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December 19, 1940 The Goldendale Sentinel | |
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Page Eight
GLENWOOD HOPES FOR ant work of collect'ing all tin foil
VENEER, PLYWOOD MILL for the crippled.
Lallxa ~" PalTott Ed Ayers is said to have killed
...... - t9,000 grey diggers as food for a
Glenwo~od, Dec. 16 (Special) Five pen of fur-*bearing fitches. He has
men with two trucks and equipment also had unusually good luck trap-
began last week to dismantle ma-
chinery in the old Mt. Adams Pine
company to haul it to Portland for
saleon the open market. It is said
that J. Neils Lumber company in-
tend to (~perate a veneer and ply-
wood mill at this location. The pres-
ent mill has been idle for 10 years
ping coyotes which seem to be quite
thick in the neighborhood of the
Outlet. Parley Akerill even claims
to have been chmsed hy two of the
creatures Who resented his intrusion
into their domain,
Mr. and Mrs. Akerill received
word last week of the death in Top-
or more s~nce Truman Collins sold penish of Mrs. Carl Havener, former
to the J. Neils company and moo- Appleton resident, who died on Sat-
ed his lumber operations to Pondosa, urday of a 'brief heart attack.
Oregon. The installation of another P.U.D• engineer Lee, of Chehalis,
mill here will ibring an added pay- in Glenwood last week doing final
roll to this community, t staking, stated that the detail work
New doors, steps and entrance i and construction orders for the
flooring were installed last week in!Glenwo~>d section would go to the
the Glenwood sch,ool house by WPA contractor within the week. As soon
labor working on a re-opened socialJas these were received contraetor
security anu WPA school improve-i Johnson is expected to begin actual
meat project to complete $3,000 bf construction (~perations.
additional work at the school plant. ~ Ariel McCumber was called to
Thermometers dropped to 2 below iG,01dendale on Thursday to report
on Saturday and sub-zero weather for a physical examination by the
has continued, causing road workers county review board. McCumber is
to discontinue ;blasting operations I the first from Gienwood to receive
on the right of way clearing to the a call.
Outlet point. ----------- Merry Christmas
Mrs. George Radford left Friday BROTHER OF KLICKITAT
for California to visit over Christ- rl kN DIES OF BURNS
mas with her daughter Elizabeth
and family. Klickitat, Dec. 16--The sky is a
Andy Anderson has been taken sullen grey today and everyone
from the bospital in White Salmon ,peers up a~d remarks that ,if it
to the nursing home at Carson. Mr. warn~ up~ a little we will have
and Mrs..Henry Hansen, sr., drove snow. With all its disadvantages
to Carson Sunday. there is somet~hing exciting and joy-
A teachers c,0ttage is being built pus about waking up in the morn-
nn the school grounds at Laurel by ing :t,o find drab. bretons and faded
Albin Berglund. green,~ covered with a fluffy blanket
THE GOLDENDALE SENTINEL--31st Annual Christmas Edition
in Glenwood recently stated that he town Saturday with most of the
i ' " n
was still a~ble to run his stock on ltownspeople wmtinger shoppi g
,o.uts'ide range, and in this way felt tout of town. The Frank Greens, the
that he possessed a decided advan- ,Roy Greenfields, t,he Ray Wards and
tags over valley ranchers who have tVerner Modin families were all in
had to supply their stock with fulll~The Dalles Saturday.
feeding rations for s.ometime, sinceI Mrs. E. Heine, imps. G .Marsh and
the November storms. Mrs. Martin ~Millsap were 1 ucky
A very nice school program ~of winners at the Klickitat Supply
plays and songs is to ,be presented company's "Christmas Dra,wing'
Friday evening at the school. Every- held last week. Mrs. Heine, a new-
one is invited by students and teach- comer to Klickitat, received a beau-
ere to attend, tlful coach wall plaque, Mr .
Grange mem~bers enjoyed another Marsh won an attractive kitchen
of their all day meetings Saturday. stove set, and Mrs. Millsap drew a
Thursday, December 19.
house, one five room unfurnished
@ouse on east B. St. Mrs. Eva Rad-
cliff. Phone 864. 513---~
her mot'her and sister, Mrs. William room and h~gh sch:ool.
McCausland and Miss Rachel Mc- i , Friday night after Centerville
Cau~land. [gets back from the basketJball gameI
IM~rs. Marie ~raham is busy mak-fat Lyle, the yirls and boys will go i
ji caroling. I
ing and designing the art work for I Last Friday the grade school team
the operetta.
Vernon Beeks and some of the!and second team from Klickitat
boys of the Bible College, at Eugene, came here for basketball games. The BUY, SELL OR RENT THROUGH THE CLASSIFIED COLUMNS . .. QUICK RESULTS.
Oregon, will conduct the services at score in the grade school game was SMALL COST. All ads listed for this column must reach our office before Tuesday evening
the ohur h Sunday. There will be 21-9. Centerville's high school team lowing date of publication: RATES: Minimum charge of 25c per insertion; three insertions
a potluck dinner at noon. The corn- Lwas also" victorious with the score the price of two. 5c per line, count five words to the line. All ads cash, unless you have a
munity is cordially invited to bring!°f 35-19. charge account at this office. Turn those unused article into cash.., sell them with a
their baskets and help make this a "- --Merry Christmas
happy get-together day. APPLETON CHRISTMAS
gM iL • T~l i FOR SALE--One tenor banjo priced WE WANT--Hogs, hoof, lambs
Members and friends of the church [ PROGRAM IS DEC. 20 • ~ | 14 1 to sell fast, Ha~ppy Pickrell, in- veal, and feeder piga. Also h
• ~ ~ ~ IlJ IIJ quire Sentinel office 1,t-
at .their regular meeting last Wed- ~ } ! ._ ~ ..................... ~ We I~Y high~t ¢aah ma~r.ket pl
nesday evening, brough,t gadgets and'API~ETON-- (Special) --Victor!GARBA(?,E ROUTE ~FOR SALE---~ FOI'~ SAL~N--~FINE AS~'M)RTMENT Ootdendalo Meat Co. 5{
o~her utensils for lJhe new kitchen, [LeGall Hugh and Mary Jo LeGall Will furnish feed for 20 head of O1~ X,MAS GII~"TS---1 pair boys box- WANTED---Old or crippled horSeS
............... ~ " .... ......... nags uuring winter 30 head dur-i ins gJoves z pairs of electric clip- must be alive, 'I~oward F. ~rlcsO~,
wnlcn will De auuea to from time ~o .were in ~licgita~ ~unaay on nus~- ing summer. Write 'or see Win. J• ! pets 1 electric iron, 1 pair 6-foot phone 964 or write Underwood,
t~me.. ~ness" ~: ~C~'pl ey , route one. 513il saSkiS'x ~phone,1 gasoline~ine heater,assortmentl baritone•of oil Washin,gton• 54tf~i
Mrs. Mar~e Graham and Mr. and~ ,Mr. and Mrs. Raymond ~hurts ~f I~OR SAI~] Feeder ,,i~s In-uire of -aintin ........... WANTlY~D--Fat hose, cattle, and
• -~ ~" ~ •~ i p' g.s~. a~.welrman ~noe
Mrs. E. E. Basse were visitors in The K],ickitat, Mr. and Mrs. Stephen i *Elmer J. Erkkila, route 1, Cen,ter-Shop. lt-- sheep. Highest market pri~e~ I~ld
Dalles Saturday. Nagel Louis Nagel and Mrs. Wil- ville, lt--~ "for feeder pig& M. M. Hoet~.,
• ! ' ' r ~--i]POR SALE---Will sell the old Glen-
Seven Centervflle Greagers were ,ham Gregoryall of Appleton we e OA'I~ FOR SALE--J. M. Mulligan, wood "--"" ~" ........... phone 316Y5. April 1~
present at the Grange mixer given by i in The Dalles Saturday. I Cen~terville, W~sh. IPhone 314Xl. 3 i acres of"cl~eare~n l~nd? aUflee~te~ F EOU$
,the Pleasant Valley Grangers. Those Mr. and Mrs. William Gregory, ~~dor~. 90i p~lh~Si'ngAflrS~m h~le Gtinmbt~ ma~ldl ...........
who stayed at home regret their in- and Mrs. Lulu INagel were White 1~( R S. ~ __ ~: "- -'" -. for sale reason~bl- "-r" ......CARl} OF THANKS---We wish :to ~"
] . . iper cen~ rU~DDer, t~ea~er ann raa]oi ~ , .~. ~- ~p ~y~,~. xma
ability to attend. Salmon welters Wednesday evening,i and other extras. Inquire at T, he ~anson, t~Jenwoo~, waan. 493 press our thanks for the mal~
The bazaar held in the Grange hall i While there Mr Gregory attended Sentinel office 513 ~Oo----g-7~,~~; expressions of sym~)at:hy and kind;
; ' " I .......... ~)t~ a.~--A gooa ~alloon tlre~ ness and also for the many flo~
on the 13th wee well attended, local-ithe Schoolmaster's club meeting. ~executrlx. bicycle• Priced low to sell q,uick, offering in .the death of our wtf$
ly. The proceeds, were satisfac,tory. J HarrYli ieLyda Percy. Bales. anne Ii WIjtn~S~u g Th~h2ON'd SJupe~rio'STONE'cou t i ~~Inquire at The Sentinel office. 493 ~ndand family.m°ther'---J°hn R. tLobi~
A pleasant evening was had by all. ! u us Mar were in White Salmn and the seal of said Court affixedI ~ ~ l~ ~ ~. ~ ~ :-
Mrs. ~Harry Jackson is showing ~unday. this llth day of ~cember, 1940 I ~'~ ~ ] ~ ~ ~. I~ | KIA~AT KA~
E I~. Phone 102. Suits made t~
improvement since her hospitaliza- SCHOOL ~]'EW'S .R.,M. SPOt, County Clerk and, -- v 81 ~ ~ • • ~' order---Royal Tuiloru an~ O1"t ~_~
• ,uerK o[ me ~upemor ~ourt.
t~on at Blockhouse. The Appleton grade school en- ]C. W. R~MSEY, Attorney for estate, FOR SALVE OR P~NT----One 7-room City Woolen Mill ll~. Pal}
prices. West of Ford Garage, G ~l-
~Merrv~ Christmas ------------ [ / rolled one hundred percent in the G.oldendale, Wash. D12-J2td--t house and modern cebms~ ,. Phone en~a~e. I.~
. ~ 1605 or call at 307 E~st Court St.
f~|J~,--~[--|~ ~--I,A~l !Amemcan Red Cross. [ NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL [ L E I~ayman r,~: ......
%.~Jl~l~ll~/t~lq~ ~.~l~ll~lHJl Work was started Mondayonour PROPERTY ..... :.... a~o Goldendale, Waa
--'----'---- :Ch stmas program which will be --~ .... ?~... P TO relieve ['~][ r
r~ i~OR R~NT Furnished a artment
' emb 20 " " ~.o. F z~ I with priva, te oam near hig~h school
Christmas vacat'~on, Decer g~ven Friday, Dec. 20. tin the Superior Court of the State of Mrs. G. H. Roush. 5'13 Misery of ',
to January 2 holds plans for many' Names were drawn Wednesday'l Washington for Klicki.tat County. i ..... T~,~I~ ,
happy times for Goldendale students, for exchangingof Christmas pros- I In the matter of the ]omt estates of ~ l~()R l~NT One s~x room furnished
Dwight J. Nugent and Edl~ L•I
One of the highlights of the weekents. Nugent, b~th deceased.
"Rub-M3"-Tism" a
will be the annual Purple "G" ball We have been playing basketball tNOTI.C~E IS HE~I~E.BY GIVEN that
in pursuance of an order in the above
and banquet on December*27. The since the c~)ld weather has started, named Court in the above entitled FOR P, dENT--Two-room apartment, Try
Gravel has been placed on Laurel]of white. To children especially banquet is being held at the ParishOur school started selling Christ- matter, the undersigned will on Sat- Refinished. Garage. Sophia H~ley,
roads by local crews working out of ! there is a feeling of unreality and urday, the 4th day of January, 1941, 412 East B Street. Phone 1062• "~
Glenw,~od. l expectation as though something hall and the dance at the school mas seals on Thursday. at the hour of ten o'clock a. m. atCall evendngs. 493--
d41~:D~ptEa~h/ii~i!tii~fiiii~ees~!~i i~a~t~/~ii!/i~fimtcPis~!~.oi !!ii gymnasium. Committees for the Leo Tuttle, Ellen and Teddy the front doorof the County Court-]b~)~o~n~sh"~
'. • , . . '. • / ' function are: - Invitations: Calvin Struck, and Tommy Raymond have house of Klicki, tat County, Washing- apar,tment with electric range and
rl~ Linden, Don Sleeper, Jim Brooks; been out during the Week because ~on, in Goldendale, sell at public auc- oil burner, one parlor bedroom.--
tion for cash the hereinafter de- Mrs. H. O. Allyn, phone 1202
Dinner: Ch~t Baggarley, Don Sleepe~ of colds. ~cribed real property belonging to Goldeudale. 493
I .
!Jim Brooks; Speaker: Jack Hatch. the joint estates of the above named
decedents, subject to confirma~tion of I~OR RENT---Three room house,
home defense program adult classes The Yakima L.D.S. officials spent B~)~b Groves; Decorations: Charlie t)he above named Court, towit: partly furnished. Inquire at Joe
in home nursing and care of the l,Sunday in Klickitat. Smith, Art Schuster, John Wunder. ___._.__ The West I~f of the Southwest Allyn's Shop or phone
sick will be begun in Glenwood at l Vernon Elsner formerly of Klick-
the close of the holiday season. Mrs. itat, died at Emanuel hospital early On our return to school we will i SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION Quarter of Section 32, Township 4
North, Range 15 East of ,the Wii-
be welcoming and c,ongratulatJng -- lamette Meridian, Klickttat County,
Alfred ,Hildman, accredited Red i Sunday as a result of burns received ..... home econnmics teacher Mist In the Superior Court of the State of Washington.
Cross instructor from Camp Draper, ,when bedding caught fire while ..... . ' _ .': Washington for Kllckitat County. Dated this 5th day of December The Service Garage
Brondt by her new name iv]re lwal
.... - :~tate of Washington, Plaintiff,i 1940• - '
will conduct the class. Mrs. Hollo- he was sleeping at. ,his residence in cohn Jensen. Miss Brcndt's wedding : vs. AI-,BEtLT JUSSILA, Administrator.
........... E1 :E "L Monzingo T A Hildenbr~nt,
way appointed Mrs. E. L. Wenner Portland. He was a brother of Nor- will take place l)ecem~er zu, a~ - '"John Tamme~ VCal'ter Hunsaker McEWE~ & BROOKS, Attorneys for
and Mrs. R. I. Parrott as a commit.• man Eisner of Klickitat. lensburg in the Methodist church, iJohn Doe Slautzer and Richard Estate, Goldendale Washington.
Dec 12-26-3t---
tee from the W~)man's club to co- ,The parents of Rodney Blanchard time 4 p. m. Any student wishing to I Roe Woolf, doing business as
Alaska Junk Company, Defend- NOTICE TO CREDITORS
operate with other organizati~0ns in ~spent the weekend in KlicEitat vie- attend is very welcome. After theI ants.
putting the course across. A full at- iting with the Rodney Blanchards. wedding they will return to their iTHE STATE OF WASHINGTON No. P. 2164
tendance of all interested adults is It was the first chance they ~had had home at Goldendale. : to E. L. Monzingo, T. A. Hildenbrant, In the Superior Court of the State of
,John Tammen, Walter Hunsaker, Washington for Klickitat County.
solicited. I to see their little new grandchild, The fun and entertainment of theJohn Doe Slautzer and Richard Roe In tbe matter of the estate of Leroy
Vic LeGall, Liberty Bond rancherKlickitat ~vas practically a ghost ~enior play are over and the results Woolf, doing business as Alaska~ Glasco, Deceased.
a ........... i~fa^*or- A clear --refit Junk Company: .... I Notice is hereby given, that the un-
..... • .... You anu eacn o[ you are. nere?y dersigned has been appointed and
or ~40 was mane on tnis enterpmse, summoned to appear w]tnm sixty has oualifled as Administrator of the I I II I I I I
'this will probably be used for com-" (60,) days after the first publication estate of Leroy Olasco deceased and ~,
.... o~ tnls summons to-wit" within sixty that all persons h~ving'claims against FINISH LUMBER OF ALL SIZES ..... in Pine and Fir
mencement exergises Tne cast tnor-i(60) days from 'the 21st day of No i
• . .^ ........ - sad deceased are required to'serve
ou hly enjoyed entertainingforvemoer ~o, anu aetend ~ne spore the same on the Administrator at his
g .... - Exquisitely surfaced on our modern, high-speed planers
such an appreciative audience.~ntuitled:(~tiaO:swinrthe al~v%~e~titled residence, Bickleton, Wash., or upon
• . ~u~ ~,,,,~,1~,,,~ ,,~ ware & Ward the attorneys of rec 4
Santa with a gift for each student i the plaintiff and serve a copy of your lord for said estate at C~oldendale: DRAINBOARD STOCK '
' ember will come answer on the a~ttorneys for the plain- Wash. ani '
_nd every faculty m ~ . .............. t . d file w th the clerk of the
[tlH at tnelr aaeress ~OlOW spoclne{1,*~tbove nam
• ri a ft o n ' • ed Court together with
to G H S th~s F d y a ern o
..... [ and m case of your failure so to do, lnroof of s-ch servic,~ ~mhin ~-~
There will be a program under the i judgment will be rendered againsti~nonVhs .f,~", ~h~ ,~.~' ~"~" s:~'; J, NEILS LUMBER CO
,~i f th eni 1" he'you in accordance with the demands' bli ......................
supervi~ on O e s or c ass. T ~, ,~. ..... ,_,_, _,.,~_ ~.__ ~.^^.. ~,~.~ pu cation of this notice,or the
/ ..... ~mp,~,u~ wa,~u ua .......... same " Kliekitat - Washington
ew " will be forever barred. I
students dr names for thislast with th 1 rk urt
• _ . . .. ~ e c e ~ of the ~ . I~te of first publication, December ~*
Friday. Entertainmentwill becon-! J~e,t o~ t~nls a.ct~.on IS to se- 5th, 1940.
'cure a ~uogment against the atmve NOR
tributed by representatives from the inamed ~efendan~s ¢ ........ due and ' ~ !MAN GLASCO, Administrator of
u ~ ,v, ~u~,~.~ ~ne estate of Leroy Glasco, tleceas-
various classes, lowing tothe accident fund of the ed. '
After very patient waiting the ! State of Washington, and further, to
i foreclose a certain lien in favor of
students were rewarded. Their es-[the State of Washington against
says on tubercul0gis on which they certain personal property mentioned
land described in plaint!ff's lien no-
worked so hard were the reabon for tlces set out in pl~intiff s complaint,
the prizes. Last month every stu-iwhich judgment of foreclosure Is
dent in high school wrote a five-laskect pursuant to the provisions of
hundred or m~0re word essay on t:heISecti°n 7682, Remington's Revlseu
i Statutes of the State of Washington•
subject "How May I Help Control SMIT~H TROY, Attorney General;
Tuberculosis in My Commun'ity." BROWI)ER BROWN, Assistant At-
torney General, Attorneys for
Plaintiff, Temple of Justice, Olym-
pia, Washington. N21-D26-6t---
Mrs. Lowell Smith and Mrs. John
IMillam came up and awaroed ~he
prizes of two dollars and fifty cents
to Dorothy ff-Ibetor and one dollar
and fifty cents to Watlace Horni- No~ P. 2166
brook. When asked how they did it
they both said, "I just sat down and
wrote. I didn't expect to ~vin."
Monday night at the Goldendale-
Stevenson game the girls drill team has qualified as Executrix of the
esta.te of P. D. Presher, de-
gave a drill forming the letters G ceased, and that all persons hay-
Nelson Burgess and family were out
from Bingen to attend.
The young married woman's
group enjoyed a novel shower ~for
Mrs. Frank Ward at the Oumar
Ladiges home on their last meeting.
':Mr. and Mrs. Ward are no~v the
proud parents of a son born Wed-
nesday at the hospital in White Sal-
mon. The young fellow, Darrel Ed-
ward, is a great grandson of Mrs.
T. A. Leaton. Grandparents are Mr.
and Mrs. V. C. Bertschi and Mr. and
Mrs. S. S. Surface•
A card party Friday night held
as a benefit for the sehool li.brary
supplies resulted in Mrs Stafford and
O. L. Oonboy receiving h'igh scores
while low went to Mr. Stafford and
Mrs. Holloway. Mr. Stafford spent
Saturday in Goldendale on business
In the Superior Court of the State of
WaShington for Klickitat County.
In ~he matter of the estate of P. D. ,Wash., and file wi,th the clerk of ¢he
Fresher, Deceased. .~ l above named Court, together with
Notice is hereby given, that tne lproof of such service, within six
undersigned has been appointed and!months wfter the date of the first
publication of this notice, or the
Same will be forever barred.
I~te of ~lrst pu,bli~tion, Decem-
clever little ,Mexican maboh box.
Candy canes 'were given to the chil-
dren present. "Bhe last drawing will
be held Thursday, December 19,
8:00 p. m. You will n