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The Goldendale Sentinel
Goldendale , Washington
December 19, 1940     The Goldendale Sentinel
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December 19, 1940
Newspaper Archive of The Goldendale Sentinel produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page Ten THE GOLDENDALE SENTINEL--31st Annual Christmas Edition Thursday, December 19. 1940 ~~ ---- HIGH SCHOOL BAND ! P. U. D. Considers "i" ~ r~ =11__ , importance of normal home life for ;pendent as it is to see that their NOW BOASTS PAIR OF ~ a tO uepenaent .,i children was doubly emphasized. *need~ are adequately oared for and ~]~a~a~a DRUM MAJORETTESj Purchase Pr0-0sal Children Cost Is in 1909 tile movement for mother's that is the aim of the county wM- "~• ~a~ti!~e~le( ~ ~ g ....... aid legi~lati, on gained momentum at fare department in its work with I'~, ~!~~411, R.L. Fairless of Seattle, associat- It t~ok a couple of baton (From Firs, Pa,,, ~il,0Z5 In Countvi White House conference tha't children• • ........ :~ ~ ed with the Washington State] twirling, high stepping Golden- i ..... ------~- -'~ " ~ *'!year. The present program, as was Goldendale Grangers met in regu-Grange in their public power cam- dale high school girls to prove! He vacationed negotiations carried Klickitat county's Welfare depart- ~ true with former :Mother's aid legis- F.A. Foster, of The Dalles, chair° lar session Dec. 14 with a potluckpaign, 'was in Goldendale Tuesday! that colleges aren't the only out in this state for Grays I-Iarbor, lment spent $1,026 t'or the care ofil:ti°n' recognizes the right and the man of the Wasco county utlltty diner at noon. Our state lecturer,to present a proposal for 1)ower places that can have drum Clark and Mason counties, i79 dependent children during No-'i eed for every child in America to district board, was in Goldenda~le Brother Ira Shea, was wit,h us andutilization and development in the majorettes. I Bommvllle Issues Warning vember, according to Administrat- have protected guidance and normal Tuesday for the public power meet- gave a very interesting talk. Columbia Valley to the P.U.D. corn-! Monday night as part of the Bonneville's side of the picture was!tor E. E. Ames This has made it iinfluence of family life. ing. The resignation of our ~LVorthy missioners mssembled here. ! between half program at the presented at this time by Marlett, ! possible for children to remain with All applications for aid to depend- Harry Card and Chauncy Price, Master Earl Dooley and ,of Ceres,[ Leo Weisfield of the Washington Stevenson =b~kelball game the who reiterated Dr. Raver's statement! their mothers in their own home lent children are made through the P.U.D. commissioners fr, om Ska- Virginia Dooley were heard. Ches- state planning commission is spon-i two ~oldendale majorettes, I that the administration's services are!or t,o live with relative,s when the!Klickitat county welfare depart- mania county were in G~oldendale ter Hill was elected to fill the spring t'he plan, whch was received! Mlckey Carson and t atmcla available to the districts, wRhoutlfather is either deceased or out of ment which administers this pro- for the meeting Tuesday. vacancy a~ iMaster and Mrs. John with interest by a number of the Wickham led t.he girls' drill either direct or indirect cost to the ! the borne for another reason, gram along With all the other public L Mr. and Mrs. Orville Richardson Willis was elected Ceres. Mrs. C. S. commissionens. The plan would go team through complicated power users." Bonneville's interest, Accordinz to Ames 15 cases are assistance programs. Vistors who and two children, of Wenatchee, ar- McDowell was then elected reporter, into effect after purchase of the i maneuvers about the ~ym l he stated, is primarily to insure low receivin~ a~'d to'de,)ei~dent t~hildreu I ('all in the homes giving service to 1 rived in Goldendale t~his week to Mrs. Hattie Dingmon of ~roodbtneproperties of the Pacific Power & ! floor, rates to tt~e consumer and to prevent grants because the father ha~ diedIthe mother or relative in planning spend the Chrtstn~as holidays with Grange wi~h the aid of Eleanor Light Co., which, was being discuss-i The drill team and major- raising the. rates that would result]and the nmtber is~ needed in tbe~ for the children's physical, menta[ relatives. Dooley, Alma Hamilton and Cassel i ed at the meeting, et!es are. under the dn'ectmn of• !fronl .paying a high purchase priee ihome t,o care for the chihh'en. In !and socml needs, are all selected un-I A marriage hcense was issued bY Campbell installed our o'fftcers for --Merry Chmstmas-----------i Miss Edith Ann Ryan, of the Ion exmting power f~cillties or from seven cases the fatbm is nhvsi(alL der the merit system in operation the county auditor last Saturday to the coming year. i SON N/l--~]) ! high ~chool faculty. The G,01d-[lugh financing costs, l incapacitated and unable to earn a]u~ the state and must meet certain tK. Hzrata, 38, and T. Sh2ratshi, 25, Plans for a spring bazaar were Mr. and Mrs• Donald Coffield, of endale pep band played school Bonneville will negotiate only by! livin,~ for the famil,~ In 12 ca,'es standard requirements before they ]both of Parkdale, Oregon. announced. Each lady is asked to Vancouver, are the parents of a son,: music during the special be- dealing" directly with the P. U. D. !the ~ather has either deserted~'ol can be appointed .to work with faro- Mrs. Bernard Pollard, of White bring a bleached unhemmed flour Donald Frederick, born Dec. 6 at tween half program. ]commissioners he pointed out, and i the father and mother have been lilies" I Salmon, is reported as seriously ill ~ack~ to .our next meeting. ]Vancouver Sharing in the congratu- !. ........ Merry Christmas ------ [ cannot deal with any agency such as ~ divorced. The cotult) welfare" de- : Tlle state departmen.t of so_r_l" fin the Hood River h,ospttal She is Social night will be held Friday lations are the grandparents, Mr. Raplh Barber, White Sahnon at-tthe Columbia River Public Power lnartment continues to work with lsecuri!v through its children's diet-[suffering from peritonitis, resulting Dec. 27. Our Christmas program will'and Mrs. George Coffield, of Wi~,h- torney, was in Goldendale on bust- Corporation. Should t, he commission-it'-hese families oftm~ on a temporary I sion, i;];intains supervson over the an appendix that was ruptured bo given at this time• !ram. ness Monday. ]ers sign the contract presented, he basis, all the time trying t,o locate oounty welfare departments and the a week ago. ........... added Bonneville would have to ~ ~ ' • • • t ---- Merry ~hristm~ .'~, .................... ~.~~~~,~ah~.,~k~_4~/~_4~k~*~__~ ~ ~[ ' 'deserted parent,~, to reunite families work t lat they do for dependentI ~. ~ ,~.~.+_~.-~'~ ~ ~ . .~a~.4pi~.4~-aT~r4~,--~Ti~V,e~,,~i~.~ x: ~]wlthdraw from negotiations for the land to work toward giving children chldren. This supervision is nece~-] TROUT LAKE WINS .. ",. six montiFs period as two rivalI • , - • • ".~/ , an opportunlty to have a normal sar) ~n order to main,Lain uniform ~ ~negotiators would raisethe selling home environment Where both par-standards of operation between the t Trout Lake high school defeated ~. "~.~./price of tl~e P. P. & Z,. feats are dead children are placed in ~ounties Because of this supervi-iLyle by a score of 35 t,o 15 in a ~/ R. 1#. C. Financing Available I the home~' o'f relatives wh,o want sion. children in one county are as- game played at Trout L~ko Dec. 15. ~" .~'~:Negotiations by Bonneville would~, , ~ sm d of the same ~ Merry Ghrlstmaa ~/ ' i thembut only after the relative's• 'e ' t~andard of care~--------~- ------------ K~. ~ be without cost t.o the districts, Mar-:home has been ti~orougbly inves~i- as children in another county, [ Sell it through the Want Ads. :~" ~" lett explained, and purchase of theI gated to ~ee whether itisa fit Ames points ou,t that seeing that ~ ,, _., ._ ~.~. [entire) system~ would be financed by lplace for tim children, children are adequately cared for Il'OO Late to (Jlassl[V. POTATOES, 6 lbS.That ' t uC,[ e ,! ii ala~W~a~ ~ilceaTomatoes; urges ~ ~l¢,,ith puree 2~ can 3" 25..~~' f make a d°a'l fay°ruble t° all parties" ] ~,~an 'l! / ' S W M=xed ut 2 [bs= 35cl ~ 1t29~i~~ t.--~i~nllik ~'.~/ K.F.C. loa.nifanagreementonl Administrator Ames referred to is only the immediate job that hast --.--------- ~ ~/price could be reaohed. Then indivl-!the "White House conference ou chil- to be done. With the visitors, it isIs~klCRtchI~2n.CEetNEW reHa?Up2' DUta~tt I .,~ldual districts could refinance by sell-ldren in a democracy, hehl this yea]" just as,t to try to find outl ~50- r_, 7. . ba gain. ] .~.~ m gthen bonds at pubhc auction at~ ~ $ 0 l~'or quick sale Terms ~w . ~," ] ' " 'in Washington, D. C., in which thethe reasons for children's being de-I )~beling " " lt--~ | ~.~more favorable interest rates. In a i--~~ ...... r | ~ ~'[recent privately financed power deal, i ~ r~.~ ~-~ ~---~.~~~.~r~-~r~$~,~-~~, "1 tl ~, [ he pointed out, the bonding compemy l ~ ~ ~ ~ | r, "~" ¢~:~ lhad made a considerable profit which I ~]~~ltt~'~~= ~ A tota . ~,]was not passed on to the district, t.~ ~ ~ I m, d b Prices are for ['riday to Tuesday--Dec. 20 to Dee. 24 inclusive ~ ] "N ..... ,.. I ~. ~r~ ~ ...... ~" i~' ~,~'z-.t,~.,'h ~m ;~.~ • o one can ~uarantee r~.Ks ~. i ~ ~ ~ ~...~..__. I~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ w m ~ • I ~ .'~q ~ntns. ~" fl~~~='~'~lll ~']negotiating purchase of the p p &l~ ~("~~ "~~ f~r~..~l~ ~ ~k~J ~~ ~. brdinau< =TTa"4i,I *III ........ 11[ -- ~t-u-,1-- i~tt- "1" ~ ~. b. system," Marlett concluded, "butI ~ ~~tt-~ ~ ~ # • .. - . - -- ~ ~g Pro~ ~,. - ,t,~ --~a,~'|~r: Pill i~qi~d~2~W~]~f-.~'~',y _1~"~-~ *14 ~ffi~i~ ~'IBonneville is in the best position to "~ I~, ~d~~i~ odellnl We did not come ~ Values for Friday - Saturdayl| ":-I ,--,~ • .~ ~,~_ ~l " here to get your ]~[~ ~AI~. ~"$ ~ N~¢ [bUilding gnqlish 2-Lb ~b~ signature on a contract but to pre- ~ ~~j, ):,, ,~~L ' rl~ree • . • . ,, , LET THE WORLD S BEST SET YOUR HOLIDAY TABLE r.ov TANGERINES, L ,9¢!i Htnce ,., 19 sent facts. , ': ~R HOLIDAY TABLE ~ t~~ Florida Grown { ~" ]~'oilowing tbe talks commissionersI ~ list of ........ 'lor'd a'GroLn "'''4 I| . lveconvened as the Southeast Wash HE STAR MARKET WISHES EVERYONE A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS AND TO [ titio CRANImRRIES'21hs...S5e] STO:C rS ,, S..o.a Ih¢ ington :ommissioners'association EXPRESS OUR SINCERE THANKS TO YOU FOR YOUR PATRONAGE !-!- !- -- Va ~, Ooos Bay Fancy --;I &IMg'~ Honey-Pod ~an ,1.v- ~Idi~uss the alternativesCommis-' i. ... ,. ^,. t'ost of : :~'~' sioners from Th Ui(] ~ , for ..... 1. c!1 ........ ,. ~I, e D lles favored the "~r asnt0neo n0c01ates, z i0s LlC . ~ l!~arage ........ Bonl]evllle 1 caitt;y v u~,t~ 'D l~lt,l.t~=~;~ F7,. ' ¢~._.f,r~. L_._a_cuh. e'l Of] ~ ~if~om Yakima Franklin and Hood "~ uumur0os, rum00 size, :g inS. __i~iC I z-aa:,#-t s ¢ Z-aL, U C,O I ~ l ideile, Sweet POTATOES, 6 lbs. 23c HOLli~', ........ ri0ur Sack ~J"~ .~.~ River as well as Klickitat were un i.~:~k,g ~ ! at=' a'It ! a~ i| --- I [ • ........... 1 ~1~_ I ~ l{~13=.n ....... Sweetv. S. No. 1Smooth ~3cI| ,~i~ ~~ ~'~0 . "~ '~/~i~ ~]deeided. It was agreed to hold an-!~ ~r0~en ~|]x ~,~an[~y, ~ ]0s ...... ~lc I l~alver, l~_U_l~l ........ l~C I ~ l~:ted c ! £ri$co Shgrteniag -lh. can 48c ~.lotber meeting for further discussion ~ r~l • us, s~ / t,~ ,. ^. It g"kA..o., lfl^ | na ORANGES, 2 dozen .... 39e | ~.~'~..~ ...... " .... 1/~ ~ ftm .......... rlaln Mix uano, z 10s. 7t,, l pt... ave, • ] 1,- - • , .... ; •' ~ .r~L Or um year I ~ 1~ ........ "- • u ~rner • F ancy Navels, 220 size " ' " ' ~.' ' , -lb. ¢ ~." ......Merry Christmas ----~ Cottage Butts,lb..... 16c , an e SATIN 3 'L 39¢ tRites,, ,, Ch0colateCoated Peanuts, 1 Ib. 25c I C°ttaie ,Butts'l i .... ]6c ,,ancy mperors | lb. =la L-le Red" -i:: otxwbrannerry auce ...... 10C It,_.____ ,,, ,i ,,- 1WilU, , .,oseph W Yocheno,,r SEEUS FOR... TURKEYS...GEESE | mmceanam, m ..... | re Tm, n H Grapefruit ,Juice, 46 oz 17c Y D the con P~I 5 i ~ -~ I ~1~! [ " " " " " ' " 'tdied at his ilome NOV '25 'f, ollowln;l~- UCKS and CHICKENS ' " t!he = ~.~ ~ ' i Boraxo, IO oz can 12c ~ I ...... ". I ~ ~ ~ ~0~ilding ~,~ " ~ •~ ' , ............... ~ta~ tong illness. Mr. t'ocaenour is sur- I -W~, ~ ~W (:X)~F][~ tot new ~ ~ ] BoraxOhips, 2O mule teanh 22 oz. 22c ~]vived by his widow. Ollie of Dalles- ~ ~r~, , ...... ~ E, Walnuts, 2 Ibs, 39c .% i )ort ' I ~mp or reg ~ ~ ,tOn in( ~ 1 11 ,~ ~ [ Borax, 2() Mule Team, 10 oz .... 10c ~'~ii : one son, Dayne Cochenour, ofI "~ " ' I ' i I~E • ~ ~', "~"f''.~f " "'~' ~:~ ~ :~.. lurRevs 1o + ~]Dalleport and SlX grandchildren Lb g[mon0s lb. ZZc elerm, "'" " == "•" • ' s,,,er Polls,,, s j 1,c : " • , ,, , ...... Jm0nds, Ib ..... ZZc Imss Birds Sa Lsfy .... Thats our motto .....II ~ .... ~ ---------Merry C~ri;tmas ......... i ~ m'~/'~l'l'"~~ ~ lixed Nuts, 2 Ibs. 35c Rfi ,>~ . ~¢ m ¢o n and either the key strip • ~nsen Choice Birds that will make your Christmas din- II Bordo huported Dates. 1~ lbs ....~c ~.'IIr~ S| t'~= ~e. ! ~ ! ~y:~rip ~'1 el . ~ ~_i~~;~o 9 |k e~ ~ ~, . • . ] aradise Sweet Plckl ..... q. ja . ,25c FREE DELIVERY "Resl -----SafewayQuah, tyMeats----- I] ~.~.r~ ..... ,r .... els3for .~3c ~ ttermining how Columbi.a river ~ ~~i PHONE1152 ~_ L ' lb tm pov~er can best serve Pamfic North SERVICE Pork Sausage, lb. .......... 15c]] ,+alumot, kin .o.der,, : twes a-rIcult,re to" IWl ff'l k GOLDENDALE Starch, Corn or Gloss, 2 lh. pKgs. 15e " g ~ was announceu - THE BE " '~I ' Country Sayle [[ Starch S~rn or Gloss 2 llb ~lr~ 15c~tday bv the Bonneville Power Ad- ~ ST IN GROCERIES AND FINEST QUALITY INSPECTED MEATS l'~f thor Swift s Shced Bacon, lb. .... 25c ~,ce Meat, 2 lb. jar .......... 19c ministration, n t~ Quaker Oats, quick or reg. lge. 21c • The ~urvey will be the admmi~ Nonesuch Mince Meat, 9 oz 11c " " " -----Safeway Quality Meats ........... sis tration's third major activity in its Le PorkRoasts ........... 11 ~1~ Kello-~sPep, lOoz pk,r 10c ~ general plannng program which tsP_IJ___]_I . . . vigo, CenterCuts 1%~1~} [] Ltgi]t~'Giobes, 15to;OOW.'.iO'to'l~ ~tatmed at providing det,ailed infor-][.~ uomenoale ,v, ea~ t.n t.nrt~rma¢ xn etat¢ 'o,_ n a o. • • I t II. [[ ~chilli-,-'s Salt, Celer+, Garlic.~] mation relative to power needs and[IP~ - v +,,+,vw~ vve vimall.~&aalilt~tL¢ I~l~ll&ll~ ~ [=te ~e fork Dteag ... ......... --vv ~ .,,.,~,o'~ -~-. ~-,',=' .... ~luses in all N, orthwest communities.]~-~ " -- [t~ndre~ , : ........' ......................... ~. 'Iwo other surveys one concerning hool ----Safeway Quality Meats----- Hershey Bars, a~td, 5c size, 5 for 1~ ~'-[" ~ ' " ( ~ ~gle Paclfic Northwest industrial sites p~,~b" ~-~, ' i ~},Her. Bittersweet Chocolate, 2 for 25c~I " ' ]~ [~ht~'h ' _~ _'~. "..'"~'° F==~ IllOrange Slices, 1 lb. cello ....... 10c ~.[and one involving potential deve,op-]~ k-L~-" Veal 5,=,,&^'- ~ -~ (ltHI FAlgemont Smacks, lge pkg 15c :~512 1 ment of Northwes,t mineral re- / ~! r,:Mrs, 8 _ /~ ,, ....... ~-[sources through the use of low cost/]~ t'~ • Lamb Stew | L I1 _ H Pink Salmon Lb. can 12C ~tl)ower, already are under way. I K |~ .s~ Pure Lard L,U. ~ ~ HI ~ulf B?stShr,mp ..5 oz. can 10¢ ~ ourTh;la3eto ::::~bl:'ltlhj°;enrdin::tt I~ • L,a It:::: , ormet = >pam z i z-oz cans qv¢ f es of t dell, -----Safe~av Ouali~tv Meats [[I . . , " ..~1 acts regarding all potential us }.~ " '* "~ ' "~ ~ ~xcapt Ltrn~urqor. Old • " ' ~tklS to • z__~ III KrsftCheese .En~,i,h. Swm }4 Lb. 16C ~[the Columbia r,ver," Admmmtrator[~ Vl~ILl ~L¢~¢tl~. ~ ~ |[JTomato Ju~e SunnyDawn 46.oztin 1~¢ ~I Paul J. Raver commented. "~nas- /.~ IS41"AAu D-_t ID____.J. 1L 1/~_ I ~,~ lilt___ t ~"~/ _ _ 11 • ~ -- -- --- 1 i 1 Ill "~t much a~ the Bonneville act explicit- /--~t~t~ ~ L~[ peel axu s[, to... lo¢: I ~ rorK .nops, m ....... loc 5 BeefRoasts I I!1 ePorbqo,,oo--- 9-.° FinestQtrality ..... FreshFdlet • 1 1 711 !11 CamayBeauty$oap 3barsl']¢ ~tneville power shall be spread t [~ ~ ' " I ~0/ n __ -IS - 4. _~ ' Red Snapper L[|. 8= LJqb, rlI ! [ ..... '" :?ll :7£fu kr: ...... 2A -IUC; 'cyChocolate$ : |,~lbtin 'C I" "" I]1 " g • • ' 's!areh ii:"iheneedsoffarmersandi' ngue, lb: .lOci .lpt.Saue: 7::: Z0C o,ohrO ..... 7 CandBr°ken&Satinbtix , PowderedSuar31bcello19ct rover we u tend make this re' " eHearts or To ....... ' ---- 'gWlt Chocolate Drops ~ t.:b ce,lo. ~q~ 2~c I ,bc~lo 2 q 23c m s rongheart Dog Food 6 ib cns 2~c "~k~ hcuseholdm~ as all embracin a~ ]~ -- "" -- -- " " ~ | " - g ~ • Canterbu 0 P. Tea 2 c 49c I Seedlessgaisins 4[b DkR 21¢ | Crall~errg Sauce ]H Harper.ousePeart No. 2~4can I~C ~[ Close contact and an exchange[~ ~'i~=~~ va WaFanc,, agt tl ~, "--" • Bsr of information will be maintained • ,7 • Hershey Larg s 2 for 2~c i ..... " , holid~ +,o,,, "r,,,. ,,.,,,o,.. , oo,. +o,, , :,.o I ~; ~\o7~ III ,between the power administration'six~ ll~_rll TllPIPO 1 .yr~r~w~r~.f~, ~_~ "" '"'"~' "" t ~-+ro Edwards Cot,. Z0cm, o.. +~= t ........ JII Country Home Corn No. 2 can 10c +new survey un+t and other federal +~ rixuJj;~ aria - [ 111 Del Me t m No 2, uus and local governmental agencie• as ORANGES, dozen Ellensb POTATOESDES 50 lb sack .... • n • Pu pkin S , 'A 25c .................. 10d urg , ' • .... 43d Nob H'llCofl~ee b.q |7¢ 2~:.+~]'c Julia l__ .._..j_ ..... J ..... , =well as with univ+rsiti+s conc.erned,]~ ............................. .50'lb. mack _7=_ + .ti Hills MJ B GoldenWestLb24c | +% 9t;. III . ,. L = ?lrL .nlr|Dr a",lg'lreTsf$" with agricultural problems. T hese] A RAVI IqKUI'I, aozen ............... LARGE LEMON~ dozen ......... i" • , B.q ,~ 0 ~'q0~JC Jeno, ,~ssr rtavors ~ K S I'~¢ ~ em " " " ! !11 • p g. ge,cles wi,l include Var Se-I .... ' -" gt - ~ JII curlty Administration the Sot1 Con-]~ ~ 1 _11 _ 1 1 "~ Ar • ~ .~+ 20 ' • :' ~ I servation Service, the Farm Oredlt I[ i 41 1 4131 I1 4'1 • I ]1 42 'r !1 t I N. ~ B Administration, the Forest Service,+~ U L I .II .,ilq LMII ,, ~+ - k the Reclamation Service, Rural "Home of Kliekitat Valley' s Fmest" Inspected • + Electrification Administrationand ~ __~ others. • ~ ,a .t •