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Newspaper Archive of
The Goldendale Sentinel
Goldendale , Washington
December 19, 1940     The Goldendale Sentinel
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December 19, 1940
Newspaper Archive of The Goldendale Sentinel produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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94O The Largest Paid Circulation In Klickitat County Of Any Paper 011 Earth HED 1879 Goldendale, Washington, Thursday, December 19, 1940 Vol. 62. No. 51. D@ CHRISTMAS SHIP COMING HERE! American Legion Assisting In Sponsorship Of Annual Pro- gram Here Thursday Evening Santa Claus will pay an early to thi~: community Thursday when he stops in at the school auditorium to hand out of candy and nuts to all the in attendance at Golden- annual Community Christmas ~vill appear Immediately !lowing an hour long Christmas ram to be presented by students the Goldendale school~. As in past the Community Christmas is jointly by the American 'ion and the Goldendale sch,ool Primary Cast A cast of 40 students from the school wilder the direction Miss Louise Porter will present a "The Christmas Chime." The depicts a street scene with the children grouped about a beauti- cathedral. Other instrucb0,rs, in primary school are assisting Porter with the directing. rThe second half of the Christmas ograra will be presented by a cast up of students from the upper and his school. The pageant Holy Night" i~ under the direr- .of IMrs. Evelyn Clymer. 'l~he will be presented in panto- They're on their way--Santa Claus and Joey the Clown with the an- nual 8hell Christmas Show, trav- elling in the good ship Lollypop and bringing presents for all good boys and girls, Pictures show the Lollypop en route here and Joey trying to Imitate one of the mysti- fying magic tricks that will be performed by the ship's Captain. All performances are free---every- body is invited to attend. The good ship lollypop, ,bringing a cargo of treasurer and a group of distinguished passengers, will dock in Goldendale Saturday, December 21. Santa ,Claus heads the .passenger list. With him axe Joey the Clown, favor- ite of all children, and the Lollypop's Captain w,ho has collected new tricks of m~gic from all parts of the world to show his friends here. ,Sailing through ,the city streets with: pennants flying and music Funeral Civil Aeronautics Authority Will Spend $100,000 On Base In This County The Civil Aeronautics Auth,orlty last week allocated $100,000 for the improvement of a cla~ three airport at Dallesp0rt.Work will be started on this project as soon as a site is t acquired by the city of The Dalles. The government plans call for tbe t construction of an ea,~t-west cement runway 4100 feet long and 150 feet wide. The classification of The Dallee airI~ort is next ,to the highest given by the Civil Aeronautics auth- ority. Specifications are such that the feld could ,be inerea,~ed in classi- fication at any time. Because n~) suitable sites for an airfield are available on the Oregon side of the river the ci,ty of The Dalles is now negotiating t~o. acquire a site at Dalle3port. The pending improvement at Dallesl~ort will be from the $40,000,000 sum [ made made available ,by the governmentI for air field developments. [ I Special Bond [ At the present time the city of,t COLD SNAP ENDS IN SIVLER THAW; ROADS DANGEROUS ~Still shivering from a week of the coldest weather record- ed here in two years, Klickitat Valley residents Wednesday morning skidded to work on the slippery path of the winter's first silver thaw. ~Streets and highways through- ,out the district were dangerous- ly slick Tuesday night and Wed- nesday morning. Motorists trav- eling between Cape Horn in ~Skamania county and Yakima were advised to have chains. One way traffic was required around Cupe Horn. Yew wrecks were reported in this district however despite the icy reads. One truck skidded off the M~ryhill loops Tuesday night but no .one was injured, Sheriff C. R. House said. With the silver thaw this week came a moderation of tempera- tures which last S~turday drop- ped to a new two yeast low of eight degrees above zero, Edward Abeling, government weather ,observer for ~oldendale said. The cold weather of last week was ac~omoanied by a biting e~st wind. A slight fall of snow (Monday morning followed the moderation of temperatures. Merry Christma~ The Dalles is engaged in making at- I C" rangements for a ,,pecial bond elec-= vomrn....oners ti,on to raise funds for tbe purchase Tell Architect :of t;he Washington site. Several I Commissioners From Benton, Skamania, Yakima, Franklin, Kliek- itat, Hood River, Wasco Counties Meet In Goldendale To Talk Over Plan With Eastern Promoters In the face of indirect warnings from Bonneville administration spokesmen, pu,blic utility district commissioner~ from Klickttat, Yakima, Benton, Skamania and ~l~ranklin counties in Washington and Hood River ,.~nd Wasco counties in Oregon this week took under consideration a pro- posal to ,~cquire Pacific Power & Light company interests through private negotiation and financing. The l~rtvate financing proposition was tendered here Tuesday at a meeting c~l'led by the Columbia Valley Public Power Cort~oration which has an interlocking directorate of P.U.D. commissioners from Benton, Klickitat and Skamania counties. Dooley Resigns Goldendale Grange Master Earl Dooley, for the past year master of Goldendale Grange num- ber 49, resigned last Saturday. Dooley in announcing his resigna- .tion said he plans to locate out of this district and would be una,bls to continue t.o serve the local Grange as an o'ff'icer. Chester Hill, of Spring Creek, was elected to fill Dooley's unexpired term. Since Dootey wa~ re-elected master last month Hill ~¢ill serve throug,hout the coming year. Hill is a former master .~f the Goldendale Main figure at the meeting wa~ Francis Le~Sourd, ~eattle attorney, who drew up the ~ontract presented by R. V. Douglas in behalf of John Nuveen & Co•, Chicago municipal brokerage firm. I~Sourd, who assist- ed in the formation of the Columbia Valley Public Power Corp., c~lled the meeting in order to present the pro- position to all comml~,ioners in P. P• & L. territory. Harry Card, Skamania county commissioner and president of the C. V. P. P. Corp., presided over the session. Raver Sends Wire Preceding the discussion a tele- gram from Dr. Paul J. Rover, Bonne- ville administr~tor, was read by Card stating: ".. with R. F. C.'s commit- ment Bonneville is ready and aole to years ago The Dalles wa,s able to ] To Reduce Cost Grange and fern number of years begin at once to negotiate for taking secure the passage of a law through i served as di=~trict deputy from Klick- over the entire P. P. & L. property." the O~egon legislature permitting a t Klickltat ccmnty commissioners itat county. Raver expressed regret at missing the municipality in one state to pur-last week rejected tentative plans Mrs. Dooley also resigned as meeting. Bonneville was represented chase land in another ~tate. At that calling for a $169,000 courthouseCeres. Mrs. John Willi,~ was elected ,by his executive assistant L. Mar- Glee Club To Sin playing, the Lollypop 'will drop ....... time The Dalles had airport de- building presented by Day W. Hil-to fill out the unexpired term and i lett and by William Trommershauser. "~ ancho~ and the annual Shell Christ The high school club under " - Held aturday For velopments in the Dallesport vicin- born, Vancouver architect. ,Hil, born Mrs. Charles S. McDowell was elect- Introduced to the group by I~- .e direction of Miss Martha Her- mas Sh.ow, which :has become a I ~ I, ~ ~ ~*aa ity in mind. had been instructed by the commie- ed reporter for the comlng year.[~ourd were James I. Metcalfe, who is e comm ear associated with R W Beck in an an will sing during the pageant, holiday institution throughout theMrs. lYlarv l¥1111er In a recent conference wt;h city sioners to prepare preliminary es.ti- The officers for th " g y . • • ~e i ~1 in Pat West will ,be given on the ships " c al soloists, w" 1 clude: . -- and Chamber o.f Commerce officials rotes and plans for a new courthouse were installed by a special groupengineering negotiating capacity and ickham Mabel Hamilton Dewe deck for the entertainment of local • r , , y ' Funeral services for Mrs. Mary in The Dalles Paul Morris, CAA of- sh,0rtty after the building project including Hattie Dlngmon, of Wood- Douglas, representege of the broker- tlvin,Bob Groves and Charles children. Miller, 74, Klicki,tat county pioneer ricer, said the Dallesport field would was approved on the November gen-bins ~]range, Eleanor Dooley, Alma age firm. Beck is at present consult- alth. ,'i'~l"The Shell Christma~ Shrew has wl~ died at St. Elizabeth's hospital ~e built on a unit basis. The Army eral election ballot. Hamilton and Cassell Campbell ant engineer for the Kliekltat P. U. Do llowing the school program an l been touring th;e West for ten years, in Yakima last Wednesday were and Navy will collaborate with the Hi]~born has been in~:tructed that -- Merry Christmas ~=" ..... D. and recently completed a survey mertcan Legion ,Santa Claus will ~spreading holiday spirit and bring- held from the P~hillips chapel Sat-,Civil Aeronautics Authority in the ~ke over as master of ceremonies l ing gifts to the youngsters," Archle urday afternoon. Mrs. Miller came'i construct,on at Dallesport. housethe maximUmconstructioneXpenditureis $135,000,f°r court-El_ rlami~orls • • .11t ~1~1••r'1111 areln thiSformerCOUnty.BonnevilleBOth he en~loyes.and MetcaLfe nd hand out bags of candy and E• Averlll, Shell'slocalselling tto this county as a girl of 16 and Want More Money mer I~ambolz, second district co,m- #'~ r~. . Ask Six Month Period uts to all the children of school iagent said. [lived in this community until 1921 It is reported that efforts are now missioner ~ai.d. Kamholz said he be- upon firestone The proposition presented to the and pro-school age. These gift pack-j "The 1940 show is the best wei when she and her family moved to under way in the national capitol ' .qtnr Th,war]av commissioners by the private financ- lieved H~lborn would present hl~ re- ~, ..... .,,A,,.~ ..-..-.j .... es will be s,tacked under a 20 foot have ever h~d. The ~how is travel- ) Benton City. lug interests was a tentatzve contract [ ~ristmas tree in the front of the ) ing in a land-riding yach.t, painted I A't the time of her death she and fvelopmentt° to ~ecUreat$200,000Dallesp, ort.more Senatorf°r de- viseddate, plans to the board at an early ~ ., ~ . _ f wibh J. Nuveen & Co. to negotiate wi~n a completely new ~toc~ ,0. . .......... b gh school auditorium, l in gay colors and a sight long tO lher hu~tband, Joseph B• Miller, had Rufus I~olman and Representative Merry Ohrlstmas ...... 1 r edw~tn the e. F• & 1~. ~or a pUrChase The American Legion was assist- remember. At ,the conclu~i:on of the their residence at Benton City. Mrs. Walter M. Pierce, of Oregon, have F s ~uressone ~qu~pment an~_ en a gill price over a six-month's period. If by the Chamber of Commerce, magic demonstration, Santa Claus lMlller had ibeen ill f,0r the past four been active in be:half of the develop- , A Tram quarters riam~ton t~rotners w ............ .......... toeprice arrives at aia not suit the open tnelrrecentlycompletesAUtO ......... Liont~ club and the Fraternal will mysteri,ously appear and distrl-iyears and was taken to the Yakima merit. Available ~upp,y~ " store tltis• Thursuay."The-" commzssmners, ..... the contract ooula t)e of bugles in the purchase of buts a unique gift and a lollypophospital for treatm, ent two weeks Two sites are now being consider- ' termmateu at vnat time. /-i _ ~, _~ Firestone Supplv store will beoper- _ ...... " A three-pageuocument me con- candy, to every good (boy and girl. ago. ed for the airport. The one must ,ounty YOUthS ated in conjunction with the Hamil- . " fur'h ...... ' " "" Merry Ghristmas "Parents as well as children are Last February Mr. and Mns. (Mill- suitable wa,s said to be a tract v,f ...... tract t er st~puie~ted that aurmg ~on ~rotners Texaco service ..... ~ ...... , _. _, ~.=__ :Sam To Sub invited to attend the :Shell Christ- er observed their fifty-fourth wed- 640 acres close to the Columbia ......... , thiS perloa cue 1-'. u. ~.s m'u~ n,r~ mas ~how. Everything is free." ding anniversary. Besides the river and just Opl~osite The Dalles.., A repr~e.~a.~,ve :o~ the ~atlonal The supply room Is housed in a Beck and Metcalfe to make a ecru- Santa Claus ~ocal perf~.rmances .of the show widower the family includes fourLand specifications for the site ~outn ~,amm~stratmn, Sternng t,. new addition on the Texaco station ....... rye-" of th ........... sell " p~ ~u ., ' ~ ~-. r. ~ *a. proper- will be given at the ,~oldendale park- sons, Herman D., of Stevenson, selected must .be such that the field T.hros , w~ll visit Kllckitat county 1,~cated at Vhe corner of Cofirt and ty. The engineers would be paid by Says DraftiBoard ing lot on the corner of Gr~nt and ,arry S. and Harold A., of Benton can be expanded into the highest Friday, Dec. 20, to interview boys Columbus avenue. Hamiltons will )he con-ties who would 1-+o-~,,~-o -- Main shortly after noon. City, and Howard B., of P~0sser; type of government air base. interested in ga!ning trade e xperi- carry a complete line .of Firestone: ;aid bythe 'bonding firm In'case"~ the - Merry Christmas ence at one o~ tares resment pr,o-lAutoaccessories . tires ibatteries i ne_o,l_,i_ns fell throu~h Upwards of 34 Klick tat county ~Merry Christmas two brothers, George Duffield, of , ' ' ' ~ ~at u ~. ung men are anticipating Christ- Holiday Dances Portland, and Thomas Duffield, of 1,000 CANCELLATIONS JeCTbh :=ll,U:d::he~:Ye l~nthKiliffk?::~ radios, ;bicycles and bicycle equip-I ~Maximum cost to the districts of r meat and , ports goods e bondin com as cards from Uncle .Sam thhs Port Angeles; two sis~ters,Mrs. DROPS REGISTRATIONS 1 ~; • lull services of th g puny, ~ember ordering them into the Are Scheduled Anna W~arwick, and Mrs. Alice IN COUNTY TO 5,500 ::v teYw cs lal io :htet::ll:2ir~goul:e Loren and Walter Hamilton, pro-the contract stipulated, would be four : I prietors of the Texaco statt,on will ......... S. Army for a year ,of military ~s Adams, both of l~ortland; four ,_ ,,ol~ ........... ) ' ' ,percent ot the amount oorroweu. T, nlS rvlce. A ful2 schedule of holiday dance grandchildren, and a great grand- More than 1000 names were ~heLyl:thi;he s:h~):::t°la00p';2t]als° be in charge of the new store. I would incl~ude Interest on the bonds The exact number of men to be has been arran, god for Klickita, t Val- child, removed from Klickitat county's ......... ' ... : . ". "; I~ Merry Christmas -- I as well as the commission for ne- at W.nlte t~tlmon nlgn SChOOl ~t • " permanent registration rolls this 145 p m and "~1 w .... }Wlshral~ SC~U~'~ I gotiattng. The districts would be ken from this county and their ley people this week a.nd next. Satur- Mrs. Miller was a sister-in-law of : • ." u en oc