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30, 2004
Photo by Sam Lowry
fire crews responded on Tuesday evening to a burning
in the driveway of a residence at the corner of N. Columbus Ave.
NW Second Street, Police closed off two b!ocks of N, Columbus
the incident.
EndHarm hotline
now multi-lingual
It is now easier for non-English-speaking
callers to report suspected abuse or neglect of
children or vulnerable adults.
The Washington state Department of Social
and Health Services (DSHS) on Dec. 6
announced a new process for taking calls on its
"EndHarm" hotline (1-866 EndHarm).
The change "creates an improved interface
with a language translation service," making it
"easier for DSHS to speak with callers using any
of some 15o languages that may be spoken in
Washington state," said DSHS's announcement.
In October, the agency also announced an
upgrade to "FlY accessibility, making it easier for
people with hearing loss or speech disabilities to
report suspected abuse or neglect.
Calls to EndHarm are directed to adult pro-
teefive service or child protective service offices
anywhere in Washington. In fiscal year 2003,
DSHS received more than 12,5oo reports of
adult abuse or neglect and 38,000 reports of
child abuse or neglect.
Locally, according to the Goldendale
Domestic Violence Task Force (DVTF), English-
language calls can still be directed to the group's
own hofline at 25o-o315.
The phone with that number is with a repre-
sentative "at all times," said a DVTF representa-
~e I
completed the "assessment"
its watershed plan - a few spe-
are still underway - and
issues of particular concern.
water temperatures and
nitrates in the Swale Creek
temperature and summer flow
Klickitat; levels of fecal col-
protection and restora-
fish habitat and potential effects
growth; protection and
of water rights; and climate
Between their next meeting on Jan. 4,
and the next deadline in May, WRIA 30
must turn their understanding of the
Klickitat watershed, built from hundreds
of hours of study and debate, into a man-
agement plan.
"Some plans are robust and will lead to
'rule making' by Ecology," Schuler said.
"Other jurisdictions prefer to make a
'guidance' document based in coopera-
tion, which can lead to local ordinances.
WRIA 30 has no firm plan yet; they have
between now and May to prepare one."
Schuler made clear that Ecology's role
is technical and advisory.
"Washington state's effort ranks up
there at the top in terms of planning for
management of the resource - it allows
locals to make the decisions."
Questions about WRIA 30 and 31
activities should be directed to Dave
McClure at 773-57o3.
Federal small
loans top $21 billion
On Dec. 8, President Bush nent, raising the maximum
signed legislation making loan size to $350,0o0 with a
more than $21 billion avail- 50 percent government guar-
able to small businesses antee.
nationwide. Microloan, HubZone,
The federal Small Business SCORE, Women's Business
Administration's (SBA's) Center, veterans' and Native
"7(a)" loan guarantee pro- American programs were also
gram was boosted to $16 bil- funded.
lion, $3.5 billion above last "The SBA had a record-
year, and the agency's "5o4" breaking year in the number
loan program received a $5 of loans and technical assis-
billion budget, according to tance it provided to entrepre-
SBA'sannouncement. neurs last year and we're
Congresss also made the poised to do even bettex this
a '
"7(a)" program's popular year," said dministrator
"SBAExpress" service perma- Hector V. Barre~.
relief for spring
The Yakima Farm Service
Agency (FSA) announced on
Nov. 30 that family farmers in
three counties are eligible for
low-interest loans to cover
losses from storms in May
and June.
"Yakima County has been
designated as a natural disas-
ter area based on damages
and losses caused by exces-
sive rain, hail, high winds,
lightning, flash flooding,
severe thunderstorms and
tornado which occurred May
7, 2004 through June 30,
2oo4," said Lisa M. Ruff, FSA
Farm Loan Manager.
Klickitat County was named
a "contiguous" county where
eligibile farmers may also qual-
ify for FSA emergency loans.
An applicant must be a U.S.
citizen or legal resident, the
established operator of a fam-
ily-sized farm that sustained a
qualified loss, and unable to
find reasonable credit else-
Applications will be accepted
through July 18, 2005 for loans
at 3.75 percent interest and
payment terms up to 40 years
with real estate equity, 90 years
for losses to foundation live-
stock or chattels.
Applications and informa-
tion are available from
Yakima FSA, 16o6 Perry St.
Suite A, Yakima, WA 989o2,
(509) 454-5746.
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161 Title Order
Agency: VA
the under-
will on
2005, at the
a.m., on the
of the main
of the Klickitat
in the
State of
, sell at public
real property,
lhe County of
State of
to-wit: The
5 And
East Half Of
Of Lot 7,
~ The Town Of
Volume "E"
625 To
Of Said
The East
5. Abbrev,
1,6 E 2s2 7/
No.: 04-
Known AS:
Wa 98620
Which Is The Subject Of
That Certain Deed Of
Trust Dated September
19, 1995, Recorded
September 28, 1995,
Under Auditor's File No.
249373, Records Of
Klickitat County,
Washington, From James
F Avery And Leah A Avery
As Grantor, To Stewart
Title As Trustee, To
Secure An Obligation In
Favor Of West One Bank,
Oregon S,B. As
Beneficiary, The
Beneficial Interest Now
Held By Washington
Mutual Bank, FA
Successor In Interest By
Merger With Washington
Mutual Home Loans,
Successor In Interest By
Merger With Fleet
Mortgage Corporation,
assignment recorded on
December 21, 1995 under
auditor's file number
250907. II. No action
commenced by the
Beneficiary of the Deed of
Trust is now pending to
seek satisfaction of the
obligation in any Court by
reason of the Borrower's
or Grantors default on the
obligation secured by the
Deed of Trust. II1. The
Default(s) for which this
foreclosure is made is/are
as follows: Failure to pay
when due the following
amounts which are now in
arrears: Monthly pay-
ments in the amount(s) of
$680.12 from January 1,
2004 together with all
fees, costs and or dis-
bursements incurred or
paid by the beneficiary
and or trustee, their
employees, agents or
assigns. The Trustee's
fees and costs are esti-
mated at $1,500.00 as of
January 7, 2005. IV. The
sum owing on the obliga-
tion secured by the Deed
of Trust is: Principal
Balance 69,333.99,
together with interest in
the note or other instru-
ment secured from
December 1, 2003, and
such other costs and fees
as are due under the Note
or other instrument
secured, and as are pro-
vided by statute. V. The
above-described real
property will be sold to
satisfy the expense of
sale and the obligation
secured by the Deed of
Trust as provided by
statute. The sale will be
made without warranty
express or implied regard-
ing title, possession, or
encumbrances on
January 7, 2005. The
default(s) referred to in
paragraph III, together
with any subsequent pay-
ments, late charges,
advances, costs and fees
thereafter due, must be
cured by (11 days before
sale), to cause a discon-
tinuance of the sale. The
sale will be discontinued
and terminated if at any
time on or before (11 days
before the sale), the
default(s) as set forth in
paragraph t11, together
with any subsequent pay-
ments, late charges,
This week in Public Notices:
• Notice of Trustee's Sale re: Stevens, Brent/Clydene
-- Trustee's Assistance Corporation
• Noticwe of Closing re: Klickitat County Registration
Books -- KC Auditor
• Public Meeting Notice re: Monthly meeting and Youth
Council quarterly meeting -- Tri-County Workforce
• Public Notice re: Small Works Roster --- City of
• Notice of Trustee's Sale re: Hazard ---Agency Sales
& Posting
• Public Hearing Notice re: Timber Valley -- KC
• Summons by Publication re: Kaden, William -- Gerald
advances, costs and fees
thereafter due, is/are
cured and the Trustee's
fees and costs are paid.
The sale may be terminat-
ed any time after (11 days
before the sale), and
before the sale by the
Borrower, Grantor, any
Guarantor or the holder of
any recorded junior lien or
encumbrance paying the
entire principal and inter-
est secured by the Deed
of Trust, plus costs, fees
and advances, if any,
made pursuant to the
terms of the obligation
and/or Deed of Trust. Vl.
A written notice of default
was transmitted by the
Beneficiary or Trustee to
the Borrower and Grantor
at the following address:
James F Avery 363 Main
St Apt 4 Vishran, Wa
98673 Leah A Avery 4106
Manzanita Ct Vancouver,
Wa 98661-5862 Leah A
Avery 523 W Allyn St
Goldendale, Wa 98620
James F Avery 4106
Manzanita Ct Vancouver,
Wa 98661-5862 Leah A
Avery 363 Main St Apt 4
Vishran, Wa 98673
James F Avery 523 W
Allyn St Goldendale, Wa
98620 James F Avery 36
Main Street Apt 4
Wishram, Wa 98673
James F Avery Po Box 81
Wishram, Wa 98673
Occupant 523 W Allyn St
Goldendale, Wa 98620
John/ Doe Avery Po
Box 81 Wishram, Wa
98673 John/Jane Doe
Avery 363 Main Street Apt
4 Wishram, Wa 98673 by
both first class and certi-
fied mail on August 9,
2004 proof of which is in
the possession of the
Trustee; and the Borrower
and Grantor were person-
ally served on August 11,
2004 with said written
notice of default or the
written no~ice of default
was posted in a conspicu-
ous place on the real
property described in
paragraph I above, and
the Trustee has posses-
sion of proof of such ser-
vice or posting. VII. The
Trustee whose name and
address are set forth
above, and whose tele-
phone number is (800)
51t-4229, will provide in
writing to anyone request-
ing it, a statement of all
costs and fees due at any
time prior to the sale. VIII.
The effect of the sale will
be to deprive the Grantor
and all those who hold by,
through or under the
Grantor of all their interest
in the above-described
property. IX. Anyone hav-
ing an objection to the
sale on any grounds
whatsoever will be afford-
ed an opportunity to be
heard as to those objec-
tions if they bring a law-
suit to restrain the sale
pursuant to RCW
61.24.130. Failure to
bring such a lawsuit may
result in a waiver of any
proper grounds for invali-
dating the Trustee's sale.
The purchaser at the
trustee's sale is entitled to
possession of the proper-
ty on the 20th day follow-
ing the sale, as against
the grantor under the
deed of trust (the owner)
and anyone having an
interest junior to the deed
of trust, including occu-
pants and tenants. After
the 20th day following the
sale the purchaser has
the dght to evict occu-
pants and tenants by
summary proceedings
under the unlawful detain-
er act, Chapter 59.12
RCW. Xl. A list of the per-
sons this Notice was sent
to is attached hereto as
exhibit "A". EXHIBIT "A"
James F Avery 363 Main
St Apt 4 Vishran, Wa
98673 Leah A Avery 4106
Manzanita Ct Vancouver,
Wa 98661-5862 Leah A
Avery 523 W Allyn St
Goldendale, Wa 98620
James F Avery 4106
Manzanita Ct Vancouver,.
Wa 98661-5862 Leah A
Avery 363 Main St Apt 4
Vishran, Wa 98673
James F Avery 523 W
Allyn St Goidendale, Wa
98620 James F Avery 36
Main Street Apt 4
Wishram, Wa 98673
James F Avery Po Box 81
Wishram, Wa 98673
Occupant 523 W Allyn St
Goldendale, Wa 98620
John/Jane Doe Avery Po
Box 81 Wishram, We
98673 John/Jane Doe
Avery 363 Main Street Apt
4 Wishram, Wa 98673 Us
Secretary Of Veterans
Affairs Loan Guarantee
Department 915 Second
Avenue Seattle, Wa
98174 First Union
National Bank, As
Indenture Trustee For Ace
Securities Copr Home
Loan Trust 1999-A C/O
Mortgage Resource
Network 12900 Preston
Re, Ste 1225. Lb60
Dallas, Tx 75230 XII.
NOTICE: Professional
Foreclosure Corporation
of Washington is attempt-
ing to collect a debt and
any information obtained
wilt be used for that pur-
pose. If a discharge has
been obtained by any
party through bankruptcy
proceedings, this shall not
be construed to be an
attempt to collect the out-
standing indebtedness or
to hold you personally
liable for the debt. DATED
this o 30th day of
September, 2004. PRO-
Number 04-70811 By
Amy Connolly, Assistant
Vice President 3300 N,
Central Avenue, Suite
2200 Phoenix, AZ 85012-
2582 (800) 511-4229 For
Sales Information call
(916) 974-6099
Professional Foreclosure
Corporation of
Washington 12500 SE
2nd Circle, Suite 120
Vancouver, WA 98684
61 NPP0114177 PUB:
12/09/04, 12/30/04
(5OO8, 5301)
The Klickitat County
Sheriff's Office is accept-
ing bids for fleet fueling
and is seeking bid
amounts for lead free, mid
grade, premium and
diesel fuel. The period for
the fuel award is from
February 2005 to
December 31, 2007.
Requirements for' bid
award indude the follow-
1. 24 hour fuel access
with a card-lock system
2. Invoicing system that
Date & time of purchase
I.D. of purchaser
Type of fuel purchased
Gallons purchased and
Pege 8