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The Goldendale Sentinel
Goldendale , Washington
December 27, 2017     The Goldendale Sentinel
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December 27, 2017
Newspaper Archive of The Goldendale Sentinel produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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GOLDENDALE, WASHINGTON DECEMBER 27, 2017 --7 SUPERIOR COURT OF other documents that were WASHINGTON, COUNTY filed at court with this Sum- OF KLICKITAT mons. Those documents ex- In re the custody of: plain what the other party is Child: ADRYAN JAMES asking for. SCHWINGE 2. Fill out a Response on this Petitioner/s (person/s who form (check the Response started this case): that matches the Petition): LOIS HERZBERG XXX FL Non-Parent 415, And RespondentJs (other Response to Non-Parent party/parties): Custody Petition ANNA NICOLE CHAPMAN You can get the Response ALYN J. SCHWINGE form and other forms you No. 17 3 00026 3 need at: Summons Served by Publi- The Washington State cation Courts' website: www.cou rts. (SMPB) To: ANNA NICOLE CHAP- The Administrative Office of MAN - The other party has the Courts - call: (360) 705- asked the court to 5328 Give custody of the child, Washington LawHelp: www. Adryan James Schwinge to, or a non-parent. The Superior Court Clerk's Approve reasonable visita- office or county law library tion for the parents in a non- (for a fee). parent custody case. 3. Serve (give) a copy of A hearing concerning tern- your Response to the per- porary custody is scheduled son who filed this Summons for January 11, 2018 at 9:30 at the address below, and to a.m. at the Klickitat Superior any other parties. You may Court, 205 South Columbus use certified mail with return Avenue, Goldendale Wash- receipt requested. For more ington in Room 206 information on how to serve, You must respond in writing read Superior Court Civil if you want the court to con- Rule 5. sider your side. 4. File your original Re- Deadline! Your Response sponse with the court clerk must be filed and served at thisaddress: within 60 days of November Superior Court Clerk, 29, 2017 which is the first KLICKITATCounty date this summons is pub- 205 South Columbus Ave- lished. If you do not file and nue, Room 206, Goldendale serve your Response or a Washington, 98620 Notice of Appearance by the address city state deadline: zip No one has to notify you5. Lawyer notrequired:ltisa about other hearings in this good idea to talk to a lawyer, case, and but you may file and serve The court may approve the your Response without one. requests in the Petition with- Linda K. Gouge, WSBA out hearing your side (called #48031 a default judgment). Print name and WSBA No Follow these steps: if any 1. Read the Petition and any I agree to accept legal pa- This Just In Public Notice/2018 Small Works Roster - Klickitat County Public Works Notice to Creditors/Gary Thompson, Deceased Wyers I Weyers, Attorneys pers for this case at PANTS OFTHE PREMISES; 119 East Second Street, CITIZENS BANK, NATION- Suite 213 The Dalles, Or- AL ASSOCIATION, as suc- egon 97058 cessor In interest to Superior (4804,4902,5001, Bank, FSB; and any persons 5101,5201,0101) Or parties claiming to have any right, title, estate, Lein or IN THE SUPERIOR interest in the real property COURT OF THE STATE OFdescribed in the Complaint WASHINGTON 411 W. Nesbitt, Goldendale, IN AND FOR THE COUNTYWA. The Superior Court of OF KLICKITAT, No. 14-2- Klickitat County has directed 00099-1, SHERIFF'S PUB- the undersigned Sheriff of LIC NOTICE OF SALE OFKlickitat County to sell the REAL PROPERTY. MTGLQ properties legally described INVESTORS, L.P vs UN- as follows to satisfy a judg- KNOWN HEIRS AND DEVI-ment in the above entitled SEES OF VALA. MCCASH-action: LOT 14, AND THE EN, SR.; VAL MCCASHEN, WEST HALF OF LOT 15, JR.;JAMES MCCASHEN; BLOCK 3, FAIRVlEW AD- SHALENE MCCASHEN;. DITION TO GOLDENDALE, BETH MCCASHEN; ACCORDING TOTHE PLAT ARVEST MORTGAGE THEREOF RECORDED SERVICING; STATE OF IN VOLUME F OF DEEDS, WASHINGTON; OCCU- PAGE 156. PARCEL NO; 04- PANTS OF THE PREMIS- 16-2060-0314/00 The sale ES; CITIZENS BANK, NA- of the above described prop- TIONAL ASSOCIATION, as erties is to take place: TIME: successor In interest to Su- 10:00 A.M. DATE: January perior Bank, FSB; and any 12th, 2018 PLACE: Klicki- persons Or parties claiming tat County Courthouse. The to have any right, title, es- Judgment Debtor can avoid tate, Lein or interest in the the sale by paying the judg- real property described in ment amount of $76,534.44, the Complaint located at together with interest, costs 411 W. Nesbitt, Goldendale, and fees, before the sale WA, Defendants. TO: UN- date. For the exact amount, KNOWN HEIRS AND DEVI- contact the Sheriff's office at SEES OF VALA. MCCASH- the address stated below. EN, SR.; VAL MCCASHEN, BOB SONGER. Angel Hill, JR.;JAMES MCCASHEN; Civil Clerk, 205 S Colum- SHALENEMCCASHEN; bus, Rm 108, Goldendale BETH MCCASHEN; WA98620 Phone: (509)773- ARVEST MORTGAGE 4455 SERVICING; STATE OF (4907,5003,5102,5202) WASHINGTON; OCCU- PUBLIC NOTICE ing on or mailing to the per- KLICKITAT COUNTY is in sonal representative or the the process of updating its' Small Works Roster (SWR) personal representative's at- for 2018. Only contractors torney at the address stated that filloutthe County'sSWR below a copy of the claim application can be added to and filing the original of the the roster. ContractorsNen- claim with the court in which dors that are on the SWRwill be eligible to bid on county the probate proceedings projects. Categories of work were commenced. The claim include road and building must be presented within the construction, snow removal, later of: (1) Thirty days after renovation, remodeling, al- the personal representative teration, repair, or improve- ment of real property, served or mailed the notice Contractors licensed in the to the creditor as provided State of Washington who under RCW 11.40.020(1) are qualified to perform any of the above listed catego- (c); or (2) four months after ries and wish to be included the date of first publication of please call 1-800-583-8074 the notice. If the claim is not or (509) 773-4616 for an ap- presented within this time plication, frame, the claim is forever Applications are also avail- able on our web site at: barred, except as otherwise http://www.klickitatcounty, provided in RCW 11.40.051 orglDocumentCenterlHomel and 11.40.060. This bar is View/1035 effective as to claims against (5203,0102,0201) both the decedent's probate IN THE SUPERIOR COURT and nonprobate assets. OF WASHINGTON Date of First Publication: IN AND FOR THE December 27, 2017 COUNTY OF KLICKITAT Personal Representative: In Re the Estate of GARY THOMPSON, Anita Thompson Deceased Attorney for the Personal No. 17-4-00079-20 Representative: PROBATE Teunis J. Wyers, NOTICE TO CREDITORS RCW 11.40.030 WSBA #23771 The personal representa- Address for Mailing or Ser- tive named below has been vice: appointed as personal rep- 218 E. Steuben resentative of this estate. Any person having a claim P" O. Box 421 (mail) against the decedent must, Bingen, WA 98605 before the time the claim (509) 493-2772 would be barred by any oth- Klickitat County Superior erwise applicable statute of Court limitations, present the claim in the manner as provided Cause No. 17-4-00079-20 in RCW 11.40.070 by serv- (5204,0103,0202) LASSIFIEDS Announcements Support Instruction Financial Groups Announcements AA MEETINGS & Notices TUESDAYS and FRIDAYS: Sabbeth Church/ 12 Noon, St. Joseph's Fellowship meetings Catholic Church, 240 in The Dalles NW Washington Street, Do you desire to follow White Salmon, WA Christ's example, and the example of the early (1 rst THURSDAYS: 7 p.m. century) church as much SUNDAYS: S p.m. as possible? It was the Umpqua Bank, 73 NE practice of Jesus/Yeshua Estes Avenue, White and the early church to oh- Salmon, WA serve the weekly Sabbath on the 7th day of the week. Once a month Sabbath AL ANON FAMILY GROUPS meetings (hopefully more (support for family and often as time goes on) are friends of alcoholics) planned at The Dalles Sen- meets Mondays at noon ior Center in the Deschutes New location: room the SECOND SAB- Riverside BATH (saturday) of each Community Church month throughout 2018. 317 State St. For more info, contact Pat- Ruth Wells Room rick or Heather at 541-296- Family Caregiver Support Group Are you caring for a parent, spouse, or adult child? Who is caring for you? This peer support group will help you learn about caregiving, how it impacts you, and how to cope with the challenges of caring for another adult. 3rd Thursday of the month 10:30am- 12:00noon Hood River Adult Center 2010 Sterling Place Hood River Call 541-387-6404 or email anna.williams3 @ providen to learn more. 6309 Tuesdays at 7pro CAM-ANON MEETING St. Mark's Family & Friends SNOW 11th & Eugene Support Group REMOVAL Hood River St. Mark's Episcopal Church done cheap! 11th & Eugene, Hood Goldendale. ALCOHOLICS River We have an all- ANONYMOUS Mondays wheel drive 24 Hour Hot Line tractor with a 1-800-999-9210 6:30pm-7:30pm snow plow for Mid Columbia Mtg. Info GRIEF and Loss Group big jobs and a ~.district14- meets monthly at Klickitat snow blower and Valley Hospital. Come and shovels for learn ways to heal and help smaller jobs. Come join us for meetings - Free estimates. Alcoholics Anon. Golden- others heal from loss. dale meetings at the United Sponsored by Klickitat Val- Good work at a Methodist Church; Mon 8 lay Hospice. Carl 773-0380 low cost! p.m.; Wed 8 p.m.; Fri 8 for further information. 509-250-0781 or p.m 109 E. Broadway. 1- 509-250-3272. 800-344-2666. GRIEFSHARE DO YOU HAVE a special help seminar and Lost & Found HURTS, support group for people habits, hang-ups? experiencing grief and FOUND: Sunglasses. Res- Attend Celebrate Recovery loss, cued Fri Aug. 18 in road a faith-based 12 step will be held on on Pacific Ave. near Wal- program, every Tuesday greens, Hood River. Call to night at Hood River Alliance Saturday mornings identity. 541-387-4752. Church at 2650 W. Montello 10am - 12:00pro at (off Rand Rd). Tucker Road Baptist Church Personals Dinner provided at 6:15 pm 1455 Tucker Rd. and large group meeting Hood River, OR. GOLDENDALE PREGNANCY at 7:00 pro. RESOURCE CENTER Childcare is provided. Beginning MAY 20th. Free pregnancy self-tests, For more info. call For more information call pregnancy and parenting 541-436-0852 the church at education and supplies, post-abortionsupport. FAMILY Alzheimer's/De- 541-386-1049 Center Hours: Monday and mentia Support Group: Wednesday, 10:30 a.m.- family members and 3:30 p.m. friends caring for individu- Tuesday noon - 5:00 p.m. 120 W. Allyn, 509-773- ale with Alzheimer's dis- 5501. ease or a related dementia are invited to participate in our Dementia Support Group. Come and gain support and insight from others who are going thru or have gone thru this jour- ney. Join us monthly in a caring environment to dis- cuss your challenges and questions. Meeting held the third Wednesday, every month, at 3:00 pm at Flag- Stone Senior Living at 3325 Columbia View Drive. For on more information about our group, contact Karen Wil- son at 541-298-5656. All Welcome! Like The Sentinel Facebook. NA MEETINGS Goldendale Father's House Fellowship 207 S. Klickitat Monday: 6-7pm Wednesday: 6-7pm Friday: 6-7pm Open to non-addicts. For more info, call Kathy S.@ 360-850- 8832 or Matt S. @ 360-850-8840. NA Meetings every Wednesday, 6:30-7:30 at the Casa Guadalupe House, 1603 Belmont, Hood River, OR. NAMPOregon T.O.P.S. (Take off Pounds EXTENDED tailer hitch, 5ft OAK bookcase, very nice, WOLFGANG Puck pl:'es- National Alliance on Sensibly), Thursdays, 6 long + tongue = 66" total 5 shelves, 6'Tx3'Wx13"D, sure oven, quick start, nev- Mental Illness p.m. at Riverview Comm. length, $50. Used for pick- $50. U-haul.541-980- er been used. $175. 509- Bank, 773-5411. up/large camper. U-haul. 6815. 748-2662. NAMI is the largest 541-980-6815. OLD wood-framed window, WOOD stand with doors, education, support and Volunteers FIFTH wheel tailgate off '07 2 pane, $10. 541-387-4752 49.5"Lx13.5WVx27"H, built advocacy organization on Chew PU. Excellent con- mental health in the nation. MENTORS dition. $250.541-490-4391 OPEN top 55 steel gallon very solid, nice wood finish, The Mission of NAMI drums, $10 each or 2 for Perfect for TV or aquadum. Oregon is to improve the Big Brothers Big Sisters of FREE - Wooden Christmas $15.6 enclosed and would $35. 541-980-4154. quality of life of persons the Columbia Gorge, a pro- Star mounted on plywood, be good for liquids. 541- YETI, Tundra 65 cooler, with mental illness and of gram of The Next Door, is Lights all work. U-haul. 298-2687. their families through looking for volunteer 541-980-6815. new, $300. 541-980-2226. support, education and mentors! Youth in the pro- PENDLETON blanket corn- advocacy, gram come from everyFREE computer desk, 1 memorating Lewis and Antiques community in Hood River, drawer,keyboard tray, Clark bicentennial, Cycle The Dalles. Klickitat, and Wasco upper bookshelf, Oregon 2005 limited dis-Collectibles 1st Thurs~y of every Counties. These youth are 47"Wx61"Tx23.5"D. U- covery series, $200. 541- month from 5 to 7:30 pm between the ages of 6 and haul. 541-980-6815. 490-7254 New store open! at One Community Health 14 and would benefit from FRONT & REAR chrome PIANO, Janssen spinet, 11am-5pm Daily Center, 1040 Webber having a consistent, poem- bumpers off '68 Chew Ca- with bench, piano has a Bend in the Road Street. tive adult role model. If you maro. Good condition, $50 unique shelf on top of pia- would enjoy spending each. 541-490-4391 no, great shape, $125. Vintage Boutique & Hood River. about 8 hours a month be- 4th Saturday of every ing a friend to a child, you GARBAGE Disposal, new 509-493-2006. Antiques in box, Waste Kings Leg- ~and crafted, Sales throughout store. month from 10 to 11:30 am can be a mentor! For more end 8000 series. 1HP, for decoration, 13" x 10.5" x Crafting classes. at Hood River Public information contact Kateel Library, 502 State St. in Wasco County at 2800 RPM, EZ mount. 18.5", $30. 541-490-7254 (541)399-0259 or Emily in $115. 541-387-4752. Hood River . bendinthemadhr Working to establish a Hood River and Klickitat GO Pro Hero 3+ Camera, PROPANE heater, All Pro, NAMI Oregon affiliate Countiesat (541)490- new. $300. The Dalles, forced air, orange canister, Apparel in the 9979. OR. 541-960-2226. 50,000-85,000 BTU, hose &Jewelry Gorge. We welcome you to join us for education and to HEATERS, (2) Eden Pure and attached regulator, like share your thoughts and MARKETPLACE USA 1000 or Gen 4, both new, $t80. 541-387-4752. BRACELET. 14K yellow ideas, with new heater bulbs, on ROWING gold tennis bracelet with 44 casters, $400/both or sell exercise machine, $25. "Anthill Red Pyrope" gar- Any local questions call $500 or Less separately. 541-387-4752 Call 509-773-5075. nets. 3.5 mm, 4 prong, 7 11 541-340-9431 INVACARE electric hospi- SCRAP metal, free, u-haul. 4" in length. Only worn NAMI Oregon Support 10' SECTIONAL couch,talbedwith mattress, $325. Some aluminum, copper, once. Looks brand new, re- Line: 800-343-6264 faded but not abused. Re- 541-298-2687. etc. All or none. ceipt available. Paid $1000, NARCOTICS duced to $150. The Dalles, but asking $700 OBO. 541- ANONYMOUS OR. 541-980-2226 INVACARE electric hospi- 541-769-0635. 490-9424. meeting-Tuesdays & tal bed with mattress, $325. SMALL Sentry document Thursdays, from 7-8pm at 1964 INTERNATIONAL 541-298-2687. safe, doesn't lock, useful MEN'S leather motorcycle Father's House Fellow- Scout 80 152 4 cylinder en- ship, gine parts block, $175. JACKET, Nautica Compe- for document fire protec- jacket. Joe Rocket, size 42, tition, tion, $53. 541-298-2687 black and yellow leather 207 S. Klickitat.541-298-2687. black leather, never worn. SNOW 13res, Winter Cat, with silver stripe down each OVEREATERS ANONYMOUS 30" KOHLER double bowl, $150 255/55 R18. Almost new. arm. All zippers and snaps Meets every Tuesday cast-iron sink (white). 360-335-1233 Washougal Great condition. $250. 503- work. Has elbow armor and 5:30 pm to 6:30 pm .22x33x9, $110 OBO. 254- KIDS canopy swing, (steel 799-2806. padded back protection. Like new condition. Similar Immanuel Lutheran300-7200 frame only), good shape, STEREO w/amp, mixer,jackets retail for $600- Church ANTIQUE 3 drawer oaksturdy, $15. 541-387-4752 CD, tape, 2 large speakers $300. Asking $150. Call or 9th & State St. (305 9th) dresser, refinished, with KIDS fishing poles, (4) two $20. 509-773-3216. text 425-308-9582. Locat- Hood River, OR. beveled mirror, 30" by Shakespeare or two STUDDED snow tires, ed in Hood River OR. Pho- Contact Liz 541-386-7160 36"Wx18"Dx64"H, $285. 24" by Zebco. $7 each. mounted on steel wheels, 4 toe available. PARKINSON'S Support 541-490-7254 Hood River. 541-387-4752 Group: 1st Wednesday of x 100 pattern, 185-60-R14, every month, 2pm @ Wa- BENCH Vice, Popular Me- LIFESMART 1500 watt in- set of 4, $100. 541-399-Appliances ter's Edge, 551 Lone Pine chanics, 4" with swivel fared heater model LS- 0116. , Blvd 2nd floor. For more base, built in anvil and pipe 1500PP-6 HOM, $50. 541- THREE full face motorcy- ESPRESSO Coffee Maker information, please contact jaw, red. $55. 541-387- 298-2687. cle helmets, $20-$55. 541- by Spin Express. Uses Chad @ 541-340-0142. 4752. MA'I-rHEWS Q2 corn- 298-2687. centrifugal force. Works Providence Hospice BOWFLEX Power Pro, ex- pound bow, drawlength 25, TIRES: Lee Schwab Carli- great. $7. 541-387-4752. of the Gorge Children tra power rods, etc. $500. draw weight 40 pounds, ful- sle USA Trail, 2, 570 - 8/8 LIFEsMART 1500 watt in, and Teens Grief obo. Call mike at 541-705- ly loaded with arrows, high speed boat trailer fared heater model LS- Groups 5497 case, quiver, release and tires, tubeless, brand new 1500PP-6 HOM, $50. 541- for families that have CABINET, solid wood, wal- more, $350. 503-750-4181 NEVER been on the 298-2687. experienced the death of a nut color, 2 shelves, formi- MEN'S Nike Air Monarch ground, retail $170, sell for parent or sibling, ca top, very sturdy, for any IV. 3 pair available. $50 $120. 509-493-2663. MICROWAVE, 1000 watt, First and Third Thursdays room. $20. 541-296-5776. each or all 3 pairs for $120. TOSHIBA 47" flat screen by Emerson, white, like 6-7 PM in Hood River. Pizza dinner and gas cards CHRISTMAS dinner plates Men's size 8.5. Brand new "I'V, will also come with a new, works great, $65. in boxes. Call for more in- BluRay player, $350. 541, 541-387-4752 provided. (4), coffee cups (4), sau- formation. Pictures avail- 980-3105. TOSHIBA 47" flat screen Contact Colleen Ballinger cars (8), creamer, sugar able by text, 541-993-7448. 541-296-3228 to register, bowl, cake plate with serv- er. $45. 541-490-7254 METAL desk, gray, white TRILOGY digital door lock, TV, will also come with a RECOVERING COUPLES ANONYMOUS COFFEE cups (9) withformica top, 3 drawers, new, reduced to $100. The BluRay player, $350. 541- 5'Lx30.5"Wx30"T, nice Dalles, OR. 541-980-2226. 980-3105. Meets 2nd & 4th saucers (7) in Mikasa qondition, $25. U-haul. TWO leatherette arm WHIRLPOOL clothes dry- Sundays at 10am. whole wheat pattern with 541-980-6815. chairs, dark brown, new, er, 30 day warranty, can 216 Cascade St. Ste. 26 creamer pitcher $10. Hood $100/pair. 541-980-2226. deliver (The Dallas area) Hood River River 541-490-7254 MICROWAVE, 1000watt, and remove your old ma- by Emerson, white, likeWHIRLPOOL clothes dry- chine, $165. 541-298-2687 SOARING EAGLES COFFEE Maker, Cuisinart new, works great, $, 30 day warranty, can Daily Support Groups Automatic Grind and Brew 541-387-4752 deliver (The Dalles area) WHIRLPOOL regular mum- Money Management: 6pm with built in bean grinder, and remove your old ma- tator clothes washing ma- Alcohol: 7pro 12 cup, black. Works great. MIRROR, frameless, oval, chine, $165. 541-298-2687 chine, $175, can deliver. Abortion:8pm $55.541-387-4752. 314" beveled edge, 40" Narcotics: 9pro. length x 18" width, excel- WHIRLPOOL regular agi- 541-298-2687. 323 W. Darland, Golden- COMPLETE set of 19 lent condition, $55. 541- tator clothes washing ma- dale. sockets, 1" drive, 4 socket 387-4752 chine, $175, can deliver. DEADLINE: Bring your own beverage, bars, $260. 509-773=7192 541-298-2687. MOBIL-10, 10 qts, 0w-40 MONDAY T.O:P.S. (Take Off Pounds ESPRESSO Coffee Maker Synthetic, "European Car WINDOWS, 3 ea 4x6, 2 ea, Sensibly). Tuesdays 9 a.m. by Spin Express. Uses Formula" VW, BMW, Merc, 3x6. Aluminum sliders, BY at Riverview Comm. Bank. centrifugal force. Works (2) 5qt. jugs. $35 for both. good cond. $f0/ea. 509-773-5301. great. $7. 541-387-4752. Odell 541-354-1680.541-769-0635. NOON |