot mncn super- | day to honor iMrs Selma Myhr ,h~ stat~ offic~ t ....... ~o ¢,~r ~h,~ I " . .... food sales,non-surplus items ,onclub rooms at Kllckitat. A • visor and George ~wonroe, o~ ne l~0ochonour with a bridal shower,state prizes. I ........... blue stamps,and purchase of Food ve n finance aepartment ot the ~aK~ma ry plasant day was spent a d a . . Stamp Books. ........... I ndlwdue.1 school awards of fifty I office of WPA, were in Glenwo0d, C]~r[FRCH 0~ C]]~IST | uehcmu,.~ pOHUCK ~mner servia a~cents each went to Pa)tt Schmid and lThursday checking hot lunch records Four other Los Angeles grocers V.T. Smith, minister J Soon. The ladies ties a corn[order Belt- Cole of Trout Dake MarieI ..... in ecords for the new have been convicted during the past Bible study .......................................... 10:00 i f ~ , ' ; aria insutu~ g r i ~rs. Cochonour had p eced o May of Husum• E,lizabeti~ Tuthill, oflwPA project Mrs Old :has eight hot several months of violations result- Lord's supper ...................................... ll:bd meces given nor oy the lames sev- ' ' • • • | ....... Lyle;and 5.,pie MicBride, of Alder-llunch projects employing 13 cooks mg ~n frees of from $300 to $600,Evening service .................................. 7:30 oral veals ago ivlany lovely ana use suspended sentenco~of from six |f " ~ " •'~ " - - "~r:- dale. The essays were judged by aland helpers to contact in Klickitat .... ' • Wednesday service ............................. 7:30 Ul gifts were snowerea Ul)On ~w . o three s Bible Study Friday .............................. 2:30 l Cochonour Which were ,qaced in a committee composed of Mrs. C. W. county• And in addition to this four months t year., and suspen- - v ~ akima To en sion from further participation in | ~ .............. Ramsey, Dr. Thomas E. Meade, Mrs. i sewing projects in Y , PP - .| ,,ve~y aecoratea oasKet ann carrmu ............................. i ................ aliawhere the plan. Also five additional groc- ASSF_,M:BLY OF GOD CHURCH ~ ~,onme ,~,~ ~.u ~,v ~"~'~ ~ ' n" i t Rev. W. A. Wheeler, pastor • n ar ere have bee md c ed by the federal | l' ....................... Mrs. Hilmer Erlckson. I WPA servers do piece work o g - Ib~le DroLner-in-ibtw 111~ |,/iU~ v~ " "n • • grand jury1 Dos Angeles, charged | h .................. More than 5'00 students from vari / ments for government dmtmbution. Come and join us in a warm and / usoana altfln:s mother also D.Ltelltt- " ' " * i " " t e ~ th Food Stamp Plan wolatmns Mr~ Old heads a five zounty s at | sd. pus Klickitat county schools compet-I "" " ~" hearty C~ospel service. ! d~vlsmn m sewing and hot lunches In Los Angeles county alone, ed in the contest, Mrs. Smith said. ' .... " ............ T ................... t--Yakima Benton Klickitat Frank- there areapproximately 10 000 re- Services are: ttoyal aria onflerwooa ror~ame -~ e~ay ~n~es~ was open ~o/ ' ' ' ' Sunday school ....................... 10:00 a. m. typewriters Small down payment students in the sixth seventh and lin and Walla Walls. Visiting Glen-tail food merchan,ts taking part in Morning worship ............... 11:00 a. m. wood on an average o.f once a month the FoodStamp Plan. The vast ms- balance in small monthly payment, eighth grades and high school. We undersVand what a memorial must mean to you. It must in a quiet, subdued way, present in lasting h nguage the affection and respect you hold for a loved one who has passed on. We keep this understanding in mind whenever we prepare a monu- ment. o The Dalles Marble & Granite Works Lonnie Comini, Proprietor The Dalles, Oregon | CAN'T . . . FOOL.... SANTA CLAUS! WHEN IT COMES TO GOOD ICE CREAM .... HE SAYS: "Make Mine With Reliance!" For the coming holiday parties and dinners serve Reliance Ice Cream for dessert. You'll find that everyone likes ice cream, particularly when its that delicious, pure, nourishing RELIANCE BRAND made in Goldendale's own creamery from the Klickitat Valley's finest dairy products. THE COLD You'll Find Those Christmas Goodies You've Been Looking For At The Goldendale Baking Company Christmas Cakes, Pies, Pastries and $ Order one of our FRUIT CAKES... It's made with the finest ingredients... Properly baked and Properly seasoned O $ Ask for STOLLEN.... Our Christm,as Special, ty .... This delicious Old World pastry will be a favorite at any Christmas Party O DURING THE CROWDED CHRISTMAS SEASON RELY ON THE GOLDENDALE BAKIN COMPANY FOR YOUR HOLIDAY BAKING NEEDS WELTER & SEIBOLD, Proprietors she expressed herself as liking very much the supervision given at the noon eating period in Glenwood. "Everything is so orderly here, and the white kitchen and room present such a neat appearance. It really is one of the most attractive places in which to eat of any of the school cafeterias in the county." ,Mrs. Old also sees that there is no distinction made between those who can contri- bute to the lunches and those who cannot. Eliby Ames and R. H. Faulkner, of the Bingen office of the county wel- fare department, were in Glenwood Thursday contacting Ward Hollo- way, Glenwood s~hool head. Basketball had a full schedule here last ~eek. Tuesday saw a game with Klickitat's 100-p,ound and regular grade school teams, which saw the Glenwood teanm victorious in both games. Wednesday evening two high school teams went to Kltckitat where the Eagles, first llne players won and the second string lost to Klickitat players. These were both "B" league games. And the town team players had two games with the Dingen town play- ers, in botch of ~'hich the Glenwood players were properly polished off by their opponents. Friday evening high school players participated in the basketball Jamq~oree held in Klickttat. The Eagles are ' quite proud of t-he new cardinal and black suits gotten with funds raised by the turkey raffle conducted by sup- porting business men. Books for t~ho play "Her Step Husband" have arrived and practice is soon to begin. This is to have a January presentation with a local cast of players coached by Miss ..Wayne. A total of 37 members was ob- tained by Mrs. Nick Crowe in the recent Red Cross roll call. This was an increase of five members over last year. I Red Cross sewing is to be under- taken by the Woman's club members as a craft project. Baby layettes and small boy trousers are the arti- cles to be made, by this organization which is the only one in the district according to Mrs. Breneman con- tracting for sewing. The others are doing knitting• Christmas preparations are gvlng forward for a program of plays and carols at the school the Friday be- fore Christmas. Directors R. R. WelIenbroek and Ivan McCumber attended the re- gtorml farm loan directors meeting held at the Crooks ~home in Crold- endale, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Osmar Ladiges, Mrs. Emma Gregory and Henry Ladigee ~'ere in Goldendale on business last Saturday. A telephone meeting of stock- holders was held at the schoolhouse here Saturday. Only 39 votes Were cast for Lumijarvi Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Hanson on their way be. California for a w~d- ding trip, stopped in Smith River, California be visit with the groom's .maternal grandmother, Mm. Clara Bord¢, who is visiting there this winter with her daughter ,Meletia. Mr. and Mrs. 'B. E. Hanson, Mr. and Mrs. Dona)ld Hi,neon and DeRow- land Ward were Gienwood attend- ants at the Hanson~Laurence wed- ding which occurred last Sunday• A reception followed at the Laurence T~bor Presbyterian church with a reception following at the Laurence home in Laurelhurst. Mr. and Mrs. jority there, as elsew,here in t;he 11 western states, are ~vholeheartedly cooperating in the spirit and letter of the plan's opera,tion. "It is unfor- tunate," said Garst, "that there are always a few who have to learn from sad erperience t~hat dishonesty is a short cut to loss, rather than profit." Garst added that the Division ,of Investigation, ,SWA, is operating continuously throughout the west- ern region in checking on alleged violations of t'he Food Stamp Plan. Hm ALDERDALE TO HOLD NEW YEARS' DANCE ALDE~DALE -- (Special) -- A date that everyone should not for- get is December 31, for on that date Alderdale is going to have a NeW Year's dance. It will be the biggest dance so don't miss it. Mr. and Mrs. Clair Miller are the parents of a baby boy named Edwin Thomas. Sunday, Mrs. Robert Glasco, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Seely and Leona, Mrs. Norman Glasco, Norms Lee and Victor were visitors at the Claude Woods home. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Churchill, Phyllis and Lucille were Sunday dinner guests at the Ed Allbritton home. Mr. and Mrs. Vern Read, and Bertha Rogers motored to The Dalles Saturday on business. Anyone wishing to buy Zonol products inquire of Mrs. Fred Al- len. Mr. and Mrs. Wilhelm Vergin were visitors at the Carl Seely home Friday. A, L. ling Lowell spent Monday visit- his folks at Dallesport. .Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Seely and Leona and Darrell Seely attended t'he show, "Boom Town" in Grandvlew. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Allbritton were valley callers one day last week. Wm. Allbritton is driving a new 1941 Chevrolet coupe. • Imogene Pierce has been atment from school the last few days be- cause of illness. Those Who met to sing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Allen Monday night were Mr. and Mrs. Parker, Mrs. Artz, "Mrs. Rake, Mr. Warner, Mrs. Grace Pierce and fam- tly, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Jo'hnston, Mr. and Mrs. E(i Allbritton, Mrs. Chas. McB,rid.e and Lois, and Mrs. Verona Shattuck. The school pupils are working very 'hard this week on their Christ- mas program which was set up to Thursday, December 19. A one-act comedy will be presented by the high school pupils, and severaI other playlets and songs are on the pro- gram also. I mll An Ideal Christmas Gift for the Student ..... A ROYAL Portable T:~pewvlter..See them at The Sen- l tlnel office. May be purchased on small monthly paymetns, tf August Hanson, uncle and aunt of the groom and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd ~anson also wei'e present for the ceremony. Mrs. Creston Black, sister of the groom, was also among those presiding at the reception while Creston Black, brother-in-law of Vhe groom, was one of the ushers. The young couple on their return from California will spend the winter in Portland and then go in the spring to Alaska. Sunday evening ........................ 7:30 p. m. Mid:week service, Wed. 7:30 p. m. Everybody welcome! CHURCH OF CHRIST Centerville, Washington Opal Wiidanen, pastor E. 10:00 Bible school for all ages. 11:00 Lord's Supper and sermon. 2:30 Junior C. E. 2:30 Church at Hartland. 7:00 Adult and Young Peoples C. 8:00 gong service and sermon. Week Day Service 7 : 30 Thursday Bible study, Students from the San Jose Bible College will conduct an all-day serv- ice at the Sunday, Dec. 22. Vernon Beelvs ,our supply minister last summer, will be ,one of the guest speakers from San Jose. A potluck lunch will be served at noon. gervices will begin again at 2:00 p. m. In the evening a Christ- mas program will be presented by l the visitors. FIRST BAPTIST ,CHURCH C. E. Hanes, pastor 10:00 a. m. Bible school. 11:00 a. m. Morning wore'hip and preaching service. Sermon subject: "The Spirit of Christmas." 2:30 p. m. ~ervices at Hartiand. 5:45 p. m. Vesper service at the M. E. church consisting of singing of Christmas carols by the Baptist and M. E. choirs interspersed with special selections of Christmas num- bers. 7:00 p. m. The 13,. Y. P. U., Junior Union, and Adult Union. Simultane- ous meetings in separate sessions. Twenty-seven were in the B. Y. P. U. g~oup last Sunday evening. 8:00 p. m. Evangelistic service in song and sermon. 8:00 p. m. Thursday, mid-week p~ayer meeting. 2:00 p. m. Wednesday, Dec. 18, Women's Auxiliary C~hrtstmas party. Come worship and serve with us. There is a welcome here. THE METHODIST CHURCH C. J. Hall, minister Church school, 10:00 a. m.; Ser- nmn, by the pastor, 11:00 a. m.; 5:45 p. m., carol singing by the joint choirs of Baptist and Metho- dis.t. Join t~he Volunteer prayer :league. Report your desire for, Christian Advocate. Joint cholr I practice at Methodist chur(~h, Wed. 6:45 p. m. TEM~P~R&NCE I~N~ORMATION : Senator Morris Sheppard reports: "G~ovorn,ment officials were locating illicit stills in 1939 at the rate of 200 a week, according to a report iby the Federal Alcohol Tax Unit at congressional hearings last year... On t~ho basis of testimony by Dr. Wesley A. Sturges (executive direc- tor of Distilled Spirits Institute), there are 28,400 illegal bootleg dis- tillers in operation in the United States today." Royal and Underwood Portabls typewriters. Small down paymen¢, balance in small monthly payment. .7o Reliev~ LIQUID.T.A~LIgT$. ~LVE. NOS~ ~ROP$ Page Seven GOODNOE HILLS SEES Goldendale School SEASON'S FIRST LAMB After our very profitable and ex- GOODNOE ~m- (Special) --- o tin~r~ ,~a~ ~ ~* u,~os,onsorea (lance al neH"~" ~'"-eaF\'"'*~ n"htt'~r'~'~i~'~"~ Nice weather in the Hills this fall P t e rarxsn , ] " • . - . . I Grou~ d is wet to a depth of eighteen hall for the hign sc;n,ool stuaen~s, finches n-' wint .... ....... ~ a u er naraly begun. r~e sponsors these sauces tor the I _ . . • ........ I Mr ana ~rs Clarence Holter ann gtuuent J~oay, an(~ ah the money I.. " ~' that comes in over the expenses is the two ~boys spent several days at turned over to Art Schuster, the the W. G. Doughty home this week. Student Body president, to put in Lambing is on at the E. E. Bra- t:he treasury We wish to express [shear ranch. The first lamb arrived our thanks to Mr. Biggs and hope i in November he Will continue the dances, o:J: coyotes were caught by the Something new has popped out g ment trapper at the Andy in G. H. S. The basketball squad McCrae ranch. will select one glrl from the highI The mail carrier enjoyed double school to sponsor eac:h home game. i h°epitality at Thanksgiving time• She will not be notified of the selec- l One dinner at the J. E• Dee home, another at the Graves home tion until between the halves c,f thet ' • game. Odelsa Wright received the honor Friday night. CongratulationsI Sell it through the Want Ads. are extended by all the faculty I ----~-~ members and the student body. I The annual conference was heldI , ~ , . at Yakima Saturday, November 30. ] The high school students attending[ c.vOIN ]O and the meetings they went to i J ~0N ~ ~'[ (L~J~ ~. ] were: Seni,ors: Don Sleeper mssem-iJ'D~C|~)~.~ "Tb~ ~0t} ~'~9 I • bliss; Betty Vanhoy, girls sporhs;[~$~0~) ~1)~.~ ~ {~J~-Tx~ Ruth Schuster, pep club; Vincent'~ ~..~.hi|blG-/~TI4Ot4~_.~..~ Hall, camera club; Eileen Mellon, ! .......... ~.~~ J publications. Juniors: Marcella, Mil-! ~' ton, girls clubs; Betty Wonder, art ! / ~,-~ club; Bud Dradstreet, boys sports;i _%~2"9] C.het Baggarley, boys spo.rts. Sopho- ~L~ mores: Allene Spalding, cheer lead-! (~q~ ors; Bob Groves, boys clubs. Faculty i ~l members attending were Miss Her- man and Mr. Millam. They left early in the morning and returned home in the evening after a well spent day. The annual senior play is sched- uled for Friday, December 13. It is going to be very good s~). remember the date and everybody come! The drill team, under the instruc- tion of "Miss Ryan, drilled Friday night at the Goldendale-Granger i game. The members of the drill team are: Carmine Athow, Louise Biggs, Viola Culver, Betty Durant, Do.rothy Hector, Helen Jeffrey, Helen Kelly, Frances Lawson, Eileen Mal- l~on. Marcella Milton, Ruth Schu,ster, Betty Vanhoy, Ida Vincent, Helen Wedgwood, Irene Wedgwood, Odelsa Wright. An Ideal Christmas Gift for the Student ..... A ROYAL Portable Typewpiter. See them at Thee Sen- tinel office• May be purchased on small monthly paymetns, tf Sell it through the Want Ads. Economy as you like it O. K. Recaps $4.50up @OLO NOALE- You Cannot Afford To Take Chances ON OR WITH ..... Unqualified Wiring Contractors o IT WILL SAVE YOU MONEY TO.... 0 For That Wiring Job See Joe Linden and Jhon Thalheimer LOCAL WIRING CONTRACTORS All jobs guaranteed to meet state requirements in every de- Vail. Expert, fast, economical workmanship ROMA WINE COMPANY, INC., FRESNO, CALl FORN IA