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The Goldendale Sentinel
Goldendale , Washington
December 16, 2004     The Goldendale Sentinel
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December 16, 2004
Newspaper Archive of The Goldendale Sentinel produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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SUBJECT TO LICENSE AGREEMENT. REPRODUCTION, DISSEMINATION, STORAGE, DISTRIBUTION PROHIBITED. 16, 2004 PAGE 9 Klickitat County Attorney's office the following sen- recently handed down in Nov. 15, Donald Scott 22, of Goldendale, guilty to residential was sentenced to 60 confinement (3o days con- to work crew) plus 12 community custody ordered to pay $1,181 and costs. defendants were sen- 29: Christopher 24, of Goldendale, guilty to tampering received (335 suspended, the converted to 216 hours crew) plus 12 months misdemeanor probation, $1,O42 plus resti- ~tobec lanles Bo~e, 28, guatyto of a controlled sub- (methamphetamine), custody, and must undergo evaluation and treat- ment for drag abuse and pay $3,660 in fines and costs. Andrew Edwin Ellis, 45, of Lyle, pleaded guilty to third- degree assault (domestic vio- lence), received 12 months com- munity custody, and must undergo evaluation and treat- ment for domestic violence, attend a victim impact panel, forfeit firearms to the Sheriffs office and pay $1,o6o. Daniel Ray Smith, 36, of White Salmon, pleaded guilty to first-degree child molesta- tion and second-degree child rape and will be incarcerated from 89 months to life on Count I and from 131 months to life on Count II, with com- munity custody for the remainder of any sentence. Smith may have no contact with any person under 18 without adult supervision, and must register as a sex offender and pay $2,111 in fines, costs and restitution. Three defendants were sen- tenced on Dec. 6: Preston Shawn MdCmney, 18, of Goldendale, pleaded guilty to delivery of a con- trolled substance (marijua- na), received three months plus 12 months community custody, and was ordered to undergo substance abuse evaluation and treatment and pay $2,360. Donald Allen Ross, 20, of Goldendale, pleaded guilty to three counts of second-degree burglary, received 12 months for each count, to be served con- currently, and must pay $z,295 including restitution to one vie- tim, with additional restitution to be determined later for two victims. Dermic Earl Harris, 50, no hometown given ("transient"), pleaded guilty to second-degree attempted assault (domestic violence), received 68 days plus m months community custody, and must forfeit firearms and pay $897 plus restitution. Information regarding Superior Court convictions may also be found at www.klickitat- and in the office of the Clerk of Court. Lr stolen from Centerville church parking lot Nov. 21 at about 12:3o p.m., a Klickitat Sheriffs deputy responded to the report from a church parking lot in to the Sheriffs office, Brian Hill with the keys inside, was missing. the deputy was taking that report, man, Herman Schultz, approached and that his wallet and cell phone had also been stolen out of his own vehicle, which had also been left unlocked, the Sheriffs office said. Investigators believe that the same suspect or suspects are likely to be responsible for both inci- dents. Information about the missing vehide has been entered into statewide and national stolen- vehicle computer tracing systems, but the Grand Prix has not yet been located and the case is still active, the Sheriff's office said. Salmon recovery plan Responses varied widely to the Nov. 30 "final revised" ruling from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's (NOAA's) marine fisheries service concern- ing salmon and dams on the Columbia River. A 6n-day public comment period runs from the date of the decision. The proposed redefinition of "critical" habitat for endangered salmon species in' inland western waters would ease restric- tions on commercial development, and would consider dams to be "immutable parts of the landscape," exempt from endangered species rules. NOAA Fisheries withdrew a prior critical habitat rule in 2002 in response to legal con- cerns that the rule did not adequately con- sider economic impacts, according to the agency's announcement. Interested groups disagreed over which impacts should be evaluated. The Bonneville Power Administration (BPA), which operates lower-Columbia dams, said that "the new document goes beyond the legal requirements directed by a federal court last year to protect salmon and steelhead under the Endangered Species Act." parks debate Columbia River treaty fishing tribes denounced the ruling, saying it "forsakes salmon-recovery goals while granting gener- ous deference to the federal Columbia River power system." Olney Patt Jr., executive director of the Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission, which represents the Nez Perce, Warm Springs, Yakama and Umatilla tribes, called the plan "a step backward." Meanwhile, the Building Industry Association of Washington (BIAW), in a Dec. 1 news release headed "Feds impose more land use restrictions to protect thriv- ing salmon populations," said that "the deci- sion adds another unnecessary layer of reg- ulation to 'protect' salmon that are abundant throughout the Pacific Northwest." BIAW favors further easing of shoreline and other regulations designed to protect fish habitat. Even the New York Times weighed in. In a Dec. 6 editorial, the national paper said, "The Bush administration has dropped any pretense of providing serious long-term pro- tection for endangered salmon species in the Pacific Northwest... The underlying message here is that commercial interests come first, salmon second, even if history suggests that the two can comfortably coexist." -- Sam Lowry Wishram man killed last Thursday on SR 14 At approximately 6:40 p.m. on Thursday, Dec. 9, units from the Washington State Patrol, Klickitat County Sheriff's Office, Klickitat Valley Hospital ambulance and Roosevelt and Alderdale fire/rescue services respond- ed to reports of a fatal colli- sion at milepost 145 on SR 14, near Roosevelt. Investigators determined that Patrick Tracy, 5o, of Wishram, westbound in a z997 Dodge Intrepid, while negotiating a right-hand curve crossed the centerline and collided with an east- bound 2002 Freightliner semi truck driven by Jim Holdiman, 45, of Kennewick, towing two box trailers. Tracy was ejected from his vehicle and pronounced dead at the scene from injuries received in the collision. Traey's passenger, Brandon Tracy, 24, also of Wishram, had to be extricated from the vehicle. Suffering a broken left leg, broken right ankle, closed head injury and bro- ken neck, he was airlifted to by the Kadlec Hospital in Richland. Patrol. Patrick Tracy and Brandon Tracy were not wearing seat- belts at the time of the colli- sion. Mr. Holdiman, who was not injured, was wearing a seatbelt. The impact caused about 250 gallons of diesel fuel to spill onto the highway from the semi's fuel tanks. Both lanes of SR 14 were blocked for several hours. The cause of the collision remains under investigation Washington State OF TRUSTEE'S SALE 04-16-3051- ~T TO THE CODE OF CHAP- SEQ. IS HEREBY that the under- Trustee, Inc. Of will on the at 10:00 AM entrance to Courthouse #206, WA, will sell auction to the best bidder, of sale descnbed situated in of Klickitat, to- SOUTH HALF NORTHEAST OF THE QUAR- SECTIONS 30, 4 NORTH i16, EAST, WM, ROAD THE INE THEREOF, LOT 2 PLAT 80-23 UNDER NO. 177120. 'known as; 111 Goidendale, to that of Trust record- under File No. Book page, of Klickitat from a ~n as his sole as to Klickitat as Trustee, in E-Loan of Inc, as 1, the beneficial assigned by Inc to N.A. as No action is to seek sat- obligation by reason of default on secured by heed of Ill. The which this i8 made is/ara to pay following are now in Charge From 0 Rate 8,38 $410.50 Note Dated: 2/2612002 Note Amount: $108,000.00 Late Charge Amount: 41.05 Note Maturity Date: 3/1/2032 Interest Paid To: 111112003 Next Due Date: 12/1/2003. Payment Information: From 12/1/2003 Thru 9/24/04 No Pint: 10 Rate: 8.38 Interest: $8,028.92 Amount: $820.88 Total: $8,208.80. IV. The sum owing on the obligation secured by the Deed of Trust is: The principal sum of $ 106,564.28, together with interest as provided in the Note from the 12/1/2003, and such other costs and fees as are provided by statute. V. The above described real property will be sold to satisfy the expense of sale and the obligation secured by said Deed of Trust as provided by statute. Said sale will be make without warranty, expressed or implied, regarding title, posses- sion, encumbrances on 12/27/2004. The defaults referred to in Paragraph III must be cured by 12/16/2004, ( 11 days before the sale date) to cause a discontinuance of the sale. The sale will be discontinued and termi- nated if at any rime before 12/1612004 (11 days before the sale) the default as set forth in Paragraph III is cured and the Trustee's fees and costs are paid. The sale may be terminated by the Grantor any rime after the 1211612004 (11 days before the sale date) and before the sale, by the Grantor or his successor- in-interest by paying the principal and interest, plus cost, fees and advances, if any, made pursuant to the terms of the obligation and/or Deed of Trust. VI. Awrittan Notice of Default was transmitted by the Beneficiary or Trustee to the Grantors successor- in-interest at the following eddress(es): Name: Veto K Kuhnhausen, a married man as his sole and sep- arate property Address 111 Crafton Rd Goldendale, Wa 98620 by both first class and car- rifled mail on 2/2612004, proof of which is in the possession of the Trustee: and the Grantor or the Grantors succas- sor-in-interest was per- sonally served on 2/26104 , if applicable, with said written Notice of Default or the written Notice of Default was posted in a conspicuous place on the real property described in Paragraph I above, and the Trustee has posses- sion of proof of such ser- vice or posting. VII. The Trustee whose name and address are set forth below will provide in writ- ing to anyone requesting it, a statement of all costs and fees due at an~' rime prior to the sale. VIII. The effect of the sale will be to deprive the Grantor and all those who hold by, through or under the Grantor of all their interest in the above described property. IX. Anyone having any objections to this sale on any grounds whatsoever will be afford- ed an opportunity to be heard as to those objec- tions if they bnng a law- suit to restrain the sale pursuant to RCW 61.24.130. Failure to bring such a lawsuit may result in a waiver of any proper grounds for invali- dation the Trustee's sale. NOTICE TO OCCU- PANTS OR TENANTS: The purchaser at the trustee's is entitled to pos- session of the property on the 20TH day following the sale, as against the grantor under the deed of trust (the owner) and any- one having an interest junior to the deed of trust, including occupants and tenants. After the 20TH day following the sale the purchaser has the right to evict occupants and ten- ants by summary pro- ceedings under the unlawful detainer act, chapter 59.12 RCW. THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PUR- POSE. Dated: September 21,2004 Mary McPheeters, Vice President Specialized, Inc. of Washington c/o Mark Hodges & Associates, P.S. 2375 130th Avenue NE Suite t02 Bellevue, WA. 98005 (800.688.8430) Sales Lines (805) 684.6760 (805) 684.1424 04P- 16657WA, 11/25, t2/16/2004. (4807, 5101) PROBATE NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR THE COUNTY OF KLICKITAT In the Matter of the Estate of PROBATE NO.04-4- 0037-7 THOMAS A. SEIFERT This week in Public Notices: • Notice of Trustee's Sale re: Roberts, Jerry/Collyn --- NW Trustee Services Public Hearing Notice re: Matsen Quarry -- KlickitatI County Planning Dept. [ • Request for Proposals re: 2005 Computer Hardware I Deceased. The Personal Representative named below has been appoint- ed and has qualified as Personal Representative of this estate. Any person having a claim against the decedent that arose before the decedent's death must, before the time the claim would be barred by any otherwise applicable statute of limi- tations, present the claim in the manner as provided in RCW 11.40.070 by serving on or mailing to the Personal Representative or the attorneys of record at the hour of 1:30 p.m., for Revenue for the adminis- establishing a supple- trarion and collection of mental budget to the 2004 the tax. budget of election Reserve fund in the At said hearing any inter- amount of $3,827. ested individual may At said hearing any inter- appear and be heard for ested taxpayer may or against said proposed appear and be heard to amendment. Complete speak for or against the copies of the proposed proposed appropriations, ordinance may be Board of County obtained through the Commissioners Commissioner's Office Klickitat County, located at 205 S. Washington Columbus, Room 103, Joan Frey, chairperson Goldendale, WA or by (5005, 5103) calling (509) 773-4612. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given address stated below a that the Board of Klickitat copy of the claim and fil- County Commissioners ing the original of the will hold a public heanng claim with the clerk of this at 1:30 PM on Tuesday, court. The claim must be December 21, 2004 in the presented within the later Commissioner's Meeting of: (a) Thirty days after Room, 205 S. Columbus, the Personal Room 101, Goidendale, Representative served or WA 98620 to consider mailed the notice to the amendment to Klickitat creditor as provided under County Code Title 3 RCW 11.40.020(3); or (b) "Revenue and Finance" Four months after the by adding a new Chapter date of first publication of 3.14 to be titled "Forest this notice. If the claim is Excise Taxation". not presented within this time frame, the claim will WHEREAS, the state leg- be forever barred, except islature in 1984 autho- as otherwise provided in rized counties to impose a RCW 11.40.051 and four-percent timber excise RCW 11.40.060. Thisbar tax on timber harvested is effective as to claims against both the probate assets and nonprobate assets of the decedent. Date of First Publication: December 2, 2004 Personal Representative: JUDITH L. SEIFERT Personal Representative's Attorney: RANDALL E. FERGUSON Address for Mailing or Service: FERGUSON & SCHOENFELD, PLLC 805 Broadway, Suite 735 Vancouver, WA 98660 (360) 693-0949 (4908, 5004, 5102) on private lands but not from timber harvested on public lands (Chapter 104, Laws of 1984); and WHEREAS, the state leg- islature in 2004 extended the authorization for coun- ties to impose a timber By Order of the Board of County Commissioners KlickitatCounty, Washington Dated this 30th day of November, 2004. Joan Frey, Chairman (5006, 5104) CALL FOR BIDS One 1986 4WD Chevy Pick.up is declared as a surplus item by the Lyle School District Board of Directors. Sealed bids will be accepted at the Lyte District Office, 625 Keasey Ave., Lyle, WA 98635, until 8:00 a.m., Tuesday, Dec. 21, 2004. Bids will be opened during the Board Meeting, Dec. 21 at 7:00 p.m. Lyle School District reserves the right to reject any and all bids, and/or to accept that bid which bests serves the interest of the district. (5010, 5105) NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE excise tax to include tim- File No. ber harvested from public 7763.20406/Roberts, lands (Chapter 177, Laws Jerry and Collyn of 2004), with the tax rate Grantors: Northwest phased in over ten years, Trustee Services, Inc. and with an effective date of January 1, 2005; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners deems it in the best inter- Public Hearing Notice est of the citizens of Notice is hereby given Klickitat County to consid- that a public hearing will be held on December 21, 2004 in the chambers of the Board of County proceeds can be deposit- Commissioners of ed, and contract with the Klickitat County, at the State Department of Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. soleley as nominee for Washington Mutual Bank, FA Grantee: Roberts, Jerry and Collyn Pursuant to the Revised er imposing the timber Code of Washington excise tax, establish an 61.24, et seq, account into which the I. On January 14, 2005, at 10:00 a.m. inside the main lobby of, the Klickitat County Courthouse, 205 South Columbus Ave., in the City of Goidendale, State of Washington, the undersigned Trustee (subject to any conditions imposed by the trustee to protect lender and bor- rower) will sell at public auction to the highest and best bidder, payable at time of sale, the following described real property, situated in the County(les) of Ktickitat, State of Washington: Tax Parcel ID No.: 04-16- 2056-0201100 Lots 1 and 2, block 2, Original Town of Gotdendale, as recorded in Volume B of Deeds, Page 202 and according to resurvey recorded in Volume E of Deeds, Page 628-640; and, a Tract of land adjoining said Lot 1 on the East, described as follows: Beginning at the Southeast comer of said Lot 1; thence North along the East line of said Lot 1 a distance of 100 feet; thence East 34.53 inches; thence South a distance of 100 feet; thence West 74 inches to the Point of Beginning. Commonly known: 107 Northwest 2nd Street, Goldendale, WA 98620 Which is subject to that certain Deed of Trust dated 09-09-02, recorded on 09/13/02, under Auditor's File No. 1032262, records of Klickitat County, Washington, from Jerry Roberts and Cotlyn Roberts, husband and wife, as Grantor, to Ktickitat County Title Company, as Trustee, to secure an obligation in favor of Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. soteley as nominee for Mann Financial Inc. dlblal Westcorp Mortgage, as Beneficiary. II. No action commenced by the Beneficiary of the Deed of Trust is now pending to seek satisfac- tion of the obligation in any Court by reason of the Grantor's or Borrowers default on the obligation secured by the Deed of Trust. Ill. The Beneficiary alleges default of the Deed of Trust for failure to pay the following amounts now in arrears and/or other defaults: Amount due to reinstate by 10111104 Monthly Payments $4,899.40 Late Charges $265.30 Advances $0.00 Other Arrears $49.00 Total Arrearage $5,213.70 Trustee's Expenses (Itemization) Trustee's Fee $675 Attorneys' Fees $0.00 Title Report $564.38 Process Service $95 Statutory Mailings $30 Recording Fees $60 Publication $0.00 Other $0.00 Total Costs $1,424.38 Total Amount Due: $6.638.08 Other potential defaults do not involve payment to the Beneficiary. If applica- ble, each of these defaults must also be cured. Listed below are categories of common defaults which do not involve payment of money to the Beneficiary. Opposite each such listed default is a brief descrip- tion of the actioNdocu- mentation necessary to cure the default. The list does not exhaust all pos- sible other defaults; any defaults identified by Beneficary or Trustee that are not listed below must also be cured. Other Default Action Necessary to Cure Nonpayment of Taxes/Assessments Deliver to Trustee written proof that all taxes and assessments against the property are paid current Default under any senior lien Deliver to Trustee written proof that all senior liens are paid current and that no other defaults exist Failure to insure properb! against hazard Deliver to Trustee written proof that the property is insured against hazard as required by the Deed of Trust Waste Cease and desist from committing waste, repair all damage to property and maintain property as required in Deed of Trust Unauthorized sale of property (Due on Sale) Revert title to permitted vestee IV. The sum owing on the obligation secured by the Deed of Trust is: Principal Balance of $119,256.34, together with interest as provided in the note or other instrument secured from 05/01/04, and such other costs and fees as are due under the Note or other instrument secured, and as are provided by statute. V. The above-described real property will be sold to satisfy the expense of sale and the obligation secured by the Deed of Trust as provided by statute. The sale will be made without warranty, express or implied regard- ing title, possession, or any encumbrances on January 14, 2005. The default(s) referred to in paragraph III, together with any subsequent pay- ments, late charges, advances, costs and fees thereafter due, must be cured by 01/03/05 (11 days before the sale date), to cause a discon- rinuance of the sale. The sale wilt be discontinued and terminated if at any rime before the close of the Trustee's business on 01/03/05 (11 days before the sale date), the default(s) as set forth ,in paragraph III, together with any subsequent pay- ments, late charges,. advances, costs and fees thereafter due, is/are cured and the Trustee's fees and costs are paid. The sale may be terminat- ed any time after 01103/05 (11 days before the sale date), and before the sale by the Borrower, Grantor, any Guarantor or the holder of any recorded junior lien or encum- brance paying the entire balance of pnncipal and interest secured by the Deed of Trust, plus costs, fees, and advances, if any made pursuant to the terms of the obligation and/or Deed of Trust. VI. A written notice of default was transmitted by the Boneflciary or Trustee to the Borrower and Grantor at the following address(es): Name and Address Jerry Roberts 107 Northwest 2nd Street Goldendale, WA 908620 Jerry Roberts P.O. Box 618 Goidendale, WA 986,20 Collyn Roberts 107 Northwest 2rid Street Goldendale, WA 98620 Collyn Roberts P.O. Box 618 Goidendale, WA 98620 By beth first class and either certified mail, retum receipt requested, or reg- istered mait on 09/17/04, proof of which is in the See PUBLIC NOTICES. page 10