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Gubernatorial ballots still being counted
Klickitat County's hand trays," one report said. recount. King, the most popu-
recount may have been a wash Last week, King County offi- lous county in the state, on
(see The Sentinel, Dec. 16), but cials announced that they want- Tuesday afternoon became the
several other counties' guberna- ed to include as many as 723 last to finish counting.
torial vote tallies changed when more ballots, erroneously Most observers expect the
election workers found and excluded from the initial count, election's outcome to hinge on
included previously uncounted The Republican Party won a whether or not the Supreme
ballots, regional news reports temporary restraining order on Court allows inclusion of any
said on Tuesday. Friday from a Pierce County ballots that may have been
Whatcom, Kittitas, Chelan Superior Court judge, blocking valid, but which were not
and Pierce counties all added at King County from counting the included in the first count.
least one previously uncounted 723 ballots. With all other counties' totals
ballot during the first or second That decision was scheduled assembled, Republican candi-
recount, reports indicated, for review by the state Supreme date Dino Rossi led Democrat
Snohomish County added Court on Wednesday. Christine Gregoire by 49 votes,
224 "valid ballots," found Also expected Wednesday are reports indicated.
"buried under empty mail results of King County's hand
pleads not guilty to hunting charges
Michael James Gates, 32, that occurred at about the lights, and the second man is
formerly of Goldendale, on same time, but which, like the alleged to have attached a
Dec. 8 pleaded not guilty in federal charges, were held up deer tag that belonged to his
East District Court to four for over a year because Gates wife. Both are violations.
illegal hunting charges dating moved to Oregon. The pair and a third
from late 2002. According to documents Goldendale man are alleged
Gates was recently convict- from the local jurisdiction, the next day to have killed two
ed in federal court in prosecutors allege that Gates, wild turkeys near Counts
Richland of poaching deer assisted by anotherRoad outside of Goldendale,
and elk from the Hanford Goldendale man, shot two hunting over limit and out of
Reach National Monument black-tailed deer - one over season..
near the Tri Cities (see The limit - near the Klickitat The cases are scheduled for
Sentinel, Dec. 2). River on Oct. 29, 2002. At a pre-trial conference on Jan.
The Klickitat County least one deer was killed while ]3, 2005 at 9:3o a.m. and for
charges were for incidents illuminated in a car's head- trial on Feb. 1 at 2:30 p.m.
Wednesday accident closes Hwy. 14 eastbound
The eastbound lane of Hwy. 14 was blocked for Damage to the truck amounted to $5,000 but
seven hours last Wednesday, Dec. 15, following a the driver, Robert Williams, 48, of Ellensburg,
truck-automobile collision at milepost no east of was unhurt.
Maryhill. Mathis was transported to Mid-Columbia
At around 5 p.m., a 1987 Honda Accord driven Medical Center for a head laceration and released
westbound by Jacqueline Mathis, 23, of Oregon the same evening. She was cited for improper
City, Ore., crossed into the eastbound lane and lane travel; the Honda was totaled, the WSP said.
slammed into a semi truck hauling double trail- The easbound lane reopened at about mid-
ers, according to the Washington State Patrol night.
from page I
emitted, since more are emitted expected, Ecology propOses to that other monitoring methods
at lower operating levels, remove thelimit, Hallersaid. are adequate, Hailer said. She
Ecology proposes to adjust the 'The exemption of periods of did not comment on fuel nitro-
minimum operating level, shut-down from the short term gen content.
based on updated information emission limits." Similarly to (1) "A revision to GEC's phase II
that shows lower emissions and (2) above, new information Acid Rain permit, to identify an
than originally thought, Hailer also shows lower emissions alternate designated represen-
said. than anticipated during the tative, Wayne Milke." The
'% change in defining and shutdown process. "there is a change simply designates a new
aloai~ring the annual number small spike in emissions during responsible individual, in addi-
ofstart-ups,"Theplantstartsup shutdown," Hailer said. "But tion to the plant manageh
and shuts down depending on now we expect even less than Hailer said.
the power market, Haller originally permitted." Questions and comments
explained. Because emissions "A change in the monitoring should be directed to Lynette
can be greater during startups, of the stack flow rate and fuel Hailer at (5o9) 457-7126.
Calpine has been limited to 50 nitrogen content." Ecology has-- Sam Lowrg
startups per year. Based on new determined that expensive
information that shows lower probes in the plant's "smoke-
emissions during startups than stack" are not necessary, and
New Rates!
Leaving Goldendale at 7 a.m. & 1:30 p.m.; and,
The Dalles at 10 a.m. & 5 p.m. each weekday.
Round Trip Tickets:
Daily - $3.00, Weekly - $12.50 Monthly - $40
Call Mt. Adams Transportation
for more information
773-3060 or 1-800-774-1699
who is retiring after 30 years of
service to Klickitat PUD
Tuesday, December 28, 2004
1313 S. Columbus
Goldendale, WA
Photo by Sam
Ray Thayer shows his wife, Carol, the official notice of his re-election to the
commission after being sworn in Monday by Judge E. Thompson Reynolds. Of
elected, mostly precinct officers, on hand for the courthouse ceremony were
Bruns, Dani Burton, Judith Cleary, Cal Edwards, Dan Frey, James Gerulf,
Housden, Philip Mockel, Jim Rhoads, Shonnie Scarola and Dawn Weaver.
DeWalt pleads to lesser charge in Klickitat Canyon
Brent DeWalt of Klickitat, niles, who said DeWalt threat- In his plea
charged in May with second- ened them while they were pho- records show, DeWalt
degree assault and harassment, tographing cows for a school that he had a 'Cheated
on Dec. 20 pleaded guilty in project, tion" with one of the
Klickitat County Superior Court DeWalt's land adjoins the
to the lesser charge of unlawful Klickitat Trail, long a subject of de in which the~
display of a firearm,controversy between advocates ring. While he "did not
The original charges were and public managers of the trail dish" a shotgun he was
felonies; the lesser charge is a on the one hand, and local but kept it pointed at
gross misdemeanor, carrying a landowners on the other, some ground,
maximum penalty of one year of whom object to the public ten statement that it
in jail and a $5,ooo fine. access the trail affords. "understandable that [the~
DeWalt's May 16 arrest and The case involved disagree- party] would have taken~
subsequent release on $10,ooo ment over whether the juveniles for his safety."
bail resulted from a call made to did or did not trespass on DeWalt is
the Sheriffs office by two jure- DeWalt's land. tencing on Feb. 7, 2005.
from page 1
All of these, in photographs in Scarola's porffo- a half years ago when someone asked
lio, are deftly drawn and painted, paint.., yes, a collection of cars.
These days, as all who are familiar with the "Alot ofpeople do animals and scenes
Golden Gallery know, Scarola focuses on detailed, said. "Each car is different."
almost photo-realisric, two-level acrylic paintings He is self-taught - "except for art dasseS t
of automobiles on wood and masonite, lege. I learn by looking
"I started doing some weird stuff," he said - artists I see, I think, they're so good,
train ears in landscapes, ears, and they sold, so become so good?"
he continued. Scarola said that in his career,
"People started asldng if I could paint their been mostly for enjoyment, less for the
ears," he said - so he did. but is now a share of his income.
After living in Seattle, Vermont, Bellingham "I suppose I am semi-rerired.., and it
and Eugene, Scarola moved to Goldendale in the ing."
late 197os to be near his brothers and sister, who Scarola looks out the
preceded him here. into his backyard.
Painting fell by the wayside for a while - 1o "There is so much art to do."
years - before he got back into it about three and
2005 Klickitat County Residential Curbside Recycling
To sign
or sign
Collection Area &
Usual Collection Day Jan
up for curbside recycling service call 509 773-5825
up on the web at
Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov
White Salmon 10
Bingen 24
Puckerhuddle, Husum 26
Glenwood, Trout Lake 13
Blockhouse 27
Dallesport, Lyle, 14
High Prairie, Appleton 28
Wishram, Maryhill 4
Hwy 97, Orchard Hts 18
7 7 4 2 13 11 8 5 3 14 1
21 21 18 16 27 25 22 19 17 28 2
30 31 .:~
8 8 5 3 14 12 9 6 4 1 1
22 22 19 17 28 26 23 20 18 15 2
31 29
9 9 6 4 1 13 10 7 5 2 1
23 23 20 18 15 27 24 21 19 16 2
29 .I 30
10 10 7 5 2 14 11 8 6 3
24 24 21 19 16 28 25 22 20 17 1
30 2
11 11 8 6 3 1 12 9 7
25 25 22 20 17 15 26 23 21 18 1
29 3
1 1 12 10 7 5 2 13 11 8
15 15 26 24 21 19 16 27 25 22 2
29 30
5 2 2 13 11 8 6 3 14 12
Goldendale 19 16 16 27 25 22 20 17 28 26
30 31
KUckitat, Centerville 6 3 3 14 12 9 7 4 1 13
Pine Forest & Firwood 20 17 17 28 26 23 21 18 15 27
7 4 4 1 13 10 8 5 2 14
Bickleton 21 18 18 15 27 24 22 19 16 28
FRIDAY 29 30
23 2
24 2
25 ;~
Free curbside service is only available to residential structures with four or fewer units.
Recycle bags must be on the curb by 7AM.
~er, & Da,,t Holiday Schedule Changes:
Where your usual pickup day is one of the holidays listed below, it is moved to the day after in the schedule above:
Jan 1, New Years DayMay 30, Memorial DaySep 51 Labor Day Dec 25, Christmas DaY
Feb 21, Presidents Day Jul 4, Independence Day Nov 24, Thanksgiving Day
~, ~OO Transfer Station Drop-off Recycling & Household Hazardous Waste Centers:
~,~, ,.,~Jl~=, ~ Goldendale Dallesport BZ Corners Roosevelt Landfill
~ WA~A~ 9:00 am - 5:00 pm 9:00 am - 5:00 pm 9:00 am - 5:90 pm 7:00 am - 3:00 pm
Tuesday-Saturday Tuesday-Saturday Tuesday-Saturday Monday-Saturday
541-490-3124 ,Sol ~ S.. Ihm- lop,. 773-6202 Open Mon Apr-Oct 493-4434 800 275-5641
54|-3~,'~97~ [w,: Wd. S~l 6-10r, m o,, ht~, 767-4468