Search Help
• Full text search is performed by entering words and/or phrases into the search text field, along with operators to indicate Boolean or pattern-based comparisons. Search words are not case-sensitive (“test” will match “test”, “TEST”, “Test”, etc.), while Boolean operators and pattern types are ALWAYS upper-case.
• The boolean search operators available are AND, OR and ANDNOT. These may be shortened to a space, a vertical bar, or an exclamation point (respectively). Example searches: test search, test AND search, test OR search, test | search, test ANDNOT search, and test ! search
• Phrases must be enclosed in quotes. For example: "test search". For boolean searches, phrases are treated as a single word. A search for "test search" AND river will result in matching all documents containing the phrase 'test search' and the word 'river'.
• Important: The OR operator takes precedence over the AND and ANDNOT operators. For example, the following search request:
f1 OR f-1 OR "formula one" AND champion OR victory
Would result in matching documents including one or all of “f1”, “f-1” or the phrase “formula one”, and always including one or both of “champion” or “victory”.
• In addition to whole word matches, the system supports wildcard operations. Suffix wildcards such as euro* and prefix wildcards such as *sphere are valid.