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Newspaper Archive of
The Goldendale Sentinel
Goldendale , Washington
December 26, 1940     The Goldendale Sentinel
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December 26, 1940
Newspaper Archive of The Goldendale Sentinel produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page Eight THE GOLDENDALE SENTINEL---Goldend le, Washington Thursday, December 26,' Court News Given For Week's Period In an action instituted by Elmer ,E. Wing against Marion Wing, the .plaintiff alleges theLt there is due to him for wages under an oral contract consumated on or about April 10, 1932, the sum of $3,754.00, Dasecl upon a period of 75~ months comput- ed at the rate of $50.00 per month, less the sum Of $21 paid by the defendant. PleLintiff prays for judg- ment in the said sum of $3,754.0'0, together with interest and costs. Action for divorce is started by tSlizabeth Dierickx against her hus- band Peter Dieriekx. The parties were married on Se~ptember 18, 1936. No children have been born of the marriage. The complaint ~lleges that for more than a year the defendant has been guilty of repeated aots of cruelty toward the plaintiff; that defendant h~s refused to give plain- tiff any of the money derived from the sale of livestock on the place; that all of the property both real and personal is the separate property of The executor of the estate of Henry due and owing to the pl.aintiff the C. Richardson, deceased, has Rled hisi sum of $3,559.61; that the plaintiff's written resignation as such executor, i mortgage be foreclosed and the real which hus been accepted by the court. I estate involved sold by the sheriff to It is ordered by the courf that the~s~a£isfy the said judgment; that the of the cou~t. B[cKLETON COLLEGE IINFLuENzA sTRIKES IN STUDENTS VACATIONING KLICKITAT COMMUNITY BICKLETON--(Special)-- Robert [ KLICKITAT--(Special) -- Hello everyone, we'd like to wish all of you the very merriest and most pros- perous New Year you've ever had! We have a feeling that we've been discriminated against, we asked old Santa for snow and Harold Jensen asked him for a chinook and it looks chinooker than snowier! We've resolved not to argue all during the New Year. we're afraid that we might grow up to be like Noah Webster, we've decided that he was the champion hair splitter after hearing Ted Malone tell about the time Mr. Webster's wife caught him kissing the cook. "Mr. Webster, I am surprised!" said his wife. "No, my dear," said that famous gentleman, "you are amazed, it is I who am surprised." Old man flu, whom we thing is twice as mean as old Scr,ooge was, is doing his little bit to try to keep people from having a merry Christ- .as. We're agin' him and we want him to quit pe,~tering Mrs. Rogholt, lfitch hiking but from accidents year, we just listened and while working, blending of voices was really The mill is undergong extensive tiful. There was something 1C repairs. It is hoped that the repair and touching about t,he lifted 1 work will be finished ~by the first and the sweet music that ' ., of the year. ~Mrs. J. C. l~ofbinson is in The Dalles hospital where she under- went a major operation Thursday morning. Mrs. Pete Durkee is visiting in Klickitat with her sister, Mrs. Cliff winging its way to heaven. the singing old Santa arrived i~ station wagon and distributed of candy among a h~et of h youngsters. Funeral Sager and her huLsband's parents, .=. • I= , Mr. and Mrs. Durkee. For Llderly lVl.m A. J. Berglund wrecked ~his milk cw 1 • 11 ~ truck at Mill Creek Friday"morning. ] ~r~ClUl~l rma His mach'ne skidded on the ice, 1 -'i----- • turned a somerset and landed right Funeral services for Her side up. None of the three occupants ICh, a~les Fultlenkwmp, 68, residel of the car were injured. The carlCvoidendale for the past 13 years was taken to Porter's in The Dalles ]be held from the ,Phillips cha~pd for repair~ which will amount to $ 212. Luckily A~nos /~I-Iolman haid sold Mr. Berglund some car insur- ance so the financial loss to the Berglunds will not be great. Mw. Umlauf has a severe shock last week when she returned be Huntington's store to claim some eggs she had left there w,hile having 2:00 p. m., Friday. Mr. Fahlenk d4ed ~t his 'home in Goldendale day eventmg. "]:the funeral services wil,l be duc~ted by The Ray. C. J. HM1. It ment will be in ~the I. O. O. F. c~ 'tery. Mr. F~hlenkaml) came to {J end.ale in 1927 from San,born, I, He was born in Hamburg, Gern the plaintiff; that the defendant is Axt)i~ur T Walling, deceased, shows ......... ' • ~cos[s. writ o~ at~tacnmen~ ~ssueo. and Mrs. Dehnar Allbritton. ,a~ldicted to the excessive use of in i'the v,aluation of the property of theL ......... "r I ~n an a~ion Dy ~v~*ar~na E. L*ymon(1 Mrs. Alex Anderson left Sunday estate to be $20,523 39 ioxicating liquors, t . i " i vs. the unknown heirs, if any, of L. for the coast where she will spend Final decree of d~vorce is entered j Action for divorce is started b. I ' " " i . Wolfard and others, the 1)laintiff about a month. Minnie Klockner against her has- [in the case of R~sie Davis vs Lester I prays judgment that she be adjudged i hi. A. Collins just returned from band, John E. Klockner. The parties Davis. ,he owner in fee simple of Lot 1,~ a P.U.D. meeting in Portland and were married in Vancouver, January Final decree of divorce is entered Block3 1, Rosegrant & Hooker Ad- Bonneville. 16, 1930. No children have been born in the case of Elmer L. L~rwood vs. ditlon to White Sahnon. Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Collins were of the mar, riage. The complaint ~1- Mabel J.I.~rwood. l in Sunnyside, Monday on business. leges that the defendant failed to It appearing to the Cou~ in the WASHE~ WINDOWS i Mr. and Mrs. Harold Naught are provide for the p}aiuiff's support; case of E. L. Monzingo, et ux, vs. ---=----- i spending a week in Yakima. chat the parties have lived separate T. A. Hlldenbrand, e:t al, that theI Herman Roloff is in the newsi Mrs. Roy VanNo~tern returned and apa.rt for eight years. The title action has been settled between I again. F~rly this week, perhaps in ! home Sunday with her baby boy. to certain property is to be adjudicat- parties, it is tiherefore ordered that / the hope that Santa C~aus soon would i Helen Slater spent the weekend ed. the suit be, and the same is dismissed he there, he washed and polished the '. with Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Ferguson. 'The executrix of the estate of with prej~udice and v¢ithout costs tot windows of his store on E~st Main~I Mrs. H. O. Wilson and Velma Helena McGuire, deceased, has filed either pexty, street, i went to Yakima Monday on busi- her final account and petition for In the case of The Federal Land' 'nei .ss. distribution. Same will be hoard be- Bank vs. Ole Ostensoe, et al, it is Mrs. J. S. Hoagl~nd was 111 with Miss Marjorie Dobrice of Sunny- fore the court on January 8. ordered by the Court that there is influenza last week. [side was a Sunday guest of Miss ............................ ~, Ona Chambe~. II I] II I i ,Mr. V ernen left Monday for Seat- , tle where he will spend the Christ- mas holidays. _~,~.4~ ~ ,a~ ~ ~ i Miss Mona Miller left Monday for ~~ ~,~ ~ ~~~ F~ ~]~1 ~ ~ Burke, Idaho, ~here she will rpend #~@~(~('~~ ~, ~ ~i!~|~ ti~?l f~!~| ~i~f~l:~::::~ .the Chri,~tmas holidays. Mrs. Milner ~. ~ ~!:.J [~:i ~[!::J ILarsen and children went as far as ~~,~" \'~'~" ~IB %~~1~ !Spokane with her where they will ~~ ~--~ ~;f~,~. ~ ",~ "---m ~-~l/::! !spend the holidays. lI " I~ ~~ _|. d'| | .me.. ~l[t~ [ The Senior ball which was given {~ ~ ~ .... ;u~ t~lS ~,HeruD ~l]~ ]~ " [Saturday Decen~ber 21 was well at- ~I~ ~ _,~(~ /~~0~Q'I'~ Ilrlll/~ ~Ob I tended. The hall was beautifully. , • ~ [decorated w~th the cla~s colors, "~ . ~ I green and white Green boughs pa leaR,. • ,~o wbol*,o., goodness of on. duHn|Jm~ua~/,om, doring ~~'~'~ ] her lilies and twe larue Christmas ~I,.% @t~L~-J~" i~ Ckarub lit.rid Iv.per.ted MHk. February. S2OOO In prizes given ~N'I ~ i "- o ~~ W ~~ V~'U~dUeasy--andfun, toe .*.*',..,~.m.,,~,S~ ~t~lll/i Ibells helped to make the decorations. ~I ] ~~, --tO h.~p US name this Ch.rub grand prize f~r b~st baby name f~ti I ...... ~~l~ .~ / ~ b.byoIrI.Soso, int.thistlmely submtt~dtnelthorcontest. E.-. ~[/~ )\~ I l'ne town orcnestra furmsned tne ~,~, ~. ~ ~ l~ efter-C.hris~s contest e,~w-- tar both contests--you can win ~l ~; *" a/ II I ............ ~F ~m~'~ l~ ¢l~my*tw~ro~$SOOO,OO 0"bo~tS°bmm*srmmYn°m*sl\) ~/]1~ [nlu,slc. A mncn, c0ns]sung o[ cn~e~- in and~ awardol 411 you like I 1~r ~ ~ " ~ ,en sandwiches, cake, pickles, co'flee #[~ta[[# at,~a ~a I~or punch was served at midnight -- " -- [A very good time was enjoyed by n llnll Buy it by the case-- Caseof48 tails $3.1S A ,, dl~A~ [all. talz B Y I f ¢ I Guests of Mr and Mrs Charles VNm n , Scott Monday evening to a Christmas I o ;ll, I oo,o,h ~)~nc~, [party were: Mr. and Mrs. Carl Carter, JIJULUGU ;)£~JL/LIL~. Y v...,~k^..o.;., 4 I~ I I Fcy Chocolates ~,~ . ,~ 7~c Mr. and Mrs. George Ma,tsen, Mr. end "~' ""~'--' .... 3hs Alfred Jansen, Mr and Mrs Klek-Soap Beads 22LOZ pkg. 17c ]Carnation Can/el Mixed Nuts 1-tb. cello bag 19c i i" '. - - " .- " Super Suds Concentrated124"oz. pkq*~TC I --.-- I Canada Dr Bevera-es I- bet 14c I(h.arzes Jensen, ~v~rs. Anna ~rown, Y g g Lux Flakes 12V2 oz. pkg. 2lc ! KARO SYRUP J Jell Well Assorted 3 k "1c [Mrs. Gladyce Crider, Clarence Me- White Magic Bleach I/2 gal. 17c IBluoLab.I 5lb*..3Scl . "_ ', . T ..... VP~Og | !C,redy Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Wtlson Sunbrite Cleanser Can 4c I --o-- J Van ~.amp s :)oups T~[ ~o,~) c,, ")C!and Mr. and Mrs. Oh,ris Jensen. Table Salt 8-lb. cloth bag 18C i SLEEPY HOLLOW ! Cudahy s Brkfst Sausage can 19c q~he Chris,tmas program at the Tan---Pure Pork 12-oz can 20C I KITCHEN CRAFT, " ~ "~' 1a:n con,s;sted of"three "1 S and : g ....... I Flnur no..Type@, n~ | Mazda Light Globes I0c to 15c g" . . p ay . !- --- s:,k,, i great deal oz singing. It was greatly f.. • .,, - o o i. -'= I ~/~,L?_|_4~ r . enjoyed by everyone. | Nnh Hilll:nffaa} I= arvest Ulossom | "__ la l Wmm fres/) A great many of the college s u- ! flour49 ~b. ~a 98c I ~ K-~ "" J ~,"_~. ?'__"'"Y"~_.'~ , . , ~~~ . .tq. ~ dents are home for the Christmas I I I GRAPE- ,VlT i "'""" holidays. e~ n Every loot ot | 2z:__ I |Reliable "so • , Orville Long, who has been con- " ~'~ ' J ~ ~ ' t$ the peoK Or kAIBWAI gUffg[ I ~k/~:'~*'~:~,"~ oodnes~' fined to his bed with the flu for the /,~ C~A ]~ ~oci~ tot | ; • . , g . past two week,s is able be be up again. ~;;~:;°~:! I r:,ce, arc for Fr, dav to Mona~£ lnciu~,',e Donald Chambers ,~n of Mr and I so. '^ "'¢ *°" I I a P ill and under ,the doctor's eaxe for X~~~ L=~=~===m~ the past week. It is reported he Is improving ~\~ Stokely's n J~-f " ~l~r~ e. nnnn Tid Bits 8-oz. ca OY ...... ~ SU" PUBB " I{~)OSEVELT HIGH SCHOOL T'our Choice ~'~ Granulated So~p ' Speedy Mix" #~ PLANS OHP.ISTM.L~S DANCE r as • bOl'II "DBdll5 " Tim outstanding feature of the holiday festivities in the RooseveR GordensMe Industry ~ardenside 303 cons * 303 cans a No. 2 cans 85¢ Friday and Saturday Values GRAPEFRUIT, 5 for .....23c 80 size Texws Pinks GRAPES, 2 lbs ........... 13e lUancy Emperors Sweet POTATOES, 6 lbs... 23c Fancy Quell ty LETTUCE, 2 for ........13e and Fresh CALAVOS, 2 for ......... 15e No. 1 quality ORANGES, 2 doz ......... 35c 252 Size Sunkist CELERY, stalk ......... t amcy Green CARROTS, 4 Ibs .........I0@ Clean emd Smooth • Grain-Fed Steer Beef Sale Sirloin Steak, lb ............ 25c Short Ribs, lb. .............. 8c Ground Beef, lb ............ 15c Beef Roast, lb. ........... 171/2c PURE LARD, 4 pounds ................. PICNIC , boned and tied, half or whole, lb... 23¢ LEGS OF LAMB, or LAMB CHOPS, lb ..... Swfft's SLICED BACON, pound ........... BACON, by the piece, pound .............. 20¢ SPARE RIBS, pound .................... :][5¢ PORK ROASTS, center cut, pound ........ Kraft Cottage Cheese, pt... 14c Oysters, pint .............. 18c community will be the Christmas dance, scheduled for Saturday night, Decemher 28 and sponsored by the high ~ehool students. In add4tion to the usual atendance of Eastern Klickit~at patrons, It is expected theft quite a number of vis- itors and holiday home-comers will be present at this azanu'al affair. Music will be pr~)vided by the Willy Swingsters from G~ldendale. ~OOSEVEI/JP GOMMUNITY HAS CHRISTMAS PROGRAM The Christmas season was ushered into the Roosevelt communRy last Driday evening, by the e.nnual Chris~o mas program, sponsored by the t~oosevelt schools. This program was inspirational as well as entertaining, ~nd was presented before a very ap- precMltive audience. At the close of the evening Santa 'appeared and officiated at the cere- mony of distributing the hundreds of gifts and cards that were ezehauged between pupils, Ceachers and .parents. The @hristmas treat, oonsisting of candy, nuts and oranges, was furnish- ed by the high school student body and by the R~oseveR Women's club. Mrs. Studlley, Shirley Huntington, l a sack of nuts wrapped..She mailed Harold Westlund, Mrs. Huntington, lher package of nuts to Minnesota, Leslie Strobel, Jerry Neils, B.abeicalled for ,her eggs the next day Sc.o'ffield, Mrs. Ireland, Joanna Rath-i and when she looked into the sack ert, the little Schmidt b~by and all lshe found it full ef nuts. 'Bsk tsk, the other folks that he has been at, ]it looks as though someone will be and came to the United f~t~tes boy of six. Surviving rela.tlyes include daug~hter, Mrs. Br~ds~treet, of endate; the widow and three br ors, all residing in the:east, best for less.... We will continue this policy during 1941 too Lamb Chops, lb. 18c Genuine Lamb Pork Roast ,lb ....... ,.. 12c Young Tender Pork Side Bacon, lb ........... 16c By the piece Country Style FRUITS It's really Fresh Ground Beef, 2 lbs. 25c Beef Boil, lb. ........... 10c Sirloin Steak, lb. ........ 18c Choice Steer Beef Back Bacon, lb. ......... 14c I LEMONS, large, dozen., ............. 15@Ellensburg POTATOES, No. 2's, 50 lbs. 43@ JUICE ORANGES, dozen ............10 GRAPEFRUIT, 6 for ............... "Home of Klickitat Valley' s Finest Inspected Meats"